Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 2017.
Charfield Village Lottery
South Gloucestershire Council
Charfield Parish Council
Clean Up Green Up Charfield
Mamma Mia!
Charfield Pre-School
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Charfield Tennis Court
New Year, New Challenge
Marilyn's Bit
Robinson Crusoe
Charfield Primary School
Out of School Club
Charfield Memory Group
Remembrance Brunch
Friends of Charfield School
Police Update
Bingo at the Memorial Hall!
Memorial Hall
Two Down, One to Go
St John's Church
Hillesley Ball
Members of the CHADRA Committee
Contact List
[Graphic: Happy New Year!]
What | When | Where |
Friends of Charfield School Committee meeting | 25th January 2017 19:30 | Charfield School |
Live Folk Music Evening Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman | Saturday 27th January, 8pm | Memorial Hall |
CADs Robinson Crusoe | 11th Feb. 2.30pm and 7.30pm | Memorial Hall |
Community Engagement Forum | 16th Feb 8pm | Cromhall Chapel |
Pre-School Open Day | Saturday, 25 February 2017 10am until 12 noon | Pre-School |
RNLI Guest Speaker Evening – Helicopter Search and Rescue Operations | Wednesday 22nd February | Cotswold Edge Golf Club |
Lianne Cope fund raising High Tea | Sunday February 26th from 2–5 pm | Memorial Hall |
[Graphic: Charfield Village Lottery “What's Your Number?”]
For the small price of £12 (£1 per month) you can be entered into 12 monthly draws with multiple cash prize winners EVERY month.
In the last 2 years alone the village lottery has given away over £1100 in prize money.
Please get in touch with Ruth – xxxx @ gmail.com
Thank you, Charfield Memorial Hall Management Committee.
Village Lottery Winners –
October | November | December |
£15 – L. Werrett | £15 – S. Kerner | £15 – T. Gannon |
£10 – H. Wignall | £10 – D. Skinner | £10 – D. Kingscott |
£5 – A. Searle | £5 – L. Leahy | £5 – G. Pedley |
£5 – A. Stokes | £5 – A. Stinchcombe | £5 – A. Stinchcombe |
Hi all, and a Happy New Year!
The new year has bought about some changes to “CHADRA” as detailed in the last edition.
We held our EGM (minutes available on charfield.org) and it was agreed that the Charfield and District Residents Association would evolve into the Charfield Association and the only activity (at this time) of the committee will be to publish the newsletter, and as we know most people refer to the newsletter as the CHADRA, it will continue to be called the CHADRA!
The organisation's constitution has been amended accordingly and a copy is also available to anyone interested.
In the next edition of the newsletter, we will be imploring our readership to give us some feedback on how you would like to see the newsletter develop.
Julia O'Connor Beach has stepped down as Treasurer of CHADRA, our thanks to Julia for all her hard work and worthy contributions to the smooth running of CHADRA and her management of the organisation's finances. Alison Howard has taken over as Treasurer as well as continuing in her role as Advertising Editor.
Deborah Field has stepped into the role of committee Chair, thanks Deborah! Joan remains on the committee and we are pleased to welcome a new committee member Jane Wilcox, who responded to our appeal for new members. Jane joined us for our first meeting of 2017 this week which was a lively and very productive meeting!
While reading through the contributions, I thought it great to see that some of the organisations which were appealing for new members in the last newsletter have had their ‘prayers’ answered. Being on a committee is not an onerous task if the load can be spread amongst a group of people rather than a few stalwarts having to keep going to prevent an organisation folding.
Volunteering generally only means giving up the equivalent of an hour a week over the course of a year. Even if you can only attend a few meetings and events, all committees welcome new members and any contributions they can make.
Mark Rosher and John O'Neill have both provided updates on the ongoing plans for expanding Charfield. There is also plenty of information available on the Parish Council website and the Charfield Forum on Facebook.
Angie Hill – Editor
A happy New Year to one and all and I hope the year ahead brings you good health and happiness. As we look back over 2016, it has been a year with the potential to change the very fabric of the village. Government policy, the inability of the Council to maintain a five year supply of land for housing and speculative development of land has virtually placed Charfield under siege from developers.
Everyone will be aware of the Joint Spatial Plan that was out for consultation in November and December which had a proposal to place a further one thousand homes in Charfield over the next twenty years.
Why did Charfield become a strategic location for so much housing? Largely due to the decision over the Crest Nicholson site currently under construction, most will be aware that the Council refused planning permission for this site and the subsequent appeal inquiry was allowed and at the same time breached the five year land supply.
The planning inspector stated that the benefits of development would outweigh any demonstrable harm, this in effect made Charfield a strategic development location with this decision often quoted in sustainability appraisals regarding access and services.
For those of us living here, we see the reality of these proposals with the poor access, limited services and lack of infrastructure to support a further three thousand residents.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who responded to the consultation and gave reasoned and logical statements to show that our opposition is not mere nimbyism but is based on realistic facts and that people care about where they live and where their children will be brought up.
The JSP does not come into effect until 2018, but the round of consultations just closed will give a clearer indication of where the developments will take place. The results will be available later in the year and I will keep everyone up to date. In the meantime, I will continue to press the case that Charfield and the local area is incapable of supporting a further one thousand homes.
A quick roundup of what is happening with the other developments in the area: Bellway Homes has just submitted a reserved matters planning application for 64 homes for the land adjacent to the school. Outline planning permission has already been granted for this site and this application will deal with the site content such as housing, internal roads, landscaping etc. If permission is granted, it is anticipated work will commence in the summer.
Warner's Court: many will have attended the community engagement presentation by Barrett Homes regarding plans for 126 homes on this site. They have already engaged with the Council on pre-planning application advice.
The Council have advised Barrett Homes that with the ongoing JSP and Charfield Neighbourhood Plan awaiting completion, that it would be inappropriate for them to submit an outline planning application at this time. That is not to say that they will not submit an application, it is very much a ‘watch this space’.
The development at Falfield opposite the Gables Hotel of 115 homes and a park-and-share facility for 100 cars has been on hold for most of the year while Highways England have tried to remodel junction 14 which is operating over capacity. These exercises have not worked, and the junction has been designated not fit for purpose and will need to be replaced. This has led to Highways England removing their objection to the planning application which will now go to the Development Control committee for a decision in January or February.
John O'Neill
xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
STOP PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further to the comments regarding the Warner's Court development, I can confirm that Barrett Homes have now submitted an outline planning application for this site for 121 houses and a retail unit sited at the front of the development.
[Graphic: Burglar]
Hello everyone and welcome to 2017!
2016 was quite challenging (and not just for Charfield) on a number of levels and I hope the New Year brings you much pleasure, health and inspiration. Things are moving very fast right now, and the inherent delays of a paper medium mean I really recommend you keep up to date with what's going on via the Parish Council web site: http://charfieldparishcouncil.org.uk and also the recently inaugurated Charfield Village Forum on Facebook. The latter seems to be growing in membership and in usefulness, and well done to those who put it into play.
I'm in an odd position of not knowing myself what the latest news is! We spent Yule, Christmas and New Year at my brother-in-law's home in Boston, Massachusetts and had a splendid time only to find our return flight had been cancelled, meaning we got two days in a posh hotel in Boston. We got back only a couple of days ago as I type this, and the deadline for filing my article is tomorrow morning. I sadly returned with the mother and father of all head colds! So you can see, I'm not up to speed. I'm grateful to Mike Cheskin for chairing the budget meeting in my absence, and I believe I'm right in saying the Parish Council decided not to increase the precept this year.
I am also aware that there have been a number of burglaries and attempts in and around Charfield over the New Year, which is unusual for us as you know. I read the other day that someone had been arrested, but please do keep an eye out for each other, and make sure you stay secure yourselves.
So … what can I say about recent events? You'll know by now that the Reserved Matters (detailed) application is in for Day House Leaze, and by now is probably decided. The land adjacent to Warner's Court was offered to developers toward the end of last year and Barratts put in an Outline application just before Christmas, despite a strongly worded and wholly unexpected letter from South Gloucestershire stating their displeasure at the prospect. (You can read that on the Parish Council website too). The Neighbourhood Plan survey was analysed just before Christmas and the core outcomes are now being used to frame the major policies of our Plan, but you'll likely not hear too much for now as those doing the work have their heads down – it's really serious and time consuming work, for which I know the whole parish is grateful.
And of course there was the Joint Spatial Strategy and the Joint Transport Study consultation by the West of England consortium of local authorities. The JSP was the document which recommended a thousand more houses for Charfield village, and the JTS was the document which entirely failed to provide any improvements of significance to mitigate the massive prospective traffic increase. We held a very well-attended and interactive session on this just before Christmas and you, and I, and the Parish Council and other local councils made their responses.
It's worth thinking about how many people live within the West of England area. 182,000 in BANES, 428,000 in Bristol, 208,000 in North Somerset, and 275,000 in South Gloucestershire. That's, um … more than a million people. I was interested to note the other day that of those million, only 1062 people responded!!! Since it is possible to see the names of the respondents, I had a look and picked out many Charfielders. You did yourselves proud, folks. I have no idea, if our responses will make a difference to the outcome when the final documents are issued, but for sure when they read the responses they'll hear a strong and concerted voice from Charfield saying, in more Anglo-Saxon terms than I can put here “please think again”.
2016 began with your Parish Council needing to find a new Clerk, finding one and then finding we needed another. It went on with innumerable meetings with South Gloucestershire about planning and strategy and our Neighbourhood Plan. Then the JSP and JTS, arrived like a punch to the stomach. And that's without mentioning national and international politicking, which I'd better not do in this venue. So, 2017 then … May the year be fantastic. May Charfield never sink under the onslaught (may there be no onslaught!) and may this flippin' head cold take a hike! Apologies for any typos, incoherence or Lemsip-induced ranting. See you soon!
Mark /|\ Rosher – Chairman
Thursday 16th Feb at Cromhall Chapel. 7.30p.m.
Contact Mike Cheskin for more details.
xxxx @ tiscali.co.uk
[Logo: CUGUC] Why not set up a Standing Order to help CUGUC keep Charfield blooming! It's easy if you use on-line banking.
Set up a new SO with the following details:
Bank: Barclays Bank
Sort Code: xx-xx-xx
Account number: xxxxxxxx
A small monthly amount or a one-off annual payment
would really help.
[Logo: CUGUC]
A very happy 2017 to everyone.
We always aim to keep the business part of the AGM short and sweet and to make it a fun evening but one of the most important items on the agenda is recognising individuals and groups who have contributed to the village in some way to make it a nicer and greener place to live.
The first award of the evening went to Tink and Charles Dix who live up by Tafarn Bach and for many years have kept the area around the bus shelter and the verges past it down to the no-through lane and in front of their house mown and litter free. This has made such a difference to their bit of Charfield. Next time you are passing look at the grass on the side towards Tortworth and compare it to the grass the other side of the bus shelter and you'll see the difference. They didn't do it for thanks or recognition but because they love their local environment.
The second award for 2016 went to another long standing Charfield resident, Malcolm White. Now it is difficult to describe exactly why Malcolm is being recognised but that only goes to emphasise what an amazing job he has done for the village – Malcolm regularly cleans up after dog owners who allow their dogs (illegally) to foul the footpaths near his home. This must be the most unpleasant task that we have had to thank someone for doing. People may not appreciate what Malcolm does because the end result is something horrid isn't there but this is exactly what we want to applaud. So our sincere thanks must go to Malcolm for his outstanding contribution in clearing up after some really inconsiderate residents.
After the formal business, we held our much-anticipated quiz with Sue Simmons as our new quizmaster. Sue's questions were considered to be as difficult as Yvette's! (Those who complained the loudest have been nominated as quiz masters for 2017.) As usual, everyone seemed to enjoy the evening.
Bulb bonanza!!!
We were very lucky that the day we planned to plant
our 5000 crocuses, 500 daffodils and 500 bluebells
was dry and calm. We managed to get most of them
planted and the few remaining were planted in the
following weeks. We are gradually moving around the
village with our planting so even more of Charfield
should look lovely in the spring.
Many thanks to the Dursley Rotary Club for the donation of the crocus bulbs. This was part of the Rotary Club's campaign to “End Polio Now” which has the tiny purple crocus as its emblem.
Tea Party
Although its main purpose was to thank all helpers
and grant givers, and to encourage more people to
help us, the event also raised £154 for the CUGUC
funds. It was a very dark, overcast day and it did start
raining so only a few hardy souls ventured out to look
at the garden, but inside the tea room it was warm
and cosy and twinkling with lots of lovely fairy lights.
Thanks to Mike and Barbara for hosting, to everyone
who made such delicious cakes and to Wendy Ball
for her donation of cakes.
The Viewpoint & Bank
There is a definite rhythm to our work here and the
major task for autumn is clearing the leaves off the
path. This year they were particularly bad and the
‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures showed quite a contrast.
The ‘before’ shows a sliver of path mostly obscured
by a very slippery, mucky mat of leaves and the
‘after’ shows a wide cleared path where 2 or 3 people
could easily walk abreast. Very satisfying and with all
the help, it was a task that was done much quicker
than we could have hoped. We have extended the
area we are looking after around Tafarn Bach and we
were hoping to make a safer path to the bus stop by
regular strimming to form a grass path. We have
managed 3 strimming sessions but the Council
consider it too dangerous for us to work there and so
we are likely to have to stop working in that particular
area for the time being.
How Can You Help?
We are always looking for ways we can sustain and
expand our activities in the village. We understand
everyone has lots of demands on their time but you
can still help us by donating: we really aren't looking
for huge sums – a regular donation of £2.00 would be
great. We are currently thinking that with all the
restrictions, particularly around H&S issues, that one
way forward for us will be to pay for specialist help –
specialists that have the right equipment, the proper
training, the experience and the insurance cover
which may provide the Council with the reassurances
it needs.
This will be my last update on behalf of CUGUC as I
have decided to stand down as Chair. I am also very
involved in the Neighbourhood Plan and am running
out of time to give both roles the attention they need.
The Neighbourhood Plan has a tough deadline and is
very important for the future of Charfield so this is my
priority. I have had a great time working with the
incredible bunch of people who make up CUGUC. I
will still be very involved in helping with specific
projects and of course lending a hand in various
working parties.
Helpers always needed and welcomed. Find us on
Facebook – just search for CUGUC.
Yvette Andrewartha on behalf of the CUGUC Team
email: xxxx @ gmail.com
Dear Charfield Ladies
A BIG THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! … for coming along and supporting my Mamma Mia singalong night at the memorial hall on 18th November!
What an amazing night! I will never forget the moment I turned to see over 100 ladies erupt into song when Mamma Mia came on. Regardless of age and amount of booze consumed, they spontaneously got up, boogeying in the aisles (and some of the more confident ones on stage!!) and sung their hearts out into their sparkly microphones. I wanted to freeze the moment and bottle the electric atmosphere, fantastic to witness so many smiles and so much happiness from such a simple thing as singing along to a film!
I was overwhelmed by the love and support in the room for the cause and am pleased to say we raised a massive £1400 for Breast Cancer Care, Jo's Cervical Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action – 3 great causes. Thanks also to my lovely husband for his help on the night (coping admirably with 100 drunk ladies!!), and my mum and dad and team of fab friends who also helped on the night.
Some of you will know about my sister's battle with the awful disease that is breast cancer. It is the frustration and hopelessness of her situation that has made me want to do something positive. Hence I have chosen to take part in a big challenge: a 350km bike ride across Brazil, in October, to raise funds for the above cancer charities. If you'd like to sponsor me for my challenge it would be very much appreciated, just go to: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Kirsty-Rummels1 Better go and get out on my bike, let the training commence! Happy New Year to you all!
Kirsty Rummels x
[Logo: Charfield Pre-School] The children have been learning
about and discussing feelings.
Sensory Bottles
Sensory bottles were made by the children using
coloured water, glitter and sparkly materials.
Winter Pictures
The children were shown winter pictures on the iPad
and created their own using Epsom salts. The
creations were magnificent and many were displayed
on our wall.
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day was marked with a two minute
silence, which the children managed well. The
children made paper plate poppies to acknowledge
the day. Well done everyone!
Firework Pictures
Our talented children have made firework pictures
using glitter and paint.
Bread Roll Hedgehogs
All the children made Bread Roll Hedgehogs which
were baked in our newly refurbished kitchen.
Bird Feeders
Bird Feeders were made by the children using
different shaped cutters. Some extra Bird Feeders
were made to hang in our garden.
The children have been very busy in the lead up to
Christmas. They made Christmas Cakes and
decorated them, which we are sure were enjoyed by
their parents. Christmas cards were made for
parents and the children walked to the post box to
post them. The Rising 5s dressed up and took part in
a Nativity in the Church which was attended by
parents and carers. We held a Mini Carol Service at
Pre-School, followed by mince pies and hot
chocolate, which were enjoyed by everyone. As
everyone had been very good during the year, we
were lucky enough to receive a visit from Santa who
brought presents for the children. For the first time
ever, Pre-School were able to cook Christmas
Lunch for the Rising 5s, as there is an oven in the
newly refurbished kitchen.
Rising 5s – Visits
The Rising 5s will be visiting Tesco, Yate for a Farm
to Fork Visit on 6 February where they will discover
where their food comes from and how it ends up in
the supermarket. During the visit, they will be able to
taste different food and visit Tesco's huge freezer.
From Tesco, they will make their way to Yate Library
for a visit before returning to Pre-School. On 27
February, we will be visited by Chipping Manor
Dental Practice who will talk to the children about
good oral hygiene. Discussions are ongoing with
Vale Vets to arrange a date for them to visit and a
visit from the local Police will also be arranged.
Friday Morning Session Vacancies
We currently have a few vacancies for the Friday
morning session. Please contact Debra Arthur,
Manager, on 01454 26xxxx or by emailing
xxxx @ gmail.com for more details.
Open Day
We will be holding an Open Day on Saturday, 25
February 2017 from 10am until 12 noon at Pre-School
for children starting September 2017. Please
ensure that your child's name is on the waiting list as
this is already filling up.
62 Year Old Funding
Under a Government scheme, South Gloucestershire
Council offer early education to some two year olds
for 15 hours per week. This free entitlement applies
to about 40% of two year olds. Please visit the South
Gloucestershire Council website for more details:
Debra, Pre-School Manager
Our Annual Shopping Evening was held on Friday, 11 November, and was as successful as in previous years. Thank you to everyone who helped and to all who attended.
The “Hook-a-Duck” at the Christmas Fayre was very successful with all participants winning a prize. Thank you to all who helped man the stall.
Santa visited the village on Sunday, 11 December, supported by his helpers. Thank you to everyone who helped Santa, Santa himself and to everyone who put money in the buckets. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Kind regards,
Louise, Pre-School Chair
Guest Speaker Evening – Helicopter Search and Rescue Operations
This year's Guest Speaker is Tom Bunn, a search and rescue (SAR) helicopter pilot from North Nibley, who is based in Wales. Tom served with the RAF piloting Sea King helicopters from RAF Valley, Anglesey and now flies services withdrawn from civilian SAR to focus on frontline operations.
The talk will be held at the Cotswold Edge Golf Club and the provisional date (to be confirmed) is Wednesday 22nd February.
As in previous years, tickets will be on sale from Westward Travel and the Cotswold Bookroom (both in Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge). Tickets and / or further information may also be obtained from me (contact details as below).
Illustrated Talks on RNLI to Adult Groups
As a volunteer speaker, I give illustrated talks on the RNLI to adult groups. Last year, this included talks to the Wotton Mothers' Union, the Thornbury Women's Institute, and the Llanblethian and Cowbridge Women's Fellowship.
I do not charge for these talks – although a donation to, or collection for the RNLI is always welcome.
Should you be a member of a group that would welcome such a talk, please contact me.
While I normally customise my talk to suit my audience, subject to my being available, I can normally do a talk at short notice – so even if you have an agreed programme for 2017, please think of asking me for 2018 or to fill any cancellation in your programme for this year.
Local Opt-in
As from 1st January, we are only allowed to directly contact those who have “opted in” to receive information from the Branch. If you wish to be kept posted of Branch news and activities (including our Guest speaker evenings – see above), please contact me with details of how you would wish to be contacted (e-mail, post, telephone).
Your contact details will be held locally – on a separate, securely encrypted memory device. Information provided to our branch will not be passed on to others without your express agreement, and will be used only as agreed.
John Barnett – Chairman
Tel: 01453 84xxxx / E-mail: xxxx @ gmail.com
Have you noticed …? The newly resurfaced Charfield Tennis Court has been open for everyone in Charfield to play tennis since Wimbledon 2016!
A huge thanks to everyone who raised funds in the past, to the Parish Council who helped push this through and to Charfield Service Station who very kindly donated £1,850 for the new concrete edging and a new net and posts.
The resurfacing job took a little longer that we expected, as the resurfacing company had to come back and re-roller the tarmac due to a few unexpected bumps and cracks. But we are now pleased with the end result and hope as many tennis players as possible come forth to use it. Since July 2016, and until the start of the 2017 tennis season, the court has been and will continue to be operated on a first-come-first-play basis – there won't be a booking system and the court is free to use. Please help us maintain the lovely new condition by restricting its use to tennis only – no skateboarding or scootering please.
Charfield Tennis Club no longer exists, but if you are keen to start and run a new club please get in touch with the Memorial Hall Committee who will endeavour to put you in touch with other potential members.
As we start a new year, some of you will be making a pledge to a new year's resolution that you've made. I've decided to go one step further and make mine a challenge to remember and the good news is that you can all be a part of it too!
Some of you may know me and my story, but for those of you who don't, here is a brief outline. Four years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer along with two other friends in the village. This terrible disease does not just affect you as the patient, but your family and friends too! So having support from friends and cancer charities helped us all through the dark days. Last year I went through breast reconstruction and now I feel I can let go of the past and look to the future, so for 2017 I aim to achieve two things – to give something back by raising money for the charities and to become fit again.
So my challenge is to cycle 218 km in just five days, travelling along tropical coastlines and through parts of the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil. It is the Women vs Cancer cycle ride and is organised by Action for Charity (Registered charity number 268369). It takes place from the 9th to the 19th of October 2017. For more information visit: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/liane-cope-vs-cancer
I have started my training which includes one spinning class (static cycling), two short sprint cycle rides and one long cycle ride a week. However, over Christmas I had rather too many mince pies and now I am trying to get back on track! We are so lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful countryside which harbours many countryside creatures that you don't get the chance to see when you are travelling by car.
In doing this challenge I will be raising money for three charities working to fight breast, ovarian and cervical cancers (Breast Cancer Care, Ovarian Cancer Action and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust). To achieve this, I am organising various events in the village. The first date to put in your diaries is Sunday February 26th. I'm organising an afternoon ‘High Tea’ at the Charfield Memorial Hall from 2–5 pm. To book a table, or find out more, email me at xxxx @ evergreen.co There will be lots of delicious sandwiches, homemade cakes and of course no high tea would not be complete without scones with cream & jam or with jam & cream (depending on whether you're from Devon or Cornwall!).
If you can't join us for that, you may wish to buy a T-shirt instead. My daughter created a “cats” design and had it printed on a T-shirt and gave it to me as a present whilst I was going through my treatment. This cheered me up enormously and I would like to share the design. She has also kindly created a “dogs” design for those of you who love dogs. If you'd like more details of how to purchase T-shirts, please go to this link: https://charfield.org/liane-cope-vs-cancer or email me at liane@evergreen.co A big thank you to so many of you who have already kindly bought a T-shirt from me.
I look forward to seeing you at one of my fundraising
events and a massive thank you for your support.
Happy New Year to you all,
Liane Cope
[Graphic: Peter Pan] Keith came home from the pub just before the last edition was due and said that he'd heard that Chadra had finished. Due to another bout of my OTB's (off the boil) half of me thought “Yippee”. After all it's no good, my lovely peeps, writing to you lacking in giggle factor. Suddenly, the issue came through my letter box. One Mum at school asked me where my ‘bit’ was and I explained, and she said that she'd heard the same, so I felt a bit better about that.
We were on our way to the tip when I suddenly realised that I didn't have a bra on. I told Keith not to have an accident. Now chaps, you may want to jump a couple of paragraphs. Perhaps it's an age thing but all of a sudden you can't be bothered to defuzz everything. After years of waxing I must say that my lovely jeans seem to rub away bits not required, except from just under the knee where the material obviously doesn't touch. So linking to the no-bra thing, I thought that if an incident were to occur and I was feeling a bit dopey, I would perk up just before anyone medical wanted to cut my jeans off.
In November, I took part in an all-over-Great Britain Tapathon for Children in Need. The laugh was ordering the required size T-shirt. I took my tape-measure to tap and the instructions said where to place said tape. Needless to say, in view of my plumptiousness I needed the largest, 3 kisses and an L.
A) I shall miss BHS as they always came up trumps with lampshades and B) Tesco's Mince Pies were far better than Mr Kipling's.
Next thing If you want a shag pile carpet for free, just purchase a new Dyson, without realising, leave the suction switch on full blast and vac away. My smooth green lounge low tufted is now almost a centimetre higher.
I always get asked “do I skype?” when talking to Lawrence and family. “Now and again,” I respond, thinking inside, “no fear.” Not when your daughter-in-law had her fashion education in Manhattan and I'm still in jimjams.
8I'm so lucky, I absolutely adore my job at school. I admit I do not have the pressure of teachers though. For a while IT WAS DECIDED that I be called Mrs Smith. When appropriate I am, however I am called Maz most of the time. One morning at Parent Link, a Mum asked if it was alright that her daughter call me Mazzeroony? Oh yes!
I expect you may have heard in the news that door-to-door collections will be ceasing by the RNLI and I presume for the poppy collections, due to some people feeling pressured to give or for other such reasons. Anyway I want to say that John Barnett, who wrote in the last no-Maz-contribution issue, has done a stalwart job along with lovely Stella. So me telling you about my collections of three or four streets/closes, does not touch a patch on them. However, the reason I am writing about this is that my annual collection was a great way of catching up. You may recall the other year I'd been out for about four hours and Keith asked if I'd finished. “No,” I replied, “I've only done three houses.” So my dear friends, perhaps I could still call round in about the first week of July, but this time, you don't have to give me any money!!!
Well zippadeedoo. All my notes on the back of two old envelopes have been attended to and I shall whizz this to the lovely Chadra folks who transform ‘our bits’.
Well dear readers, I send you all a BIG HUG and
wish you all a Happy New Year.
Love, Maz
Coming to you live in the Village Hall for one night only on Saturday 11th of February at 2.30 and 7.30pm
As I write this, Christmas now seems a distant memory. The lights are down and packed away for another year, the decorations are back in the loft and the tree is being recycled. So that can mean only one thing in the world of CADS … yes, it's time again for the Annual Village Pantomime.
Pantomime in England has changed a lot over the centuries with most of the main stream opting for celebrities to pull in the audiences these days, with budgets in the tens of thousands and light and sound that we as a village group can only dream of. We like to consider ourselves more like a traditional art group, using time old gags and slapstick routines. If you are new to the village or haven't had a chance to experience a CADS panto then you're missing out on something very special and unique to the village. CADS is more than just a village am dram group; it's about friendship and trust, confidence building and coming together to create something magical that I hope flows off the stage and into the audience.
I can't believe it's been five years now since I thought it would be fun to put on a one-off farce in the Village Hall. Well, 10 shows later, 21 performances, just over 1600 tickets sold, and most importantly lots of friendship and memories, I thought it was time I took a break from acting and concentrate on Directing this one (so fingers crossed it will be alright on the night).
We have come a long way as a group from our first production; most noticeably the stage has been re-laid as a joint venture between the Village Hall and ourselves. I remember John, the caretaker at the time, and myself frantically reinforcing certain parts of a well-worn stage before and after our first production. We were also privileged to have a visit from local stage and television actor Tristan Gemmill and were given a few pointers for opening night. He and his wife have been spotted in the audience at many of our shows but we have yet to persuade him to take a role (we live in hope).
So as we enter a new year, I would like to thank you all for your support and long may it continue! Thank you from myself and all of us at CADS.
Steve Pickin
We are delighted that the National Primary School League tables demonstrated again how well Charfield Primary School is performing, maintaining its position in the top 10% Nationally, and placing 7th in South Gloucestershire.
Thank You, Friends
Another fantastic firework display was organised by
the Friends. The weather was perfect and a great
night was had by all! The Friends also organised a
superb Christmas Fair which really kicked off the
festive season. Thank you to all who came,
supported and helped at these events. Such events
raise money for wonderful projects at the school
which benefit the children hugely.
Staff News
At Christmas we said au revoir to Mrs Joan Palmer.
Mrs Palmer has been a great support to so many in
so many ways over the years, not least in her
teaching of French! She will be greatly missed
though she's promised to come back to help out on
Football News
Charfield football team played in the local leg of the
Gloucestershire tournament in November playing
brilliantly as one fantastic team, scoring 19 goals and
9conceding 0! The team won 7 games and drew 1.
They were tournament winners!
Cross Country Pride
The Cross Country Team have again competed well
this season and made the school incredibly proud,
not just because of the medals they've won, but
because of their courage, pride and enthusiasm on
race days.
Growing Netball Skills
Mr Galsworthy and the Netball Teams travelled to
KLB on a cold December afternoon to compete in a
tournament. The team improved on their standing in
the previous tournament and showed greater skills
and tactical awareness.
Christmas Lights
At Christmas, Charfield School was privileged to be
part of the Essilor (Thornbury) Christmas Light switch
on! Mr Higgins & Mrs Szmaglik were incredibly proud
of our amazing children. They even did an encore for
assembly later that day!
Charfield Choir Wow Christmas Luncheon Club
The School Office received a wave of thank you
messages and congratulations following our choir's
performance for the Christmas Luncheon Club.
Thank you Choir you made us very proud!
Happy New Year to everyone in the village from the staff and committee of the Out of School Club. We hope that 2017 proves to be a successful year for all our village organisations that work so hard to make Charfield such a great place to live.
Following the AGM in November, I am delighted to report that Vicki Shepherd agreed to continue in the role of Chair, a role that she has successfully undertaken for the past 2 years.
Following a long stint as Secretary, Jill Fallows has stepped down and has been replaced by Karen Stainthorpe. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Jill for her hard work and commitment during her time as Secretary. As a committee, we are a small team, and Jill's input and ideas have been invaluable over the past few years.
Over the Christmas period, the club has been busy fundraising; with our (now annual!) jam jar tombola at the school Christmas Fair we raised a fantastic £114. At the same time, the staff organised a Christmas Grand Draw for a Christmas hamper. This was won by Anna Hilton and raised £90. All our fundraising goes toward buying toys and games on the wish list made up from requests from the children who attend.
The club opened during the Christmas holiday and was very busy with lots of excited children who had great fun playing Christmas games and taking part in festive competitions!
If you know of any new families who would like to use our service, before and/or after school or during the school holidays, or, if you yourself would like to find out more, please contact us at the club. You can check us out on www.charfield.org/coosc. The club is open to children up to the age of 13, so even if your children are moving on to secondary school they are still welcome after school and in the holidays. Booking forms for the February half term will be available soon from the club and the Charfield community website.
Thank you once again to everyone who has used the club in 2016 or who has supported us with fundraising activities. Also, a huge thanks to our dedicated staff, Pat, Georgina, Jo, Ann and Lydia who work so hard for the children at all times and continue to make the club an outstanding facility for the village. We look forward to a successful 2017.
The Out of School Club Committee
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our readers! I hope you managed to get some time over the festive season to do whatever made you happy.
Once again, we were lucky enough to enjoy a rather busy run-up to Christmas, with Parties, Lunches, Afternoon Teas and even a little bit of Carol singing too!
Since the Summer, we have been busy with our plans to continue to develop the group, and fundraising has been at the front of our minds so that we can continue in the New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sponsored me for the Cheltenham Half Marathon, and a big THANK YOU to both Renishaw PLC (£300) and Nibley Festival (£1,500) whose generous awards will help to keep the groups running well into 2017.
WHAT's NEW FOR 2017? We plan to make the light lunches we have shared more of a regular feature, and we plan to join forces with a number of local organisations (Wotton Walking Festival, 1st Falfield Scout Group, Local Shops and providers) to raise awareness of Dementia, and make our community more Dementia Friendly.
We also want to make more of the Carers' Support that we offer. As well as supporting people living with memory problems, we are also a support for carers of ANY kind, who look after a friend or family member 10on a regular basis. Come along for a chat and some information – or even just for a quiet coffee with people who understand.
Our groups now run on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month in THE SPORTSMAN's LOUNGE at CHARFIELD MEMORIAL HALL from 10am to 1pm.
The group is still free to attend, although donations are welcomed.
FINALLY: LINK Services is thrilled to have been chosen for the Waitrose Community Fund at Chipping Sodbury. If you find yourself over there in the month of January, please, please drop your little token in the LINK Services box on your way out. It really will make a difference ☺
For further information on support services available,
please email xxxx @ hotmail.co.uk or call
Amanda on 07814 69xxxx.
“Working together to build a dementia friendly
[Logo: HELP for HEROES] Yet another bright sunny day for our parade – remarkable how the sun always seems to shine on us.
Thank you to all who attended and gave so generously; to the team, to all who supported in other ways – our new parish clerk, Costcutter and Cam Family Butchers to name but three.
The team also appreciates your many kind words about the butty morning; we're glad you enjoy it.
We were able to send £250 to Help for Heroes this year. That makes a total over the 8 years of £3,380.28 How many bacon butties in all? About 750. Sausages? 350. What dedication our villagers have!
For me, it has always been about encouraging attendance at the memorial for the laying of the poppy wreaths, reading of names, and two minutes' silence. As I have often said, it isn't just about the Great War, it is a far wider act of remembrance – it is for the individual attending to have their own thoughts, pay their own respects, reflect. The fun and chat in the hall and fundraising are a welcome by-product.
I am throwing in my pinnie at this stage as organiser – time for someone else to have a go. If you'd like to co-ordinate a very efficient team, and frankly it practically runs itself, please step forward now. Otherwise, see you in the car park at 10.45 on Sunday 12 November for the parade. Buttyless.
Cheers, Julia O'Connor Beach
[Logo: Friends] Happy New Year Charfield! I hope everyone had a relaxing Christmas and New Year.
The period from September through to December is always a very busy time for the Friends. We had our AGM, followed by an EGM, due to some core committee members stepping down. I am pleased to report that we have been able to appoint a new core committee, which includes me. I would like to thank the team members who have stepped down for their time and support over recent years, their support will be missed. A big THANKS! From me to Dave Ashby for his support in easing me into the Chair role as well as from the rest of the team. The Friends have had successful and well organised events under his leadership. We are lucky to have a strong committee at the moment (although we would always appreciate more helpers) and have a great team atmosphere. We gained a few committee members this year which is always great news as the support of our parents really helps with organising our fundraising events.
November would not be November without the Charfield School Fireworks Night. We had good weather this year. We hope you enjoyed seeing a fantastic professional fireworks display provided by CTS and enjoyed the BBQ and drinks available on the night. As a result of everyone's support, the event raised an amazing £3,000 which was a fantastic result. We have also used the donation we had from Renishaw last year to purchase our own barbeque – this made the food preparation and cooking a lot more effective. The barbeque will be used for other events beyond fireworks, thank you again Renishaw.
I also wanted to say a huge thank you on behalf of The Friends to everyone that came and supported our Christmas Fair this year. You helped make it such an enjoyable event with a lovely atmosphere and lots of happy children (and adults). Thank you to everyone who helped out as well, especially with the organisation in the run up to the day, from all the hard working committee members to the merry band of volunteers who helped on the day and to everyone who donated raffle prizes – your generosity was greatly appreciated. This year we had particularly impressive raffle prizes donated by many local people and businesses and we would like to pass on our thanks for your on-going support. It was great to see so many people enjoying themselves on the day, made even more special with the arrival of Father Christmas! The event was another great success with almost £1,000 raised.
Last, but by no means least, I would like to say a big thank you to the team led by Adrian Fallows and Tim Skuse who braved the conditions to help set up and 11run the Christmas tree sale – raising over £840 – another fantastic success! Thank you to all who bought a tree from us this year. The weather was awful during the day but this did not deter our band of glamorous assistants holding up the trees for customers to view!
With the above funds in mind we are waiting on applications for a number of community grants and charity matched giving initiatives – if you work for a company that runs such a scheme and are stuck for a worthwhile cause to support then please do get in touch!
There are a few projects in mind, which include an amphitheatre for the forest school area. The school has a natural bowl area which needs to be cleared and some seating installed so outdoor classes and events can be performed. The children would love using this and it is another great way to further enhance educational and fun outdoor activities. If you or your children have any thoughts on how we could spend the funds raised please get in touch as we'd love to hear your thoughts on what you'd like purchased for the school with the funds you have helped to raise.
If you have any ideas for potential future events, please get in touch as we would be delighted to hear about events you feel would help support our local school and also bring the community together. In the meantime, another way that you can help is through Easy Fund Raising. It couldn't be simpler – you just need to register using the following link: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/friendsofcharfieldschool There are over 2,000 retailers listed including Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Ebay and Argos. So the next time you're online please try it out, we have already managed to raise over £2,000 to date through this scheme!
If you are reading this and want to get involved in The Friends then it could not be easier, take a look at the noticeboard for the next meeting or give me a shout on my mobile or via email. As I have recently found out first hand, it is a great way to meet new people and there is no obligation to sign up for anything or for a regular commitment. Please just pop along to one of our monthly meetings at the school and you will be very welcome. We have a great team who enjoy organising these events and we also like to meet up socially every now and again for a drink and/or food (team building!).
Our next committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 19:30 at the school.
I look forward to keeping you informed of our future events, until then, once again, a very big thank you to everyone who has worked with and supported the Friends.
Rob Barter – Chair – 07816 27xxxx
xxxx @ hotmail.com
A man has been arrested in connection with a recent burglary in the village. This was possible due to a resident's vigilance. If you see anything that you think is suspicious, please report on 101, or 999 if it is ongoing.
Please can we all bear in mind our home security during the winter months, and consider some of the following tips:
Why not set up a Neighbourhood Watch in your area? If you would like details of how to do this, please contact us at Chipping Sodbury Police Station, or go to our website: www.avonandsomerset.police.uk.
PC Lee Bainbridge and PCSO Haley Bromley 0127864xxxx / 0788965xxxx
[Graphic: BINGO]
7.30pm for 8.00pm start – Bar available
For information contact Terry White on 01454
Another year completed and yet another Christmas and New Year done – they come and go so quickly! On behalf of the hall management committee, I hope you all had a joyful Christmas and New Year period.
General Update
The committee continues to work hard on making
improvements to the aesthetics of the building as well
as much needed repairs to the flat roof above the
entrance and kitchen on the main hall side of the
building and to the drainage at the back. Other than
this, and following a busy 12 months with lots of
repairs and improvements, we have been enjoying a
relatively quiet few months. More to report in future
articles though I can assure you.
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 27th January, 8pm – Live Folk Music
Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman are the winners
of the 2016 BBC Radio 2 Folk Music Awards Best
Duo Prize. If you fancy an evening of incredible folk
music, drinks and refreshments, this is the place to
be. Get your tickets NOW by calling Margaret on
01454 26xxxx.
Saturday 25th March – Rock ‘n’ Roll Disco Night
Live music and refreshments for the small price of £9
a ticket, bar also open. Money raised from this event
will be shared between Charfield Memorial Hall and
Dementia Connections, a partnership between LINK
Services (South Glos) CIC and Trust in You CIC who
provide memory groups and specialist support
services in the local area. To get a ticket for this
exciting event, please call Amanda on 07814 69xxxx.
Saturday 20th May – Comedy Night
Following success in other local villages, Comedy
Night will be coming to Charfield Memorial Hall –
Contains adult humour!! Look out for more details,
but be sure to add this to your diary.
Saturday 29th July – Annual Charfield Community
Always a good day for ALL ages!! If you would like to
run a stall at this year's fete, please send an email to:
xxxx @ gmail.com
Liam Balloch – 07947 43xxxx
Meet your Hall Committee
This year we thought it would be good for you all to
know who we are as your committee. For our first
attempt at introducing ourselves we sat down with
our longest serving committee member …
Name: Margaret Gargett
How many members in your family?
Ken & I have been married for 33 years and we have
2 sons (Ian and Ryan) and a daughter (Laura).
Last June I started work at Renishaw, which is
perfect for me as it is close to home and an excellent
local employer. In my first 6 months, the Prime
Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer visited!
How long have you lived in the village/Where did
you live before?
We moved here 26 years ago from Durham. We've
had 3 homes and 3 children so I'm thinking it's best
not to move again! I'm from Sedgefield. My parents
still live there and we visit regularly as they are now
aged 88 & 92. They have been married for 67 years
and have lived in the same house for 63 years; they
are amazing!
How long have you volunteered at the Memorial
I've been on the committee for well over 14 years. I
joined many years ago after the Young Wives/Ladies
Club folded due to no new committee members
coming forward. The hall was also desperate for
committee members so I decided to get involved as I
feel a village hall is a big part of village life. Even
though I work full time, I still enjoy being part of the
team (committee) who all work together to ensure the
village continues to have a hall to use.
What do you enjoy most about being on the
I enjoy organising events and trying to come up with
different ideas which will appeal to different age
groups. I've arranged gnome and pirate treasure
hunts, fairs, clairvoyance evenings, quiz nights
etc. I've even dressed up as many different
characters all for a good cause! Not all the events are
well attended, but I guess that's part of the challenge.
I got involved with Rural Arts 8 years ago so I could
bring live entertainment to the hall. We've had
children's shows, musical evenings & a few theatrical
events; all the shows have been of a very high
standard. The most memorable show to date was
Graffiti Classics, who we had twice because they
were so good, and the hall was packed both times.
What's your future vision for the Hall?
I would love to see the hall with bi-folding doors at the
back opening onto the field and making further
improvements so that we could appeal to people to
use it as a wedding/reception venue. I would really
like to see young people join our committee too.
What is your favourite thing about living in
I love living in the village, we have fantastic views to
enjoy from Churchend across to Nibley monument.
As I've lived here for quite some time, I know
everyone in our street so it's nice to catch up when I
deliver the CHADRA. We also have street parties
when the occasion arises. I have lots of special
friends in the village but everyone is very friendly and
I always feel safe. Let's hope all the new houses
don't spoil our village life.
The Plough, The Pear Tree, The Railway Tavern
When Angie, editor of CHADRA, asked me if I could write about the pubs in Charfield of course I said ‘Yes’! immediately. It has always struck me as quite extraordinary that our village still has three thriving pubs when all around us we see, sadly, so many being shut down. So, armed with my notebook, I set out to find out more about the people who run them.
Teresa and Jeremy Wheller welcomed me into their flat above The Plough where Teresa, with Grace, 3, and Charlie, 7, was manfully getting to grips with the aftermath of Christmas. She and Jeremy came to The Plough almost 5 years ago after being at The Butchers Arms in Longwell Green. Neither of them spent their early years in the licensed trade; Teresa was a business analyst and Jeremy turned his hand to all sorts, including forklift truck driving and marquee erecting with Danco. Jeremy had three older boys before Charlie and they have Grace between them. Teresa told me how Charlie had been in care before he came to live with his Dad and Teresa, and although I made notes I wasn't at all sure I was going to include this in the article but Teresa assured me it was fine. ‘We have no secrets here,’ she said. ‘Everyone, including Charlie, knows what has happened.’ And then she went on to tell me how she felt about the Charfield Primary. ‘They have been absolutely fantastic. I can't praise them enough. Charlie has a lot of problems and they have been amazing.’ Charlie grinned happily and carried on piecing together a model car.
But – to the business of running a pub. I wanted to know how the three pubs survived. ‘It's not easy.’ Teresa said quickly, ‘but we each have something different to offer.’ It isn't a competition – I was to hear the same from the other two. ‘We rely on being a traditional pub, offering good ales and cider at good prices, and simple food. And singing. The pub comes alive with singing whether it's the juke box or live music.’ The Plough is also a family friendly pub with children welcome up till 9 o'clock – a notice on the door sets the boundaries. When I asked who did the cooking for the curry night (all their food is homemade) Jeremy put his head round the door. ‘I love cooking,’ he said cheerfully, ‘but we both do it.’ And then told me he'd cooked their Christmas dinner – for 14.
‘We try not to forget that without our customers we have no business.’ Teresa was thoughtful. ‘We like to think of them as one big family.’
The Plough is open from 2 till 12.30 Monday to Thursday and from 12 till 12.30 Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday is curry night when you can have curry, rice and naan bread with a pint starting from £5.95. Sounds good to me!
Next it was off to The Pear Tree with the big question ‘What exactly is a micro pub?’ Wendy, joint licensee with her partner Tony, was soon able to enlighten me. ‘There are almost 300 now.’ she explained, ‘They really came into being when so many pubs were closing and they opened in all sorts of places – old shops, libraries and, of course, like here, in existing pubs. We have to sell real ales and cider, no food, no juke boxes and opening hours are shorter.’ Simple really.
I was surprised to learn that Wendy and Tony have owned The Pear Tree for almost 18 years but always ran it under management until 3 years ago when they decided to change direction and go down the micro pub route. Mind you, that's not all they do. The Falcon in Wotton? The Rose and Crown in Nympsfield? Both theirs, along with others, though Tony, with a business partner mainly looks after this side of their business and The Pear Tree is Wendy's baby.
And she has plans. I'd heard rumours about a tea room and indeed this is going to happen. You may notice that the pub is painted in two halves – different colours separate the two sides and when the tea room is open it will be completely separate even to a different entrance. ‘Yes’, Wendy laughed, ‘and it's going to be a proper tea room. Real tea leaves, bone china, toasted tea cakes and no bacon butties or pinnies (aprons to any youngsters reading this).’ ‘And cream teas?’ I asked anxiously. ‘Of course.’ was the reply. I immediately pictured myself, with friends, on a summer afternoon, indulging. Good news indeed. Wendy is clearly very determined, has already started work on it and says she won't rest until it's all done though she's not yet got an opening date.
I couldn't imagine that all this leaves her a lot of time for hobbies but I was wrong. Swimming? Five times a week. Running? Entering the New York marathon in November. And she sews and reads. I was feeling exhausted by now so we returned to the topic of The Pear Tree. Apart from having something good to drink and being sociable the bar room is worthy of closer inspection. The walls are cleverly painted with cartoons which are all relative to customers and their interests. Behind the bar Wendy does the Monday and Friday shifts while Deb Hemmings is Wendy's right hand man, so to speak, keeping up the tradition, as it says above the bar – Serving Ales Since 1715 – and they are open from 2pm to 9.30 every day. Oh, and a Pear Tree is going to be planted at the front this Spring.
Barbara Adams
More news on The Railway Tavern in the next Issue!
Another lovely Christmas has been and gone, with standing room only at St James's for the candlelit carols and a good turnout for all the other services including our Midnight Mass – which was at 10pm this year. Our fundraising efforts were successful too, with money from the Christmas services, Christmas Fair and Noreen's delicious Christmas puds mostly going to Sightsavers.
We also supported the Congregational Church's shoebox appeal as part of our ‘Charfield Change4Good’ programme and put together at least a couple of dozen shoeboxes over tea and cake in church.
During the period of this current CHADRA, we celebrate Shrove Tuesday with the usual scrummy pancakes on 28 February and then Lent starts the following day.
We will mark Ash Wednesday, 1 March, with a combined service at Hillesley at 7.30. Throughout Lent there will be Lent lunches in church on Wednesdays from 12.15–2pm; soup, bread and cheese provided and all money raised goes to our spring and summer Charfield Change4Good charity: Longfield Hospice Care (formerly Cotswold Care Hospice).
At the other end of Lent, we will mark Palm Sunday on 9 April at 9.30 and Good Friday with a Churches Together Walk of Witness at 9.30 from St John's to the burial ground next to St James's, where hot cross buns and hot drinks will be provided.
On Easter Sunday, 16 April, we will have our usual celebratory service at 9.30, with an Easter egg hunt afterwards for the children. Watch the notice board for details of the Lent Course, Maundy Thursday service and the service to mark the Last Hour.
In the middle of all that, will be Mothering Sunday on 26 March at 9.30, when we will celebrate and give thanks for the love of our mothers, including those no longer with us. This is a great service for families to attend together.
In March, we are planning to hold our traditional Jumble Sale, which will take place in the school hall at 2pm on Saturday 18th.
The usual plant sale will take place during May, with full details in the next issue of CHADRA.
For details of regular services, see our ad in this issue. To contact the clergy, call Rev'd David Russell on 01454 29xxxx or email xxxx @ gmail.com.
Sue Thorn, PCC member, xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Hillesley Ball 20 May 2017 hosted by The Friends of Hillesley School
Raising funds to improve the outdoor area of the
Black Tie. 7.30pm
Come along for a fantastic evening in a beautiful marquee on the Jubilee Playing Field. Live music provided by Dukes of Havoc – one of the UK's top party bands, a fun casino, great food and a bar.
Reservations are now being taken. Tables of 10. You can reserve a table via our facebook page ‘Hillesley Ball 2017’ or email – xxxx @ mypostoffice.co.uk
Deposit together with contact details due by 31 Jan 2017.
Role | Post Holder | Contact Details |
Chair | Deborah Field | 01454 26xxxx |
Secretary | Linda Felton | 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Treasurer | Alison Howard | 01453 29xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Newsletter Editor | Angie Hill | 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Members | Joan Crawfoot, Jane Wilcox | |
Newsletter Distribution | Marion and Angela Smith | 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ asmiths.freeserve.co.uk |
Newsletter Advertising | Alison Howard | xxxx @ gmail.com |
Next Edition Copy Deadline 6th April 2017
For a copy of CHADRA's editorial guidelines, please contact any CHADRA team member or download the PDF from the Charfield Community Website at http://charfield.org/chadra
Please note articles should be EITHER about 400 or 950 words long. Please submit articles in MS Word format, Arial font size 10.
We welcome contributions from any local group or individuals, young or old, new to Charfield or those who have lived here all their lives.
We are looking for articles about the village and what goes on, as well as updates on organisations' activities.
[Advert for Graham Pedley Handyman Services]
[Advert for Charfield Memorial Hall]
[Advert for Deborah Jayne Pringle]
[Advert for Jan Baber PA / Transcriber]
#[Advert for Pass & Totterdell]
[Advert for Evergreen Computing]
[Advert for St John's Church]
#[Advert for Greenline Tanks]
[Advert for Falcon Cottage B&B]
[Advert for The Edge Health & Beauty]
[Advert for Relaxology]
[Advert for Robinsons Florist]
[Advert for Bradley Garage]
#[Advert for Franks Garage]
[Advert for Pat Jeanes reflexology]
[Advert for Claire Saunders]
[Advert for Colin Lane Carpet & Flooring]
[Advert for Littles Curtains]
[Advert for Ride On Cycles]
#[Advert for Barbara Daw]
[Advert for RK Aeriels]
[Advert for Manor Garden Maintenance]
[Advert for Oak Tree Nursery]
[Advert for PC Repairs & Maintenance]
[Advert for Alan Hamer driving]
#[Advert for The Park Falfield]
[Advert for Costcutter]
[Advert for At Home Curtains and Blinds]
[Advert for Cotswold Edge Carpets]
#[Advert for Zumba]
[Advert for Add Plant]
[Advert for Ashworthy Cattery]
[Advert for The Farmers Table]
[Advert for Halo Hair]
[Advert for Tree Care]
#[Advert for Thornbury Aerial & Satellite Services]
[Advert for Tortworth VC Primary School]
[Advert for Luke Hall MP]
British Legion
Chris Summers 01454 26xxxx
CADS (Charfield Amateur Dramatics Group)
Steve Picking 07583 56xxxx
Charfield Pre-School
Debra Davidson (Manager/Admissions) 07966 61xxxx
xxxx @ gmail.com
Louise Sydney xxxx @ gmail.com
Charfield Primary School
Dafydd Lawday 01454 26xxxx
Church – Congregational
Nicky Lanyi 01454 26xxxx
Church – St. John's
Revd. Chris Mason 01454 26xxxx
Revd. David Russell 01454 29xxxx
xxxx @ gmail.com
Clean Up Green Up Charfield
Vanessa Cole
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Council – Charfield Parish
Parish Council, PO Box 1947, Bristol. BS37 0BU
clerk @ charfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Council – South Gloucestershire
John O'Neill 01454 86xxxx or 01454 26xxxx
xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
Cricket Club
Jeremy Hull 01453 52xxxx
Tony Field 0787703xxxx
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Friends of Charfield Primary School
Bob (Chair) 07904 02xxxx
xxxx @ hotmail.com
Foundation Room
Bryan Grantham 01454 26xxxx
Junior Football Club
Andy Leeds 0758015xxxx
Keep Fit Club
Christine Parfitt 01454 26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the Elderly
Jane Higgins 01454 26xxxx
Dementia Connections (Memory Groups and Support Services)
Amanda Pearson 0781469xxxx xxxx @ outlook.com
Out of School Club 01454 26xxxx
Pat Loveridge or 07816 23xxxx
Memorial Hall Bookings 07496 86xxxx
Chairman – Liam Balloch xxxx @ gmail.com
KLB School Friends
Glenny Greenaway –
Chair xxxx @ klbschool.org.uk
Police (if not a 999 call)
Call Handling Centre 101
Reporting crimes in person now at Chipping Sodbury
Police Station
Following are strictly non urgent and not reporting crime
PC Lee Bainbridge voicemail 0117 945 xxxx
PC Lee Bainbridge mobile 07919 62xxxx
PCSO Hayley Harrison mobile 07825 38xxxx
PCSO Sean McKinnon 07825 38xxxx
Round Table – Wotton and District
John Francksen (Hon Sec) 01453 84xxxx
Rainbows – 1st Charfield – Mon 4.30–5.30pm
Email: xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Brownies – 2nd Charfield – Tues 5.30–7pm. – Contact District Commissioners
Guides – 2nd Wotton Thurs 7.30–9pm
Sarah Cocker
email: xxxx @ hotmail.com
Senior Section every other Thursday
Lynsey email: xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Girlguiding – Wotton District Commissioners
Sarah Norton 01453 52xxxx
xxxx @ tesco.net /
Jackie Woodall 01453 84xxxx
xxxx @ talk21.com
Tae Kwon Do
Andy Reynolds 07909 92xxxx
Tennis Club
Lucy Culpepper xxxx @ gmail.com
Transport Scheme
Marion Smith 01454 26xxxx
1st Woodend Scout Group
xxxx @ gmail.com
Beavers Tues 6.00–7.15pm
Tina Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Cubs Wed 6.30–8.00pm
Alison Moore 07712 47xxxx.
Thurs 6.30–8.00pm
Sandra Carnegie 0789998xxxx
Scouts Mon 6.30–8.30pm / Tues 7.00–9.00 pm
Mike Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Explorers Thurs 7.30–9.30pm – Kevin Watson 0798027xxxx
Group Scout Leader Sandra Carnegie 01454 26xxxx 0789998xxxx
Assistant Group Scout Leader (waitlists) Allison Trueman 01454 26xxxx
Next Edition Copy Deadline 6th April 2017
If you wish to alter the entries above email xxxx @ gmail.com
This issue was produced on 24 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2017-03-23.