Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 2014.
Chelsea Pensioner Opens St John's Church Summer Festival
First World War Centenary
Members of the CHADRA Team
Help Wanted! For Remembrance Sunday
Royal Horticultural Society Visit Charfield
Charfield Parish Council
From Your Local Councillor
Charfield Primary School
Parish Council Elections – your Parish Needs You!
Clean Up Green Up Charfield – A busy period!
St John's Charfield
Quite simply, a Proper Farce
Tortworth VC Primary School
Safer & Stronger Community Groups
Charfield Open Gardens
Dementia Support Group
Charfield Congregational Church
Friends of Charfield School
Bat Walk!
CADS – News From Back Stage
Out of School Club
Steve's Shop and Post Office
Reflections On Having A New Hip In A New Hospital
Seaside Fever
Memorial Hall
1st Woodend Scout Group
Girlguiding News
Charfield Memorial Hall 200 Club
New Housing Development Goes to Appeal
New Editor for CHADRA
Diary Dates
Village Organisations
Rosemarie Berry, one of the organisers at St John's Church Festival, pictured with Chelsea Pensioner Mr Michael Allen.
Mr Allen was invited to officially open the Festival which took place on Saturday July 5th.
The event also included for the first time a Community Flower Festival. Many local groups and organisations entered wonderful flower displays, the church looked beautiful. Well done to all involved.
On August 4th 1914 at 11.00pm His Majesty's Government announced that this country was in a state of war.
Residents of Charfield are invited to attend a short vigil on the centenary of the commemoration of World War 1
Please join us in a civic act of witness and remembrance on
Monday 4th August at 10.00pm in St. John's Church
Further information may be obtained from Revd. Chris Mason:
xxxx @ btinternet.com
01454 26xxxx
Joan Crowfoot | Vice-Chairman, Newsletter Printing | xx, Wotton Road 01453 84xxxx |
Vanessa Cole | Adverts for New Traders and changes to adverts for existing traders | xxxx Cottage, Elbury View 01453 52xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Linda Felton | Secretary | xx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Julia O'Connor-Beach | Treasurer | xx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Barbara Adams | Committee member | Xxxx Xxxx, Wotton Road 01454 26xxxx |
Marion & Angela Smith | Newsletter Distribution | xxx Manor Lane 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ xxxx.freeserve.co.uk |
Isabel Davies | Until 31/8/2014 Newsletter Production And Editorial Issues | xxx Woodlands Road 01454 26xxxx xxxx @ gmail.com |
Deborah Field | Committee Member | x Woodlands Road 01454 26xxxx |
Alison White | From Sep 2014 Newsletter Production And Editorial Issues | xxx Woodlands Road xxxx @ gmail.com |
Next Copy Date – 6 October 2014
If you would like to write an article for the next issue, or make comments on articles published, please e-mail these to xxxx @ gmail.com
Our wonderful chef for the first 4 years of the bacon butty morning on Remembrance Sunday has asked that we find someone to take on the job of cooking the bacon this year.
We experimented last year and found it worked best with a gas barbecue alongside the hall. An awning was on hand in case of foul weather. You would be needed from about 9 till 10.45 on the day. No more than that.
If you have a reasonably large gas barbie and would like to help out, please get in touch!
(call Julia on 01454 26xxxx)
Clean Up Green Up Charfield?
Or: Clearly Unequalled Group of
Unbeatable Charfielders?
They are far too modest to tell you, but today (9 July) there was an inspection by the RHS of the work undertaken to date by CUGUC, its committee and its helpers.
The results of the inspection will be received in due course, but today one of the inspectors was moved to say that, whether the marking system and judging criteria allowed an award or not (which remains to be seen), he had been so impressed by the quality of organisation and documentation, and the way in which CUGUC had been set up and what had been achieved in such a short time, that he was going to recommend that it be used as an example of how to establish a community project of this type. In many years of inspecting, he had rarely seen such a brilliantly organised group.
We have all seen what CUGUC has achieved around the village and we are all reaping the benefit of their efforts to improve our village and our surroundings. The poppies near the bridge, the village hall car park, the school frontage, and so much more. Now that you know just what a brilliant, professional approach they have, and how solid their organisation is, perhaps you will be moved to answer the call when they ask for volunteers to help them in their work.
They deserve no less than our full support.
Well done CUGUC! You are already winners.
Hello from Charfield Parish Council, this part of which has finally begun to stop sneezing after the thunderstorm and rain took down the pollen count. I am thinking this year has been the worst for hay fever I can remember in recent years, and I'm tarting to think South Gloucestershire's decision to reduce the grass cutting of roadside verges has a consequential impact nobody gave much thought to. Lovely though the long grasses and emerging wildflowers are, if I'm to suffer a fortnight of being unable to see, or breathe, or pretty much go outside at all, I'm not a fan. Ah, at least I'm not sitting exams … I still blame hay fever for my o-levels …
There's lots going on around the village as usual, and a lot of things coming up that need your attention and hopeful involvement. I'm sure you've noticed the work going on in the playing field, which will be completed by the time you read this. The Multi-Use Games Area, or MUGA, is a self-contained game facility which offers five a side football and 4basketball courts, and indeed lends itself to many other uses.
It sits in the space that was taken up with the old Trim Trail and the infamous Blue Hut. The money for this installation came in part from the s106 payment from the Kings Meadow development, several grants and gifts from local businesses. Although the whole Council hold responsibility for everything it does, I'd like to thank Cllr Ian Kershaw for all the work he did in securing the tenders and grants that resulted in this new asset for our kids (and us older kids?)
I'm also amazed by the changes in the village brought about by the Clean Up Green Up Charfield, or CUGUC Group! From the early spring crocus plantings to the commemorative poppy planting by the new homes at the corner of little Bristol Lane, to the school frontage and planters, to the ongoing improvements at the Memorial Hall, these people have such energy and enthusiasm. CUGUC, you are an inspiration!
On a similar subject you'll have noticed some tree work in the corner of the Hall car park. This was required due to alleged subsidence at a nearby property, but I'm sure the newly open space will be another blank canvas upon which further improvements will happen.
I'm always willing to discuss it, but I believe the people of Charfield live here in part because they enjoy the green about them and they prefer living in a village. It's why I moved here from Bristol more than a decade ago (no, probably not a local yet, but my hearts in the right place). When the village is faced with significant change, therefore, I try to imagine how the changes of years ago affected the place. Woodlands, Longs View, the Manor estate … each brought with it new assets and new challenges. So when the two large developments, one at the Renishaw end of the village and one by the school, came in close together it was with some trepidation that I awaited the planning decisions from South Gloucestershire Council. Both were refused, which to my mind reflected the needs and wishes of the village. Now, at least one has gone to appeal and that will take place in the new year.
Following the Housing Needs Survey, carried out in response to the Village Plan outcomes, it became clear that although some small additional housing was required over and above the occasional infill build, no large developments were sought or felt necessary. Subsequently, South Gloucestershire Council held a community engagement event on 16th July (in the future as I type this) to check whether you really agreed with these findings. I'm very hopeful you all went and reinforced the survey findings with South Gloucestershire, because the engagement event will certainly have a bearing on the appeal(s). The new planning processes resulting from the coalition's New Planning Policy Framework, and the Localism Act take many of our defences against over development away from us. So we need to be wakefully aware of what we want and need, or others will decide for us.
Mark Rosher – Chairman
Charfield Parish Council
It's time once again, in the midst of this glorious summer weather, to have an update on what is happening at South Gloucestershire Council that affects or will have an impact on us in Charfield.
The major piece of work going on at this time is the Policies, Sites and Places plan. This will form a key part of the up to date local plan alongside the Councils Core Strategy, and will set out the detailed development management policies that will be used to assess planning applications in the future.
It details the outcomes of consultation with local communities and the Parish Councils, setting out how they would like 5to see their areas develop in the future. Also included in the plan is the future proposals by CEMEX for Wickwar Quarry which is actually in the Parish of Charfield so is relevant to us all.
Among its provisions, the plan also sets out the Council's proposed policy on the Oldbury nuclear power station new build. This is a project that will have a huge impact on South Gloucestershire with the creation of up to 20,000 jobs and up to 10,000 working on site at the height of the project.
Junction 14 is the nearest motorway junction to Oldbury, and some of the points that I have requested to be placed in the policy are a complete reconfiguration of the junction to enable traffic to flow more smoothly. Also the provision of a park and share facility to remove vehicles from the verges.
This document is now out to public consultation to the 28th August and if you wish to add anything or make comments then visit the website.
Superfast broadband is still on target and the first homes and businesses in Charfield will be able to order superfast broadband later in the summer. Order via your internet service provider, as far as I am aware it will be made available to all providers, superfast broadband is designated as 24mb, so check speeds with your ISP.
I am sure that everyone is aware that the speed cameras have been turned off since 2011. Avon and Somerset Constabulary have requested to the local authorities within their area that they wish the cameras to be turned back on.
At the June PTSE meeting the committee voted to sell the council owned cameras to the police for a nominal fee who will now reactivate and operate them.
There is a mix of digital and Gatso wet film cameras on our roads The Gatso cameras are now considered obsolete and it is the digital red light/speed cameras that will be reactivated. As this policy will probably spread to neighbouring authorities I would urge caution when driving.
The council has received an appeal against the refusal of planning permission to the 104 houses on the land known as Charfield Green, this can be found on the planning website. If you wish to make any comments they will be to the Planning Inspector who will decide on this application.
I have had an initial site visit with the Highways Department, Decide and Assess team, regarding the investigation of a pedestrian crossing in the New Street/Wotton Road area. They have decided that the only feasible place to site this is at the Longsview walkway that was established as part of the walk to school plan. I will keep you up to date with this and any further news in future issues.
John O'Neill
xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
Welcome to Charfield Primary's CHADRA contribution. It seems such a long time since I last wrote to you! We have had an amazing year. In fact there are so many great things that have happened that I cannot fit them into the CHADRA! However if after reading this condensed version you want to find out more, please have a look at the full version on our school website.
6Remember you can stay up to date with the school's achievements through our weekly Newsletter which is also published on our school Website.
[Photo] Mrs Windram
– After many years of service
at Charfield Primary School,
Mrs Windram has decided to
move on to new challenges.
Mrs Windram has taught many
Charfieldians and brought music to life in
our school.
Miss Lea – From September Miss Lea will join us as our Year 4 teacher. Miss Lea has been working at Charfield for a few weeks to cover a class.
[Photo] Mrs Hill
I would also like to
congratulate Mrs Hill on her
thoroughly deserved
secondment to Severn Beach
School as Associate Head.
The secondment will be for Autumn Term,
2½ days a week. We are very pleased
that we have also retained Mrs Hill for 2½
days a week as our Deputy Head
Mrs Howse – I would also like to welcome Mrs Howse to the Charfield team. Mrs Howse will join us in Year 2 and work closely with Mrs Morrissey.
[Photo] [Photo] Miss East and Miss Thorne
– I was very pleased that both Miss East
and Miss Thorne accepted permanent
positions here at Charfield.
Both teachers have made a great impact
on our school; both inside and outside the
[Photo] Mr Crocker
Congratulations to Mr Crocker on
securing a new position in a
Gloucestershire School. Mr Crocker is a
fantastic member of staff and although we
are sad to see him move on, we all wish
him every success in his new venture.
Finally I am pleased to announce that Mr Galsworthy will be joining us in September as a class teacher. Mr Galsworthy has taught in South Gloucestershire schools and is very excited about becoming part of the Charfield team.
I am sure you will join with me in wishing our outgoing teacher's every success in their new ventures and also welcoming our new teacher's to our amazing school.
Charfield is a rich learning environment
and our children are fantastic learners.
The children's first teachers and role
models (their parents) give them a great
start. It is our mission to ensure the
children that great start is built upon and
Each week a class has a turn publishing work in our weekly Newsletter. Please take a look at our Online CHADRA and Weekly Newsletters for examples of the Children's fantastic contributions.
As you know last year we had a very successful year for outcomes and we are currently waiting for the results of this year's SAT assessments. Our Year 6's have been brilliant throughout this year and we are very proud of the enthusiasm and resilience they have shown. KLB & 7Castle will be very lucky to have them as Year 7's
Charfield's physical activity and
involvement in sports has been
impressive this year. The children have
told us that they appreciate the extra
opportunities. Thank you to all who
volunteer to coach, transport and support
regularly. You play a vital part enabling us
be involved in competitions.
Charfield has taken part in the following
competitions and tournaments
• Area Sports
• Youth Festival of Sport
• Netball Tournament
• Football Tournaments & Inter
school matches
• Tag Rugby Tournaments
• Cricket Tournaments
[Graphic: Friends] Our fantastic Friends have
been hard at work throughout
the year. They are always
coming up with ingenious ways to support
the school and village with community
Since May, the team have held numerous
events including:
• Cinema Evening
• Friends run Bristol 10k
• Stall at Village Fair
• Fun 'n' Games at Farm Open Day
• Refreshment Stall at Sports Day
• Charfest
The school REALLY appreciates the work
this great bunch of volunteers do for us
all. They provide fun for the community
and resources to enrich our school
Have you seen how brilliant the garden at
the front of the school looks?
You must have!
It's all thanks to the hard work of the Clean Up Green Up Charfield Group. On Thursday some of our Caterpillars went out to help sow poppy seeds. They loved the experience!
We would like to thank the CUGUC group for all their hard work.
Dafydd Lawday – Headteacher
Next year (May 2015) the parish council's term of office ends and we have the opportunity to elect a new parish council to serve for 4 years. Usually there are not sufficient nominations to fill the Charfield vacancies (9) so there is no election process; hence all who have been nominated take their place unelected, ie, without the benefit of the active approval of the parishioners whom they wish to serve. Any spare seats are filled by co-option, which is the choice of the existing councillors. It may save the cost of an election process, but isn't ideal.
With no election process, there is no opportunity for the voter to engage with the nominees and inform him/herself as to what each nominee can bring to the table in the way of skill set, interests, or 8agenda, and make an active choice and vote, giving a true mandate to the parish council.
Of course we should all be grateful to those who serve as parish councillors, whether elected or not. If not appointed by the electorate, it is not their fault – it is the community's.
CHADRA would like to encourage all residents, whether born and bred here or newcomers, to consider whether they have something to offer the village as a parish councillor.
Do visit the parish council's excellent
website at:-
to get an idea of its work. Parish
Councils have specific responsibilities,
and their main function is really a
consultative/advisory role to the unitary
authority (South Glos Council). As more
services are devolved from the unitary
authority to parish councils, this balance
will change.
If this piques your interest, it would be wise to prepare and familiarise yourself with the P.C.'s work. The very best way to do this is to attend their meetings. (2nd Tuesday each month except August, in the Sportsmen's Lounge at the village hall.) You need to know the reality of service on the P.C. before seeking office.
There is no doubt that there are many issues facing our community and the pressures re development etc are only going to increase. The parish council is our advocate, best champion, first line of defence. It is important that we take the work of the parish council and the election seriously.
Public service is not always exciting,
rarely appreciated, but always worthwhile.
Give it some thought!
It has been a really busy time for CUGUC with lots going on at all of our sites.
We are now looking after the triangular plot of land near the new houses on the corner of Little Bristol Lane. We were very grateful to receive a generous donation from Knightstone Housing, who manage the homes nearby which will enable us to put our plans in place on that site. We have already planted a beautiful multi-stemmed birch tree – this is an elegant, tall and airy tree with the most beautiful silver bark. It will be a lovely feature all year round. In front of the fencing we have planted a hedge of pyracantha or firethorn as it is also known, this evergreen shrub has attractive flowers and magnificent berries in autumn and winter, which we hope will be appreciated by the birds. We have more permanent planting planned but as this year is the 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of the 1st World War we have sown poppies in commemoration.
Work has continued at the school. It has proved quite a challenging site because the soil is very poor and very difficult to dig. However the intrepid CUGUC volunteers have not been deterred and a large amount of clearing has gone on. We were very lucky to secure a donation of mushroom compost from a local supplier ‘Soils’ of Kingswood and over time we will get the soil improved. We are starting to re-plant the site and have even had help with this planting from pupils so we already have some future CUGUC Team Leaders in training there.
Things continue at a pace in the Memorial Hall car park. The container has been moved into a corner. It has been painted a very sophisticated dark green and now melds discretely into the background. The front railings have been rubbed down and given a similar dark green coat of paint and look great. New kick boards were 9installed below the railings and these have made a real difference both in improving the look of the frontage and being a practical way of keeping the boundary onto the pavement tidy. The front bed has been cleared and planted and is looking really charming.
I am sure everyone will have noticed the trees that have been cut down at the hall. Some of these had to be removed because they were causing damage to a nearby property. It is always difficult to see mature trees removed and CUGUC were concerned what the site would look like without that familiar boundary. It is quite a change but it has let the light in and makes the space look much larger. CUGUC will be planting with a vengeance to restore a green boundary more appropriate to the setting. There has to be a silver lining to everything ☺.
We are also starting to look after areas around the roundabout at Tafern Bach. Nothing too complicated yet but one of our volunteers is keeping the grass cut and this is already making a real difference to the look of that entrance to the village.
We had a stall at the Charfield fete, which was great fun, and it was nice to hear so many positive comments about what we are doing. And quite a lot of volunteer forms completed and handed in. If you have volunteered and not heard from us don't despair! We have lots of plans for the future and will need lots of help. Just trying to get the proper licences in place for the sites is proving a challenge. However if you are really keen and have a site in Charfield that you have ideas about contact us and we'll see if we can help you make that happen.
Two events we have been involved in recently were to add our floral arrangement to the Flower Festival in St John's Church, and then a few days later we were judged by the RHS in their Pennant competition. We aren't too sure what that entails but what has been achieved in less than a year is amazing so fingers crossed the judges will recognise our efforts.
You can see lots of photos that illustrate all these changes on our facebook page – just search for CUGUC. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos really tell the story of the effort and commitment of the Team. It would be great if you could ‘like’ us and post your comments there too.
Don't forget to let us have your ideas, comments and donations. Details of how to contact us are detailed below and on the contact page at the back.
Yvette Andrewartha
email: xxxx @ gmail.com
Firstly may I give a Big Thank You to all
the organisers of the Summer Festival.
What a lovely event that was.
Future Events
Monday 4 August WW1 act of
Sunday 10 August there will be a
strawberry cream tea from 2.30 to 4.30 in
St John's grounds.
Harvest Service and Harvest Village
Supper in early October, date to be
Fundraising has gone well so far this year, with the jumble sale raising £950 and the plant sale £450. Thanks to Alison and all her helpers for the jumble sale, and Simon et al for the plant sale.
Talking of fundraising, it's been the case for some time that the parishes in the Diocese of Gloucester haven't been raising enough money to pay for the clergy they use. The Diocese has been 10making up the shortfall from its reserves, but it goes without saying that you can't go on using reserves for ever. Charfield has upped its commitment this year and will probably be asked to increase it still further. If you are able to carry out any fundraising activities, or make a regular donation, then do please contact me or one of the other PCC members for information.
Charfield Change 4 Good
I mentioned this last time, and we've now
linked up with the Primary School, thanks
to Headmaster Dafydd Lawday, and hope
to link with the Congregational Chapel
too. We will have a cause each term, and
the first one, for the autumn term, will be
the Disasters Emergency Committee
(DEC) Syria appeal. Please support this
and show what a caring place Charfield
is. The church will be raising funds and
praying for Syria and the school will have
a range of activities too. Keep an eye
open for more detail later in the summer.
Simon Farmer and I stood down as
Churchwardens a while ago and were
replaced by Helen Hill and Ken Williams.
The concept of churchwardens often
seems arcane – they have wands (no,
really, look along the aisles in church)
and have the right to arrest people in
certain circumstances – I was gutted not
to be able to do that during my term. I
asked Helen and Ken to tell me
something about their background.
Helen said:- “I am originally from Derbyshire where my dad was a vicar. I came to the southwest to study law at Bristol. I met my husband Pete there on my first evening! We were both members of an interdenominational fellowship led by an Anglican clergyman. Our faith journey with other students was a great adventure and after university we decided we wanted to stay here along with many of them; and Bristol and surrounding area is a great place to live! We lived in Thornbury for many years where we were then part of a house church. We moved to Charfield seven years ago to live in Churchend and found it was a great community. We joined St John's shortly afterwards and found a great welcome there too. Last year Steve Kerner and the rector David Russell asked if I would consider being churchwarden for a while. Simon and Sue wanted to retire, so I agreed in order to help keep the show on the road. I was aware that churchwardens are responsible for maintaining the building and responsible for the contents but I hadn't realised that the role involved supporting the clergy in their job of encouraging us to do what God wants. That is a challenging adventure!”
Ken said:- “My faith has always been important to me. I attended St. Lawrence church Bourton on the Water as a child, including Sunday school and later in the choir. During my working life shift work and sport (as well as playing I ran boys' football and cricket teams for a number of years) were a distraction, but I returned to more regular worship after I retired and we moved to Charfield 14 years ago. When approached, originally by Viv Kerner, to be a churchwarden I turned it down because of other commitments. However, I was approached again 2 years ago and decided that the church had always been there for me and I would like to give something back. I was also inspired by my late father-in-law who was a churchwarden and treasurer in Oxfordshire for over 30 years. I'm too old for that sort of commitment but said I would give it 3 years!
As churchwarden my responsibilities include: the fabric of the church, repairs etc. and Faculty ie permission from the diocese for any alterations to the church; and to support and help the Clergy and ensure all the necessary elements are in place for the services. I also feel it is an important part of my job to welcome people to our church, especially newcomers, and make them feel 11comfortable and supported. I also like to give my support to all those who work so hard organising the very necessary but pleasurable fund raising and social events. When I first became churchwarden my colleague and I were asked to do sacristan duties, ie prepare the altar and everything for the Eucharist. This was an unexpected though temporary duty and now I just fill in when necessary, but I have enjoyed the experience.”
Chris and David are beginning to organise this year's Benefice Confirmation Group as an opportunity for teenagers and adults to explore questions of faith at a deeper level during the summer and early autumn. They welcome enquiries from anyone who might wish to know more before making a commitment to the group – the confirmation service is set for Sunday 12th October at 11.00am.
Don't forget the Church Coffee Shop is now under way after the Wednesday service, from 10.45–12.15. We also have Traidcraft produce available, and books and jams for sale in church. The Reading Group takes place monthly (contact Chris Mason on 01454 26xxxx).
Sue Thorn – PCC member
xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
“Deborah's Party” (Geoff Bamber)
A CADS production.
Quite simply, a proper farce. Exactly as it should be.
Deborah, sharp-tongued wife of Alan, a retired detective, organises a supper party in order to pair off her media work colleague, the predatory Jenny, with unsuspecting agricultural vet Simon. A lamb to the slaughter indeed.
Jenny is only interested in a certain type of man, so the vet has to pretend to work for the Home Office. Very hush-hush. The housekeeper, Mrs Seymour, is being stalked by a very amorous Mr Gosling, whom she has met on-line for a little extra marital interest. A prowler has been seen in the vicinity which brings DI Kathy to the evening as she makes house-to-house enquiries … but is she more interested in enquiring after her ex-boss, Alan, with whom she enjoyed an office romance? Barnaby Ruttle, besotted colleague of predatory Jenny, arrives to try and win her for himself – although why he thought camouflage combats and a balaclava were necessary, I'm not right sure.
A power outage is arranged in the kitchen by Deborah to add to the plotting and skulduggery, Mr Gosling is the electrician who is summoned. The cellar steps feature so strongly that they deserve equal billing with the cast. But wait – does the stalking Gosling know Deborah from somewhere, mayhap? Under another name? Just how many of them have suggestive on-line aliases? And there you have an evening's entertainment, home-produced, in the village hall, all for £5.
CADS goes from strength to strength with each production. The set was simple and effective and the staging enhanced by good sound, lighting, and costumes. Front of house and refreshments were also well done.
Most importantly, all were very secure in their lines – a farce has to be quickfire and sure-footed, otherwise it grinds to a shuddering halt. No such concerns on opening night! Director Rachel Ash is to be congratulated.
A good-sized audience went home well
Julia O'Connor-Beach
We have a Community Governor vacancy for an enthusiastic person who has an interest in education and a desire to help create the best learning experience for our children; could it be you?
If you are interested please contact the head teacher Mr Jerry Whitney Chair of Governors on 01453 54xxxx for more information.
[Graphic: Safer & Stronger Community Groups]
Would you like to make your area a better place to live, work and play?
Then why not get involved with your local Safer Stronger Community Group? It works with the Council, Town Council, Police, Fire & Rescue and Health Authority to do just that.
The next meeting for Charfield, Cromhall and Tortworth Group is
Thursday 31st July 7.30 pm
Cromhall Chapel, Townwell, Cromhall.
This meeting will include an update on Neighbourhood Policing and a short presentation on the Precious Time initiative to tackle isolation and loneliness especially for older people.
Spring Bank Holiday 25 and 26th May
The village Open Gardens event was a tremendous success. We had well over 450 visitors and raised almost £4000 from entrance fees, plant sales, and sales of teas and cakes. This money goes to the NGS charities (including Macmillan Cancer Support and Marie Curie Cancer Care), the Friends of Grace Home Orphanage, Nepal and CUGUC.
This brings the total over the 3 village garden openings in 2010, 2012 & 2014 to £13000. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this either by opening their gardens, helping on the day or being paying visitors. And thanks to everyone in the village for accepting this influx of cars and people into the village.
It would be really great if we could include a few more gardens next time. We haven't got a date but 2016 might be a possibility. I know there are more lovely gardens out there so please spill the beans on your neighbours or be bold about your own little green oasis.
Yvette Andrewartha
01454 26xxxx
[Graphic: YOU'RE WELCOME A safe and friendly community]
Well, what a fantastic first few months it's been! Since our first get-together back in February, the group is steadily growing in numbers, and now we are all getting to know one another, dare I say – it's actually quite fun too!
The aim of the group is to offer friendship and support to residents of Charfield and the surrounding villages who are living with, or caring for someone with memory problems.
We welcome people of all ages, and as well as offering support to one another, we have also enjoyed the company of a number of guests. So far we have already welcomed representatives from the Alzheimer's Society, British Red Cross, and also Chris Sweet (Village Agent for Wotton-Under-Edge) to offer information on local services and support.
We currently meet once a month at The Plough Inn, between 10 and 11am, with the possibility of a second monthly afternoon session starting in Autumn 2014.
If you or anyone you know would like more information – or if you have a particular skill 13or interest that you would like to share with the group – please do get in touch – everyone is welcome! Current dates are as follows:
Weds 13th August
Weds 17th September
Weds 15th October
Weds 12th November
Weds 17th December – Christmas Lunch
For further information please contact
Amanda on 07814 69xxxx or email
xxxx @ hotmail.co.uk
“Working together to build a dementia
friendly community”
We have lots of exciting events planned for the next few months, please read on for further information.
Back by popular demand – we have booked in two more dates for our Senior Citizen's lunches. Please note that lifts can be provided for those who cannot make their own way. Saturday 9th August at 12 noon, we will have an afternoon tea, sandwiches, scones etc. Saturday 18th October at 12 noon, the menu will be homemade shepherd's pie and vegetables followed by a delicious desert. Both meals will be followed by some brilliant music and entertainment. There will also be a vegetarian option. Numbers would be appreciated beforehand, please, for catering purposes. Please note this is a free lunch, however donations can be made to one of our chosen charities.
Saturday 12th July, 10.30am, bacon rolls breakfast morning or cake if you would prefer. All proceeds will go to CRY – http://www.cry.org.uk/. We will have Ray Avent, a CRY representative coming along to talk to us.
Saturday 27th Sept, 10.30am, bacon rolls breakfast morning or cake if you would prefer. All proceeds will go to Macmillan cancer.
Our Christmas Shoe Box Appeal is still an ongoing project. We have now started wrapping shoeboxes. If anyone would like to help, or donate any small items, please do get in touch.
The Signpost Puppets are visiting us on Sunday 7th September at 11am – great fun for all the family. They are a Christian puppet team dedicated to declaring the Good News of Jesus.
We hold a Bible study with short prayer time every Thursday evening from 7.30pm. We are currently studying the Gospel of John.
Our services are held every Sunday at 11am with tea/ coffee and biscuits afterwards, where a friendly welcome awaits. We also have our very own Sunday School ‘King's Kidz’, where all primary school-age children are most welcome.
We now also have a Teen Class (aged 13–17) which meets on a Sunday Morning at the same time as Sunday School.
For more information on any of the above, or to book your place on one of the Senior Citizen's lunches, please feel free to contact April Palmer on 01453 84xxxx or xxxx @ hotmail.co.uk
What an amazing summer we've had so far, long may it continue so the children can play outside during the summer holidays.
Two significant events have taken place since my last update. These were the Bristol 10K and also Charfest!!
Where do I start? I guess with the Bristol 10K. If you have never competed in an event where many thousands of people are taking part then I strongly urge you to sign up for something. The atmosphere before the race was amazing, there was a fantastic buzz around the starting areas with people eagerly awaiting the start and completing their final preparations.
We had a brilliant group of people running for us who included school staff, committee members and also a school governor. 11 of us started and I am delighted to say all 11 of us completed the race. There were a couple of injuries after the event but all in all we were able to raise a staggering £610 in total! 14Thank you to everyone who sponsored us, your support is gratefully received and those funds will go towards the purchase of iPads for the ICT class at school, as soon as the infrastructure changes are complete.
In conjunction with training for the 10K, we were eagerly planning for Charfest. We had a few changes to the event this year with hotdogs for the children and also additional entertainment.
28th June finally arrived, and in the morning we were busy erecting all of the marquees I hope you enjoyed the festival this year. It was a pleasure to organise and the whole committee got stuck in organising various activities
Thankfully the event went off without any hitches, the bands were all amazing, the hog roast was delicious, the rides were a huge success and the atmosphere was perfect. Your feedback would be really appreciated; we like to use this event to bring the village together for an afternoon and evening of fun and entertainment.
We managed to raise an amazing £1,600 during the day which might be put towards new staging, and potentially used for sound equipment for the performances at the school. Hopefully you will see the new equipment used at the Christmas nativity play this year. Special thanks have to go to Renishaw who kindly gave a donation for the running of Charfest – thank you Renishaw!
You can help The Friends anytime through Easy Fund Raising. While doing your online shopping, rather than going to the company's own website, you access it through the link below. We then receive a percentage of what you spend via the site, it doesn't cost you a penny! It couldn't be simpler to get involved you just need to register using the following link; www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/friendsofcharfieldschool. We have already managed to raise over £1,600 to date through this scheme!
If you are reading this and want to get involved in The Friends all you need to do is come along to the next committee meeting, (drop me a text for the next meeting date,) or if you'd like to be involved but not as a committee member let me know and we can get in contact when we are organising rotas etc.
I look forward to keeping you informed of our future events, until then, once again, a very big thank you to everyone who has worked with and supported the Friends.
Dave Ashby
Chair – The Friends of Charfield Primary
07904 02xxxx
No they're not blind, no they don't suck blood (in the UK at any rate …) and the one flying around your back garden whilst you enjoy an evening glass of wine is a common pipistrelle (… probably!)
For these and many more fantastic bat facts why not bring your family and friends along to
We will be meeting in
the Memorial Hall car park
at 7.15pm
on Friday 12th September
(write it on your calendar now!!)
We will go for a wander around the village
whilst listening out for the bats we share our
village with using bat detectors.
On our return to the hall we will organise hot
drinks and cake, with proceeds going to the
Memorial Hall. Please wear warm clothing
and wellies and bring torches.
This walk is being led by the Avon Bat Group in conjunction with South Gloucestershire Council as part of their Discover Festival. For more information about the festival and other events going on in our area please visit: http://www.southglos.gov.uk/ leisure-and-culture/ discover-festival-2014/
As I write this I am suffering from what we call ‘the post show blues,’ last night we performed for the final time our 3rd farce to date, Deborah's Party. It always seems very sad when I turn the lights off in the hall. In just 12 hours the stage is empty once more, the set 15back in storage, the chairs stacked away and the laughter silenced … but not for long as
Yes back by popular demand our Spring 2012 risqué panto is back for 2 nights only. Live and totally uncensored this one is strictly only for the naughty grown up boys and girls.
CADS have always been known for it's slightly risqué approach to am-dram and back in 2012 we broke the taboo and staged our first ever mucky panto. Since then other local groups have staged similar shows with different Panto tales, always pushing the boundaries, but none had the same feel as Sinderella. So we decided to revamp our original script, add some new characters (as well as your old favourites) new scenes and songs, new jokes and bring the tale of Sinderella to life once more.
If that's not enough I can also happily announce our 2015 Family Panto will be Aladdin! Dates and times will follow in the next issue of CHADRA.
The story of Aladdin has been one I have wanted to bring to Charfield for ages, but size of cast and budget needed made it impossible. But now thanks to a dusty old copy I found in a charity shop that we could adapt, the problem was solved. I would just like to finish this piece by saying thank you once again to all of you who bought tickets and came and supported us this weekend. Without your love and support we couldn't put these wonderful shows on.
Cads Chairman
With just two weeks left before the end of the school year, the Out of School Club is gearing up for a fun packed summer holiday, filled with interesting activities for the children to enjoy. The staff have all worked extremely hard planning the Summer Programme. Our theme will be “Around the World” focussing activities on a different country each day. There will be daily arts and crafts, a morning group challenge, outdoor games and competition time. We will also be booking some special visitors to the club to organise sessions with the children.
If your child is interested in attending any of these sessions, please contact the club. Booking forms are now available for children but spaces are filling up fast as we do take children from several surrounding schools. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Thank you to everyone who supported us at the Name the Teddy Bear stall at the village fair in May and the Goal Scoring Challenge at Charfest. Great fun was had by all at both events. The club recently received a grant from South Gloucestershire Council which has enabled us to buy a new flat screen television and wall bracket.
The club is still keen to recruit volunteers from the local area who would like to help in holiday times, either by showing the children a specific skill or hobby they enjoy or even if they just want to get involved with the activities already offered at the out of School club. We would love to hear from you. All volunteers would need to be aged 18+ and prepared to undergo an enhanced DBS (previously CRB) check as is required for all individuals who work closely with children.
If you know of any new families who would like to use our service, both before and/or after school or during the school holidays, or, if you yourself would like to find out more, please contact us at the club. You can check us out by following the link from the school website: www.charfieldschool.org.uk. The club is open to children up to the age of 13, so even if your children are moving onto secondary school they are still welcome after school and in the holidays.
May we take this opportunity to wish everyone in the village a very happy and relaxing summer holiday, and say a huge thank you to everyone who continues to use the club, or who has supported us with our fundraising activities. Good luck to all our families with children who are moving on to other schools. We hope to see lots of new, as well as some familiar faces, in the autumn. Finally a big thank you to the staff – Pat, Georgina, Jo, and Anne for continuing to make the club an outstanding facility for our village.
The Out of School Club Committee
Thank you to everyone for your support and patience during the last few months. It has been a challenging time, and a huge learning curve, we hope that we have managed to meet your expectations.
The Post Office in this local format, is open from 7.30am–7.30pm everyday including Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
We can do most things that the old Post Office did, and all our staff are trained to do the main transactions like withdrawing money, paying bills, buying euros, basic car tax and sending parcels. Michelle has joined us from the old Post Office, so she is there for the more complicated questions.
The main differences are, we can't take cheques, (you can pay on your debit card instead). We are not allowed to hold passport forms. We can only take bill payments if it has a barcode, or you have a swipe card, so sorry no inland revenue payments.
Thank you for your continuing support
Steve, Cath, Sam, Toni, Michelle, Ros, and
Sue F.
Wow where has this year gone? We do fit a lot into a year.
In May the Pre-school held a ‘Ready Teddy Listen’ week in cooperation with Usborne books. The children were sponsored to listen to as many stories as possible in the week. The Rising 5's had some special visitors to come and read to them. We welcomed Mr. Lawday, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Reynolds from Charfield Primary school who came and read to them. We also had a visit from Mary-Anne Willmott and her Mum who read some poetry, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. This was a great success for us all, and we were able to raise enough money to buy some new books. We would like to say a massive thank you for all the teachers, friends and parents who came into Pre-School and supported us but also a very big thank you to all the parents for their sponsorship.
We have had a great year with all our fundraising, this year we are so pleased to say it's been our BEST yet. We have this year raised a MASSIVE £2,400 which has come from our Shopping evening in October, The Santa Float in December and Quiz night in Feb, and from other events we operate throughout the year.
The fundraising money has been spent on Toys, Pre-School Trips and new art and crafts materials which all the children love. It does take a lot of hard work from our committee members to raise these much needed funds but we would like to thank everyone who supports our events and hope you continue do so in the new academic year.
A date for your diary is our AGM
which will be held on
Wednesday 10th September at 8pm in the
Foundation Room.
We always welcome new members to the committee, so please come along and see what we do.
If you would like to chat about registering your child as a new starter, or about extending your existing hours please call Debra on 07966 61xxxx. We are currently operating a waiting list. Please call or e-mail us at (xxxx @ gmail.com) for more details.
Sadly this will be my last CHADRA article as Chair, as I'll be stepping down in September after two very busy but happy years in the role. I have really enjoyed the chance to work more closely with Debra and the wonderful Pre-School staff, who all work tirelessly and passionately to make our Pre-School a happy and fulfilling place for our children to grow.
My heartfelt thanks go to the dedicated band of Committee members with whom I have laughed, debated, planned, drank, delegated, sweated, and got soaked to the skin (for 4 hours on a rainy December afternoon!) in order to pull-off some hugely successful fundraising events over the last two years. Finally, a special mention must go to my fellow officers (past and present) and the unsung heroes of Pre-School who have given me so much support and wisdom that my job 17has been really very easy … Heather Stoakes, Lou Sydney, Peter Elliott, Mary-Anne Willmott and Sam Jones. You are the people who make me proud to live in Charfield.
With very best wishes
Karen Stainthorpe
No one, I imagine, truly looks forward to going into hospital and having surgery, even if it is to replace an old, arthritic hip. But knowing the wonderful transformation – after having already had one hip and two new knees – that was in store I was disappointed when my first date to go into the new Southmead hospital was deferred by two weeks. That there are problems is quite understandable. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the initial decision to build where they have, integrating two major hospital was always going to be a huge undertaking with snags and snares in every direction. In my case I gathered it was problems with the new operating theatres, so I decided to take the view that I'd rather they got it right before setting to work on me than take any chances.
So the re-appointed hour arrived and husband Mike got me there, breakfastless, at 7am. Despite taking my bar-coded letter we were unable to check in with the new scanners. They don't work for admissions we found – one of the snags, I assume – but we found our way to the third floor and joined a group of patients who were being called and taken behind the scenes quite rapidly. My name was called and I was collected by a tall, athletic chap who turned out to be my surgeon – not the one I had originally seen. He was away, I knew. At Glastonbury, I found out later, and I was envious as I've always wanted to go there. But I was very happy with this member of his team – he'd come highly recommended. After the required drawing of an arrow to confirm they would be operating on the correct hip and a full explanation of the procedure Mike left and I was handed over to the very cheerful anaesthetist who was to give me a spinal block as I'd chosen not to have a general.
Unlike other times, I wasn't taken into a little room where all this took place, but walked into the theatre clad in gown and fearsome elastic stockings and hopped on to the very narrow, very hard, operating bed. After my lower half became numb he said he thought it a good idea if I slept through this op (other times I'd been dozy but awake) which I was very happy with as I was beginning to think I didn't really want to be a part of the procedure. So when he approached with a mask and said to breathe in – explaining it would only make me sleep and wasn't the same as a general anaesthetic – I did, was out in a flash and woke up when it was all over. Brilliant.
Later, when he came to see me in my room I was delighted to hear that my surgeon thought me a ‘text book case’ and that they were ‘absolutely delighted with the job they had done for me’. Wow! Could anyone ask for more?
So, what were my impressions of the new Southmead hospital? At this point you can imagine they were pretty good. And I have to tell you they only got better. I have always found the care at Southmead to be first class. Not perfect, maybe, but in all the important points I couldn't fault them. By golly, the staff work hard. And with the new style wards and their individual rooms with bells going off left, right and centre I didn't meet an impatient gesture or an irritable word though I did hear of some tired legs and feet. (From one end of the ward to the other is the same as the distance across the Suspension Bridge.) It felt odd to be ringing a bell for something which seemed fairly minor, a jug of fresh water maybe, but I was told cheerfully not to even think about – just do it.
I've always been happy with the buzz of a ward, the comings and goings to stave off boredom (which, I'm sad to say, happens to me quite rapidly) so I was apprehensive about being in a room on my own. But I needn't have worried. In fact by the end of my stay, admittedly only a few days, I came to really enjoy it. Spacious, own bathroom and wardrobe, extremely comfortable bed and best of all, a floor to ceiling window looking out onto the maternity unit (saw precious bundles being carried carefully to their transport home) car park, trees and sky. And an opening window by the side of it so fresh air as well. Those rooms with an internal view 18look out onto corridors or the atrium. Some fortunate ones look over the main arrival area with buses, ambulances taxis, people coming and going at all hours – endlessly interesting, I think. The arrival area seems a bit of a muddle at the moment and I'm willing to bet that those overlooking it might well have something useful to contribute to how it could be better. Of course, many things will change as the site is developed so it really is too soon to judge these matters.
At the moment there are no TVs in the rooms (some legal wrangle going on, it seems) and no internet connection. Being a radio 4 devotee the lack of a screen didn't bother me at all until I found that the radio signal wasn't good, and I would have liked the internet (which will happen in due course though it's hard to understand why it wasn't part of the build in the first place) mainly just to send emails, a form of communication I love because I can send them in the night if I can't sleep. Having said that, I slept better in my hospital bed than I often do at home and neither disturbed others or was disturbed by them.
The day after my op I was out of bed and, fully weight bearing and somewhat gingerly, on a walking frame. Twenty four hours after that I was on two sticks and being told that if I felt comfortable about it I could stand on my operated leg. On its own! Only when I was convinced they weren't kidding me did I try it and found my new joint felt as solid as a rock. Then it was a matter of learning to do stairs, Xray, and the inevitable wait for medication (very little in my case, I'm happy to say, but just what does go on in pharmacy? And why do I always come out with pills I don't need?) and home.
Being taken to Xray in a wheelchair through empty, spacious, identical, white corridors was a curious experience. As we crossed the atrium, three floors up, the young lad in charge of me stopped to explain the clock. I hadn't heard that the neon circles hanging from the roof were a working clock and although he told me it was 10.20 – he was right, I checked my watch – I was completely mystified how he did it. Is the cost justified? No idea. Down we went in the lift to the basement, past the robots which run around delivering items all over the place – (when they work, that is …) and into the humming quietude of the Xray department. I felt I'd been moving through the Starship Enterprise.
I'm drawing a veil over the food. Sadly, I fear that the powers that be still understand very little about nutrition and the importance that good, simple food can play in a person's recovery. Only being there for a few days, it wasn't a problem for me but I think anyone with a longer stay might get pretty fed up about it.
I had a fascinating time talking to different members of staff. All nationalities – from India to Nigeria, Czech Republic to Ethiopia (a young cleaner, just so grateful, she said, not to be living in a war zone) and British. There's no more room to tell you about the chap who collected compasses and had kerosene poisoning; the young man in the next room who had 24 hour minders and no, he wasn't a prisoner. And I won't forget in a hurry how, whenever they passed the room of an elderly Alzheimer's patient, three rooms away, who had been with them a long time and who wailed all day long, called out patiently and cheerfully to her.
So what were my overall impressions? Good, I have to say. There is a way to go before it is all working as it should, I dare say, if it ever does. (the automatic doors are a big problem …). Almost every member of staff I spoke to, whether they were from Frenchay or Southmead, apart from parking problems, on balance liked the new set up. One nurse told me that because of traffic problems they had formed a breakfast club which is proving to have a real bonding effect. I can't imagine the difficulties of running a place of that size and complexity. The building is wonderful and already a really good atmosphere prevails. I'm not entering the argument about whether it should be where it is, or indeed there at all. It is there, and I don't know the facts. All I know is that, whatever the faults, I am profoundly thankful for the N H S.
And now I am recovering well at home, walking a bit further each day and am managing to do all sorts of things with the aid of the gadget this 21st century, state of the art, one of the best hospital buildings in the world has sent me home with – an 18inch piece of wooden dowel with a rubber thimble attached to one end with an elastic band and a cup hook screwed in the other. Some of you may well have used one – it's a brilliant 19piece of kit, cannot be bettered – and I'd love to know who first thought of it.
Barbara Adams
I must go down to the beach again and be
where the sea meets the sky,
and all I ask is a holiday flat and a fish-'n'-chip
shop nearby.
I'd watch the sun burn the sea-mist off while
the waterfront quietly starts waking.
When tide goes out leaving nice clean sand,
the beach looks so breathtaking.
I must go down to the beach again and
clamber among rock pools and boulders,
where the sea has left large stones bereft
with tactile rounded shoulders.
And all I ask is a pleasant chat, preferably
from a fellow beach rover,
then a deck-chair's nap, to revive the sap,
and an Ice-cream when afternoon's over.
I must go down to the beach again, as the
stars start filling the sky
and all I ask is a warm sea breeze that will
blow the clouds scudding by.
Beside the sea's spray, I'd amble and stray,
then return by late eventide.
I'd buy a bag of chips, and lookout for ships
cruising by on a rising tide.
Inspired by John Masefield's “Sea-Fever” and a photograph of Sennen Cove.
David Kington 24/12/13
Hello Everyone,
Firstly, let me introduce myself to you all. My
name is Liam Balloch and I am the newly
elected Chairman of the Village Hall
Committee. I have lived in the area for the
past five and a half years and love Charfield
and the surrounding area. I first joined the
Village Hall Committee in 2011 and served as
booking secretary and later as a trustee.
Before outlining our plans for the future I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our outgoing Chairman Tim Hill. Tim has served as chair for five of the past six years and we greatly appreciate his dedication, commitment and hard work. So, thank you Tim!!
Recently a passionate group of trustees re-launched the village fete which is now known as The Charfield Community Fete. This was a resounding success raising much needed funding for future projects. A HUGE thank you for all who attended and made the day such a success. It is proposed that this be an annual event so anyone who would like to volunteer to help with the next one please let us know.
Many of you will have noticed that the main hall now has new lighting, a new ceiling and a new paint job. There is also a new stage floor and proper stage curtains. We hope you will agree that this has greatly enhanced the overall look of the hall
In the future the committee and I plan to improve and secure the hall and its future for the use and enjoyment of you, the villagers. These plans will include, where funding permits, re-roofing the damaged areas of the sportsmen's lounge, repairs to the flat roof above the kitchen, new windows and doors and some general re-decoration of the sportsmen's lounge area of the building.
It is hoped that the inclusion of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) next to the skate ramps will reduce the substantial damage that is being done to the roof and rear of the building by those who play football against the hall
We have many fundraising community events coming up which I hope you will support, please keep your eyes open for dates and times, they are always a lot of fun!
The hall is still as busy as ever thanks to our regular weekly bookings and to those of you who use it for receptions, meetings, birthday parties and everything else. Your support is invaluable to us as it allows us to keep the hall open. Put simply, without you, the hall would not be able to run so THANK YOU!
If you are interested in finding out what is on at the hall or if you want to make a regular or one off booking you can do this by visiting our website at: www.charfield.org/hall
Many Thanks,
Liam Balloch – Chair
20Charfield Community Fete 2015
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Community Fete and to those who gave us feedback afterwards.
Following on from the success of this day, we are now planning next year's event to take place on Monday 4th May 2015.
There will be a meeting on
Monday 10th November 2014 at the Memorial Hall at 8pm
for anyone interested in having a stall, joining the Committee or just wanting to be involved. Everyone is welcome. For more details contact Liam at xxxx @ gmail.com.
Our sections are still full with a healthy load of pre 5s on our waiting list ready to join in when they become 6. If any one does have a 6 year old + that would like to go to Beavers, Falfield have spaces available and are being run very well by a couple from our village. You can contact 1st Woodend Scouts for their details.
Just recently the Beavers made chocolate apples, painted a tile which will be entered into the Cromhall Flower Show in September. They took part in a little hike to Cromhall Park which they thoroughly enjoyed. They learned a bit of first aid and made a Father's day gift.
Some lucky older Beavers will be taking part of a sleepover at our Scouts camp in July which will be fun and they will gain their Nights Away badge 1.
All of the sections especially the Cubs had fun at a recent St George's Day even which was run by the District, they had inflatables, an owl man, Bristol Zoo was there and our wonderful Tuck shop which was also appreciated at this year's village day. By the way apologies for running out of burgers, we just didn't expect so many purchases!
The Scouts have been as usual following their cryptic programme. The Scouts are only given a tiny clue about what they are doing on an evening as they may become selective and not take part in their full programme and take part in new challenges. So this term they have been out hiking, learnt a bit about mechanics and last week was proper Scouting where they were shown how to gut and skin a rabbit. Cooked on the BBQ it tasted really nice.
With the wet weather over the spring it has taken quite a while for our tiled floor to dry out in the Avening Green kitchen, but now we are ready for the next step which is to rebuild the kitchen. At Cromhall we have bought some new cupboards for the bottom hall and a lovely set of new tables and chairs so that we don't have to keep moving furniture up and down the stairs. We have managed to make these purchases through fundraising and grants, so we are very grateful to everyone that supports us.
Leader-wise we do need some more help at Scouts and at Thursday Cubs, particularly anyone that can help out on a weekend for events and camps. Please check out our website and if you are willing use our Contact Form to drop me a line.
Yours in Scouting Sandra Carnegie
Group Scout Leader
Charfield is so lucky to have its Rainbow unit up and running once again. A HUGE thank you to Dani and her team.
We are hoping to open another Guide unit in the autumn, and a unit for the 14+ age group. – Sarah Norton.
211st Charfield Rainbows
We are pleased to announce that on
Monday 2nd June, 1st Charfield
Rainbows re-opened its doors to a full
unit of girls and to an exciting theme of
‘Dirty Hands, Muddy Boots’. The term
has just flown by with the girls making a
‘Grass Head’, planting a sunflower seed
in their personally decorated pots, visiting
a local pond to hunt for creatures and
making a miniature garden. The one
hour meetings are busy with craft
activities, singing, games and an
opportunity for the girls to catch up on
each other's news.
In September we are planning to travel around the world, from the comfort of Charfield Memorial Hall, with fun activities to help the girls to know more about the different countries and cultures in the world around us.
Rainbows is part of the ‘Girl Guide
Association’ and is for girls aged 5 to 7
years. If you have a little girl or know of
one who might be interested in joining 1st
Charfield Rainbows in the future, please
send an email to
xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk so
their names can be added to the waiting
Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire and Moonstone
2nd Charfield Brownies
We currently have a few spaces at
Charfield Brownies, running on Tuesdays
from 5:30–7pm at the village hall. We
are in need of more adult helpers if
anyone can spare a few hours? We meet
term time Tuesdays from 5.30pm–7pm.
Leader Nicki Brain Contact see back
2nd Wotton (Charfield) Guides
Thursday 7.30pm–9pm at Charfield
Memorial Hall (Summer Term) for girls 10–14
years old.
The girls have just returned from their
own Glastonbury experience – only it was
the Malvern Challenge in a field near
Cheltenham. The rain on Friday did not
dampen their spirits, and the sun came
out in the end. This term we have been
working toward our agility badge,
including a session of circuits with “Claire”
and having fun outdoors at Woodhouse,
abseiling and racing go karts. We are
always looking for leaders, please get in
touch if you think you would like to get
involved! See CHADRA's back page for
our contact details.
Brand new Guide unit opening in Wotton!
Due to the success of the current Guide
unit in Wotton, we are aiming to open
another unit in September to cope with
our very long waiting list! We have a
volunteer to open the new unit, but she
needs some help! Do you have some
spare time in the evenings? Meetings are
likely to be on a Tuesday, and any help
would be gratefully received – even if you
can only commit to once a month, we
would love to hear from you! Are you a
whizz at accounts?! Do you like
organising games and activities? Do you
want to meet some lovely people in the
Wotton area?! Then come and join us
and find out what Girlguiding is all about!!
Leadership qualification and mentoring
are available for those who are interested
– a great addition to any CV!
Please contact Nicola Anderson on xxxx @ cantab.net or Sarah Cocker xxxx @ hotmail.com to find out more.
Senior Section
Wanted!! Girls aged 14+ for fun filled
Are you interested in having fun, finding new places to visit and meeting new friends? Then Senior Section is the place for you. We have a brand new unit, meeting in the United Reform Church in Wotton, Thursdays 7:30–9pm. Come along and make the unit what you want it to be!! Possibilities include: Duke of Edinburgh, Queens Guide Award, International trips and much much more. If interested, please email Dawn and Lynsey at 22xxxx @ aol.co.uk for more information.
If you are interested and are over 14, please get in touch with the leaders on xxxx @ aol.co.uk. You do not need to have been a Brownie or a Guide before, just a sense of adventure!
If you would like your daughter to join Girlguiding UK please contact the relevant leader, or go to http://www.girlguiding.org.uk/ get_involved/ volunteer/ register_your_interest.aspx
The 200 Club is a lottery which raises money for the Village Hall.
All members pay a yearly subscription of £12 (only £1 per month) of which all proceeds go towards the maintenance and daily management of the Village Hall. Once subscribed, they get to choose a number which is theirs for the year. Every month it is entered into a draw with cash prizes of £25 and 3, £10 prizes. Once a quarter we have an extra special prize of £50 (whoo I hear you all shout).
ALL 200 club members will also be entitled to discounted ticket rates to certain Village Hall events. This will be indicated on the advertisement for the event, so keep your eyes peeled!
If you are interested in joining then please contact Liam on 07947 43xxxx or email him on xxxx @ gmail.com
Here are the winners for the last quarter.
£25 – 119 Mr Pass
£10 – 231 Kathy Crook
£10 – 220 Mrs J Burfield
£10 – 164 Mr J Russell
£25 – 243 C Moore
£10 – 280 Margaret Gargett
£10 – 163 Lisa Wiles
£10 – 148 Mr Scott
£50 – 286 Kevin Brett
£25 – 130 Nicola Derrick
£10 – 247 Deb Field
£10 – 217 Vanessa Cole
£10 – 298 Sandra Nute
The planning application to develop 106 houses to the north of the village (behind Wotton Road, which was refused earlier this year, has now gone to appeal.
If you have any views on the development whether in favour or against, then I would urge you to make your views known to South Gloucestershire Council Planning Department.
The planning application number is PT13/4182/0 the appeal reference is registered as Alternative Reference: PP-02908561
The Council's planning officer dealing with the case is Will Collins.
May I take this opportunity to say a fond farewell to you readers and all our contributors. After 5 years as Editor of CHADRA I am stepping down and handing over the baton to Alison White.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Editor, but now feel ready for a rest, and it is good for the publication to have a change every now and then. I shall continue to serve on the committee and help write an article from time to time.
Alison is already on the CHADRA committee and will make a splendid new editor. I wish her every success.
Isabel Davies
[Advert for St John's Strawberry Cream Teas]
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[Advert for Deborah Jayne Pringle]
[Advert for Kopperz]
[Advert for Charfield Newsletter]
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#[Advert for Greenline Tanks]
[Advert for Falcon Cottage B&B]
[Advert for The Edge Health & Beauty]
[Advert for Buddug Green reflexology]
[Advert for Elcombe Fire Wood]
[Advert for Bradley garage]
#[Advert for W.S. Franks]
[Advert for Pat Jeanes reflexology]
[Advert for Claire Saunders]
[Advert for Colin Lane Carpet & Flooring]
[Advert for Littles Curtains]
[Advert for T.W. Services]
#[Advert for Acucare]
[Advert for Pass & Totterdell]
[Advert for Evergreen Computing]
#[Advert for Zumba]
[Advert for Add Plant]
[Advert for Ashworthy Cattery]
[Advert for The Farmers Table]
[Advert for D.R. Vizard]
[Advert for Tree Care]
#[Advert for Thornbury Area Music Centre]
[Advert for St John's Charfield]
[Advert for Jill Tudor reflexology]
[Advert for Robinsons Florist]
#[Advert for Well Fed Birds]
[Advert for Steve's Shop]
[Advert for At Home Curtains & Blinds]
[Advert for Cotswold Edge Carpets]
#[Advert for Sara Stone Travel Counsellor]
[Advert for RK Aerials]
[Advert for Manor Garden Maintenance]
[Advert for Oak Tree Nursery]
[Advert for PC Repairs & Maintenance]
[Advert for Alan Hamer driving]
4th St John's Church WW1
Ceremony 10pm
9th Snr Citizen Lunch
Congregational Ch. 12 noon
13th Dementia Gp Meeting
Plough Inn 10am–11am
10th Pre-School AGM 8pm
Foundation Room
12 BAT WALK meet Mem. Hall 7.15pm
17th Dementia Gp Meeting
Plough Inn 10am–11am
27th Macmillan cancer fundraiser
Congregational church 10.30am
10th–11th CADS present Sinders
Adult panto
15th Dementia Gp Meeting
Plough Inn 10am–11am
18th Snr Citizen Lunch
Congregational Ch. 12 noon
7th School Fireworks Night
10th Community Fete 2015 Planning
Meeting 8pm Mem Hall
12th Dementia Gp Meeting
Plough Inn 10am–11am
14th Pre-School Shopping Evening
St John's Church
There is a consultation out until the end of
August about some improvements to St
John's. There are handouts at the back of
the church with information and a response
form if anyone would like to comment.
Village Hall Regular Activities
Mondays | Contact Names | |
Music with Mummy | 10.00–11.15 | Mandy Nicholls |
Rainbows | 4.30–5.30pm | Dani Bindon |
Aerobics | 6.30–7.30 | Claire Adams |
Touch Rugby | 6.30–7.30pm | Andrew Cope |
Tuesdays | ||
Keep Fit | 10–11 | Christine Parfitt |
Parish Council Meetings | 7.30 2nd Tuesday of the month | Hannah Saunders – Parish Clerk |
Wednesdays | ||
Little Stars Toddler Group | 10.00–11.30 | Helen Ashby |
Luncheon Club | 12–2pm every 4th Wednesday | Ann Hyland |
Circuit Training | 6.30–7.30pm | Claire Adams |
Football Training | 6.30–8.30 | Jeremy Lewis |
Thursdays | ||
Zumba | 6.30–7.15 | Andrea Benson |
Guides | 7.30–9pm | Catherine Bindon |
Hall Committee Meeting | 7.30–11.00 1st week of month | |
Fridays | ||
Ruth Osborne School of Dance | 3.30pm–5.30pm | Mandy Osborne |
Weekends | ||
Football Club Games – all age ranges | In season | Jeremy Lewis / Nigel Cloke (Juniors) / Jas Landa (35+) |
Cricket Club Matches | In season | Nick Hunt |
If you wish to alter the entries below email xxxx @ gmail.com
British Legion
David Millman (Hon Sec) 01454 26xxxx
CADS (Charfield Amateur Dramatics Group)
Steve Picking 07583 56xxxx
Charfield Pre-School
Debra Davidson (Manager/Admissions) 07966 61xxxx
Email:- xxxx @ gmail.com
Louise Sydney xxxx @ gmail.com
Charfield Primary School
Dafydd Lawday 01454 26xxxx
Church – Congregational
Nicky Lanyi 01454 26xxxx
Church – St. John's
Rev Chris Mason 01454 261971
Rev David Russell 01454 294267
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Clean Up Green Up Charfield
Vanessa Cole
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
Community Dementia Link
Amanda Pearson 07814 69xxxx
Council – Charfield Parish
Hannah C Saunders (Clerk) 01454 29xxxx
Email clerk @ charfieldparishcouncil.co.uk
Council – South Gloucestershire
John O'Neill 01454 86xxxx 01454 26xxxx
Email xxxx @ southglos.gov.uk
Cricket Club
Jeremy Hull 01453 52xxxx
Tony Field 01454 26xxxx
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Friends of Charfield Primary School
Dave Ashby (Chair) 0790402xxxx
Email xxxx @ yahoo.co.uk
Foundation Room
Bryan Grantham 01454 26xxxx
Junior Football Club
Nigel Cloke 01454 26xxxx
Keep Fit Club
Christine Parfitt 01454 26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the Elderly
Jane Higgins 01454 26xxxx
Memorial Hall
Bookings 07774 41xxxx
Email www.charfield.org
Chairman Liam Balloch 07947 43xxxx
Newsletter – See inside front cover
Out of School Club
Pat Loveridge 01454 26xxxx
or 07816 23xxxx
Sally-Anne Barnes 01453 84xxxx
Email xxxx @ tiscali.co.uk
Police (if not a 999 call)
Call Handling Centre 101
Reporting crimes in person now at Chipping Sodbury
Police Station
Following are strictly non urgent and not reporting crime
PC Lee Bainbridge voicemail 0117 945 xxxx
PC Lee Bainbridge mobile 07919 62xxxx
PCSO Hayley Harrison mobile 07825 38xxxx
PCSO Sean McKinnon 07825 38xxxx
Round Table – Wotton and District
John Francksen (Hon Sec) 01453 84xxxx
Rainbows – 1st Charfield
Dani Bindon 07527 77xxxx
Brownies – 2nd Charfield
Nicki Brain 0774311xxxx
Email xxxx @ msn.com
Guides – 2nd Wotton
Sarah Cocker xxxx @ hotmail.com 07786 85xxxx
Wotton Snr
Dawn & Lynsey xxxx @ aol.co.uk
Tae Kwon Do
Andy Reynolds 07909 92xxxx
Tennis Club
Tony Field 0787703xxxx
Transport Scheme
Marion Smith 01454 26xxxx
Tues 6.15–7.15pm Tina Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Wed 6.30–8.00pm Alison Moore 07712 47xxxx
Thurs 6.30–8.00pm Julie Ashford 07837 26xxxx
Mon 6.30–8.30pm Mike Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Tues 7.00–9.00pm Mike Rickwood 01454 29xxxx
Thurs 7.30–9.30pm Kevin Watson 07980 27xxxx
Group Scout Leader Sandra Carnegie 01454 26xxxx
AGSL (waiting lists) Allison Trueman 01454 26xxxx
Email xxxx @ gmail.com
This issue was produced on 32 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2017-02-12.