Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 70 – Winter 1993 – 25p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1993.


Playground Appeal Fund
Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Fields Management Committee
Charfield Women's Institute
Charfield Young Wives
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield Mother and Toddler Group
Charfield County Primary School PTA
Wotton and District Girl Guide Association
1st Woodend Tigers
Charfield Hall Management Committee 200 Club
Attention All Potential Artists
Early December 1992! by Sophie Smith (age 12)
The Experience of a Lifetime in Mexico
Charfield Junior Football Club
Local Police News Spot
Charfield Branch of British Legion House to House Collection
Charfield and District Royal British Legion
Charfield Congregational Church
St John's Church
Marilyn's Bit
Quiz Night
Charfield Parish Council
Local Government
Village Organisations and Contact Names



If you didn't know that Charfield had a nature reserve, you may be forgiven for it is at the extreme Northern end of the parish and is not immediately obvious from the road. Indeed the best view is from the railway since the reserve lies between the line and road past Huntingford Farm. It is now owned by Avon Wildlife Trust who bought it from British Rail a few years ago. Although only 2 acres in extent, over 150 plant and tree species have been recorded. By a combination of bramble-bashing and sheep grazing we have improved the area considerably and the number of flowers has increased remarkably. The best time to see the reserve is in Spring and early Summer when the cowslips at at their best. It is hoped that an Open Day will be organised later in the year – details in the next newsletter.

Nature reserves however, cannot be left entirely alone: a certain amount of management is needed to prevent vigorous species getting out of control. If anyone would be willing to help from time to time, I should be very grateful.

Allan Burberry
Warden, Charfield Reserve Tel: 0272 26xxxx (Avon Wildlife Trust)


Joint Editors
Mary Hall
xx Templar Road
North Yate
Tel: 0454 31xxxx
Marion & Angela Smith
xxx Manor Lane
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx
Carolyne Knibbs
xx Woodlands Road
Tel: Falfield 26xxxx  
John Butler
Tel: 0454 26xxxx

Published by Charfield & District Residents' Association (CHADRA)


Playground Appeal Fund

At a meeting in November, the Hall Management Committee agreed to accept the outlined plans recommended by the subcommittee. They will be as follows:

Stage I:

Refurbishment of Mound

Keeping existing slide and providing stepping logs, steps, ramp with pull chain and safety tiles at the bottom of the slide which currently gets pitted and fills with water. We hope this will increase the play value of the mound and also discourage bikes from being ridden down the slide which ruins the surface and endangers other children, by making access more difficult. The NPFA recommended in their report that both concrete tunnels be removed and so the mound will have to have a retaining timber wall where the concrete is removed.

Toddler Area

This will be a fenced area with a self closing gate and bark surfacing where the pre-school children will be able to play safely. There will be a wooden playhouse with small slide a “dizzy disc” and a spring animal. Sufficient room will be left for additional equipment in the future.

Toddler Swings

These will be re-sited next to the toddler area and two new seats will be fitted (two, as opposed to three as per the NPFA recommendations). There will also be a swing barrier at each end to prevent children running in front of a moving swing and the swing bay will be sited in a raised bark pit.

Junior Swings

These will be replaced with a new two swing bay unit and sited in a raised bark pit further down the field where there will be less likelihood of children being hit by moving swings.

The cost of this phase will be £10,978. However, since the very heavy rain in September, we have realised that there is a problem with land drainage, or rather, lack of it! It seems rather silly to spend such a large amount of money and then still have an inaccessible area for 6 months of the year because it is waterlogged. At the moment, it looks like that will cost approx. £2,000.


Trim Trail

3This is a kind of timber obstacle course which is aimed more at the older age groups and could also be used by sports clubs for training purposes. The fall height of the equipment is not high enough to warrant any safety surfacing. (Some of the Trim Trail equipment can be seen at the Symn Lane playground at Wotton.

Planting of Trees, Shrubs and Bulbs

This will be carried out in order to provide more landscaping and better shelter. We have applied to North Avon for an environmental grant to cover this part of the plan and are hoping to receive 80% funding.


More benches have been asked for and Leyhill prison have said that they will make them if we can supply the appropriate timber (does anyone have a contact in the timber trade?)

Concrete Roller Skating Area and Ball Wall

These are what the older age group (12+) have asked for and would be sited by the skateboard ramp near where the Youth Club hope to have their building, eventually. The teenagers would also like more seating in that area.

This second phase would cost approx. £6,500 and we would hope to have it in place before winter 1993.


This would be the multi activity unit which would be aimed at 5–12 year olds, consisting of climbing nets, firefighters pole, pull chains, bridges etc. It would be replacing the roundabout and small climbing frame and provide the interest and challenge needed by that age group. It would be sited in a raised bark pit with an estimated cost of £6,500. Spring 1994 is when we would like to see this installed but obviously, much depends on the amount of money raised by then.

Stage I must be started by the end of March, otherwise we will lose the North Avon grant and at present we are on course to achieve that having received a further boost of £1,000 (in addition to £1,000 already promised) by the Parish Council. There are however the drainage problems which will increase the amount needed, so we cannot sit back and relax just yet – the fund-raising goes on!!

Funding for Stages II and III has already began with the promise of £2,500 from the Parish Council and 80% funding for the landscaping. We would also hope to receive a further grant from North Avon District Council but it is still very important for everyone to continue with the marvellous fund-raising effort which has really snowballed in the last couple of 4months. If everyone continues to support this project, Charfield will have not only a super playground, but a pleasant recreational area which will be of use to all age groups – from toddlers to OAPs!


We sincerely thank the following people for their donations which were much appreciated.

Mothers and Toddlers (skittles evening)£50.00
Kiosk (donation tub)£97.56
1st Charfield Brownies (sponsored walk)£37.00
Anon. donation by young girl£12.00
Mark Neptune and Steve Bindon (Woodend sponsored walk)£375.00
Quiz Night II£193.00
Royal Oak, Cromhall (donation tub)£59.44
Charfield WI£50.00
Leyhill Mother and Toddlers/Playground£30.00
*Christmas Children's Bazaar£460.00
Craft Fair (entrance fees)£63.84
Young Wives (coffee morning)£80.00
Plough Inn (raffle)£50.00
Leyhill Prison Whist Drive£280.00
CharfleId football Club£60.00
Refreshments after Xmas ramble£26.89
Carol Singing£47.46

(*Special thanks to Margaret Gargett who worked so hard and organised everybody. It was a tremendous effort and a very enjoyable afternoon for the children.)

A big “thank you” to all those who braved the sub zero temperatures to go Carol singing on the 22nd. In addition, we wish to thank all those people, too numerous to mention who supported the Xmas Grand Draw by donating prizes, selling tickets or buying tickets. It was a lot of work but we raised £723.24 so I guess it was worth it!! (I just wish December hadn't been so cold) The top three prizes were won by Mr Brendan O'Connor from Charfield (a 14″ portable colour TV), Mr George Jones from Wotton (a food hamper from Country Hampers Limited), Mrs Jane Hall from Charfield (A Magimix food processor donated by the MEB). Congratulations to all the other 47 prize winners!

We have also had donations from Avon Community Council (£250.00), Avon Playing Fields Assoc. (£100), National Playing Fields Association (£200), Creda (£15), Rolls Royce (£50), MEB (£50).

Which brings me to further fund-raising efforts and a plea for inspiration, because we are running out of ideas!

Sunday 17th January:*A sponsored swim by Diane and Christopher Lowe at 5Dursley Pool.
Friday 29th January:A race night and ploughmans at Leyhill Social Club
Friday 26th March:Quiz Night III – the ULTIMATE revenge.
Those of you who came to the other two will know what good fun these evenings are, so please get your teams organised, strategy planned, highway code memorised and come back for more punishment!!

And now I have an URGENT appeal to make. Three of us on the sub committee are expecting babies in the next few months and will obviously not be able to continue as we have been. The first person to go on “maternity leave” is Philippa, who has been an extremely efficient secretary. We will be very sorry to lose her and her drive and enthusiasm but because of health problems she has been told to take things easy. That means we desperately need a new secretary as soon as possible so that Philippa can do a proper handover. We have recently had another resignation from the committee and we would like to thank Joy Buxton and her Brownie pack for their sponsored walk, their contribution to the Xmas Grand Draw and for organising the carol singing.

“Many hands make light work” and this is certainly true when organising any sort of fund-raising event. Unless we get more people willing to come on the sub committee, I can't really see us being able to continue after Stage I is completed. It would be a great sham to let the project slide when so much funding for Stages II & III is already in place and when so much hard work has been done already. If you think you would like to become involved in the playground project (remember we desperately and urgently need a secretary), please contact any of the current sub committee.

Mandy Bird, 29xxxx, Cath Bindon 26xxxx (Treasurer), Chris Slowley 26xxxx, Mark Neptune 26xxxx, Christine Steel 26xxxx, Beverley Hill 26xxxx, Elaine Popham 25xxxx

*PS We have just received some late news that 70 lengths were completed at Dursley Pool by Diane and Christopher Lowe in their sponsored swim for the Playground Appeal. They are hoping to raise a magnificent £200, so please get your money ready and pay up and a very big thank you to both Diane and Christopher for their wonderful effort.

i[Stage I diagram]

ii[Stage II diagram]


If you could help in any of the following ways please fill in this form and give it to any of the sub committee or post it in the box provided in “Open all Hours”.

(a)I would be willing to join the sub committee
(b)I have ideas for fund raising and would like to discuss them with the sub committee
(c)I would be able to come and help dig our bark pits and/or help remove old equipment when Stage I is begun at the end of March
(d)I would be able to offer technical ability and/or specialised equipment to help with the cleaning of the site and preparation of the bark pits at the end of March
(e)I would be able to do photocopying (preferably free of charge!)
NameAddressTel No.



Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Fields Management Committee

(diary date: Saturday 17th July)
 for the Play Area Project
 for general fund-raising
 on busy bar nights

Just an hour or two of your time would help enormously. Our request for help in the last newsletter was ignored. Please pick up the phone this time! (Falfield 26xxxx)

The AGM will be held on April 1 this year – all villagers are invited to attend. There are 5 elected positions and 4 co-optive positions – if you feel you have a skill or talent which would benefit the hall and playing field, please contact the Secretary.

DO remember that Monday night is BINGO night in the Hall – all are very welcome to join in.

We look forward to seeing more of you at the various events organised (Beetle Drives are not to be missed).

Best regards, Your Management Committee

Charfield Women's Institute

I am writing this on the first day of 1993, wondering what the hassle and ‘wind-up’ to Christmas was all about. It's soon over and now we can settle down and think over what stands out in our minds about Christmas. This last year seemed just too busy for most of us, but I did enjoy the Village Sing (sorry about the misprint in the previous edition!) The Church was packed and it was good to see villagers of all ages taking part and enjoying themselves. Well done, everyone.

Now, why not come and join one of the village organisations? For instance, you could come along as a visitor to the Charfield W.I. and find out what it's all about or just come and enjoy the speaker.

We have an interesting programme already planned for 1993 although by the time you read this, we shall have had our first meeting which Cheryl Hanson of “Savante Interiors” talking on interior design.

7Subsequent meetings held at Charfield Memorial Hall (7.30 pm) are as follows:

Feb 11thSixty Minutes on the Severn Valley Railway
April 18thCreative Colour Analysis
May 13thResolutions (speaker to be fixed)

Also, please note the date! Saturday April 24th the annual WI Jumble Sale.

By the way I promised to let you know who won the Rose Bowl for the monthly competition. Well, Miss Barbara Curtis was the worthy winner and Mrs D Poskett came in second place. Congratulations to them both!

Guilda Ludwell

Charfield Young Wives

1993, A new year and a new Chairlady is due to take over; not only that but a new title “Charfield Ladies Club”.

This change of name was considered in order to more accurately reflect our membership. The old name certainly sounded restrictive to just young married women which was certainly not the case – so remember all ladies are welcome to join us.

Christmas proved an enjoyable time with a magic show courtesy of Tony Griffith, a member of the Junior Magic Circle. Good food, wine and good humour ensued.

In February, we welcome Dr. Mollie Rowlands. Our talk will be about Homeopathic Medicine, so keep February 18th (Thursday) free.

Our AGM will be on March 18th when Elaine Popham will take over as Chairlady – lots of luck to Elaine. I would like to thank the Committee for all their hard work and support and to everyone who has supported us one way or the other in the past year.

Jasmine C. Messer

Charfield Playgroup

Now all the excitement of Christmas has gone we would like to wish all Charfield residents a very happy New Year. We would like to thank all of you who contributed on our Carol Singing night in December. The weather was very kind to us and the children all enjoyed riding on the lighted tractor and trailer around the village. Father Christmas was so pleased to have met many of you on you 8doorsteps, especially the little ones – some of whom I know were woken especially to see him.

Playgroup Committee will be working hard during the year to put on events for children and residents of Charfield, please support all our efforts.

Playgroup is open to all three and four year old pre-school children so if you would like your child to join in the fun with Sally Griffiths and Liz Goulding, give me a call and I will book them in.

Penny Kelly
Secretary – Tel: 26xxxx

Charfield Mother and Toddler Group

It's mid January and already Christmas and its festivities seem an age away. Our Christmas Party was a big success and there was more than enough food for the 67 children who turned up. Many children were in fancy dress and the winners of this competition were Nicholas Popham and Nicola Richens. Many congratulations to Nicholas and Nicola and well done to all the others for such a tremendously varied and colourful turnout; it certainly added to the party fun. Following this, a wide selection of prizes were on offer in our Christmas Raffle: and may I say a big thank you to all who donated gifts and, of course to those who bought tickets. Lastly many thanks to father Christmas for popping in with his presents, rounding off a very enjoyable day!

Us mums also managed our own Christmas celebration; a night out at the Grange Resort Hotel, Winterbourne, when about 20 of our members enjoyed a substantial meal, and finished the evening by dancing off a few of the pounds we doubtlessly put on!

Looking to the new term, we have various events coming up, including book and clothes parties, plus we have been able (due to numerous fund raising activities) to purchase some new play equipment. So, if you have a child aged 0–3 years, why not join us on a Thursday morning between 10.15 and 11.30 am at the Memorial Hall, and start off the New Year by making some new friends?

Also, our Annual General Meeting is coming up at the beginning of March and we will be looking for new committee members. If you feel that you could help out in this way, please contact myself on Tel: 26xxxx or come along to the Hall to find out more.

Wishing you all a belated Happy New Year.

Noreen Berry


Charfield County Primary School PTA

It's 9.00 o'clock on Monday evening and we have just finished a PTA meeting. Karen Wright has just informed me, the Chairman normally does a piece for the CHADRA newsletter and if I am going to submit anything it has to be done by tomorrow!

Fortunately I travel to work by train and British Rail have the technology to make a 50 minute journey last an hour and a half, ample time in which to put together something informative, witty and attention grabbing (I'm really stretching myself here).

The main reason for writing is to inform people that this year is the start of the school centenary year. The PTA are planning a series of events to mark the occasion. Events in which we hope the whole village, not just parents and pupils will become involved. The aim is to have fun and of course raise money, with which we hope to do something exceptional to commemorate this special year. Below I have outlined some of the events planned. Notices for all future events will be posted outside school, in local shops, and of course in newsletters.

17th Feb – 8pm – Cheese, Wine and Quiz Evening (adults only!)

Our first event of the new year. Some people seem to have been put off by preconceived ideas as to what this event is like, and we thought about renaming this highly enjoyable evening – but it was difficult to describe it accurately and make it sound respectable. If you haven't been, have a word with someone who has. Tickets are £3.00 per person which includes 4 glasses of wine, a nibble or two of cheese and a full evening of entertainment (see your friends and neighbours make fools of themselves!).

22nd May – 1.00pm – Plant and Garden Pot Sale

A selection of spring bedding plants and a large variety of garden and ornamental pots will be on offer at extremely reasonable prices.

22nd May – 2.00pm – Donkey Derby

One of our new events – in order to make it a success we need help in finding sponsorship for both races and “runners”. To sponsor a race will cost £25, which as well as lots of mentions on the day, will include a full page advert in the programme. Sponsoring a donkey will cost £2 which will entitle the sponsor to nominate a jockey (up to 11 years of age), and name and define the breeding of their entry, such as:


10If you know of anyone who may be interested in sponsoring a race or a “runner” or placing an advert in the programme, please contact and PTA member. Spectator entries will be by programme, at a cost of 20p per person. Refreshments, side shows and “normal” donkey rides will be available.

12th June – Summer Fayre

Past Fayres have included traction engine rides, roundabouts, donkey rides, swing-boats, skittle competitions; coconut shy, cake stall, jumble, books, toys, refreshments and many other attractions. More information closer to the date.

Well BR have done their bit, only 1 hours 20 minutes – so I had to leave out the informative witty and attention grabbing bits. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year and I hope to see you at one of the above events.

Ray Lacey

Wotton and District Girl Guide Association

Once again I am appealing to any ladies out there who might have some spare time on their hands and feel that they can help the Guide Association out.

With regret I had to close, hopefully only for a short while, one of the Brownie packs in the village through lack of support. But, I also opened a long awaited Rainbow Unit (girls 5–7 yrs) thanks to three ladies who came forward prepared to give up time to run the unit. So with a Rainbow unit and one full Brownie unit it would be good to feel that the second Brownie Unit could be opened again in readiness for the little ones once they become 7yrs so they can be assured of continuing their Guiding. After all it does seem a shame that starting them at 5yrs and giving them 2yrs in the movement could end up with them not having the chance to continue.

Also, another plea please. Due to several factors, my District secretary has had to resign leaving a gap to be filled. The job is not an arduous one, so I would be very grateful to anyone who feels they would like to know any more about the two above positions mentioned.

There must be someone out there who was once in the movement as a youngster and now feels that they want to offer something back.

Please contact without delay

Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane, Charfield – Tel: 0454 26xxxx
District Commissioner for Wotton District GGA


1st Woodend Tigers

HELP!! We have lost Steve Hake (also known as Chill) and are about to lose Lisa Smith (whose other name is IKKY).

This leaves only myself to run a pack of twenty four boys.


The Commitment to Cub Scouts is really very good fun and not as time consuming as you would think.

Contact me, Mike Cheskin either by telephone – 0453 84xxxx – or at my home address – xx Farm Leas – or, of course on Tuesday evenings between 7.00 and 8.30pm, at Scout Headquarters in Cromhall, if you are interested in helping in any way. Come along and see what happens.

Our winter camp in Weston-Super-Mare was great fun. We had one boy at the hospital, one boy soaked by the waves and one who kept us awake until 2.00 am; all shall be nameless.

We played the 1st Woodend Lions (Charfield) on the 13th February and won 10–0 (and pigs can fly!!!!)

Stop Press from the Ed – I have tried to contact Mike to establish the real score – but I think they are still playing.

Charfield Hall Management Committee 200 Club

The 200 Club helps to raise money for the Village Hall and also gives generous prizes.

Contributions are 20p per week, which is collected by various people around the village and the prize draws are taken at the Management Committee meetings.

Prizes are as follows:-

£20four weekly
£100six monthly
£250  annually

For any further information contact Cathy Bindon at the Open All Hours shop, tel 0454 26xxxx.


Attention All Potential Artists

The front page artwork of the Newsletter was designed some years ago, and we have supplies which will last approximately until January 1994, and then we will have to either re-print the existing design – or find something new.

Chadra are offering a prize of £10 for the best entry which will used for future issues of the Newsletter.

This competition is open to all ages and suggestions. The opinion of the committee is that the existing design is so good it will take a lot of beating – so there is the challenge.

The designer's name will be included in the drawing so someone can experience fame at last!

By the way – if the originator of the existing drawing would like to make themselves known we would be interested to hear from them, as no-one on the committee has a record of who it was.


If anyone wishes to advertise in the Newsletter please contact either of the eds with your copy or even your idea and the rates charged are:-

Quarter page– £20 per year
Half page– £40 per year
Full page– £80 per year

or if space allows one off adverts are accepted at the rate of £5 per insertion.

Invoices will be sent at six monthly intervals, no payment, no advert!


Can we remind you that John Butler is very happy to help with duplicating, which is actually much cheaper than photo-copying.

The following rates will be charged for the duplicating service and anyone can use it –

Stencils – 12p each
Paper – 1p per copy
plus a basic charge of 50p to set up the equipment.



Firstly, I must apologise to Mrs I Davies from the village and Mrs J Grant from Dursley for all the hard work they had to do on our August Camp.

Recently, the unit made water clocks out of lemonade bottles which were tested on time. Some of the girls made the holes too small which meant that their clock would be wrong. I spent most of the evening mapping up the floor!

Just before Christmas we gave each girl a gnome to paint which took a couple of nights. The girls enjoyed painting them – I am glad to say that not too much mess was made. It took many weeks to make the 30 casts but it was worth it to see the end results.

On January 8th, a group of girls went to Wotton to see the Panto – Thank you to Mrs J Smith for the extra help.

January 20th will see the girls belated Christmas Party! – With so much going on at School just before the Christmas there just wasn't time to fit it in earlier!

On February 21st we will be going to St. Mary's Church at Wotton for our Thinking Day Service. This is when we celebrate Lord and Lady Baden Powell and think about all the Guides and Brownies in other countries.

I hope that you will all enjoy reading Helen's article about her trip to Mexico. I know that Helen enjoyed herself – to name everyone helped would take ages so from Helen and myself a big thank you to all concerned.

Now to Sophie and her article (also In this newsletter). This was her challenge for her green trefoil. Well done Sophie – you have gained it.

Going back to November when we marched with the British Legion for Remembrance Day – all but two girls turned out. I had no reason to tell any of them off for talking – I think this is a first.

On Match 6th we shell be having our Jumble Sale. This year some of the money raised will go to Camp Fund so please support us as we need to replace quite a few items.

Finally, as a unit, we are to give a donation of £100 towards the Playground Appeal. As many of our girls use the playing fields, they particularly wanted to help out.

Mary Westlake, Guider in Charge

NB I have just received a letter from my unit helper to say that he will no longer be able to help out. I would therefore like to thank you Mike for all your help and you will be missed by the girls. So, if there is anyone who can help out please contact me or Tonia – you will not have to go into uniform and you do not have to come every week.


Early December 1992! by Sophie Smith (age 12)


You're probably used to reading my mum's bit, well now I have been asked to write, by my Guide Leader. This is my challenge to go towards my green trefoil. Well I thought I would tell you about what we have been doing at Guides lately.

For the last couple of weeks, we have been painting gnomes for Christmas. I think everyone enjoyed it! (Well, I certainly did!) I chose a gnome which was holding a spade. The only problem I had was painting the lips and eyes. When I painted his lip, it looked as if he had been drinking blood – and the eyes looked like I don't know what!

Also, about a month ago we were making water clocks (that was a disaster) What we did was, everyone had 2 coke, lemonade etc. bottles and then we cut them so that one of the bottles had the end of it cut off and the lid had a hole in it so that the water could come through and the other one had the top half of it cut off. Once we put it all together we put water into the top half of it and timed how much came through in a minute. We tried this over and over again. Then after about 10 minutes, “SPLASH”, someone's water clock had collapsed. The water was all over the table and the floor and Snoopy had to clean it up (Snoopy is our Guide Leader). This happened about three more times so Snoopy got a bit fed-up of mopping all the water up!

Well, now I will tell you a bit about what I do and who I am. First of all, I am patrol second of Red Rose. What I do is if Anna (our patrol leader of Red Rose) is away, I take her place and do whatever she would do, like help any other patrol members with anything.

I have been a member of the 1st Charfield pack for about 2 years now, I have taken part in many events. Firstly, I achieved my yellow trefoil, and now I hope to gain my green trefoil.

So, I do hope that you have enjoyed reading this!


The Experience of a Lifetime in Mexico

As some of you are aware, last July/August I was selected by my region to represent it during a trip to Mexico. There were nine other girls selected from across the country and two leaders to keep us in order.

We left England on July 18th, heading first for New York and then onto our destination Mexico. All I remember about Newark Airport is that it was very humid, the distinctive yellow cabs, and that we were there a long time because our plane was delayed.

15On arriving at Mexico City airport, all of us were on automatic. There was a very good reason for this, mainly the fact that we had been travelling for 22 hours and most of us had had only 2 hours sleep throughout the whole journey. Luckily we were met at the Airport and taken straight to the place where we were going to stay the night. We woke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to begin our adventure. Nora appeared immediately after breakfast and was amazed at the amount of luggage we had brought, she suggested that we should take only necessary clothes and personal belongings, also that they might not have enough room in their house for a suitcase.

We arrived at Puebla expecting to be met by two of the “Guias de Puebla” but unfortunately they did not expect us until the next day and were away on camp. We were again lucky in that one of the girls on our group (Helen Cooper) could speak fluent Spanish and we managed to find someone who could contact the guide leader and so everything turned out fine.

Whilst we at Puebla the guides were very kind to us, they organised many trips and excursions, the majority of which were to Churches all different and yet the same. They also held a disco on the last night, during which we were able to learn a few Mexican Guide songs and to teach them some of our more respectable songs, such as the Hokey Cokey!

The next day we had to leave to go to “Our Cabana”, this is one of the four world centres of Guiding.

During our stay at “Our Cabana” we were involved in a service project in which everyone at Cabana took part (80 girls from around the world and their leaders). We were taken by coach to the kindergarten which was situated on the outskirts of nearby Cunervaca. When we arrived some of the children and their mothers had come to thank us for the work that we were going to do whilst we were there.

The helpers at Cabana organised us into groups with the girls who liked children or who could speak Spanish looking after the children. My group were given buckets and mops and told to empty the swimming pool and scrub off all the loose paint. Other groups were set to weeding, sanding and painting.

The kindergarten was in a very bad state of repair and even though we all worked very hard we were still unable to complete the project because of the lack of sufficient equipment and the fact that there are quite a lot of other projects that Cabana helps with.

When we had finished our session at “Our Cabana” we travelled onto Oaxaca where we were again hosted by the families of the local guide company. Oaxaca is a very popular place for tourists and so the aspects of a tradition are strongly enhanced especially if the locals think that there is a profit to be made out of it. This means that things are more expensive than usual unless of course you know a little Spanish.

While we were in Oaxaca, we were taken around by the Mexican Guides and so we did not get bothered by too many of the street vendors. We were shown the largest tree in the Western hemisphere, it was coated in lime near the roots so that it was protected from a disease which is very common in Mexico. We stayed 16 in Oaxaca for three days and then we went to Mexico City were we stayed for the remainder of our time in Mexico. Whilst there, we had the opportunity to see a Guide and Brownie meeting take place.

I had an absolutely wonderful time in Mexico, and I can't thank the people who helped to make it possible enough.

Helen Edwards

Charfield Junior Football Club

Under 12s

Having made a poor start to the season, the 12s have, during the weeks leading up to Christmas, somewhat improved with a 3–0 victory over Wanswell followed by a 2–2 draw against Dursley with the Dursley equaliser coming from a last minute penalty. The victory over Wanswell was especially pleasing after losing 8–1 to them earlier in the season. The 12s are a very young side this season with 4 players of the squad only being 9 years of age. Hopefully results like these can only help their confidence.

Under 14s

The 14s season continues to go from strength to strength and they are now 5 points clear of their nearest rivals in the league, Tytherington with games in hand. The only hiccough to date being the county cup defeat at the hands of the northern section leaders, Rodborough 4–1.

Despite the scoreline it was a very tight, hard fought game which on the day Rodborough just deserved to win; but, if as expected, these two teams win their respective area leagues the championship play-off will be a real tussle with Charfield out for revenge.

The 14s have, however, progressed through to the semi-finals of the Stroud and Swindon BS Cup and are due to play Everside away early in the New Year, weather permitting.

On a goal scoring note, Ben Pring has scored a phenomenal 37 goals for the club out of a total of 89 so far this season. Keep it up Ben!!!

Under 16s

After reinstatement to the league this season the 16s form has dropped away after a very successful start and they appear to be heading for a mid table position. This, after the problems of the last few seasons will still be quite an accomplishment and if we can keep the younger players together and with the 14s coming through they should be a fairly strong team next season.

One point which I would like to make is the apparent lack of interest amongst the parents of the 12s who appear to be reluctant to lend a hand on Sunday mornings. Having been a manager myself, I know how hard a job it is. They put in 17a lot of time and effort before, during and after every game, so it would be nice just once in a while to see someone offer to run the line, or help clean out the dressing rooms after a game. All these things need doing so don't just leave it all the manager. After all, it is for your childrens benefit. I would be interested to hear the views of the 12s parents on this subject, or if there is anyone else who might like to be involved with the club, please contact me.

Finally, on behalf of the club, I would like to publicly thank Renishaws for their generous donation to the club, especially during the present economic climate.

Tony Bullock, Tel 26xxxx

Local Police News Spot

I have been living and working in Charfield for 18 months now and this is the first time that I have gone into print in the local magazine.

I do so mainly, because of the confusion amongst some of the community with regard to not only my role, but also the changes in the organisation of the Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury areas of policing.

As you may be aware, the last few years have brought about enormous changes in many areas of Public Service. Education and the National Health Service have both undergone and are still experiencing “Streamlining”. The Police Service is no exception. Indeed some of the most radical changes in police structure and management have taken place recently. The details of these changes are complicated and numerous but in laypersons terms the police are becoming more and more responsible for budgeting their human and financial resources efficiently and, due to a shortage of both, sparingly.

Charfield is now part of a police “District” headed by Superintendent Jenkinson who's headquarters are at present at Filton Police Station. In April 1992, Mr Jenkinson reorganised the Filton District with the effect of bringing Charfield under the responsibility of Thornbury and not as previously Chipping Sodbury. Thornbury Police Station is generally open for public enquiries and business during office hours Monday to Friday although there is 24 hour police cover from the station. Outside of office hours, should a police officer be required on a non urgent matter, Staple Hill Police Control Room should be informed by telephone, and they will allocate the duty Thornbury officer to attend. Urgent matters only should be reserved for the 999 system.

As far as contact with me, your local policeman, is concerned, I work an unusual shift system and it is therefore, impossible to dedicate specific times for availability. Sadly I have been unable to open the Police Station on a regular basis. However, when on duty I do have a responsibility for local affairs and should you require me to discuss any police related matter a message can be left at Thornbury or even a note through my office door should suffice.

There has been an increase in crime throughout the country over recent years and 18a number of incidents in Charfield itself has spurred a section of our community to set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. This is still very much in its infancy but run correctly and given sufficient support, I am sure that it will be an asset to us all.

The theme of Neighbourhood Watch is to encourage each and every person to be more vigilant and aware of what is happening around them. This includes young and old. A recent topic of concern for young people especially is the availability of drugs. This is a widespread problem in our society which although on a small scale in rural areas, is worth consideration and attention in educating our young people as to their dangers.

As I have already said, change has been the theme of recent years and I expect more to come in the near future. I will endeavour to keep you posted as and when these changes occur. In the meantime may I wish you all a peaceful and prosperous 1993.

PC Simon Bee

Staple Hill Control: Tel: 0272 62xxxx
Thornbury Police Station: Tel: 0454 28xxxx


A working party of volunteers (Lynn, Joy, Malcolm, Tony, Mike, Bob, Brendan and Reg the landowner) sweated on Sunday 25 October and installed the new steps on OCH 14 (look at the map you were given in the last issue), 2 stiles on OCH 14, and a footplate on OCH 16. It was a foul day and their efforts went well beyond the call of duty. On 28 November an extremely generous ton of stones (it felt like 10 tons) was donated by Western Roadstone (Downs Road Quarry) and were moved by bucket and spade and more sweat (Bob, Brendan, Gill and Andy) to finish off the OCH steps. A vote of thanks to all concerned.

Now for the bad news. The new OCH 14 steps have led into a deep pool of water during the recent bad weather. Ho Hum.

More bad news – I am sure that most of you will have noticed that the aluminium bridge on OCH 3 near Huntingford Mill is not as it should be. To be precise, it is 30′ downstream on its side, on the East bank. Avon County Council Engineers have placed the order to have it replaced and secured in position but we must wait for hard ground before we can have vehicular access to do the job. Pray for frost or drought – either will do.

Thanks are due to Mr Sheppard for arranging the installation of a stile on OCH 1 in time for the Ramble, and to Western Roadstone and Mr Colin Robertson of Hillview Farm Wickwar, for all their efforts on the quarry owned land in the south of the Parish (5 stiles installed).

I am hopeful that the remaining stile kits will be installed by the Spring. Hint. hint!

19We have received funding for North Avon to enable us to publish a booklet on Charfield. If you have any information you could supply, or would like to help, please let me know.

Finally, over 50 people came along on the Christmas Ramble – the weather was kind and the mulled wine delicious (thank you Mandy and Philippa). The next walk will be on Easter Sunday – probably covering some of the southern paths. Look out for the posters nearer the time – or ring me.

All for now
Julia O'Connor-Beach (Phone 0454 26xxxx)
Parish Footpath Warden (UNPAID)

Charfield Branch of British Legion House to House Collection

Many thanks to all who helped either by contributing to the collection or those who walked round Charfield to fill the tins for us.

As this was the first year that we were an area on our own, not attached to Wotton Branch, the Legion were interested to see how we would fare. May I say that we were all well pleased and very surprised at the wonderful total raised for this very worthy cause.

The total amount with collections added from the Church Services at both of the Churches and wreaths raised the sum to £1182.30.

Most areas were up on on last year so well done to all of you.

Marion Smith
House to House British Legion, Organiser.

Charfield and District Royal British Legion

On behalf of the Charfield Branch I would like to thank all the people who attended the Remembrance Service in November. I was proud to take part with all those very smart young people there and I am sure their leaders were proud of them too.

The War Memorial was in fine shape for the occasion, having been cleaned and the lettering having been re-painted by Mr Keith Smith and Mr Graham Ogborne respectively. The British legion is grateful to the Parish Council, which commissioned and paid for the work done.

I would like to remind any servicemen or ex-servicemen that we are still looking for new members. If interested, please contact the undersigned or any Legion member.

Thanks to all again.
J G Poskett (0454 26xxxx)


Charfield Congregational Church

Sundays:Sunday School –11.00 am
 Family Church on the 1st Sunday of each month11.00 am
 Evening Worship6.00 pm
(Nov–April)Afternoon Worship3.00 pm
Tuesdays:Ladies Bright Hour (fortnightly)2.30 pm

Communion is observed on the 1st Sunday of each month.


My apologies to all concerned, but 'tis me writing again!

Unfortunately I do not have a way with words, unless you count those said under my breath when putting up the Christmas Tree in Church! Not, I hope, to be repeated when taking it down – not quoted in this article!

How foolish I was to mention mists in the last edition of CHADRA. Look what happened – I could hardly grope my way to work some mornings and I only live across the road!! The fruitful part of Autumn was OK though, as we very much enjoyed our Harvest Thanksgiving and I still have apples left to make sauce for the pork some Sundays.

Perhaps I ought not to mention the “White Stuff” which is normally seasonable weather. I only appreciate snow on Christmas cards, although as a child (long, long ago), I recall having a wonderful times on a homemade sledge. I would whoosh down a slope straight through the hedge at the bottom and into a brook on the other side. These performances were eventually banned one Sunday morning – too much washing and drying before walking to Church (poor mother)!

Now to more serious matters. Did I detect a note of discord over our Christmas concert? I thought so. I enjoyed it myself but can understand that for some of us carols would have been welcome if only to allow us to stand up and ease our aching joints. I too must admit that I would have appreciated a bit more audience participation. Our thanks however do go to the choir and all who attended. Special thank yous to some for their invaluable help in the kitchen.

Pleasant Thought:

“Life out of death, as day out of night – Hey Ho winter will go” (Arthur St John Adcock)


Jan 3rdMr J Emmerson (morning)
Jan 10thMr A G Thorne (afternoon)
21Jan 17thMr P Tharling
Jan 24thCommander Holmes, Salvation Army
Jan 31stMr G Tanner
Feb 7thMr & Mrs Thorper
Feb 14thLinda Carey
Feb 21stMr Royston Bees
Feb 28thMr John Sutton
Mar 7thMr Cameron (morning)
Dr G Philpot (afternoon)
Mar 14thMr M Taylor
Mar 21stMrs Tidwell
Mar 28thMr Robin Berks

St John's Church

To begin with a glance backwards, what an excellent attendance there was once again at the village Christmas Sing on Friday 11th December. The Church was filled to overflowing in spite of the extra seats and benches and there were still a dozen or so people standing. The idea certainly seems to have caught the general imagination. It is an encouraging thing that, whatever our own personal interests, we can unite as a sample of the village, helped together by a common social and religious experience at this season of the year. Clearly we shall have to review seating arrangements for next time; but in saying this, it is as well to admit that it is good to have such a problem.

It was very encouraging to be able to hold a service of Confirmation in our own Church here in November. There were eleven candidates. six of them married and five young people. The older ones showed great enthusiasm and interest and our relaxed periods of being together became freer as the weeks passed and soon we were meeting for friendship as much as for discussing beliefs and Christian truths. Perhaps I may take this opportunity to say that if there are others who are interested in such things, or just inquisitive, I would be very happy to hear from them. Our talks have not been ‘indoctrination’ or anything like that. We all have beliefs, some of them are not very good, some are helpful. I am myself clear that the main assertations of the Christian Faith are reasonable (that is, intellectually respectable), helpful and TRUE. They need to be approached gently, with an open mind, trying to see what they mean in terms of life and living, what help they can be to us day by day. This is my approach in any case, in my thinking and speaking about these things.

One of the things we are working on at present is a set of new ‘hassocks’, or kneelers for Church. A few of these have already been made and are very impressive in appearance. There is a set of the various designs on a board just inside the Church, near the font, complete with the prices which include all the materials to complete every design. If you would like to do one, either yourself or if you would like to sponsor one for someone else to do please let us know. Have a word with Kate Ramsey – xx Orchard Close, F 26xxxx. We are hoping, though this cannot yet be certain – to dedicate them on Palm Sunday, the 4th 22April.

While we are on ‘dates’ – Lent – the period of preparation for Easter, covers the Sundays 28th Feb, March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, April 4th (Palm Sunday), with Easter Day on 11th April. All our services are at 10.15 am and all are very welcome. Incidentally the 21st March (above) is the day of our Mothering Sunday service.

Please let me know (phone call or note through the letter-box) if I can help in any way or if you would like a visit.

Ken Grant (Rector)

Marilyn's Bit

Hello and Happy New Year to you all.

Have I mentioned before that I do tap dancing in Wotton Town Hall? Well I do and for our Christmas party we all decided to dress in a merry fashion.

As organised as ever, at 10 to 7.00, (the do started at half past!), I quickly donned my leotard, tights, wrapped a large piece of pink netting round my middle and grabbed some tinsel and did my bit as a Christmas Fairy.

After a few glasses of this and that, I thought it would be a bit of fun to dress up again on the last day of school. I supervise there at lunch times you see.

School finished on the 22nd December and on the evening of the 21st, Keith made me a lovely wand. I decided that the net skirt needed to be fuller so proceeded to delve into the airing cupboard to find the net skirt that I wore when Margaret Shipton and I did smash-a-crock one village sports day.

Tuesday lunch time arrived and I sidled into my ensemble. Tinsel adorned my hair two baubles hung from my ears and I had stitched various Christmassy bits onto my voluminous pink skirt ie angels, balls, knitted socks, (Christmas ones of course and only 3 inches long). I slipped on Keith's festive socks and it was time to go.

I wriggled into the car, dare I say I didn't put on my seat belt – I didn't want to squash my outfit. Keith drove me round to the back of the school and I climbed out. I fluffed up the tutu and off I went. Isn't it funny how things do not seem to be such a good fun idea in the cold light of day, as opposed to the warmth and cosiness of a dark pub corner after 3 gin and tonics.

I took a deep breath and entered the dining hall. Mr Sreeves, our Headmaster, I am quite sure was gobsmacked. I waved my wand over the little darlings, some of them actually said I looked lovely (OK so it was the little ones), and I swanned about the tables trying hard not to dip my nets in the baked bean juice to the tune of “Miss can I have a wish?”, “Can I have your magic wand”. Lunch came to 23an end and I said that “I'd wave my magic wand and clear the plates” Not a sherry in sight!

I tiptoed out into the infants playground. It was freezing. All the little ones crowded around me “Let me hold your wand Miss” they cried. Needless to say I held onto it steadfastly, I didn't want the star to drop off.

All of a sudden, whoever was behind me lifted up my net skirt, which was at a 90 degree angle to the rest of me and poked me, you can imagine where. I turned around and stared at a sea of goggling eyes.

“Whoever did that – if you do it again I shall turn you into a frog”

What a nerve, bring back that horrible old blue overall which covers all the parts from the neck down to way past your knees. I stormed indoors and put on my coat and gloves – my fairy session came to an end. Well sort of.

I walked home after my duties were done (Oh yes, and I sat on Santa's lap at school – I'm sure his thighs will never get over it! – Yummy school dinners have a lot to answer for). It was such fun, I pranced along the Wotton Road, my nets flowing in the breeze, waving my magic wand and all the cars tooted and the drivers waved. Oh what fun! – True Christmas Spirit

I am quite sure that should you call into any house in the land even, as I write impersonations of Noah's Ark are in process. Yes, I am talking about those slippers! Crossed-eye cows, busy stripy bees, pandas, puppies. You name it, some one is having their feet warmed up by a pair of these pets. Well I woke up on Christmas morning to a pair of pure white bunnies. Their little ears flapping as I walk. A friend of mine has got two ring-nosed bulls at the end of his legs!! I don't know how often I shall wear mine though as a pair of dark grey lop eared would have been more appropriate! After opening my wood burning stove doors a couple of times, with a force 9 gale blowing down the chimney, they'll be in the wash more often than on my feet.

I think I shall just keep them for special curling-up-on-the-sofa occasions.

Well I will sign off now. Also In this magazine, my daughter Sophie has put pen to paper. She has had to write for a guide badge. I am most proud of her – she has quite a style.

All the best

Marilyn (tel: 26xxxx)

PS I've just had a thought. I any of you know where I can purchase plastic fruit, please let me know – I grabbed a bowlful from the school PTA white elephant stall the other year and my friend bought me dead real-like plastic grapes for Christmas. I fancy turning my kitchen into a tacky version of a pizza parlour with bits hanging from the ceiling – Yes I know it might sound strange 24but look who's writing this!

Take care – Marilyn, and very finally,

Quiz Night



Friday 26th March, 7.30 for 8.00 pm start in the Memorial Hall.

Be warned – there will be a definite Charfield bias

*** Bar open ***

Teams of 4/5, £1 entry fee per member – Profits to Playground Appeal

Number of Teams limited to 20 – book now! 0454 26xxxx

Charfield Parish Council

Firstly I would like to thank the former Clerk to the Council, Mrs Jenny Hughes for her kind comments in the last Newsletter – she has made taking over the Clerk's task relatively easy by the meticulous way records were kept. I shall have some job to keep up the standard set. Thanks Jenny for all your help.

At the recent Budget Meeting of the Parish Council, the following grants were agreed for Local Organisations and will be paid shortly after the start of the new financial year in April.

Charfield and District Friendship Club£35.00
Charfield Luncheon Club£50.00
Charfield Playgroup£60.00
Charfield Football Club£20.00
Charfield Congregational Church£50.00
Citizens Advice Bureau£60.00
Charfield Childminding Group£30.00
Charfield Mothers and Toddlers Group£50.00
Charfield Memorial Hall£825.00

The Council also agreed to again support the Playground Sub-Committee by allocating a further £3,500 during 1993/4 towards major refurbishment of the children's play area – this will bring the Council's total contribution to £4,500. I am sure the Village would wish me to thank the Sub-Committee for all the hard work they have put into this project.


Local Government

The role of Parish and Town Councils in England is not being studied by the local Government Commissioners who nevertheless value their participation in community democracy. Indeed, the Government itself recognises this and accordingly the Department of the Environment has issued a Consultation Paper on this future role.

The diversity of Parish makes it difficult to contemplate imposing additional local Government functions on all of them, though there could be some encouragement for the devolution of activity in all appropriate cases – to those Local (ie Parish and Town) Councils able and willing to accept a wider role.

The Consultation paper in its paragraphs 57–60 pursues the Government's aim to encourage the creation of Parish Councils in Urban areas and one suggestion is that where a Unitary Authority receives a petition of say 500 people, it would have to consider whether or not to produce a proposal for a Parish in that area.

The Department of the Environment required comments on the paper by November 30 1992 and again, like other Parish and Town Councils, Charfield Parish Council has done just that. Charfield Parish Council has indicated with its limited resources it welcomes the concept of fuller discussions with Principal Councils but does not feel able to take on more statutory duties.

These last few months therefore have been very time consuming in studying and discussing relevant papers on reorganisation whether it be for the Local Government Commission or for the Department of the Environment. There have also been attendances at one meeting or another to gain a fuller prospective.

Other options than a new Northavon Unitary District are possible but I will not dwell on speculation at this stage but hope that what ever happens, Charfield will not “draw the short straw”

David W Parker, Vice President, Avon Local Councils Association.


Working Party at Nature Reserve from 9.30 a.m. on MARCH 7th, ALL VOLUNTEERS WELCOME!


Village Organisations and Contact Names






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Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 31 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2017-01-19.