Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 44 – July 1986 – 15p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1986.


Charfield Parish Council
Youth Events in Northavon
Charfield Playgroup
Conservative Association – In Touch
From our District Councillor
Charfield Luncheon Club for the Elderly
Charfield Primary School
Charfield Primary School – Parent/Teacher Association
Charfield Primary School Governors
K.L.B. Parent/Teacher Association
Citizens Advice Bureau
Charfield Mother & Toddler Group
2nd Charfield Brownie Pack
Charfield W.I.
Quick Tips!
St. John's Church
Charfield Congregational Church
St. John's Church Parochial Council
Baby Sitting Circle
1st Charfield Guides
Charfield Junior Netball Club
Just a Little Bit of Charfield
Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Field Management Committee
Charfield Cricket Club
Charfield Juniors A.F.C.
Charfield & District Friendship Club
Sports & Gala Day Committee
1st Woodend Scout Group
Young Wives Club
Village Organisations




Many of you will be aware that after some discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting the Parish Council decided to enter the Village for this Competition.

Although under no illusions as to the possibility of achieving a success those present felt that if the Village could be made more presentable this fact and any remarks by the Judges might provide an incentive to residents to keep it that way. The Parish Council publicised their intentions in this matter and held a Village “clean-up” on June 11th. Your Committee urges all residents to help this effort to continue. The play-area with it's associated footpaths and grass verges present a particularly difficult problem. For some time this area has been cleared of refuse daily. Most days provide a “haul” consisting of several drink cans (sometimes as many as five or six) and a quantity of sweet etc., wrappers. Since it seems that school children are mainly, though probably not entirely, responsible for the dropping of the litter, the Committee would be very grateful if parents would bring this matter to the notice of their off-springs. It is hard to believe that people enjoy looking at the squalor which results if rubbish is allowed to accumulate even for quite a short period of time.


Now that Manor Lane has been completed (more or less!) the danger of accidents to children leaving the plat-area by the footpaths and particularly by the slope opposite to No. 98 (which is used as a skateboard track) has increased substantially. The Parish Council is well aware of this problem and is doing it's best to improve the situation possibly by the erection of barriers.

The Committee asks drivers to be particularly careful on this stretch of Manor Lane, which tends to look deceptively clear and safe compared to the first section.

Geoff. Blower.
Hon. Secretary, Charfield Residents Association.

R. Gunning, Editor.
xx Manor Lane.

Published by Charfield & District Residents' Association (CHADRA)


Charfield Parish Council

The Parish Council together with the assistance of Play Leaders, Mrs Anna Hart and Mrs Janet Armstrong Smith, is organising a Holiday Playscheme for all primary school age children for the week 4th–8th August. The venue will again be the school with various activities arranged and an outing to the Tropical Bird Gardens at Rhode on Friday 8th. Parents and older children will be welcome as helpers but it is essential that we know who is coming and ask everyone interested to complete the application forms which will be distributed by the school. Forms are also available from Mrs Hart xx Avon Road, Mrs Armstrong Smith x Old Manor Close, Rev Parker xx Durham Road and Mrs Hall x Berkeley Close.

The Council is aware that the recent fire at the Tortworth Copse Waste Disposal Site caused considerable concern and they have requested information on the cause and whether or not the fumes were toxic.

The Parish Council has responded to the planning Office of the District Council following their request for information and comments on which to base their consultation document for the Avon Rural Areas Local Plan. All households received a green publicity leaflet on this subject and the Council hopes a good number of people have forwarded their comments and suggestions, as the future development of the village and the area will be based on such information.

On the specific subject of the planning application for additional housing on land off Manor Lane and Little Bristol Lane, the Parish Council has met Planning Consultants with regard to the possibility of being represented at the Planning Appeal to be held towards the end of the year. The Parish Council will continue to inform residents of the up-to-date position on this subject via the Newsletter or if urgent action is required by a door to door circulation.

Parish Councillors recently spent a second evening picking up litter around the village, unfortunately there was little response to the appeal for volunteers to assist. The village has been entered for the Best Kept Village Competition and judging will take place any day. It isn't just gardens and hedges that need to be kept tidy, perhaps you could look at the footpath and roadside near you and clear away any weeds. At their next meeting the council will consider the possibility of employing someone to deal with the problems of litter and weed clearance, however they hope in the meantime that everyone will do all they can to show by example and educate children to have a pride in their surroundings.

In the last Newsletter I reported that the Parish Council was investigating the possible provision of a Doctor's surgery in the village. This investigation was suggested by a Parish Councillor and started long before the subject was mentioned by either the Conservative Association In Touch Team or the applicants for the proposed new development in Charfield. Following is the letter which the Council received from Drs Jones and Rowlands and the Council has already started investigating the possibility of financial support for a social car/community bus scheme.

“As you know two members of your council met representatives of both Wotton practices recently to discuss the possibility of creating a branch surgery at Charfield. We, the doctors, were unanimous in agreeing that the services promised by our new surgeries in Wotton greatly outweigh any advantages that such a branch surgery might achieve, and felt that the transport difficulties between Wotton and Charfield were the key to the problem.

“Both practices in Wotton have recently started to improve their standard of primary care by building new purpose-built surgeries; one has recently been finished, and the other is under construction. We feel that in conjunction with our practice nurses, District nurses and Health Visitors and ancillary staff we can provide the best possible service from these centres, including investigatory facilities. We have held weekly branch surgeries for many years in the outlying villages of Hawkesbury Upton and Wickwar, and despite reasonable accommodation, are only too well aware of the inadequacy of the service we can provide there.

2“During the meeting, it was suggested that the existing Charfield Voluntary Car Service might be expanded to help patients with transport problems, and we would be pleased to co-operate with you on this matter.

“This decision should, in no way be interpreted as a lack of good will on our behalf, and is intended to offer the best possible service to our patients. We look forward to hearing from you.”

Yours sincerely
Drs B.C. Jones and R J Rowlands

Jenny Hughes
Clerk to the Council

Youth Events in Northavon

The Area Youth Officer is promoting the following events for all young people in Northavon:-

Northavon Youth Award
The Area Youth Office together with the Rotary Clubs and the Bailey Group of Newspapers are promoting an award of certificates to any young person aged 11–21 years who has given notable service to their fellow citizens. This may be personal coverage, endeavour, initiative or dedication and the only criteria is the case must be made in writing by an independent person, ie not parent/guardian. A second award is to be made to the group of young people being of service. Each entrant is invited to a special presentation evening at the end of October where the two winning entries will also receive trophies. Entries to the Area Youth Officer by 1.10.86.

The Northavon/Hildesheim Landkreis Youth Exchange
Each Easter teenagers aged 14–25 are invited to join the group going to spend two weeks in the home of a young German. They participate in a programme of activities and have a life lasting experience. In October (this year the dates are 5th–18th) the German group comes to us. The cost including travel/accommodation in a lovely rural part of Germany is just £75. Each year we have a party of 20–27 young people, how marvellous if the party grew to be over 40.

Youth Carol Service – Saturday 20th December
A special service of modern worship for teenagers will be held at 7.30 p.m. on 20th December at Thornbury Parish Church. Note the date and start Christmas properly by being with us in an atmosphere of excited celebration.

R.C. Wood
Area Youth Officer
Hounds Road
Chipping Sodbury
Bristol BS17 6EE

Charfield Playgroup

Playgroup continues to thrive and has great value in preparing children for School.

We had an outing to Victoria Park, Bath in June. There were acres of green space where the children could run without the parents having to worry about traffic. The children loved the adventure playground too.

Regretfully we say goodbye to Carol Tarry after ten years as Playgroup Leader. This place is being ably taken jointly by Lyn Spindler and Julie Hillier.

A date for your diaries: The A.G.M. is on Monday 22nd September at the Playgroup, (rear of the Congregational Church).

Diane Butler (26xxxx)


Conservative Association – In Touch

The “In Touch” team who are publishing a Newsletter for distribution in Avon Villages, which includes our own, appear to be “Out of touch” rather than “In Touch”!

In their first issue they stated – “housing devl., doctor's surgery, litter, 'bus service, and pelican crossing” were being looked into by them. All these issues have been fully investigated and discussed with the Authorities concerned, and are still being followed up by the Parish Council; results have been, and will continue to be published in the Chadra newsletter. The Clerk to the Parish Council gives a full report in each issue.

The Residents Association (Chadra) has formed a close link with the Parish Council over the last few years and together they keep a watchful eye on the best interests of the Village. The Parish Counsellors, or members of the committee of the Residents Association are always willing to listen to any complaints or queries concerning the Parish.

It is a great pity that the “In Touch” team did not approach the Parish Council before publishing their Newsletter for Charfield, then they would have been truly “In Touch”!

Editor – R. Gunning.


So far as we are aware this problem does not exist in Charfield to any great degree yet, but as it is unfortunately becoming a National as well as an International problem we are printing the following:-

Bristol Drug Project
Information, advice and counselling is available to anyone experiencing difficulties with their own or some-one else's drug problems. It applies to both prescribed and illegal drugs. Ring Bristol 29xxxx for counselling, or to make an appointment, or call at x Mark Lane, Bristol on Tuesday afternoons.

Perfect Day

Every day a new beginning;
Yesterday's beyond recall,
Be sure from life the best you're winning
By giving to each day your all.
Whichever way your path may lead you
Give help to all met on your way
And thus with friendship all about you
Will be passed a perfect day.


From our District Councillor

Northavon District Council has had problems concerning the number of houses which it has been allocated to build, particularly the number to be built between 1985/1986. We are trying to have this number reduced and have informed the County Council we require long term protection of the Green Belt and areas beyond.

Some of you have written to the Local Planning Authority concerning your recommendations as regards the Rural Plan. This Rural Plan is most important to all of us and I am pleased to know the Parish Council have submitted an extremely good set of recommendations for Charfield.

Apart from the normal District Council duties Councillors are asked to carry out other commitments relating to the Community. As far as this is concerned I am at present the Vice-Chairman of Frenchay Community Health Council which is a statutory body set up in 1974 to monitor the Health Service and assist anyone who may have problems with the service. For example, I have recently been involved with submitting our objections to the change of use by the District Health Authority of Chipping Sodbury Hospital.

Last week I attended the A.G.M. of all the CHC's to hear what is happening in other areas and to discuss propositions relating to the service and other ideas and projects.

The Royal College of General Practitioners (to which 75% belong) are keen to promote improvements in their service to their patients and three G.P's discussed their ideas.

However, the most interesting fringe meeting was conducted by nurses under the slogan ‘Nurses can do it better’. They had been carrying out a project in a doctor's Surgery whereby patients had the choice of seeing the doctor or a fully qualified nurse. Nearly half the patients opted to talk to the nurse. In these cases patients found it much easier to discuss with her their health worries and the effects of their illnesses. Nurses would refer cases to the doctors who were ultimately responsible but in this case no problems seem to have arisen. This system obviously has many advantages, particularly as the emphasis is now on Community care. It has, of course, to be accepted by the G.P's as a whole to be expanded.

Derek Pearson.

Charfield Luncheon Club for the Elderly

This Club provides meals in the Village Hall once a month for the lonely and elderly, and works in co-operation with the Street Warden Scheme who help those in need of transport to hospital and other essential services. If you would like to join the Luncheon Club, or you know some-one-else who would please contact – Mrs. J. Higgins, 'phone Fal. 26xxxx, who will be pleased to hear from you. Also, anyone who would be willing to help prepare meals etc. Help is always needed, and extra help would make life much easier for those in charge. Remember it is only once a month.


Charfield Primary School

You will have noticed, I expect, that the School buildings have taken on a more pleasing appearance. Exterior decoration has taken place throughout the site with the replacement of much rotting wood and the buildings are looking better now than they have done for many years. Several people, some from outside the Village, have commented on the notice board identifying the premises as a school and naming me as it's Head Teacher. I have explained that I was not responsible for it, but it would seem to indicate that after a mere 17 years here I seem to be confirmed in my position!

In Sept. we return to eight classes and although the total of children in the School will not be as high as in some years previous, we shall have more infants than ever before.

The feasibility study to decide what improvements of a permanent nature may be made has begun. It should be completed by the end of this year with definite plans of what improvements may be made in two years time, if the improvement programme goes ahead. Although I frequently complain about the condition of some of the buildings, first-time visitors often comment about the very pleasant situation of the School and it's playing field and adventure playground. The P.T.A. are at present planning to add another piece of equipment to challenge the older children. It is a pleasant place in which to work and we are fortunate that we have few of the problems that we frequently read about in the newspapers.

I hope the Village fairs well in the Best-Kept Village Competition. We are constantly encouraging the children to keep the School tidy and not drop litter, and we extend this to cover the Village. My experience when visiting other countries which seem to have a more responsible attitude leads me to believe that there is more chance of keeping a place clean and tidy once a standard has been set. One should feel ashamed to drop litter on a perfectly clean pavement. Are there enough litter bins, because in the best-kept towns and cities they are in abundance?

Several children, acting on their own initiative, decided to participate in the recent Sports Aid fund-raising event. Among them were three boys Jonathan Davies, Darren Wesson, and Ryland Light, who decided to raise money by playing cricket. Having obtained the money, they then had to organise the cricket and appealed to Mr. Bradley to help. He arranged a match with Wotton's Blue Coat School, which in terms of fund-raising at least was far more successful than anyone expected, total receipt being £125.60.

D.A. Malpass.

Charfield Primary School – Parent/Teacher Association

The Folk Dance in June proved again to be a successful and very enjoyable. We took a gamble on the weather by holding the dance outside and we were almost successful until the rain finally came and we had to retreat to the Hall for the final hour.

Our main events over the past year have raised a total in excess of £1,000 for School Funds which is beyond all expectations.

May we take this opportunity to thank you all for your generous support to make the above total possible. Some of the money has already been spent on new Display Screens and new Hymn Books. We are now about to embark on our last project of the year which is a Climbing Frame for the Adventure Playground.

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on THURS. 25th SEPT. at 7.30 in the SCHOOL HALL.

Barry Spindler. Chairman.
Fal. 26xxxx


Charfield Primary School Governors

It is not possible in a short article to elucidate all that is required for a governor to be effective. It means more than just taking an interest in the School and turning up at special events.

It means attending meetings to discuss such issues as buildings, staff, pupils discipline and the curriculum. It also means being involved in making appointments to the teaching staff and, if required, to the non-teaching staff.

Section 2 of the Education Act 1980 reconstituted Governing Bodies as from Sept. 1985 and this was supported by the Education (School Governing Board) regulations 1981, from which the County of Avon L.E.A. up-dated it's “Instruments of Government”. The new requirements allowed for the ratio of nominations to the Charfield Governing body for formal approval by Avon Local Education Authority to be as follows:-

County Council3 nominees
Parish Council2 nominees
Parents2 nominees
Teachers2 nominees

The same legislation provides for the Head Teacher to have the right to elect not to be a Governor. Should he do so, he would attend the meetings in his formal capacity as Head Teacher – but it would also mean that the Governing body may then exercise the option to meet without him, though in practice this has never been contemplated as we are always pleased that he is present.

In addition to the established pattern of representation, the Governing body was given the option at it's first meeting after Sept. 1985, to co-opt one more person. The administrative duties arising for a Governing body are undertaken by part-time Clerk to the Governors, appointed by the L.E.A. The head-teacher is professionally responsible for the day-to-day running of the School, and one of the functions of the L.E.A's team of advisers is to monitor the professional work of the School. An adviser frequently attends meetings of the Governing body as the representative of the Director of Education.

Over recent years the Charfield School governors have been particularly active to improve the School facilities and in 1979 liaised with the P.T.A. and met the Director of Education with the ultimate result of our being provided with a temporary building for use as a School Hall. The Charfield School Governors did though still reflect upon the 1968 plan drawn up by the then Gloucestershire L.E.A. for a phase 2 development and how this had been overcome by events with first of all local Government re-organisation, and then the oil crisis causing upsurges of inflation. When H.M. Inspectors visited the School in 1983 their report was favourable in their academic appraisal but echoed our concern for purpose built facilities and so we once more lobbied the County Council for joint discussions on what could be achieved. Needless to say finance was the main obstacle and so eventually in 1985 we met with our Constituency M.P. to ask if there was any way in which Government cash might be forthcoming. However the answer as anticipated was that this was a Local Government matter – but we are now seeing a glimmer of light for the L.E.A. is now prepared to undertake a feasibility study with the possibility of a limited capital expenditure on at least some of our needs in 3 years or so. Meanwhile some re-decoration has been undertaken including some premises which we would hope to have replaced if some capital expenditure is really to come our way! I quote the names of current member of the Charfield School Governing body – Revd. D.W. Parker, Chairman, Mr. D. Moseley, Vice Chairman, Mr. M.J. Armstrong, Mr. D.S. Bradley, Miss C. Coppin, Mr. J.G. Hatt, Mr. A.J. Henderson, Mrs. M. Lane, Mrs. P. Williams, Mr. P. Jotcham (co-opted) Mr. O'Brien, (Area Adviser) Mrs. J. Hughes (Clerk) Mr. D.A. Malpass.

David W. Parker


K.L.B. Parent/Teacher Association

Since the last Newsletter the P.T.A. have held two very successful events. The Barn Dance held on May 16th was well attended and raised over £82 profit without the bar takings. During the evening the final draw of the 500 Club was made and the winners were:-

1st£125Mr. A. Marrow, W.u.E.
2nd£50Mrs. C. Wright, Charfield.
3rd£25Mr. D. Ayres, W.u.E.

The Summer Fayre on July 5th (last Sat.) was once again very successful and we were lucky with the weather. The exact amount raised is not yet known but provisional figures stand well in excess of £900. My grateful thanks to the parents of Charfield pupils who turned out to support us and to the ones who actually helped on Stalls etc.

The next event planned is the Annual Gymkhana to be held in North Nibley on Sunday Sept. 7th. Schedules will be available shortly.

By now many of you will have heard of the change in the School hours due to take place in Sept. The decision to go ahead was made with the support of the Staff, Governors and Parents, and after the problems of School transport was resolved. For the benefit of those who are not parents of K.L.B. pupils, the “new day” will start at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 2.35 p.m. The 'buses from Charfield will leave Manor Lane at 8.00 a.m. and 8.15 a.m. and return at 2.55 p.m. and 3.10 p.m. This system is for a trial period of two years and then a further decision will be taken whether to stick with it or revert to the old hours.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their support over the last School year, and look forward to increased activity during the new School year.

Margaret Clarke.
Fal. 26xxxx.

Citizens Advice Bureau

“I've just managed to scrape together enough money to pay my rates this year, but I have no idea how I'm going to manage next year”. If this has a familiar ring, ask your C.A.B. for advice using this check-list as a guide to coping with your rate demands.

Check your bill for mistakes. The Local Authority might have the wrong information about your property.

Pay in instalments rather than all at once. In law, domestic rate-payers can pay by instalments, usually ten, eleven or twelve payments spread over the financial year. But, you must arrange this with the Local Authority between 1st. Feb. and 30th April.

Can you claim any benefits to help pay the rate bill such as Housing Benefit?

Are you one of the people in a property on which you can claim rate relief, for example agricultural land or buildings, or a Church? Registered charities can claim rate relief and disabled or sick people if their home has been extensively adapted to suit their needs.

If you have good reason to think that your rates are too high because your property or area has gone downhill, you might want to 8propose a new valuation. This could, however, have the opposite effect, your rates might be raised, so get expert advice before going ahead.

Start with the C.A.B. for any information and advice about paying your rate bills. The Office in the Chipping, Wotton under Edge, is open every Tuesday from 10–1. 'phone Dursley 84xxxx, and in the High St. Stroud Mon–Fri. 10–4 and Sat. 9.30–11.30. We will be very happy to help.

Barbara Adams.
(standing in for Jean McGonnigill).

Charfield Mother & Toddler Group

Hello again, Mother & Toddler Group is very well attended, and we hope everyone is happy with the way it is run – any helpful suggestions will be willingly listened to!

A lovely day was had by all at the Teddy Bear's Picnic, which was held in the Railway Tavern garden. There was a beautiful lunch supplied by the owners for a very reasonable amount, sandwiches, sausage rolls, crisps, quiches, followed by strawberry splits for the little ones. We all wish to thank them very much for making us feel so welcome.

We could have wished for a better response for Sports & Gala Day prizes, but not to worry we will hope for a better response next time.

In the Autumn we aim to do a sponsored knit, so come on you knitters start practising, remember all money raised goes to give your little ones a good time.

The annual Toddler Trip is on Thurs. 17th July, when we are once again going to Weston-Super-Mare. Let us hope the sun shines on us.

We will be having our summer break shortly so we hope you all have a good holiday and hope to see all old and new faces on Sept. 4th at 10.15 a.m.

Mary Chatworthy.

2nd Charfield Brownie Pack

Now that summer time is here the girls are once again enjoying some out-door activities. We have just completed an Athletic and Agility Course. This was very successful. Everyone did very well and about 75% gained badges. Thank you very much indeed to Mrs. Pearn for her devoted help over the six weeks Course.

On the big day, the 23rd, we are holding a Mock Royal Wedding Party at Avening Green (weather permitting) in full regalia and we look forward to seeing 1st. Charfield & 2nd. W.u.E. Brownies for this event.

If your daughter would like to become a member of our pack and join in all that Brownies can offer, please contact me on Fal. 26xxxx or Mrs. Smith on Fal. 26xxxx. Our meetings are on Wed. from 5.45 until 7.00. Your daughter must be 7 years old, but if she is younger she will be placed on the waiting list so that she can start immediately she has her 7th birthday.

Mrs. D. Lowe.


Charfield W.I.

As I sit writing my report the first light rain for weeks has just started to fall, and I now know that summer is really here and my tan will be turning to rust soon!

The rain was falling a little heavier than today when we went on our visit to the crystal factory at Chepstow. Despite the rain we had a very enjoyable day and some of our members ran amok in the shop at the very sight of the super bargains.

Our busy W.I. year has seen an increase in membership, and lots of new faces at our meetings. The image of the W.I. has been changing for some years now and I'm glad to see that at last we are no longer thought of as just “Jam & Jerusalem”!

I wonder if you have seen the new campaign recently advertised on T.V. and in the newspapers to “Keep Britain Tidy”? This campaign was started by the W.I. in 1954 and has been running ever since. The pressure from the W.I. resulted in the formation of a National Organisation which is still working to “keep Britain Tidy”.

Our main fund raising project this year was the Southmead Special Care Baby Unit. We raised money with a sponsored knit-in and Bring & Buy Stalls. The results were excellent and we were able to present a cheque for £70 to the Unit. The small group who visited the Unit were shown around by a member of the senior nursing staff, and we were given some idea just how much the unit relies on donations to keep running so efficiently.

The W.I. takes a break in August, but we will be back with another meeting and an exciting programme of Speakers and Outings in September.

We meet on the second Thursday in the month and would like to welcome any visitors to our meeting, so don't sit at home ladies on a Thursday evening, come along to the Village Hall and see what you've been missing.

Susan Green.

Having regard to the fact that W.I. started the “Keep Britain Tidy Campaign”, it was disappointing that no members came to the aid of the voluntary litter “tidy up” in Charfield in June.

Where were you ladies?

Disappointed member!

Quick Tips!

If you can't remember which way to turn a screw, remember, left is loose, right is tight.

Leave a bowl of salt in a newly painted room to help get rid of paint smells.

Dab ammonia in the corners and along the seams of drawers to stop moths surviving or their eggs hatching.

To stop the noise of a dripping tap (before you fit a new washer) tie string around the tap so the water runs down the string and into the plug-hole.

Useful hints are always welcome!


St. John's Church

I am starting to write this page on the 30th June. It was on this day twenty-eight years ago that I moved to Charfield with my wife Thelma, and two small boys whom, that morning, we had ‘delivered’ to Charfield School. Then, and for quite a few years after that, the number on the roll of the School was in the eighties! Our elder boy, a little faddy with food, brought home the pudding of his school dinner in his pocket! It was of an orangey trifle nature and my wife found it later in the day wrapped in a handkerchief! Later on in life things like this are called ‘happy memories’. They do not always strike one in quite that way at the time. But I am sure that all of us have discovered that life as a whole is rather like this: we look back often with nostalgia at events which almost (perhaps did) make us scream at the time. So try and take heart: the impossible antics of the 'kids, the time will soon come when you are looking back at these as ‘happy days’.

Now, I have no wish to indulge in a mere ego-trip of memory. The first sentences (above) are meant to inform those who were not in Charfield then, how greatly the Village has changed since those days. From the rear of the Rectory one looked across cow-grazed meadows that ran to Church End, Little Bristol, Charfield Green – although there were no Council houses or flats at the latter. There was no Durham Road, Underhill Road, Orchard Close, Old Manor Close, Avon Road, Severn Close, or Thames Close, Manor Lane held just ten Council houses in the Charfield Green area (they are now known as 1 to 19 Manor Lane). The newer part of Manor Lane (which has only recently joined up to the original Manor after twenty-three years building!) was a series of meadows. Nor did any of the following exist: Berkeley Close, Cotswold View, Farm Lees, Katherine Close, Little Bristol Close, Long's View, The Sidings, Willow Close. May Grove was not there but replaced some very old cottages called “The Wye”, while further terraced cottages (in the old-fashioned sense!) were approximately where Cotswold View now is, called “Horsford Cottages” and, parallel to, and behind, Station Road, a further few called “Railway View”. Add to this the fact that houses have been ‘inserted’ in many of the older roads, for example just prior to this, there were no houses in Wotton Road, between the Church and “Newtown”, for even the Rectory was new when we went into it and, of course, not quite finished! One must add that there were groups of old cottages that now no longer exist in addition to those specifically mentioned above.

There's a different picture for you, and some may wonder what there was for a Rector to do in a Village so much smaller. Well, there was plenty to do than and it was possible to know everyone in a way, sadly, not now possible with most people out all day and far more mobile now and with a changing population within the Village. No one could spend more time visiting than I do without grossly neglecting his family, but as I have no resident family to neglect, I can do this without detriment to any. It is a very different Village from when I came here, and, partly as a consequence of that, my way of life has changed considerably and work patterns have had to be changed.

May I say on this (for me) anniversary, how grateful I am for all those who have helped me over the years, both within the Church fellowship and in the Village as a whole and for kindnesses received in times sad and glad. The ordinary demands of life resulting from 'phone calls and request notes through the letter-box, plus the inevitable form filling that (as Clergy in a recent survey unanimously complain, takes so much time that could be more usefully spent – these and the main other jobs which are necessary, but seem trivial, take much more time than would be considered a full day's work in any other job. This is not a grumble but an attempt to put those who don't know in the picture.

11BUT please remember that if I can help YOU, that is my primary task and I would gladly forego a session of form-filling for this. And if there are any who would like to see me, if you ask, I will come. Of course, I may well come even if you don't! but visiting today is a very hit-and miss affair, as some of you who give out and collect envelopes for good causes will know! God bless you and your families: we do regularly remember the Parish in our prayers – and that includes YOU!

Some future dates to note:-

Sat. 20th Sept.Annual Bazaar, Village Hall 2.30 p.m.
Wed. 1st Oct.Harvest Supper, 7.00 p.m. Old Church.
Sunday 5th Oct.Harvest Thanksgiving Services, 3.00 p.m.

an informal Service to which children may bring their harvest gifts (for Bristol Children's Home, Mullers). Preacher: The Vicar of Thornbury, Rev. Michael Vooght. Do come.

Sincerely, Kenneth G. Grant.

Charfield Congregational Church

Sundays –Family Service11.00 a.m.
 Evening Worship6.00 p.m.
TuesdaysBright Hour (fortnightly)3.00 p.m.

All are welcome. Any enquiries – Miss M. Turner, Fal. 26xxxx

A Precious Fact.

He spake of trees, from the cedar tree – even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; He spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. 1. Kings 4-33.

The fact that the Bible is able to stoop to small matters as well as unfold the highest themes, is one of many proofs to the believing heart that it has really come from God.

It is a most precious fact that every detail concerning His own who are in the world is of deepest interest to Him with whom we have to do. He numbers our hairs; He takes account of our tears. He remembered Paul's need of a cloak, and He considered the weak condition of Timothy's stomach. Best of all, He tells me of a Saviour's love, who died to set me free. He tells me of that precious blood, the sinner's perfect plea.

Miss M. Turner.


St. John's Church Parochial Council

Many thanks to all the people who turned out in the rain to support our Plant Sale on May 17th. There was a huge selection of plants available and just over £90 was raised for Church funds.

By the time you read this Sports & Gala Day will be over for another year and we hope some of you won a Teddy on our Teddy Bear's Picnic Stall. If you did and to those who weren't so lucky, thank you for supporting us.

The next events on our calendar take place in late September, starting with the Annual Bazaar in the Memorial Hall on Saturday 20th Sept. On Sunday Sept. 28th, the Harvest Service will take place in St. John's Church, and on Wednesday October 1st we will be holding a Harvest Supper. Tickets will be £2 and available shortly from Mrs. A. Bennett, xx Thames Close, fal. 26xxxx. Dr. C. Temme, xx Durham Rd. Fal. 26xxxx, or myself. Do contact us early as we sold out very quickly last time.

Well, I hope you all enjoy your summer holidays and come back refreshed for the Autumn season.

Margaret Clarke,
P.C.C. Secretary.
Fal. 260672.

Baby Sitting Circle

Hello everybody! Well, by now you should all have received your new up to the minute LIST. So look out for Sara Smith and Mitra McQuilton.

When it came to the school P.T.A. Barn Dance I threw Sara in at the deep end and booked her knowing that everyone would either be going or sitting. Well, I need not have panicked, poor old Keith developed chickenpox! so Sara was relieved of her first duty. Now for something completely different. It's entitled “How not to baby-sit”.

At half-term I went to London to see Jonny Mathis. Now don't all get jealous. Actually everyone I've told has said “oh you poor old thing”. Anyway, left the kids with mum and dad. That was when the action started – Lawrence locked himself in the bathroom and couldn't get unlocked. Well, there was not a chance of climbing through the window they live in a 3rd floor flat! “We'll have to get the fire brigade” said mum. “Oh no, we don't”, said dad. He wasn't going to let a couple of burly blokes bash down his bathroom door with choppers! There's a glass pane over the top of the door so that was the next plan of action.

Dad was by now on the step-ladders, looking in at my little darling. “What's he doing?”, said mum. “Oh just throwing a few things about”, replied dad. “Nannie get me out”, cried Lawrence. Dad got the wood off the frame and removed the glass with the fish slice, Sophie, who was needed for the next bit, was fast asleep on the settee, totally unperturbed by her brother's plight. Anyway, dad shoved her through the window and the panic was over.

“We won't get any washers now”, said dad. Mum said “thank God she didn't ring up during the interval”.

See you soon, have a lovely summer and should you be new in the Village and want to join 'phone me –

Marilyn Smith. Fal. 26xxxx.
first removing all bathroom locks!


1st Charfield Guides

This morning as I am writing the view across the valley is covered in a warm summer haze, the air is still and thoughts of Camp are in my mind. Will it be yet another wet Camp, mud everywhere, living in wellies day in, day out, soggy wood, smelly fires under shelter, or could we be lucky this year?

August will find us in Cornwall on the beach most of the time, with a bit of luck we shall use the tents for shade rather than shelter, but as that cannot be guaranteed, once again our packs will be full of wet weather gear, with the addition of a bucket and spade.

The Jumble Sale this year made £160 which we put with our funds to buy a new tent. Thank you to everyone who supported us.

Rosemary Meek. Tel. 26xxxx

Charfield Junior Netball Club

The Junior Club is still thriving with all 19 girls turning up regularly every week.

We enjoy an energetic game of Netball and everyone has improved tremendously since the Club was started. We will be having a break for the summer holidays at the end of July, but will start again on Monday 8th September.

I hope all the girls going to K.L.B. in September will carry on supporting the Club.

On June 9th we held a sponsored Netball Match for the Sport Aid Appeal, and raised nearly £200! Well done girls, and thank you to everyone who sponsored them.

June Hillier. Fal. 26xxxx.

Just a Little Bit of Charfield

As I sit at my window, I can see across the road, on the other side of the stone wall, an old farmhouse with it's out-buildings grouped companionably around. Farmer Bell's lovely field, which he has just mown and baled so cleanly, looks like an immense lawn before the house. The blackbirds are busy gleaning the remnants of the crop and the fledgling swallows are cheekily showing off their newly found prowess, swooping from nest to trees in ever-increasing expertise.

The drive to the farm is flanked by huge chestnut trees, which cast their shadows on the grass on this lovely summer evening, and the cattle in the field beyond low with contentment. The out-buildings plainly illustrate the work entailed in the farm – the milking parlour, now a refrigerated bottled milk store, the old cowshed and the big barn, full of hay for next winter, with the elevator, recently in use for piling up the bales standing alongside.

Behind the farm are many more trees and fields, like an ornamented patchwork quilt, with the old Mill standing proudly among them, reminiscent of many of hard day's work a century ago, and in the back-ground Wotton Hill rises to the skyline looking over our Village and this little farm, which in the hurly-burly of modern times has not changed much in the past half century. Can we doubt that all this is for the best?

From an appreciative resident – anon.


Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Field Management Committee

By the time you read this we will be half way through our summer and much of our time will be occupied with work outside while it is still dry and sunny. I just hope it stays that way while we complete this year's outside projects!

Some of you may be wondering why the log frame on the play area has wandered about the place and changed in size and shape! Well, acting on new British standards, information only obtainable after the first frame had been erected, we finally have the correct size, height and shape for our scramble net with only it's position to be altered. Hopefully, the mark three version will be in position within the next few weeks. Who said that making our own equipment would be cheaper and easier?

Now for an up-date on the activities of the Committee. We now have the Hall with a new coat of paint inside and work beginning on the gents Loo's (for those without delicate constitutions), we are adding an extra urinal, and tiling from floor to ceiling. I hope the gentlemen using these facilities will find this a great improvement!

We now have a priority list of projects that need dealing with, both in the Hall and field, and as each item is completed a new one will be added. If you use the Hall or Playing Field and feel that there is anything that needs urgent attention, please contact me, and if not already on the list it will then be added.

One other major project that will be taking place very shortly is the replacing of the boundary fence along the road side of the field. Mums with younger children please be aware of this because of the close proximity of Lt. Bristol Lane. Hopefully, when completed the field will be a lot safer for all users and then please use the gates for collecting footballs etc. It's going to cost a great deal to replace the fence and it should last at least 25 years!

While we are still on the subject of the playing field, may I please remind people about the Bye-Laws relating to them? Particularly to bikes and dogs. Some of the younger members of our Village seem all out to commit suicide by hurling themselves down the mound and slide on their bikes. Apart from the damage they might do to themselves and their bikes, other children and adults in the area are put at risk. No bikes are allowed on the field and until now the Committee has been content only to ask individuals to leave the field, but in future firmer action may be taken. So mums and dads, please tell your children of the problem so that we can stamp it out before someone gets hurt.

The same applies to DOGS! When the field was first used a footballer was killed by worms from dogs “mess” which he fell in! Even without this fact we have to bear in mind the hygiene of the Village as a whole. Many people have pointed out that walking the dogs across the field or even playing with them on there does no harm. But how can there be one rule for one person and not another? ALL DOGS are excluded from the field regardless of what their owners are doing there. We must have the welfare of the majority of the Villagers at heart and that is why we have Bye-Laws in the first place which must be obeyed. So please help to keep them.

On to things in a lighter frame, Sports Day will be over by the time this Newsletter is ready, but here's hoping you had a great day, and my thanks to all who organised events and stalls on the day and all the work done during the year.

I hoped so much that the weather would hold out however much my garden needed rain!

15Anyone wishing to know more about the work of the committee etc., or to book a Car Boot Sale (Sept. 14th, Oct. 5th), or the Craft Fayre Sunday 30th Nov. please contact me on Fal. 26xxxx.

Jane Hall. Chairlady.

S.O.S.   S.O.S.   S.O.S.   URGENT

Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Field Committee, are unfortunately going to lose their Secretary Mrs. M. Clark, who has been with the Committee for sometime now.

Her contacts and experience of committee work have been a great asset in the past, and she will be greatly missed.

As you can imagine a Secretary is an essential part of a committee, so if you are interested or know someone who might be, please let J. HALL, Fal. 26xxxx know as soon as possible.

At present this position does come with a small remuneration.

Charfield Cricket Club

Well, when the Cricket Season finally got under-way, both league sides proved to be unstoppable, each side winning first four Matches. In the opening 1st XI Match, both Alan Pearn, and John Cliff reached 3000 1st XI runs and in the second game Dave Bradley took his 200th 1st XI wicket.


1st XI.
May 3rdCharfield 187-4Pearn 44, Cliff 59, Bath 38
 RAF Innsworth 27Bradley 4-9, J. Nixon 3-2
May 10thCharfield 160-3Pearn 83 not out, Bath 62
 Westbury 76Bradley 4-12
May 24thCharfield 188-3Pearn 108 not out, Cliff 29
 Arcadians 87Downing 4-13, Bradley 2-0
May 31stCharfield 143-5Pearn 44, Bath 37, Cliff 26
 Chelt. Asns. 84Bradley 3-12, Downing 3-20
2nd XI.
May 3rdCharfield 135-6Alexander 27, Rawlins 25
 Dowty Ashchurch 28M. Hutley 6-11, I Morgan 3-5
May 24thCharfield 88Alexander 37, I Morgan 21
 Newent 45M. Hutley 5-17, Bennett 4-18
16May 31stWoodpeckers 114-9Bennett 3-27, M. Hutley 3-14
 Charfield 118-4Bennett 34, T. Carter 33
Sat 7thBritish RalHOME  WiddenAWAY
14thGlos. Strollers  AWAYWynnHOME
21stGlos. IndiansHOMEOld Richians  AWAY
28thRedmarleyHOMEBharat Spts.AWAY
Sun 1stAlvestonHOME  
15thOld DownHOME  
29thStoke GabrielHOME  


The Race Night, held at the Railway Tavern on May 16th to raise funds for 1986 Devon Tour, raised £200. The Tour Committee would like to thank all the people who sponsored races and horses, all the people who came along on the night, Paul Morgan for the use of the cellar bar, and Jack Lloyd, Henry Shine, Ian Padwick and the girls for running it for us.

Richard Nuttall.

1986 Tour

The 1986 Devon tour got away to a fine start, with all the luggage still intact when we arrived at our hotel in Torquay. Our game on Sunday was against Babbacombe. This provided a nail-biting finish with Charfield winning by one wicket off the last ball of the Match. Notable performances came from Bob Sowden (52) Paul Bath (25) Simon Bamford (28) and 5 for 28.

Monday eventually arrived after a long night, bringing plenty of sunshine and a fixture with out old friends, Stoke Gabriel, Batting first Charfield scored 107 with Paul Bath (44) again getting runs. Stoke Gabriel looked to be heading towards an easy win until Ian Downing stopped them just seven runs short, taking 5-16.

Two down and one to go. The sober amongst (very few) made sure we arrived at our last Match in one piece. Our final opponents were Plymouth Civil Service. Having decided to bat, Charfield got off to a poor start, only Paul Bath getting runs. However a seventh wicket stand of 60 between youngsters John Nixon and John Phillips saw the total to 128. This was, however, not enough, and Plymouth ran out winners by 4 wickets. The outstanding performance of the game came from Simon Bamford who made 42 and took 4 wickets. The only problem was that Simon had been lent to Plymouth for the day, and was, therefore, responsible in no small way for our defeat!

We broke our return journey with a meal stop at Collumpton. It was here that ‘Oggy’ Spill treated us to a dare devil van roof display. This act our courage and bravery was much appreciated by the tourists, even if it didn't go down so well with the local Constabulary.

May thanks to all who took part in a fine tour.

Phil Rawlins.


Charfield Juniors A.F.C.

As this is the closed season for football I would like just to take this opportunity to clear up matters from last season, and set into motion the coming season.

Firstly, congratulations to our under 12 squad last season, as most of you will no doubt know the boys finished top of their division then beat Randwick 2–1 to win the overall league. This added to their Mike Sharp victory over Yate and their 100% unbeaten record gave them their most successful season since the formation of the Club.

The under 14 squad did not end the season winners, but they kept going throughout under the guidance of Winston Leonard and also achieved one of their best seasons ever.

This coming season our Managers will be:- Under 12's, Mr. Brian Lovegrove, Under 14's Mr. Mike Colbourne, and the under 16's (if we can get enough support from the boys, come on boys who will be under 16 on 1st. August, this year, there surely has got to be enough of you in the Village and surrounding areas to put together a team) we will be requiring a person who would be prepared to give their time on Sundays to see the boys get to their matches. There will be plenty of help and support from other Managers and Committee Members, if you feel you would like to help in this respect please either contact myself or Brian Lovegrove.

On behalf of everybody connected with the Club, I would like to offer our sincerest thanks to local businessman, Mr. Bealing, and his Company, Messrs. Taybroh Alloys Ltd. for their very generous sponsorship of our under 14 squad. The boys will be wearing their new kit at the start of the season bearing Taybroh Alloys logo. If there is any other business that would like to help one of our teams in this way please contact myself or Brian Lovegrove, on Falfield 26xxxx to discuss the details.

Training will start again in August for all boys interested in signing for the teams and our first Matches will be at the start of September. Anybody new to the area or wishing to join the Club for the first time please do not hesitate to contact anybody on the Committee, the Managers, or of course myself for details.

Finally, thanks to those people who turned up for our A.G.M. and welcome to the Committee the new Members, and thanks again to the people who are standing for another season – what would the boys do without you?

Good luck to the boys for the coming season; here's hoping for a repeat of last seasons successes.

Secretary – Mrs. J. Harvey. Tele. Falfield 26xxxx.


A. Stoakes, Fal. 84xxxx, and J. Hall, Fal. 26xxxx is waiting to hear from you.


Charfield & District Friendship Club

Last May at our “Bring & Buy” Sale, we drew the winners of prizes of our Grand Draw, which was a welcome boost to our funds. To those people who supported us in this new venture we are indeed grateful. The list of prize winners and prizes are published in the Memorial Hall.

Again we welcome persons of over 60 to the Club to share in the activities with people in that age group. Various trips are organised during the summer months. Just recently a half-day tour of the Cotswolds and Malvern Hills was enjoyed by us all.

Do come along to the Memorial Hall and join with other new members for a pleasant afternoon – just once a fortnight. A mini 'bus will pick you up and then return you home again, so being disabled is no excuse for not joining. We hope to see you soon.

E.H. Orton.

Sports & Gala Day Committee

This year's Sports Day will be over I believe by the time this Newsletter is printed. I should, therefore, like to thank everyone who helped in any way towards making the day a success and especially to this year's small committee. Our thanks go to the village people for their continued support both in giving to collections made and by coming along on the day.

We shall not know for a while how much profit has been made, but £700 from last year was given to the Hall Management Committee to buy new tables for the Village Hall.

The Pram Race held on May Day made an enjoyable evening and our thanks to Mr. Mike Fews for his donation to the prizes. The winners in the senior section were Simon Hutley and Paul Nixon, and the juniors were Ian Leonard and Matthew Kloiber. The race was followed by a family Disco in the Hall.

We have a Miss Charfield this year – Claire Colburn. She won the £25 prize and was asked to open Sports Day. Our thanks to Mr. Fred Wardle, who kindly sponsored and judged the competition.

Next year needs a whole new committee with fresh ideas, so please look out for the date of the A.G.M. when that committee will be formed. Surely a Village the size of Charfield can offer more than six people who came along last year!

REMEMBER, NO COMMITTEE, NO SPORTS DAY, which this year celebrated 26 years.

A. Stoakes.
Tele. 84xxxx.


It would indeed be a sad day for Charfield if through lack of support in forming a Sports & Gala Day Committee this has to be abandoned after 26 yrs. Please think carefully about this and remember the happy times enjoyed by so many in the past. It is one of those rare occasions when the majority of the Village spend time together.


1st Woodend Scout Group

I hope many of you will have read the article in the July 1st edition of the Gazette, page 57, which gave a brief description of all the sections within the Group and the work they do.

As stated the Group is supported by an active Executive Committee whose main objective over the next few months is to build an extension onto the existing Scout head-quarters at Cromhall. This has become vitally important because of the increase in the numbers of the Scout Troop.

To help achieve the target of £25,000 various fund-raising events have been planned or have already taken place, like the Annual Clay Pigeon Shoot. This was held on May 11th, and although numbers were slightly down on last year we raised £2,200. Our grateful thanks to all who helped and to all who took part and to those who just came to watch. Part of the proceeds were used to purchase a “Resusci Annie”, for the Wotton branch of the British Red Cross. This was handed over recently by our Scout Leader – Maurice Marklove. The remaining £1,800 will go towards the extension.

On Sports and Gala Day the group will have have four Stalls and in August will run a stall at Kingswood Show.

On Sept. 13th the Group Barbecue will take place on Jubilee Field, Cromhall, and on Saturday Oct. 18th, the Autumn Fayre will be held in Charfield Memorial Hall.

We are at present organising a Sponsored Walk which will involve everyone connected with the Group, Cubs, Scouts, Venture Scouts, Leaders, Parents and friends. The date is not yet fixed, but I feel sure you will soon hear about it.

July and August will be quiet as all the sections will be going away on Annual Summer Camps and we hope they have good weather and the new members of the group learn some new skills under canvas.

Wishing you all good weather, good holidays and happy memories.

Margaret Clarke.
Group Sec.
Fal. 26xxxx.

Young Wives Club

This Club provides a meeting place for the new and young mothers and is a very successful Club, and is a good means of getting to know each other in a Village of this size. They have an Annual trip to London and a Christmas Dinner. In the past an Auction has proved very successful and helped to subsidise the Dinner and provide a free coach trip. If you would like to join or wish for further information please contact –

Mrs. S. Vale. Fal. 26xxxx

No Bed of Roses

Life is not a bed of roses,
For most of us that's true,
There seems to be a problem
Whatever we may do.
At times when trials beset us
And never seem to end,
How grand it is to know we have
A loyal and helping friend.



Village Organisations

Charfield Residents AssociationSecretaryMr. G. Blower26xxxx
 Newsletter – Editor/TypistR. Gunning, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Baby Sitting CircleMrs. M. Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
British LegionMr. Mussell, x Manor Lane26xxxx
2nd BrowniesMrs. D. Lowe, xx Avon Rd.26xxxx
 Enquiries to:-Mrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
County Primary SchoolHeadmasterMr. MalpassFal. 26xxxx
1st BrowniesMrs. J. Green, x Horsford RoadDur. 84xxxx
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Cricket ClubMr. R. Nuttall, x Durham Rd.26xxxx
CubsMrs. A. Booth, xx Charfield
District CouncillorMr. Pearson, xxxx Farm, StidcoteWickwar 2xxxx
Football ClubSec.Mr. P. KirbyChipping Sodbury 31xxxx
Football Club JuniorsMrs. J. Harvey, xx Severn Close26xxxx
Friendship ClubMr E.H. Orton, xx Wotton Rd.26xxxx
GuidesMrs. R. Meeks, xxxx, The Drive26xxxx
Ranger GuidesMrs. K. Mullard, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
Keep Fit ClubMrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Fitness CentreMrs. J. Sheppard, Bone Mill, New St84xxxx
Hall Management Cttee.Chair-personMrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close26xxxx
 Booking Sec.Mrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Junior Dancing ClubMrs. Campbell, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Luncheon Club for the ElderlySec.Mrs. J. Higgins, The xxxx, Charfield Hill26xxxx
Mothers and Toddlers ClubMrs. M. Clatworthy26xxxx
Netball ClubMrs. J. Hillier, xxxx House26xxxx
P.T.A. PrimaryChairmanMr. Spindler26xxxx
P.T.A. K.L.B.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Parish CouncilClerkMrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close26xxxx
Play-GroupMrs. D. Butler, x Thames Close26xxxx
St. John's ChurchRectorK. Grant, The Rectory26xxxx
 Sec.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Woodend Scout GroupSec.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Venture ScoutsSec.J. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
Sports & Gala Day CtteeSec.Mrs. A. Stoakes, xx Horsford RdDur. 84xxxx
Transport Scheme – Elderly & HouseboundMrs. M. Blower, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
orMrs. J. Higgins, The xxxx, Charfield Hill26xxxx
Tennis ClubMrs. H. Crowley26xxxx
Women's InstituteMrs. S. Green, The xxxx, Horsford RoadDur. 84xxxx
Young WivesMrs. S. Vale26xxxx
Youth ClubMr. & Mrs. Everett, x Orchard Close26xxxx
PoliceP.C. Williams, Police House, xx Wotton Rd.84xxxx
CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAUMrs. J. McGonnigill, The Chippings, W.u.E84xxxx
TAXI SERVICEMr. Lees84xxxx

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 21 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2016-12-12.