Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 2015.
Your Newsletter Needs You!
In This Issue …
Members of the CHADRA Team
Election News
Charfield Village Plan
Clean Up Green Up Charfield
Spring Has Sprung
Charfield Parish Council News
News From Your Local Councillor
A Salute To CHADRA
200 Club
Park Politely and Adhere To The Highway Code
Charfield Community Speed Watch (CCSW)
Frankie Valli Comes To Charfield
Annual Parish Meeting
Charfield School
Friends of Charfield School
Out of School Club Report
Charfield Memorial Hall AGM
Charfield Junior Football Club
CADS – News From Backstage
St John's Church
Charfield Congregational Church
Charfield Community Website
Girlguiding News
1st Woodend Scout Group
Marilyn's Bit
Thornbury Choral Society
Village Organisations : Contact List
[Photo: Lord Kitchener]
Do you have a couple of hours to spare every three months?
The Newsletter Team is looking for someone to take charge of the advertising.
The only requirements are basic computer knowledge and a willingness to enjoy an informal meeting once every three months.
To find out more email Vanessa at xxxx @ gmail.com or phone 01453 52xxxx
Election 2015 News … Who are the nominations for Parish Councillor positions? … See page 3
New Charfield Lottery … Find out how you could be in it to win it! … See page 7
Fawlty Towers Comes to Charfield … Find out how, where and when. … See page 14
Are you concerned about parking & speed issues in the village? … See pages 8 & 9
Plus news, views and event announcements from all your favourite village organisations, clubs, societies and groups.
Joan Crowfoot | Vice-Chairman, Newsletter Printing | xx, Wotton Road 01453 84xxxx |
Vanessa Cole | Adverts for New Traders and changes to adverts for existing traders | xxxx Cottage, Elbury View 01453 52xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Linda Felton | Secretary | xx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Julia O'Connor-Beach | Treasurer | xx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Barbara Adams | Committee member | Xxxx Xxxx, Wotton Road 01454 26xxxx |
Marion & Angela Smith | Newsletter Distribution | xxx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ xxxx.freeserve.co.uk |
Isabel Davies | Committee Member | xxx Woodlands Road 01454 26xxxx |
Deborah Field | Committee Member | x Woodlands Road 01454 26xxxx |
Alison White | Newsletter Production & Editorial Issues | xxx Woodlands Road xxxx @ gmail.com |
Next Edition Copy Date – 6th July 2015
If you would like to write an article for the next issue, or make comments on articles
published, please e-mail these to xxxx @ gmail.com
For a copy of CHADRA's editorial guidelines, please contact and CHADRA team member or
download PDF from The Charfield Community Website at http://charfield.org/chadra/
[Graphic: Ballot box] Election fever is upon us. There will be a change of government after the voting on Thursday 7th May. Whatever your views, it will be an interesting process this time round. Do exercise your vote – you only get one chance every five years.
Our very own Parish Council has its election on the same date, but there is only an election process if there are more nominations than vacancies. There are 9 slots to be filled and, in spite of our efforts in recent newsletters to drum up interest, there are just six nominations listed on South Gloucestershire Council's website. We are, therefore, spared the cost and effort of the voting process.
The nominees are: | ||
Mike Cheskin | Judy Law | |
Naomi Newns | Dick Rawlings | |
Mark Rosher | Ian Williams |
These will be your councillors for the coming 4 years. The remaining three vacancies should be filled quickly to get the Parish Council to full strength, and this will be done by co-option. We will invite all councillors to introduce themselves to you in the next edition of the newsletter. In the meantime, we thank them for their public-spiritedness and wish them well in their office.
CHADRA Committee
Parting words & Parting Gifts
As many of you will know, it is almost 4 years since the Charfield Village Plan Steering Group was formed and a lot of really good work has been done in that time. It is now time to formally end the process and to wind-up the Steering Group, until the next one is formed in around 5 years' time!
Looking back to 2011 when it all started, a lot of work was done, including an Open Day at the Memorial Hall, a massive survey sent to all households in the parish (which was completed by almost 60% of homes), and then in 2013, the very smart looking Village Plan document was produced and adopted by the Parish Council and South Glos. Council. A summary of which was delivered to every home.
The Plan gave strong evidence about what is needed in Charfield, and indeed what is wanted and not wanted. This evidence has been used to demonstrate the wishes of the village for gaining funding and getting things moving, and for standing up to proposed developments. Some more examples are strong funding for the Memorial Hall via the Parish precept and the Multi Use Games Area (if you hear people talking about the mugger they probably mean the MUGA!). Plus – a very hard working group called CUGUC (Clean Up Green Up Charfield) was formed as an outcome of the interest shown in the Village Plan. I am sure you'll agree the group has made some wonderful improvements to the hall car park gardens, the Memorial Stone garden, the poppies at Little Bristol Lane corner and the crocuses along the verges, to name just a few things. Thank you to all who work as part of CUGUC.
There are still many projects to be continued and most of these now become the responsibility of the Parish Council. Examples are allotments, safe crossings on Wotton Road, and of course, continuing to monitor and be involved in any planning and development issues not in keeping with the wishes of the village.
As a final act, on Thursday March 12th, the steering group was able to divide remaining funds between some worthy causes and I am pleased to say we made payments to the Memorial Hall, the Village Fete Committee, Charfield Junior Football Club and CUGUC.
You can still read the Charfield Village Plan and see some of the background information at http://charfield.org/village_plan
Those of us who have been involved with the Village Plan are very proud of what we have done, but it has only been so successful because so many villagers got involved. So well done Charfield and keep getting involved in the many things that go on, so that our village continues to be the place where we love to live.
Sue Simmons – Charfield Village Plan Steering Group
[Graphic: Gardener] Spring is at last on its way. I hope that you noticed the blue crocuses poking their heads up along the verges in the village again this year. We are planting a few more each autumn and they do colonise, so in a few years' time there should be a blue carpet through the village. That's our goal.
We have continued to work on the viewpoint and the bank on the east side of Charfield Hill. Many of you will have seen a large group of us out clearing the undergrowth, re-shaping the trees, removing years of debris and clearing the path on several Sunday mornings. We know that there are already a lot of spring flowers there, which have become dormant because of the lack of any light. We have planted cyclamen and primroses and divided the existing snowdrops. I think it already looks good, but next year it should look even better. Removing the debris from the path and clearing back to the edge of the tarmac has widened the path by a good 18 inches. It is a lot safer to walk down it now. Our keen volunteers are itching to get this area finished and we have had to organise a couple of extra volunteering days!
The roundabout verges have had their first cut of the year, which makes an immediate improvement to the look of the area. We planted some narcissus here and they are making their first appearance.
That's the good news! But now a bit of a reality check. With our existing sites and band of helpers, we are working flat out and cannot extend into the other projects we would like to. We need more help! You don't have to have any horticultural expertise – there will always be somebody to show you what is needed. Most of our tasks up till now have just involved a lot of clearing so muscle power was very useful!
On the school site we would now really like to see some parents, grandparents and guardians help us manage this site. An hour or two before you pick your child up will keep this site looking fantastic and we do want to involve the children if possible. Get a group of friends together, add coffee, cake and gardening and you have a great way to have fun and a bit of exercise! The Memorial Hall site is a large one and we need more help there. This team normally meets once a week for a few hours and would really love to see a few new helpers.
If you are interested, please contact one of the team – details below. You can help for as little a time as you are able to. We do need some backroom admin help if gardening isn't your thing!
Meet us at our stand at the Village Fair on 4th May and we can discuss ways in which you could help.
Find us on Facebook – just search for CUGUC. Let us know what you think of what we are doing. It would be great if you could ‘like’ us and post your comments there too.
Don't forget to let us have your ideas, comments and donations. Details of how to contact us are detailed below and on the contact page at the back.
Yvette Andrewartha – Chair CUGUC
email: xxxx @ gmail.com
CUGUC: Charfield Open Gardens
14 June 2015, 2–5pm
We have organised a special event for the 14th June 2015, when a number of village gardens will be opening their gates for people to have a look around between 2 and 5pm.
There will be a trail of gardens, big & small, which will not only give you the opportunity to admire and get ideas but should lead you to areas of Charfield you may never have visited before. There will be tea and cakes available. Look out for the ‘Open Gardens’ signs on the day and the purchase of an entry ticket will get you a map and details of all the gardens.
We'll advertise more details nearer the day but get the date in your diary now. All monies will go towards CUGUC projects, so a very worthy cause.
[Graphic: Flower] It's time to get your hedge trimmers, secateurs and loppers at the ready!
As part of your spring assault on the garden, please do walk around the boundary of your property and see if your greenery is spilling over into pedestrian space. Your shrubs, hedges, trees, etc., should not encroach upon pavements, from the ground upwards to above head height. Pedestrians should have the benefit of the full width of the pavement without brushing up against hedges or being poked in the eye by a branch, or indeed having to move into the road.
If you walk around the village, you will see examples of hedges etc. which project over the pavement, reducing the walking space by almost half. This isn't fair to those with children or pushchairs, or anyone wishing to walk side by side.
So please have a look, trim back if needed, and you'll have the undying gratitude of all pedestrians.
Thank you.
CHADRA Committee
Spring has sprung at last, and doesn't it look grand in Charfield as the verges get ever more treatment from the hard-working folk at CUGUC. I'm loving the walk up Charfield Hill, the wander past the Memorial Hall car park, the extra little bits and pieces that catch your eye as you drive through … Spring this year leads into May and the General Election. And your Parish and Ward Councillors are up for renewal too. (See page 3)
The big news this issue is that there isn't any big news. I'm speaking of course about the two hostile planning applications we received in 2014 – Day House Leaze and Charfield Green. Day House Leaze is currently awaiting a space in the schedules of the High Court, while the Public Inquiry for Charfield Green was completed in March and we await the Inspector's report. It's a nervous time, because the whole village will change if even one of these developments goes ahead, and it's fair to say the consensus is that the changes wouldn't be in the best interests of the village or those who live here.
Threats come from without, as well as within though, and we've recently been informed about development applications in Kingswood, just on the Gloucestershire side of the county border. They've got three separate schemes in various stages that amount to more than three hundred new homes, and while Charfield Parish Council hasn't made its opinion known at the time of writing, I personally feel that the road infrastructure and local services cannot sustain so many new homes. Wotton and Kingwood Councils spoke against the Charfield developments and I feel we should support our neighbours likewise, no matter which side of the county line we stand.
I mentioned the elections coming up on 7th may. I would also like to invite you to the Annual Parish Meeting on the 5th, at the Memorial Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting although we host it. It's a time for discussion, if you come with a mind to discuss. Your Council gets to tell you how it feels it's done over the past year, and if you want you can agree we've done ok. If you run a group in Charfield and you want to tell folk about it, this might also be an opportunity, subject to time being available. And of course, both these dates follow the Charfield Fete on the 4th.
In the meantime, let me wish you a very fine summer and offer you a promise that whoever sits on the council you can be sure we've got our community – yours and ours – at the heart of everything we do.
Mark Rosher – Chairman
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield Community Fete
Monday 4th May 2015
12–5 pm
Memorial Hall & Playing Fields
I mentioned in the last edition that I hoped to be able to update you on the planning appeals that are currently pending for Charfield. Unfortunately they have yet to be decided.
For the land south of Wotton Road for 106 houses that was the subject of a public inquiry in January, this was adjourned till late February, then again until late March, to allow both sides to supply further information regarding housing in the west of England. This has now been completed and we have been advised by the Planning Inspectorate that a decision will be reached by the 8th June 2015.
The other appeal was for the land adjacent to the school known as Day House Leaze. This has been the subject of some confusion. You may recall the decision was refused by the Council, the applicant appealed, the appeal was allowed by the planning inspector and the Council were not in agreement with the decision and mounted a legal challenge to the decision. That was referred to the High Court in London subsequently transferred to the High Court in Cardiff and has now been referred back to the High Court in London to await a date for the hearing and decision. I won't make any promises for the next edition.
These two appeals are of immense importance not only to Charfield but also to the whole of South Gloucestershire. If they fail here, this will put all rural settlements under threat from this type of development. The Council has an up to date Core Strategy and emerging local plan which are essential for safeguarding the areas they do not wish to be developed, such as the rural settlements which do not have the infrastructure to support major developments.
We are already aware that our neighbouring village of Kingswood is under further threat from speculative developers for around three to four hundred houses. Two of these developments are from the same speculative developer that is dealing with the land south of Wotton Road. This type of predatory developer does not build houses but gains planning consents on land (normally agricultural) and then sells the land on to major house builders. Clearly further development in that area would have a further impact on Charfield, particularly on KLB School and on the B4508 coming through Charfield. This area is not part of South Gloucestershire Council but they will be invited to make comments.
Still with a link to the planning appeals, we were unsuccessful in trying to bring forward the pedestrian crossing at New Street/Wotton Road at the Area Forum in March. The scheme had to compete with three other pedestrian crossings which had been scored with a higher priority. However, with the assistance of Nicola Melville and Paul Macnamara, we put up a good case and this project remains on the priority schemes and we will try again next year.
I said that this was linked to the planning appeals, the reason for that is that if the planning appeal is allowed on the 106 houses, this is part of the infrastructure that this development will pay for. Needless to say we would prefer to achieve it through the Area Forum.
Councillor John O'Neill
xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
01454 86xxxx / 01454 26xxxx
I recently purchased a copy of CHADRA and was surprised to read that it has been running for 40 yrs. CHADRA was set up when two young children were knocked down and killed in Little Bristol Lane. Myself and Wendy Hughes called for speed restrictions up the lane, and we were advised to meet with David Grayson in Orchard Close, who assisted in the setting up of Charfield and District Residents Association.
I remember the hard work involved and we had no photocopier. I moved away from the area and on my return, found that it was still being published and I salute the team for keeping it going. Here's to the next forty years!
Linda Clothier
[Graphic Memorial Hall & Playing Fields] The 200 Club is a lottery which raises money for the Village Hall.
All members pay a yearly subscription of £12 (only £1 per month) of which all proceeds go towards the maintenance and daily management of the Village Hall. Once subscribed, they get to choose a number which is theirs for the year. Every month it is entered into a draw with cash prizes of £25 and 3, £10 prizes. Once a quarter we have an extra special prize of £50 (whoo I hear you all shout).
Here are the winners of the 200 Club for the last quarter.
£25 – Mr M Davies
£10 – K Stainthorpe
£10 – J Rosher
£10 – Dean Saunders
£25 – Mr and Mrs M Smith
£10 – Hannah Saunders
£10 – Mrs N Macnamara
£10 – Mrs L Drew
£50 – Mr and Mrs M Smith
£25 – Liane Cope
£10 – P Loveridge
£10 – D Skinner
£10 – J Leach
This year we are going to re-brand The 200 Club as The Charfield Village Lottery
This will be officially launched at the Village Fete on Monday 4th May 2015. This lottery has and will raise money for the continued maintenance of the Village Hall. If you pay on or before the 4th May you will receive two months free – paying just £10 for 12 months! Payments received after this date will be charged at the current £12.
You can drop your money (clearly marked FAO Ruth Balloch) – in to Charfield Garage BEFORE 4th May. Please fill in the form on this page and include in the envelope if you wish to join.
We will also be restructuring the prize money – earmarking 50% of the income for prizes and there will be 4 cash prize winners each month.
Please contact xxxx @ gmail.com with any queries.
Charfield Memorial Hall Management Committee.
[Graphic: Charfield Village Lottery “What's your number?]
I/We* wish to pay as indicated below:- By Cheque/Cash*
[PLEASE PRINT] * Delete as appropriate.
How many numbers would you like? …
Name(s) …
Address …
Signed …
Tel. No. …
☐ Please tick if a receipt is required.
Please make cheques payable to Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field.
[Graphic: Parking sign] The planners have their reasons for making our residential streets curvy – perhaps to slow down motorists, or perhaps because a grid system of strict straight lines is less aesthetically pleasing. Whatever the thought behind the meandering road layout, it can present a challenge when looking for a sensible parking place. There are also examples of homes being built in locations where the road layout is pre-existing and problematic.
We know that, even if it would seem desirable and sensible to control parking with double yellow lines in some places in the village, the authorities are loathe to get out the paintbrush unless they feel they can enforce the restriction. Enforcement takes traffic wardens or police time, so the planners rely on the common sense and courtesy of the residents and their visitors.
Inconsiderate parking can lead to problems; anything from causing minor inconvenience to other road users, (including cyclists and pedestrians), up to creating a really serious hazard. An ill-placed vehicle can obstruct important sight-lines. It can force drivers to commit to pass parked cars when they are essentially blind to any oncoming traffic.
As some of us haven't looked at the Highway Code since we sat our driving test, let us remind ourselves of sections of the Highway Code on the subject of parking:
Section 201
When using a driveway, reverse in and drive
out if you can.
Section 242
You MUST NOT leave your vehicle or trailer
in a dangerous position or where it causes
any unnecessary obstruction of the road.
Section 243
DO NOT stop or park:
Section 244
You should not park partially or wholly on the
pavement unless signs permit it. Parking on
the pavement can obstruct and seriously
inconvenience pedestrians, people in
wheelchairs or with visual impairments and
people with prams or pushchairs.
Section 248
You MUST NOT park on a road at night
against the direction of the traffic flow unless
in a recognised parking space. This is a
“MUST NOT” rule and therefore,
it constitutes a traffic offence. (The traffic
police could collect a fortune in fines in our
village alone on any night of the week!)
To conclude, best of all, park on your driveway if you have the space. If that isn't an option, please do think about where you park your vehicle – does it make life difficult or hazardous for everyone else?
[Graphic: Speed camera]
Are you concerned for the safety of your children as they walk or cycle to school or the playing field?
Would you like to see the traffic travelling through our village stick to the designated speed of 30mph?
Avon & Somerset Police, in conjunction with South Glos. Council, are trying to create a community speed watch group in Charfield. The aim of the group will be to monitor the speed of the traffic travelling through the village. Charfield is the only area left in South Glos which doesn't have its own speed watch group and because of government cutbacks, the traffic that travels through our village is less likely to be caught speeding.
So, if you feel strongly about the speeding of vehicles through our village and have an hour to spare every week or two, or even once a month, then we want to hear from you! Full training and equipment will be provided.
Email: xxxx @ btinternet.com for more details.
Vanessa Cole
[Graphic: World Challenge] Following on from my piece in the last newsletter, I am delighted to report that an extremely successful World Challenge fundraising event was held on Friday 27th March at the Memorial Hall, when Frankie Valli sound-alike Robin Maughan, performed a wide variety of songs from modern (Uptown Funk) to classic (Frank Sinatra) and a medley of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons hits which went down a storm and had everyone up on their feet dancing and singing along.
I have a long list of people to thank: everyone who turned up on the night; those who bought raffle tickets; everyone who helped setting up, clearing away and serving food and drink, Charfield Garage and Steve's Shop for selling tickets and those who donated raffle prizes (Mike Cheskin, Wickwar Brewery, Cotswold Edge Golf Club, Fish out of Water). Finally, thanks to Robin for giving up his time and donating CDs and to my and dad for supporting me on this venture.
I am off to Ecuador on July 10th, where I will be trekking, working with local communities and hopefully enjoying a bit of R&R. It's an opportunity of a lifetime and I am really looking forward to it.
If you didn't make it to the show, Robin and the ‘Let's Hang On Show’ will be performing again in Weston Super Mare on May 15th.
Joe Field
Charfield residents are
invited to the
Annual Parish
Tuesday 5th May 2015 at 7:30pm
Charfield Memorial Hall
Refreshments Available
(With thanks to Youth Group)
[Graphic: Charfield School]
See a full colour high definition
CHADRA update on our school website.
Welcome to our latest CHADRA update from Charfield School. In my last update to you I shared how our fantastic performance results compared with other schools nationally. The good news continues to come in! Just before the Easter break we were informed that Charfield School currently has the highest attendance rate in our locality, highlighting the dedication that everyone (pupils, staff and parents) has towards our very special school.
Staff News – During Spring Term, we were very pleased to welcome Mr Jones to our school meals supervisory team.
Cross-Country Achievements
Huge congratulations to all our Charfield
cross country runners for a successful
season. The team improved consistently
through the season. Well done to Megan W
who competed for the South Gloucestershire
team in the Gloucestershire Championship
cross country event on Saturday 21st March
and was placed 87th in a very strong and
experienced field. Megan was selected for
the event after competing in the KLB race
Tag Rugby
During the Six Nations Championship, the
school house teams competed against each
other in a Tag-Rugby Tournament. The
teams played brilliantly together, making for
exciting games.
Football News
The school football team continue to train
regularly. In the final week of term they
played St Andrews in a close end to end
game. The goals were frequent, ending in a
final score of 3–3.
Charfield School threw itself into the Comic relief spirit! Through the week the classes were very busy with “CRAFTERNOONS” making amazing crafts to sell in aid of Comic Relief. The actual day saw a sea of red around the school, as the children came dressed to impress, swapping an item of uniform for something red. At the end of the day there was sale of cakes and crafts. Total amount raised for Comic Relief was £584.71.
[Graphic: Charfield Change4Good]
The focus for this term is the James Hopkins Trust. Rev. Chris Mason organised an assembly for us so the James Hopkins Trust could explain what they do and who they help. We are going to donate the entry fee proceeds from our Village Fete Art competition to the Trust. http://www.jameshopkinstrust.org.uk/
Eclipse Watch [Graphic: Eclipse]
The whole school used
pinhole viewers and
colanders to watch the
eclipse. This was a VERY
rare occurrence and we were very pleased to
see it.
11Each class takes a turn publishing some work to our weekly newsletter. Below are some of the things the children have been learning about since the last CHADRA newsletter.
Bumblebee Class (Y6)
Year 6 studied all about China. Rachael's wrote a version of the ancient Chinese legend of Nian, the story on which Chinese New Year celebrations are based.
Ladybird Class (Y4)
The class of year 4 have been working hard on their ‘Coasts Topic’. In art, they looked at mixing different shades using watercolours.
Dragonfly Class (Y5)
Dragonflies topic about Space ended in a ‘Design A Rover’ competition. The winner, chosen by Miss Thorne's Family, was Evie B. Evie's rover, Adventury 23, was filled with scientific equipment to enable NASA to explore distant planets.
[Photo: Adventury 23 robot]
Beetle Class (Y3)
Beetles read the brilliant book ‘The Twits’ They created their own practical joke for one to play on the other and turned it into part of the story.
Grasshopper Class (Y2)
Year 2 children learnt a range of tag rugby skills! The coaches have taught them some great warm up games and the skills and awareness needed to play the game. They also gave the teachers some top tips so that they could still learn tag rugby, even without expert coaches!
Caterpillar Class (YR)
[Photo] Reception children were very creative making Spring-themed Hama bead creations. Ewan made a wonderful dragonfly which he worked on for long periods of time over 3 days!
Butterfly Class (Y1)
Year 1 went on a super and muddy trip to Redwood Forest! They did so many interesting activities related to their topic about rainforests, including making their very own rainforest in the wood!
Our school really gets fantastic support from our Friends … The results are fantastic
One Saturday afternoon a group of volunteer Friends (including pupils) took on a very physical job in our Adventure Playground. The group shovelled, heaved and raked 16m³ of bark to make sure our children have a soft landing while playing!
A HUGE thank you. The whole school appreciates your efforts.
Dafydd Lawday – Head Teacher
Charfield Primary School
Since the New Year, it has been a relatively quiet time in terms of fundraising events, which has been very welcome after such a busy (but amazing) end of 2014.
[Graphic: Movie Popcorn] Movie night at the school was our first event of the year. We had a great turn out from the children with 150 attendees eagerly awaiting the start of ‘How to Train your Dragon 2.’ We had a tuck shop and a return of the popcorn which went down so well last year. The event was a great success and we were able to raise a little over £400 on the night. All the children who attended were a credit to both the school and their parents, as their behaviour was exemplary. Thanks to everyone who helped with the preparation and running of the event.
We finished off the term with a tuck shop sale, selling off the final items of tuck that wouldn't last until later in the year. We were amazed to sell out of almost everything and in the process made over £70 in profit. I would imagine Steve's takings at the shop were down that day!
Some of the funds from last year were allocated to a refresh of the play bark in the adventure playground which was much needed as some of the areas were nearly down to the mud. With the help of Ian Pullen at Tree Management we added 20 cubic metres to cover the area on a damp and cold day in January. Many thanks Ian for a reduction in the cost and to the helpers who shifted all the bark. Radox was in demand that evening to ease all of the aching muscles!
With the funds that have been raised so far this year, we are hoping to start a number of initiatives over the coming months.
We are in the process of sprucing up the vegetable areas ready for a spring planting of vegetables that can be cared for by the children. Our aim is to assist in the education of a healthy balanced diet in line with new school guidelines for eating healthier. We are also hoping to extend the area with an increased number of beds and have requested a grant from the Parish Council to help achieve this. We are hoping to increase the number of beds to 7 so that each year group can have their own area. With the help of Mrs Miller and Mr Lawday, we are also hoping to refresh the reception outside play area which is much in need of some TLC.
On the 20th of June, Charfest will be back! We are building on the success of last year and adding to the activities to make the event an even more fun day for the entire family. We are struggling with bands though. So, if you know of any local bands who would like to take part, please get in touch with me. If you feel you have some ideas about potential future events, please get in touch, as we would be delighted to hear about events you feel would help support our local school and also bring the community together.
In the meantime, another way that you can help The Friends is through Easy Fund Raising. It couldn't be simpler to get involved you just need to register using the following link www.easyfundraising.org.uk/ causes/ friendsofcharfieldschool There are over 2000 retailers listed including Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Ebay and Argos etc. So the next time you are online, please try it out. We have already managed to raise over £1,800 to date through this scheme!
We are very much in need of volunteers to help at our events and on the committee. If you are a parent or guardian of a child at the school (or you'd just like to lend a hand) and you feel you can spare a couple of hours a month, get in touch and I can provide details of the next meeting.
I look forward to keeping you informed of our future events. Until then, once again, a very big thank you to everyone who has worked with and supported the Friends. [Graphic: Friends of Charfield Primary School]
Dave Ashby, Chair – The Friends of Charfield Primary School Tel: 07904 02xxxx
Spring finally seems to be on the way and it is nice to see the children being able to play outside. As usual there has been a lot going on at the club which continues to be open and very busy every morning and afternoon during term time. The children had great fun during the Easter holidays with lots of traditional Easter activities including cooking and chocolate fun!
We have also been busy fundraising. The committee organised a jumble sale and ragbags in January that raised £367, so thank you to everyone who supported this event.
[Graphic: Easter egg] The club held an Easter Egg raffle, which proved very popular with the children! We hope to spend some of the money raised on re-stocking our outdoor equipment with new tennis racquets, balls, footballs and a Swingball. The club has also received a grant of £930 from South Gloucestershire Council of to update its I.T. equipment.
Do look out for us at the Village Fete on 4th May with our ‘Splat the Rat’ stall and we'll also be at the very popular Charfest on 20th June with our ‘Goal Shoot’ game.
Bookings will soon be taken for the May half term, so if you need holiday childcare or if your children would simply like to play in a structured and caring environment, please contact the club for a booking form.
The committee would also like to say a big thank you to Wotton Accountancy Associates Limited for their excellent service and continued support with the preparation of the clubs financial statements. Their assistance is invaluable to our community driven non-profit making organisation.
Don't forget that our club is open to all children attending school up to the age of 13. During term time we are open from 07:30 until the start of school and after school until 18:00. During holidays and in service training days, we are open from 07:30 to 18:00. Check out the school website for more details www.charfieldschool.org.uk and follow the links. Please give it a go, we are sure your children will enjoy it and you will be impressed!
The Out of School Club Committee
[Graphic: Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Fields]
Join us for special events, serving teas and coffees, making cakes, and also making decisions about the day to day running of the hall by becoming a trustee.
This year we are specifically looking for a
new treasurer, secretary and vice
Come along to our AGM and see how
you can help!
Thursday 14th May 7.30pm
[Graphic: Hands]
Doors open at 7.15 if you want to chat to
a trustee, or to chat beforehand,
call Sue on
07530 31xxxx
There have been a number of changes within Charfield Juniors F.C., so I'd like to start by saying a public thank you to the recently resigned committee members, Nigel Cloke, Matt Fuller and Kevin Brett. Your tireless commitment has helped make the club what it is today and we wish you all well in your next endeavours.
The club is rapidly growing and we currently run 8 teams from U8s to U13s as well as having a development squad aged from 4 years totalling approximately 100 children, both girls and boys.
As the season draws to a close all the teams have made good progress and our U13 Blues team are on course to win their league within the Midglos Mini Soccer League and to make it to the cup final. Hopefully we'll have some good news to report at the end of the season.
As the club grows, so do our financial requirements. So over the coming months, we have a number of fundraising events beginning on 4th May at the Village Fete, where we'll be running a small tournament as we did last year and we'll also be hosting a penalty shoot-out. On 6th June we're holding our annual camping evening which is usually a fun time of camping, football and BBQ. This is followed on Sunday 7th June with Teas & Cakes at Tortworth Lake, so if you're out for a stroll that morning please stop by. At the end of June, 27th & 28th, we're hosting our first football tournament for age groups 8 to 13 as well as a Vets competition. Hopefully the weather will be good and everyone will have an enjoyable time.
We've recently erected some boards around our pitch at Tortworth and this has created a sponsorship opportunity for anybody who would be interested, please contact us for details on the number below.
If you would like your child to play, would like to volunteer in any capacity or would like further information on the forthcoming events or the club in general then please contact me on
Andy Leeds
Club Secretary/U9s Coach
0758015xxxx or email
xxxx @ outlook.com.
[Graphic: Drama masks]
They say in the world of stage performance you are only as good as your last show. Well I disagree. To me, it's the wonderful people you share the adventure and experience with and those memoires last long after the curtains have closed.
As we are busy rehearsing for our next performance, there is a certain unspoken sadness in the group as we know this will be the last time we perform with Ken Cox (for those of you lucky enough to see Aladdin he played my mother Widow Twanky) before he moves on to pastures new. I have had the pleasure of performing with many wonderful people in the five years since I started the group and Ken is definitely up there with the best of them.
Fawlty Towers is coming to Charfield Memorial Hall on May 29th 7.30pm and May 30th 2.30/7.30pm. Tickets will be on sale in Steve's shop from the 1st May priced £5 and are limited to 50 per performance. The rest will then be £6 on the door.
If you have been to our shows and enjoyed yourself and thought I could do that or know of someone that would like to join our family then please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
Steve Picking xxxx @ gmail.com
[Graphic: Palm Sunday] I'm writing this on Palm Sunday (29 March this year), one of my favourite Sundays. It marks the day Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph on a donkey over a carpet of palm leaves. I find the mixed emotions of Palm Sunday – the celebration, but knowing what is to come – really moving.
I always think it's brilliant that (according to St John's gospel) the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection was a woman – Mary Magdalen.
That brings me neatly on to another really welcome piece of news, which is that Gloucester has a new bishop, and she's a woman. Rachel Treweek has been Archdeacon of Hackney for four years and is aiming to be ‘a voice that speaks up for those who are marginalised’. She will be the first female bishop to actually run a diocese and we are all looking forward to welcoming her to the diocese of Gloucester.
After Easter, we will be in the period of Pentecost or Whitsunday, which this year is on 24 May. In addition to the 9.30 service that day, there will be a Pentecost Praise evening service at 6pm.
In between Easter and Pentecost are Rogation Sunday and Ascension Day. Rogation Sunday is on 10 May this year. It was traditionally a day when the crops were blessed and people walked the boundaries of a parish. The five parishes in our group are organising walks, ending up at Wickwar for tea at 4pm
Demystifying church services
A lot of people are nervous about coming to a church service, especially if they haven't been for a while – or perhaps ever. Please do come and join us. We're not scary! The orders of service show clearly when we speak (it's written in bold text), and you will be told when to stand up or sit down. If it's a service with eucharist (communion) then you can choose either to come to the altar rail and be blessed (keep your arms by your side if you're not taking communion) or to remain in your seat. We're a very friendly congregation – when we exchange the peace, everything has to stop while we all walk about saying hello to each other – and we have coffee and biscuits afterwards (or home-made cakes if we're lucky). It's very friendly and you can join in as much or as little as you like. [Graphic: All are Welcome]
Charfield Change 4 Good
This is an initiative of the church, chapel and school. For the spring and summer terms we are supporting the James Hopkins Trust, a charity which provides practical help for severely disabled, life-threatened and life-limited young children with nursing needs, aged 5 years and under, living in Gloucestershire. Since 1989, the James Hopkins Trust has helped over 350 children and families in every corner of Gloucestershire, to the staggering amount of over 150,000 hours of nursing – free to those that desperately need it.
Events so far have included a talk to the schoolchildren and a couple of social events. The Lent lunches also raised a fantastic £328 for this cause. Future events will include a tea party and a school art competition; paintings will be exhibited at the village fete.
For other events, see inside back page of this newsletter.
And finally …
Don't forget we also have Traidcraft produce available, and books and jams for sale in church. The Reading Group also takes place monthly (contact Chris Mason on 01454 26xxxx for more details).
For details of regular services, see our ad in this issue.
To contact the clergy, call Revd. David Russell on 01454 29xxxx or Revd. Chris Mason on 01454 26xxxx or email xxxx @ gmail.com.
You are warmly invited to our services and events, please read on for further details.
Senior Citizen's Summer Lunch – give us a call to book your place. Numbers would be appreciated beforehand, please, for catering purposes.
Please note this is a free lunch, however, donations can be made to one of our chosen charities. Please note that lifts can be provided for those who cannot make their own way. There will also be musical entertainment from ‘God's Grampies’.
Saturday 6th June at 12 noon – afternoon lunch, sandwiches, cakes, scones, jam and cream.
Special services
On Sunday 10th May at 11am, we have a Blythswood Care representative coming along to take our service, he will talk to us about all the recent shoe box work.
On Sunday 7th June at 11am, we have a rather different service, – it will be our Youth Service. All welcome, especially all young people.
On Sunday 28th June at 3pm, we have the Jigsaw Choir coming along to present their concert, they came last year too, and were excellent. Tea and cake will be served afterwards. There will be no 11am morning service this day.
Bacon rolls coffee mornings
[Graphic: Coffee cup] Saturday 9th May, 10am–12 noon. All proceeds will go to Blythswood Care, our Christmas Shoe Box charity. We also have a Blythswood Care representative attending. The charity provides practical help, love and support for those in need.
Saturday 11th July, 10am–12 noon – All proceeds will go to CRY (Care and Relief for the Young). Ray Avent from CRY will be visiting, to keep us up to date with the charity. CRY is a Christian charity dedicated to caring for disadvantaged, destitute and suffering children, young people and their families.
Bible study and services
We hold a Bible study with short prayer time every Tuesday evening from 7.30pm. We discuss interesting topics, and have just started studying Genesis.
Our Youth Café is open every Thursday evening, at Chapel, 7pm–9pm, please pass this message on to any young person that may like to come along.
We have a dedicated Facebook page, please ‘like’ us to receive our latest updates – www.facebook.com/CharfieldChapelYouthCafe. We would love to know your ideas too – please get in touch.
Our services are held every Sunday at 11am with tea/ coffee and biscuits afterwards, where a friendly welcome awaits. We also have our very own Sunday School ‘King's Kidz’, where all primary school-age children are most welcome.
We now also have a Teen Class (aged 13–17) which meets regularly on a Sunday Morning at the same time as Sunday School.
For more information on any of the above, or to book your place on one of the Senior Citizen's lunches, please feel free to contact April Palmer on 01453 84xxxx, email xxxx @ hotmail.co.uk or call Nicola Lanyi on 01454 26xxxx.
Have you taken a look at The Charfield Community website lately? Visit it and you'll find a calendar of forthcoming local events, a local business directory, photos, classified section where you can buy and sell goods (free!) and stimulating discussions on local issues in the Forum.
You can even read archived copies of CHADRA dating back to the 1970s so you can see how the village has changed. It's YOUR community website, so use it! www.charfield.org
Alison White
[Graphic: Girlguiding UK girls in the lead]
District Commissioners Message:
We are delighted to welcome Ailsa Devon to Charfield. She is a ‘fully qualified’ Rainbow Leader who has come to live in the village. She will be helping Dani at Charfield Rainbows whilst she settles in to life here. I am sure that the girls and leaders will make her feel very much at home.
Sadly, Charfield Brownie Pack remains closed whilst we seek new adult volunteers to run the unit. Are you an adult female who would like to make a positive difference to the girls of Charfield? If so, have you considered giving up a couple of hours per week to help run the Brownie Pack? It is good fun and there is plenty of support available. If you would like to know more, please contact one of the District Commissioners, Jackie or Sarah (see the back page of the newsletter for contact details), or register your interest via the Girlguiding website: www.girlguiding.org.uk
Would your daughter like to be a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or member of the Senior Section? We have Rainbows in Charfield and Wotton, Brownies in Kingswood and Wotton and Guides and Senior Section in Wotton. To put a name on a waiting list please register via the Girlguiding website: www.girlguiding.org.uk
Jackie Woodall & Sarah Norton
1st Charfield Rainbows
Rainbows is a part of the ‘Girl Guide Association’ and is for girls aged 5 to 7 years. If you have a little girl or know of one who might be interested in joining 1st Charfield Rainbows in the future, please send an email to xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk so their names can be added to the waiting list.
Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire and Moonstone
2nd Charfield Brownies
Closed – seeking volunteers to run the Pack, please contact Sarah or Jackie District Commissioners.
2nd Wotton (Charfield) Guides
Thursday 7.30pm–9pm at Charfield Memorial Hall (Summer Term) for girls 10–14 years old. This term we have been doing our ‘chocolate challenge’, not much of a challenge really – the decorated Easter Eggs for the last day of term left us all in a sugar haze! Next term we are back at Charfield, and looking forward to playing games on the Multi Use Games Area. We are always looking for leaders. Please get in touch if you think you would like to get involved! Contact xxxx @ hotmail.com
[Graphic: Help Wanted] Do you have some spare time in the evenings? Meetings are likely to be on a Tuesday, and any help would be gratefully received – even if you can only commit to once a month, we would love to hear from you! Are you a whizz at accounts? Do you like organising games and activities? Do you want to meet some lovely people in the Wotton area? Then come and join us and find out what Girlguiding is all about! Leadership qualification and mentoring are available for those who are interested – a great addition to any CV!
Senior Section
Wanted! Girls aged 14+ for fun filled adventures! Are you interested in having fun, finding new places to visit and meeting new friends? Then Senior Section is the place for you. You do not need to have been a Brownie or Guide before. All you need is just a sense of adventure!
If you would like your daughter to join Girlguiding UK please contact the relevant leader, or go to:
[Graphic: Cyclist] Since the group's last CHADRA entry, the Cubs and Scouts have enjoyed a visit to St Briavels Castle Youth Hostel. The Scouts spent the Saturday cycling with a few jumps and ‘tricks’ on route but unfortunately got caught in a huge downpour of rain. The Cubs meanwhile, were visiting the ‘Amazing Hedge Puzzle’, playing maze games, mini golf, visiting the butterfly centre which was fantastic, and for a finale, laser tag. It was a fun filled day for the Cubs but unfortunately our trip back to pick the Scouts up was delayed by a fallen tree which had been struck by the same storm that soaked the Scouts!
The next day, after our tour of the Castle with its spooky stories, we all set off for Clearwell Caves. The Cubs took the upper levels which were getting ready for the Christmas grotto. It was a bit weird seeing snow laden trees in the caves! The Scouts meanwhile, went down the really, really deep caves. They all managed it and I think enjoyed it. At one point they were short of an adult. Normally I would be the first to volunteer, but not caving. I had already told the Cubs and Scouts I will do heights, water but not enclosed spaces! Luckily, Wesley (Badger) stepped in, or should I say ‘down’ and in his best uniform as well, (although he was supplied with overalls). Thanks Wes! Both places are well worth a visit.
We had a fantastic show of young people at the Remembrance Service in Cromhall. Only 10 young people out of 103 were absent, the church was packed. Well done to our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and to their parents.
The Group Carol Service was as equally popular at St John's Church, Charfield. Each section contributed towards the service and we finished with mulled wine or squash and mince pies or biscuits, a good start to the Christmas celebrations.
After the Easter break, the Cubs and Scouts will be holding their meetings at our Avening Green site, which will have a new kitchen installed, and the party tent which is our wet weather accommodation, will have a new hard standing – no more muddy floors! We're very lucky to have the two sites making it easy for the leaders to follow a full programme of indoor and outdoor activities. The Beavers will remain at Cromhall HQ until the end of May, when hopefully the weather will be a bit warmer and the midges will have gone.
Regarding our group numbers, we are still running at full capacity in Beavers with a good waiting list. We still recommend that parents add their children well before they are 6 years old, in order for them to get a place. Meanwhile, due to the Scouts raising their numbers on a Monday and Tuesday evening, we have a few extra Cub spaces in both Wednesday and Thursday nights for boys and girls aged 8 to 10½. On Tuesday night Scouts we have a couple of spaces again for boys and girls aged 10 to 14. If you do have a child who is interested in joining us please give Allison Trueman or myself a call on the numbers on the back page, or use the contact form on the group website. www.####.uksites.org.uk.
We are also looking for some more leaders, we may be losing our one and only female Scout Leader for a while towards the end of summer so we could do with a replacement.
Lion Pack Cubs have 2 leaders at the moment but we could do with a third. If anyone can spare a few hours, we would love to hear from you, again my contact details are on the back page or use the contact form on our website.
1st Woodend will be selling burgers and sausages, tuck shop and other bits and pieces at Charfield's Community Fete on Monday 4th May 2015. Please come and support the village (and us). If it turns out to be like last year's event it will be a wonderful day.
Yours in Scouting
Sandra Carnegie
Group Scout Leader [Graphic: SCOUTS be prepared …]
19[Graphic: 1st Woodend Scout Group]
Budding Young Artists
The Lion Pack Cubs have had a go at some Charfield artwork and what talent they have!
Here's a selection of some of the artwork from each subject area:
[Drawing: Charfield School – Daniel Pockett
[Drawing: Charfield Memorial – Bethan Skuse]
[Drawing: The Pear Tree – Caitlin Witham]
[Drawing: Charfield Spitfire – Benjamin Ashby]
[Drawing: St. John's Church – Lucas Banks]
[Drawing: Railway Tavern – Joshua Johnson]
Wow, writing time again. Firstly I'd like to
thank you, my dear readers, for your
encouraging comments. I do wonder, as I
keep you up to date with the Smith family
happenings, if it's entertaining enough? Still
it's no different to writing to your mates is it?
I'm sitting here, April 3rd, watching
‘Springwatch’, thinking about what you would
like to hear about when Keith said, “I saw a
stoat the other day.”
Well I think that's a pretty good start isn't it?
I want to get something out of the way. Keith and I were walking down to the Tavern for his end of season crib dinner. We walked past the Memorial Hall car park only to see the lovely new bench/seat set in the stone wall damaged. I sit there every other week waiting for my lift share to tap dancing. How or why it happened I don't know, but if it was done to upset at least one person in the village then it has most definitely worked.
Now for a change of tone. I want to publicly thank the FRIENDS OF CHARFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL for their hard work in all the fund raising they do. I have a reminder of this every day – The School Adventure Playground. Even when the weather is not suitable to go on the playing field and the children are on the playground the Adventure Playground comes into its own. Yes I do segregate the ages. The first half hour is for the littlies and the second for the biggies – A definite change of playing attitude. However, the point of this comment is that the fantastic fundraising has enabled our school to have a wonderful “piece of kit” for the children and can be used all year round. “thank you.”
Right, I'm getting this off to you pretty sharpish despite only 3 days to deadline, what's new you cry? My dear Mum is a bit OTB, (off the boil) so I'm fizzing and buzzing up the M4 tomorrow.
'Till we chat again, best wishes [Graphic: Have a Nice Day]
Love, Maz
Thornbury Choral Society
Thornbury Choral Society presents a stunning première with which to set your spirits soaring.
In Praise of Life Itself
Beethoven Symphony No. 9
Arguably the best symphony ever written, this is a truly glorious vision of love, tolerance and universal brotherhood.
Dvořák Te Deum
A richly tuneful hymn of praise in keeping with the sense of joy and thanksgiving with which we can welcome the arrival of Spring.
The concert takes place on Saturday May 9th, 7.30pm at The Castle School, Thornbury under the musical direction of Steven Kings. He will be joined by soloists – Stephanie Edwards (soprano), Louise Crane (alto), Justin Lavender (tenor), Edmund Saddington (bass) and the Bristol Ensemble orchestra.
Tickets cost £12, students £2
Purchase in advance from …
Thornbury Town Hall Box Office (open 9.00am–5pm Monday to Friday)
Ruth Piolle (ticket secretary) on 01454 41xxxx or from any choir member
See www.thornburychoralsociety.org.uk for further information.
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[Advert for St John's Church Cream Teas]
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#[Advert for Franks Garage]
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#[Advert for Zumba]
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[Advert for Manor garden Maintenance]
[Advert for Oak Tree Nursery]
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[Advert for Alan Hamer driving]
#[Advert for St John's Charfield]
[Advert for Charfield memorial Hall & playing Fields]
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[Advert for The Edge Health & Beauty]
[Advert for Buddug Green reflexology]
[Advert for Elcombe Fire & Wood]
[Advert for Bradley Garage]
Cut out this page and pin it to your notice board.
There are 2 sections to CMH – the Main Hall (M) & the Sportsman's Lounge (S) plus the Playing Field (F)
Day | Section | Activity | Contact | Start | Finish |
MONDAY | M | Music with Mummy | Caroline French | 10:00 | 11:15 |
MONDAY | M | Rainbows | Dani Bindon | 16:30 | 17:30 |
MONDAY | M | Karate for 7–11 year olds | Kathryn Thorpe | 17.30 | 18.30 |
MONDAY | M | Aerobics | Claire Adams | 18:30 | 19:30 |
MONDAY | F | Touch Rugby (summer) | Andrew Cope | 18:30 | 19:30 |
TUESDAY | M | Keep Fit | Christine Parfitt | 10:00 | 11:00 |
TUESDAY | M | Brownies | Looking for new leader | ||
(2nd Tues) | M | Parish Council meeting | Hannah Saunders | 19:30 | 22:30 |
TUESDAY | S | Youth Group | Simon Gillings/ Terri | 19:00 | 21:30 |
WEDNESDAY | S+F | Football Training | Jeremy Lewis | 18:30 | 21:30 |
WEDNESDAY | M | Little Stars Toddler Group | Helen Ashby | 10:00 | 11:30 |
WEDNESDAY | M | Lunch Club (Elderly residents) | Ros Nieboer/ Ann Hyland | 10:00 | 14:00 |
WEDNESDAY | M | Karate for 7–11 year olds | Kathryn Thorpe | 17.30 | 18.30 |
WEDNESDAY | M | Circuits | Claire Adams | 18:30 | 19:30 |
WEDNESDAY | M | Exercise class | Paul Belton | 19:45 | 20:45 |
THURSDAY | M | Zumba | Andrea Benson | 18:30 | 19:30 |
(1st Thurs) | S | Hall Committee meeting | Hall Committee | 19:30 | 23:00 |
Last Thursday | S | Junior FC meeting | Andy Leeds | 19.30 | 21:00 |
THURSDAY | M | Girlguides (occasional) | Catherine Bindon | 19:30 | 21:00 |
FRIDAY | M | Dance Classes | Mandy Osborne | 15:30 | 17:30 |
Weekend | S+F | May–Sept, Cricket season 3 teams | Nick Hunt | ||
Weekend | S+F | Football season | Jeremy Lewis |
For any contact information please contact xxxx @ charfield.org
4th – Charfield Community Fete
5th – Annual Parish Meeting 7.30pm
7th – General, local and parish elections
9th – Thornbury Choral Society concert – Castle School
14th – Memorial Hall AGM 7.30pm
29th – C.A.D.S. – Fawlty Towers production 7.30pm
30th – C.A.D.S. – Fawlty Towers production 2.30pm & 7.30pm
6th – Charfield Junior Football Camping Eve
7th – Charfield Junior Football Teas at Tortworth Lake
14th – Cream teas in church grounds St Johns
14th – CUGUC Open Village Gardens 2–5pm
19th – Memorial Hall Fundraiser – TV themed Quiz 8pm
20th – Charfest
27th & 28th – Charfield Junior Football Tournament
28th Jigsaw Choir at Congregational Church 3pm
11th – CRY (Care & Relief for Young) charity event at Congregational Church
If you wish to alter the entries below email xxxx @ gmail.com
British Legion
David Millman (Hon Sec) 01454 26xxxx
CADS (Charfield Amateur Dramatics Group)
Steve Picking 07583 56xxxx
Charfield Pre-School
Debra Davidson (Manager/Admissions) 07966 61xxxx
Email:- xxxx @ gmail.com
Louise Sydney xxxx @ gmail.com
Charfield Primary School
Dafydd Lawday 01454 26xxxx
Church – Congregational
Nicky Lanyi 01454 26xxxx
Church – St. John's
Rev Chris Mason 01454 261971
Rev David Russell 01454 294267
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Clean Up Green Up Charfield
Vanessa Cole
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Community Dementia Link
Amanda Pearson 07814 69xxxx
Council – Charfield Parish
Hannah C Saunders (Clerk) 01454 32xxxx
Parish Council, PO Box 1947, Bristol. BS37 0BU
Email clerk @ charfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Council – South Gloucestershire
John O'Neill 01454 86xxxx 01454 26xxxx
Email xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
Cricket Club
Jeremy Hull 01453 52xxxx
Tony Field 01454 26xxxx
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Friends of Charfield Primary School
Dave Ashby (Chair) 0790402xxxx
Email xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Foundation Room
Bryan Grantham 01454 26xxxx
Junior Football Club
Andy Leeds 075801xxxx
Keep Fit Club
Christine Parfitt 01454 26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the Elderly
Jane Higgins 01454 26xxxx
Memorial Hall
Bookings 07774 41xxxx
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Chairman Liam Balloch 07947 43xxxx
Newsletter – See inside front cover
Out of School Club
Pat Loveridge 01454 26xxxx
or 07816 23xxxx
Sally-Anne Barnes 01453 84xxxx
Email xxxx @ tiscali.co.uk
Police (if not a 999 call)
Call Handling Centre 101
Reporting crimes in person now at Chipping Sodbury
Police Station
Following are strictly non urgent and not reporting crime
PC Lee Bainbridge voicemail 0117 945 xxxx
PC Lee Bainbridge mobile 07919 62xxxx
PCSO Hayley Harrison mobile 07825 38xxxx
PCSO Sean McKinnon 07825 38xxxx
Round Table – Wotton and District
John Francksen (Hon Sec) 01453 84xxxx
Rainbows – 1st Charfield – Mon 4.30–5.30pm
Dani Bindon 07527 77xxxx
Email: xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Brownies – 2nd Charfield – Tues 5.30–7pm. Contact District Commissioners
Guides – 2nd Wotton Thurs 7.30–9pm
Sarah Cocker xxxx @ hotmail.com
Senior Section every other Thursday
Lynsey xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Girlguiding – Wotton District Commissioners
Sarah Norton 01453 52xxxx xxxx @ tesco.net
Jackie Woodall 01453 84xxxx xxxx @ talk21.com
Tae Kwon Do
Andy Reynolds 07909 92xxxx
Tennis Club
Tony Field 0787703xxxx
Transport Scheme
Marion Smith 01454 26xxxx
Beavers Tues 6.15–7.15pm
Tina Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Lion Cubs Wed 6.30–8.00pm
Alison Moore 07712 47xxxx.
Tiger Cubs Thurs 6.30–8.00pm
Wesley Price 0795567xxxx
Scouts Mon 6.30–8.30pm / Tues 7.00–9.00pm
Mike Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Explorers Thurs 7.30–9.30pm Contact TBC
Group Scout Leader Sandra Carnegie 01454 26xxxx 0795567xxxx
AGSL (waiting lists) Allison Trueman 01454 26xxxx
This issue was produced on 30 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2017-02-13.