Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 39 – April 1985 – 15p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1985.


Charfield Parish Council
Youth Club Focus
Charfield Annual Parish Meeting, 1985
Citizens Advice Bureau
Charfield Resident's Association
Charfield 1086!
My Account of the Charfield Rail-crash
Baby Sitting Circle
Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Fields Committee
Charfield Mothers & Toddlers Group
Christmas 1985!!
On the Beat!
Charfield Young Wives
Thank You to One and All
St. John's Church
Congregational Church
Sports & Gala Day – 1985
Useful Information
Spring – Celebrate in Style – Smackers
Charfield County Primary School – Parent/Teachers Assoc
Charfield W.I.
St. John's P.C.C.
Charfield Tennis Club
Charfield, Cromhall & Tortworth Committee for the Elderly & Housebound
Katherine Lady Berkeley School – Parent/Teachers Assoc.
Charfield & District Friendship Club
Keep Fit
Pram Service
1st Woodend Scout Group
Charfield Play Group
Charfield Junior Football Club
Village Organisations



It seems just a short while ago we were all wishing each other a Happy New Year, and now here we are once again, and it is Spring, and time to remind ourselves of the Country Code as we take to the footpaths and countryside!

I start this time with a sincere apology to both a few contributors and readers alike for some poor copies which slipped through when being collated last time. 600+ copies, with 22 pages sometimes, is quite a big-under-taking, and not always an easy task, especially when endeavouring to get the Newsletter out in time to ensure fixture dates are relevant. The collators responsible for this task do their best, but we must see there is no reason for further complaints of this nature.

Contributors go to a lot of trouble to get “copy” to me by the dead-line date each time, and this is not always easy – it comes around so quickly! So for the satisfaction of us all we must ensure that only good copies are circulated. If you was one of the unfortunate ones last time, please accept sincere apologies. All of us who are responsible for the Newsletter in any way give our services voluntarily and do try to do our best.

I would like to thank all those “purchasers” who kindly agreed to pay 60p for the year. This will be a great help, and make our sellers task much easier, especially in the bad weather when they have to knock and wait, which of course, they are still quite willing to do if you have not joined the new system. We welcome your interest and support just the same, and hope you will continue to be one of our regular readers. Once again, let me say a big thank you to all who sell the Newsletter for us. We couldn't carry on without you!

If you have any comments, good or otherwise to make about the Newsletter do please let me know.

Rosa Gunning.

We are anxious to distribute the JULY ISSUE of the
if at all possible, and I am, therefore, making the

xx Manor Lane,
Charfield. Fal. 26xxxx.

Published by Charfield & District Residents' Association (CHADRA)


Charfield Parish Council

The Parish Council recently welcomed Mr. Paul Birt to the Council following the retirement of Mr. C. Goscombe. A small gift of an engraved pen was made to Mr. Goscombe in appreciation of his 27 years service to the Parish.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tues. 23rd April at 8.00 p.m. in Charfield School Hall. This is the one meeting in the year which is a specifically open meeting. Parish, District and County Councillors will be present to listen and answer any points or queries raised. Village Clubs and Organisation have been invited to attend and submit a report.

Have you noticed and made use of the information Caravan which is parked in the lay-by near the Post Office on alternate Thursdays? This service is provided by the Rural Communities Project and carries a wide range of information leaflets.

In anticipation of walking weather soon, the Parish Council's Footpath Committee will be making an extra effort to ensure that all the Parish footpaths are walked, checked and waymarked. The Council heard recently that the ‘public footpath’ flag signs for the remaining paths which require them, will be provided in the near future. Also the recommended small diversions and alterations to some paths have been agreed, and this together with the rationalisation of footpaths in the vicinity of the new Churchwood Quarry means that the review of all footpaths is almost complete with only a few minor points to clarify before work on the production and erection of a Parish Map can go ahead.

The Council decided at their recent meeting to sponsor a Holiday Play Scheme for one week early in the summer holidays. It is hoped to follow the successful format of the last few years by co-opting volunteer parents and teenagers to assist with the organisation and games. Anyone interested in putting their name forward or having a good idea for an outing or entertainment should contact the Clerk.

Information on the Best Kept Village in Avon Comp. has come before the Council, and rather than put it to one side to be quickly forgotten the Council has decided to put the idea before all residents this year with a view to entering the competition next year. There are groups of people in the Village who are concerned about their surroundings, particularly the Youth Club who are in the process of arranging a ‘tidy-up’ day, and the W.I. have agreed to tidy the area around the Village Hall. If this awareness can be fostered and extended it is thought there is no reason why a confident entry could not be made next year. Any ideas or comments on the project would be welcomed by any Councillor or at the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Council is continuing its efforts to keep residents aware of the dangers of small children playing in the roads and teenagers riding on footpaths. It is up to parents to ensure that their children are properly instructed. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO RIDE A BICYCLE ON A FOOTPATH.

Mrs. J. Hughes, Clerk to the Council.
Fal. 26xxxx.

Youth Club Focus

Since the last Newsletter the Youth Club have entered the Northavon 5-a-side football tournament; the under 14s were knocked out in the first round. The girls and senior boys both reached the semi-finals before being defeated.

We have also taken 16 young people to Chipping Sodbury for a darts tournament and social evening. Many thanks to Dave Colla for his assistance with transport etc.

Plans are well ahead for the day trip to France with a night out and visit to the Portsmouth area. We have also booked the minicoach for a camping weekend in July. Places available for 20 persons – youth Club Members.

C. Everett.


Charfield Annual Parish Meeting, 1985

It is hoped that this Newsletter will be received by you before the date of the Annual Parish Meeting, which is on TUESDAY 23rd APRIL, at 8.00 p.m. in the SCHOOL HALL. This is an important yearly event in the Parish Council's calendar. At this meeting you hear reports from local societies on their activities, and you have a chance to air your views and ask questions about local affairs.

Since Local Government re-organisation in 1974 Parish Councils have had much greater powers. They can spend money on improvements to Village life, deal with footpaths in conjunction with the County Council, provide and maintain 'bus shelters, toilets, public seats, provide Village Greens and play areas, recreation facilities etc.

As District Councils cover a much larger area than before 1974 Parish Councils provide information to the District Council of local needs, such as repairs to roads, footpaths, overgrown verges, lighting etc., and do their best to ensure these matters are attended to. An important function is to inspect, discuss, all planning applications in the Village, and from local knowledge make observations, which are taken into consideration by the Planning Committee of the District Council.

The Parish Council has nine elected Councillors who are your representatives. Because of apparent general lack of interest by the Villagers in local affairs we sometimes feel we are working in a vacuum. It is important that Councillors should be made aware of individual problems and your ideas on improvements to the Village which can the be discussed and any necessary action taken by the Council. So please do not hesitate to talk to a member of the Parish Council who are –

Mr. P.D. Birt, xx Underhill Rd.Fal. 26xxxx.
Mrs. M.C. Burdon, xx Avon Rd.26xxxx.
Mr. J.W. Clothier, xx Charfield Green.26xxxx.
Mr. S.C. Gunning, xx Manor Lane.26xxxx.
Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close.26xxxx.
Mr. N.F. Haines, xx Horsford Rd.Dur. 84xxxx.
Mr. J.C. Hatt, “xxxx”, Charfield Hill.26xxxx.
Revd. D.W. Parker, xx Durham Rd.26xxxx.
Mr. J.W. Poskett, xx Charfield Green.26xxxx.

Clerk to the Parish Council – Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. 26xxxx.

S.C. Gunning

Citizens Advice Bureau

If you have any problems we will be happy to help, remember C.A.B. is a free, confidential and impartial service to the whole Community.

We are open every TUESDAY from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. or you can 'phone Dursley 843210).

The Organiser also attends the Charfield Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall, to advise on any problems.

If you have a worry or problem, whether you are young or old, don't hesitate, we will be very happy to help, so TRY US!

Jean McGonnigill.


Charfield Resident's Association

As announced in the January Newsletter the Annual General Meeting of the Association was held in the National School Foundation Hall, on Jan. 29th at 7.30 p.m. and as has been the case in the recent past, it was necessary in the absence of a quorum to suspend Standing Orders so that business could proceed.

With reference to last year's Minutes it was noted that the Parish Council have definitely decided not to make any application to the Boundary Commission for the return of the Village to the jurisdiction of Gloucestershire County Council. The principal reasons for this decision were the administrative problems involved and the lack of interest in the matter shown by the public!

In her review of the year the Chair-person Mrs. Clothier, mentioned with approval, the improvements at the Railway bridge and the appointment of our well liked Village Constable, P.C. Williams, but on the negative side expressed hope that residents would co-operate on the perennial problems of dog fouling and litter.

Sincere thanks were tendered to all involved in the work of the Committee, and the production of the Newsletter, including Keith Smith and our late Treasurer Jon. Barrance, both of whom resigned during the year, and in particular to Rosa Gunning, whose editoring and typing services are invaluable.

The Treasurership had been taken over at short notice by Clifford Gunning who reported a balance of £288.19. However, there are considerable expenses to be met this year over and above normal material costs i.e. the purchase of a supply of front pages for the Newsletter, and possibly service charges for the duplicator and typewriter; so resources are not excessive.

The Officers and Committee Members for the forthcoming year are:-

Chair-personMrs. J. Clothier.Committee –Mr. F. Denslow
Vice ChairmanMr. M. Cheskin. Mrs. M. Jones.
Hon. Sec.Mr. G. Blower. Mrs. M. Talbot.
Hon. TreasurerMr. S.C. Gunning. Mr. S. Talbot.
Press OfficerMrs. J. Crowfoot. Mr. E. Gillard
(co-opted since the A.G.M)
Newsletter –Editor/Typist– Rosa Gunning
 Duplication– John Butler.
 Collator for distribution– Mr. M. Cheskin.

There are still vacancies on the Committee should anyone be interested in helping us to carry out our duties, or better still to tell us what we should be doing.

Finally, a number of resolutions were carried at the A.G.M. to allow the meeting to be held in January in future, to reduce the number required for a quorum to ten, and to reduce the number of Committee Meetings to a minimum of four per annum if appropriate in the light of the circumstances at any given time.

G.R. Blower (Hon. Sec.)


Charfield 1086!

Did you know by the time of the Domesday Survey in 1086, which is the earliest written record of Charfield, the Village was already established, the eldest settlement being probably Churchend?

The walls of the Nave and Chancel of the Church of St. James at Churchend, have been ascribed to the twelfth century, and the Church House opposite, is probably the oldest building in the Village.

In medieval times Charfield probably never had a Manor House with a resident Lord of the Manor, although Manor Farm may have been the home farm of the bailiff. The site of the farm can still be distinguished on the Tithe map surveyed and drawn between 1839 and 1842.

In 1779 Samuel Rudder wrote “the greatest part of the Parish is pasture”, and the standard entry in Kelly's Directories which began almost a century after the publication of Rudders history, is that the Charfield area was chiefly pasture. Although from quite early in the middle ages it was probably not entirely dependant on farming. However, outside the most famous rearing and cloth weaving areas, the woollen industry became important in the economy of the Lt. Avon Valley. While weavers would also have been small-holders there seems to have been more substantial clothiers in the Parish, whose income would have been derived from the wool trade rather than farming.

Late eighteenth century maps of the Village show a quite separate and well developed settlement north of Lt. Bristol Lane on the west side of Wotton Road. It was called Charfield Green, but was where Cotswold View, May Grove, Station Road and Horsford Road, are today, not on the site of the present flats and bungalows. As many of the farms either required little labour or housed their own workers many of the Charfield Green residents were probably spinners or weavers. The Tithe map shows that the houses were built on the edge of common land and the settlement may well have been begun in the 16th or 17th centuries.

The enclosure of land by hedges probably took place over a much longer period of time and must have been largely complete in the later eighteenth century and during the Napoleonic wars. There are a few fields on the Tithe map called “Laynes”, which suggests such enclosures. The last remaining common land was divided up in 1846, just after the drawing of the Tithe map.

In 1712 the population of Charfield was estimated to be 145, in 1779 200, and at the present time in 1985 approximately 2,000.

Everyone's view of the local history of his Parish is quite different. We start with different expectations and ask different questions. Some living in the older properties wonder when their house was first built, others are interested in the history of the Railway, and perhaps others couldn't care less! However, there is a great deal of interesting information available for anyone who wishes to know more about how Charfield developed. Two particularly good starting points are the Tithe Map with its schedule completed in 1842 and the original returns to the 1851 Census. The first is a large scale field map with a list of owners and occupiers of each field and its use whether pasture or arable.

For anyone interested the written records are kept in County Hall Archives, together with a Tithe Map.

The above is extracts taken from the Chadra Study 1976. and may be of special interest to newcomers to Charfield.



My Account of the Charfield Rail-crash

by Christopher Moore a Lion Cub – age 10 years.
(from research, and help of a Charfield resident)

On October 13th 1928, early in the morning the following four trains were proceeding on the down line from Gloucester towards Bristol in the order given:- LMS. 10.35 p.m. down through freight, Washwood Heath to Bristol. GWR. 9.15 p.m. fitted down with goods, Oxley Sidings to Bristol. LMS. 12.45 a.m. down parcels train, Leicester to Bristol. LMS. 10.00 p.m. down passenger and mails, Leeds to Bristol.

The parcels train was overhauling the two goods trains and therefore the LMS goods was shunted clear of the main line into a siding. The same happened when the GWR. goods train came. The mail train then was between them. When the mail train had gone, Controller Button decided to signal the LMS. goods out of the lay-by, but the driver stopped in the Station for water. He was not booked to do so and he didn't tell Button. Button therefore told the driver of the GWR. (which had pulled out of the siding to go back). The GWR. goods had almost shunted clear of the main line when the mail train came down the line at a mile a minute into Charfield and suddenly there was a big bang! The locomotive and four coupled class 3, No. 714 struck the GWR. train and this cannoned off into the up goods train cutting it in two behind the eighth wagon and falling on its side amid a welter of splinted wagon bodies. The coaches reared themselves up and the buffers hung over the parapet of the bridge overhead. Fifteen lives were lost and there were two unknown. There was a lady who on every anniversary came and put flowers on the unknown graves. The bodies of the two unknown were charred so much the Village Constable couldn't identify them. A monument was erected by the London Midland and Scottish Railway Co., in memory of the accident. The two unknown bodies were buried in the old Church yard.

Following on Christopher's contribution below is an extract from Chadra's Study, first produced in Sept. 1976, concerning the railway, which may be of interest to some:-

During the last war, the situation of the Village on the railway led to its choice as a first aid centre and distribution point for soldiers evacuated from Dunkirk. After the war the railway continued to be a valuable link for work in Yate or shopping in Bristol. It became increasingly an uneconomic station both for passengers and goods in the 1950's and its closure under the Beeching reforms seems to have been inevitable.

Brunel's station was closed just at the beginning of the enormous upswing in the population. The cheapness and convenience of the private car had superseded it. The railway had brought new opportunities to a long established community but the motor car created a very much more mobile population with their work and interests outside the Village.

If you have any information about “Charfield in the Past”, which would be of special interest to us all, do not hesitate to let me know. It would be nice to do a follow-up perhaps on the contributions published in previous issues from Mr. Joel Grimes, and Mr. Lawson Smith. So please think about it and don't be shy!



Baby Sitting Circle

Hello! Mums, Firstly, another hello! to the lovely Spring days. Secondly, I've now learnt never to commit myself on paper.

Those of you who read my last spell-binding piece will remember that I had been gripped by the duster and polish bug. Well forget it! Lawrence decided to cut nearly all his teeth so, consequently, I just had to sit and cuddle him and watch T.V. for two whole months. By then, of course, the urge had definitely left me.

Anyway, to Baby Sitting – please welcome Phyllis Artingstall to the Circle. Phyllis lives at x Severn Close, and her 'phone number is 26xxxx.

I have doubly checked these details as I had moved Doreen Vickerson to x Orchard Close, without her even knowing!! in the last Newsletter. Naturally, I have mislaid my last copy so I append below details of all the recent “joinees” and please delete Dilys Millard's name.

Adelina SlowleyxxxManor Lane.Tel. 26xxxx.
Margaret TippinsxxDurham Road.26xxxx.
Janet WilliamsxxUnderhill Rd.26xxxx.
Mary ChatworthyxOrchard Close26xxxx.
Valerie HakexSevern Close26xxxx.
Doreen VickersonxxOrchard Close26xxxx.

I know you've heard it all before, but I am in the process of typing the new list. Well let's say that the typewriter has, at least, been positioned on the dining room table. You can all be assured that my conscience is being nudged every time I eat!

If any new mum in the Village wishes to join us just 'phone me Fal. 26xxxx, and I shall be round almost “post haste”.

Well I'll sign off now. Have a lovely time and I hope to see you all soon.


Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Fields Committee

Most of you would have received the recent circular regarding a BMX track. This is proposed to be placed next to the Village Hall, adjoining the car park, if enough support is shown. This will be of a “temporary” design so if this “phase” should cease, it could easily be moved.

A few enthusiastic lads have called to see me, but I am afraid more interest must be shown if this plan is to go ahead.

If any of you hold photos of Old Charfield and are willing for us to copy them, or have any interesting items, we would like to place these on display in the Village Hall. Visitors could then see how Charfield has progressed through the years.

Extension Fund On consultation with the Charities Commission, it had been agreed by them that the monies held, known as the Extension Fund may be used for other purposes. If you have donated any monies and have any objections please let the Committee know at your earliest opportunity.

Finally, I would like to thank Mrs. Lynn Thistlewood on taking up the position as Treasurer, and also thank James Carpenter for his past services.

Keith Smith.
Chairman. Fal. 26xxxx.


Charfield Mothers & Toddlers Group

Hello! to all young, old and new mums with toddlers in Charfield. We welcome you all to our Mothers & Toddlers Group, held every Thursday in the Village Hall, from 10.15 to 11.30 a.m. Do come along and enjoy a chat with other mums, while your toddler plays and enjoys him/herself.

We have a good selection of toys/activities for your toddler, and serve delicious home-made cakes and coffee for you, squash and biscuits for your toddler – all for the bargain price of 40p. per session.

Membership fee for the year is £1.25, and all members are entitled to attend our subsidised outings and Christmas Party.

Our Summer outing this year will probably be to the sea-side.

Many new mums who have recently joined us have said how nice it is to chat to other mums and realise that their children are just like others – they bite and scratch and cry all night as well! Seriously, if you would like to come but don't fancy coming on your own, please ring our Chair-woman, Tanya Reynolds, Falfield 26xxxx, and she will be happy to arrange for one of the Committee to call and introduce you to other mums on your first visit.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Linda Felton (Secretary). Falfield 26xxxx.

P.S. We are having a sponsored Knit shortly in aid of Club Funds, P.C. Williams has kindly agreed to adjudicate (in case of foul play by knitters stabbing rivals with needles or knitting at more than 30 m.p.h. etc.) and the blanket produced will be given to our Health Visitor to give to a needy elderly person.

Please help us by sponsoring anyone who volunteers to help boost our funds. Thank you.


Christmas 1985!!

I have undertaken the task of putting on a Concert, Friday 13th December at 7.00 p.m. (Keep your fingers crossed for the lucky date)!

The aim is to involve the Village, and this of course means I am looking for talent from the Village.

The School has been informed and informal approaches made to the Church.

Who has the talent to help in the Friendly Village Christmas Atmosphere? Anyone able to let me know that they would like to participate. Please don't put it off and than say I could have done something. All offers are welcome.

I have already written a Village Carol in which all can sing.

Do please help in this venture.

For further details please contact me –

Percy Ellis, Fal. 26xxxx.


On the Beat!

Hello! again, It does not seem possible that we will soon be in the middle of the Summer holidays. How many of you will be driving at some stage? Will it be a long journey?

I spent 4½ years with the Road Traffic Department at Almondsbury, and during my service there I saw many motorists start their holidays on the hard shoulder of the motorway, with a car full of luggage and over excited children, waiting for help. Do you really want this to happen to YOU?

Please remember, check your car thoroughly, or have it checked BEFORE you leave. Make sure your spare tyre is in good order. The Scouts have a good motto “BE PREPARED”. Carry a tool kit and if you know something about car maintenance why not have some of the spares that frequently let the motorist down with you, such as a fan belt, set of points etc. It could save you a great deal of time, money and trouble.

What arrangements have you made for the security of your property whilst you are on holiday? Do remember to cancel your milk and newspapers, and please remember to lock ALL your doors and windows, it may sound obvious, but some people do forget!

You can also contact me by telephone or by calling personally at Charfield Police Station, and let me have the dates when your house will be empty. I can then keep a record of un-occupied houses and check them whenever possible.

If possible, try to arrange with a good friend or neighbour to hold a key of your property and ask them to check on it occasionally. If you are able to do this let me know their name and telephone number or address.

To go on from this, if you think your neighbour may be away, and you see someone call at their house what would you do? I say, keep an eye on the caller BE NOSEY! If you think they are suspicious CALL THE POLICE, you will not be wasting our time, and you may save someone a great deal of trouble.

Likewise if you see a strange car or van in the area, take the registration number, and if anything happens you can always let me have the details. It may be unconnected but it may be just the information I need. Crime seems to be on the increase, but it is with your help that we can try to stamp it out “BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR”.

It has come to my attention that there are youngsters under the age of 16 smoking. How are they getting these cigarettes? I have spoken to our local shop-keepers in the past and advised them not to sell tobacco to the under 16's, as it is against the Law. Please do not send your youngsters out to get your cigarettes and embarrass our shop-keepers. Do not forget, if you need any advice or need to discuss anything with me, I can be contacted on Dursley 84xxxx.

P.C. I. Williams.

Somebody once said “one can do without friends sometimes, but not without neighbours. So much depends on good neighbours. A kindly neighbour is on hand when things go wrong – on the spot or just across the way, with perhaps just a cheery word to help us on our way. Friends are precious to us all but can't always be there when needed most, so it's on good and trusted neighbours that we have to rely.”

Are you a good neighbour?



Charfield Young Wives

Hello! Ladies. Well, here I am, smaller than ever due to that “heavy crown” received from Estelle at our A.G.M. I do hope you enjoyed the supper that night. A special thank you to Mrs. Campbell for putting up with us scurrying in with our dishes for the feast.

For those who were unable to come to our A.G.M. I do hope to see you at our future meetings – I really do need all the support available!

Estelle, efficiently assisted by Pam, chaired us very well these past twelve months, but if you could see me trying to arrange another date for our first committee meeting (only I couldn't make the original set date!) the phrase, “couldn't organise ‘something’ in a brewery”, springs to mind!

Ah well, on to our future dates.

April 18th.A Talk and demo, given by our local expert – Mrs. Sheppard.
May 15th.Coffee Morning with Bingo at the Hall. Ladies please give generously to your committee member when she comes knocking/begging at your door.
May 16th.What a busy week! Hair and Beauty Demo. Let's get you looking good, ready for –
June 20th.Coach outing to Painswick House with supper nearby – more details will be given nearer the date.
July 18th.Gateaux & Desserts – preparation by an expert. Forget the diet for just one night!

Our Sports Day contributions have yet to be finalised with a bit of luck I'll have had the first committee meeting by then.

Although it's a long, long way off, those ladies wishing to go to the theatre on the London trip in November should be thinking of booking Shows etc., now. If there are any block-bookings required please give me a shout.

I won't leave you thinking of dreary November, roll on the Summer – we are sorely in need of a change of weather to perk us all up.

Heather Griffiths.

Thank You to One and All

Mr. & Mrs. Poskett wish to thank all kind friends for the kindness shown during Mr. Poskett's recent illness. The many visitors while in hospital, transport, and get-well cards were all greatly appreciated.

It is certainly good to see Mr. John Poskett around and about again looking so very much better. Our very best wishes for continued good health, and Congratulations on your Ruby Wedding Anniversary celebrated recently.



St. John's Church

In the last Newsletter I was privileged to contribute to this excellent compilation of Village News, I mentioned the recently started Sunday Club for the young people of the Village. This is held every Sunday morning at 9.45 a.m. for about an hour. I mention it again in case any missed it last time or in case there are new readers. There has been an attendance of about 25; certainly encouraging enough to continue, but obviously not touching all the children in the Village! We have a dedicated band of teachers who, I believe, find their effort both challenging and interesting. Any enquires about this would be welcome – Mrs. K. Thomas – 0453 84xxxx, or Mrs. P. Jeanes, 26xxxx. The children enjoy fun, games, as well as some learning.

Singing, for most people, has always formed an important part in the life and worship of the Church. Such T.V. programmes as “Songs of Praise” have a wide appeal; many who do not attend Church would not miss this programme when the songs of the Church are sung. Our (your) Parish Church has for a long time needed new hymn books. “Ancient and Modern” hymns is now so old that it has no modern hymns in it, and many of the hymns in what was once an excellent volume are now unsingable, if you think about the words you are singing, which is what is intend! There is an up-to-date version of this book which retains all the good standard hymns which have stood the test of time, but also introduces truly modern hymns as well with the thought forms of today and excellent tunes, many of them known but not available in older books. I hope we shall be able to purchase a set of these in the immediate future (prices rise all the time). The cost, including discount, will be about £500. Our big financial ventures have to be ventures of faith! I would be very grateful for any contribution to this special effort.

Another way of helping would be to give a book (books) in memory of a loved-one; this would be suitably inscribed. If anyone wants a copy for themselves, I am giving them the opportunity of ordering a copy through me and getting the benefit of the discount. The cost of the various books (before discount) is:-

  1. Words only edition £2.60.
  2. Words and the music for the tune line £3.40.
  3. Full music edition £6.00.

If you would like to join us in this venture PLEASE do not delay: ACT AT ONCE. Let me, or one of our Church Officers know. Thank you in anticipation of your response.

Two Sales in the near future that will interest some:-

1. Friday 10th May from 8.00 p.m. – Chain Stores Seconds (formerly “Misperfects”) – new clothes sale.

2. Saturday 18th May from 10.00 a.m. (until stocks last) PLANT Sale, cuttings, seedlings etc.

Kenneth G. Grant.

Congregational Church

Sundays –FAMILY SERVICE 11.00 a.m.
TuesdaysBRIGHT HOUR (fortnightly)

All are welcome – Any enquiries or further information please contact – Miss. M. Turner, xx the Green, Charfield. Fal. 26xxxx, who will be pleased to hear from you.


Sports & Gala Day – 1985

The date to remember is JULY 20th. The following are some of the events which need a bit of thinking ahead.

The Fancy Dress should have a futuristic theme, and the groups are as follows:- Under 7, 7 & over, groups (2 or more). Entrants to be on the field ready for judging at 1.45 p.m.

A painting competition, the theme of which is Fun Fairs of the Future. Sections will be:- Under 5, 5–7, 7–10, 11–14 and 15 & over. Names and addresses plus age to be entered on the back of the painting. Entries to be left with Mrs. Gore-Rowe at Charfield School Foundation Room. All entries must be in by JULY 10th please. Prizes will be given for the best entries.

The Craft Competition this year will include a fruit and veg. (details of sections and entry forms will be available shortly).

For children there will be a hand-writing section, garden on a plate, animal from vegetables, model from junk (futuristic theme) and cakes. Again entry forms etc., will be available soon.

More news of events next time. Keep your eyes open for a pram suitable for racing, and get your pets ready to show them off in a Pet Show.

Sports Day Committee.

Useful Information

Police:P.C. Ian Williams, Police House, 58 Wotton Rd.Dur. 84xxxx
Electricity:M.E.B. Severn Vale District Office. Chipping SodburyC.S. 218480
 Emergency calls alsoGlos. 69221
Water:Bristol Waterworks Co. head officeBristol. 665881
 (faults outside office hours)freefone 981
Avon Oils:Unit 1. Avonbridge Estate.Avonmouth 827671
 Account Queries827461
Citizens Advice Bureau:Mrs. J. McGonnigill, The Chippings, Wotton-under-Edge.Dur. 84xxxx
Taxis Service(24 hrs.)Fal. 261191

Spring – Celebrate in Style – Smackers

 100g. smoked mackerel.
100g. full-fat cheese.
2 tblsp. fresh double cream
lemon juice, salt & pepper.
175g smoked salmon.
slice lemon & cucumber.
Method –Remove skin & bones from mackerel.
Blend or mash together with cheese, cream, lemon juice until smooth paste, season to taste.
Chill until firm.
Cut the salmon into eight strips and place a portion of the mackerel paste and roll up.
Chill until required.
Serve on bed of lettuce garnished with cucumber.


Charfield County Primary School – Parent/Teachers Assoc

The Spring Fayre held at the School at the end of March raised about £380 for the P.T.A. funds, in spite of the bad weather. Many thanks for all the support we received, especially for the cakes and handicrafts, and the time spent by the pony owners.

Some of the funds raised have been spent on improvements, and redecoration of the School Library. Many hours during the Easter holidays have been spent with paint brush in hand!

On the evening of May 2nd, P.C. Ian Williams is coming to the School to discuss and show some videos about solvent abuse – any adult is welcome to attend.

Our next major event is the OUTDOOR FOLK DANCE on Friday 21st June. This will be in the School play-ground starting at 8.00. Music will be by the Abbey Band, and there will be a bar and barbecue. Tickets – £2.

Richie Devall. Chairman.

Charfield W.I.

Hello! It's Spring again and I'd like to let you know what we have got planned for the next few months.

We've got “Magic in the Kitchen” from the M.E.B. and a talk on Nature Conservancy – just to whet your appetites. Do come along and join us at our monthly meetings, (second Thursday in every month). You won't be disappointed.

Have you heard about the patchwork quilt we are busy making? If not, then you will see it displayed later this year. Everyone will get a chance to own this beautiful heirloom of tomorrow – watch this space for more details.

Sports day will soon be here and this year we are having a Home Produce Stall as well as a White Elephant Stall. I'm sure it will be a great success and contributions to these two Stalls of ours will be gratefully accepted.

I hope to see some new faces at our meetings this year. A warm welcome awaits you, so come and have an interesting and entertaining evening with us at the W.I.

“Come on Down” ladies, we'll be there!

Susan B. Green.



If anyone from the Charfield area does the daily journey by car to and from Gloucester for work purposes and would be willing to Consider the possibility of taking a (paying) passenger, please be kind enough to telephone Dursley 84xxxx for more details.


St. John's P.C.C.

As announced in the last Newsletter a Misperfect Sale is to be held in the Memorial Hall on Friday May 10th at 8.00 p.m. They have now changed their name to CHAIN STORE SECONDS, so when you see posters around the Village it is the same event.

On Saturday May 18th, at 10.00 a.m. in the Church Grounds our Annual Plant Sale will be held. Perhaps you will find something you can nurture ready for Sports Day.

Billy Graham is coming to Sheffield in June and it is hoped to relay the Service all over the Country. The Southwold Centre in Yate will be used from Tuesday June 25th to Saturday June 29th. Leaflets will be distributed at a later date giving more details. If anyone is interested in attending please contact me and I will pass your name on to our Mission England workers – C. Wallace and P. Jeaves.

Margaret Clarke,
P.C.C. Sec. Fal. 26xxxx


Bingo Sessions run by the Hall Management Committee are held every Monday in the Village Hall, between 8.00 and approx. 9.30 p.m.

There is a raffle, and refreshments are available. There is a very friendly atmosphere and anyone is welcome to come along and join us.

If there is anyone in the Village who would be willing to come along and call for us, if not every week perhaps once a month, we would be glad to hear from them. Perhaps you would contact Wendy Taylor, Fal. 26xxxx, who will be pleased to hear from you.

We play 14 games which include two snowball houses with prizes of approximately £20–£25.

Do come along and join us for a very enjoyable evening. Hope to see you –

Wendy Taylor.
Sue Scoble.

Charfield Tennis Club

The new Season is here and all we need now is some good weather.

Our A.G.M. was held on March 29th in the Village Hall, when it was decided that the Club would be run by a committee this year because we have so many members. The Committee are:-

ChairmanSandra Nixon.
Vice-ChairmanDavid Cole.
TreasurerAnne Stoakes.
SecretaryJohn Scoble.
Tournament SecretaryJacky Swallow.
Jnr. RepresentativeJulie Clarke.
Elected MembersWendy Taylor
Lawrence Taylor
Heather Crowley.

The membership fees for the Season are – Adults £8. Junior £3. The date fees are due is 1st Apri1, 1985.

14The lock will be changed and new keys issued on payment of fees. PLEASE REMEMBER TO RETURN YOUR OLD KEY.

Fees can be paid to either Anne Stoakes, xx Horsford Rd. or John Scoble, xx Manor Lane.

We hope to start this year's tournaments shortly, and new members are welcome. Any enquiries please to John Scoble Fal. 26xxxx or any Committee Member.

John Scoble.

Charfield, Cromhall & Tortworth Committee for the Elderly & Housebound


Unfortunately, Mrs. Amer, who has been Chief Cook for many years has felt for personal reasons that the time has come to take a rest, which she certainly deserves. However, she will be greatly missed by all who regularly attend the Luncheon Club – so many have enjoyed and appreciated her splendid cooking. Many thanks Mrs. Amer for the super meals you have prepared and cooked for such a long time.

Now, if there is a kind lady reading this who is willing to help by preparing and cooking a meal for approx. 18–20 elderly people once a fortnight Mr. Goscombe (Chairman) Dursley 84xxxx will be delighted to hear from you, or come along to the Annual General Meeting on Wed. 24th April, at the Village Hall, 2.00 p.m. when the future of the Club will be discussed. It is hoped that with offers of help a rota can be arranged which will mean each Cook will be “on duty” only two or three times a year. At present we have three members of the Committee who have helped Mrs. Amer from time to time; Mrs. Till is always there to give a helping hand, and Mrs. Nash is a regular helper with the washing up. Mrs. Fapani too, was a very willing helper until she also felt the time had come for a rest. Mrs. Amer we are sure will not completely forsake us and we hope she will be prepared to give a guiding hand when needed. So do give this request serious thought. Thank you.


Katherine Lady Berkeley School – Parent/Teachers Assoc.

Our “Poems, Pints and Party Pieces” evening on March 8th was very well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Members of Staff certainly let their hair down and kept us all well entertained along with a quartet from Thornbury “Accord” and the “Kit and Boodle” Band. During the evening the second draw of the P.T.A's 500 Club was made and the winners were –

1st£150Miss PooleK.L.B. School
2nd£50Mrs. J. WhittleK.L.B. School
3rd£25Mrs. WilliamsNew St. Charfield.

Our next event is a Jazz Evening to be held at the School on Friday May 10th and tickets will be available shortly either from myself, or any of the Charfield representatives – Mrs. J. Swallow, xx Station Rd. Dur. 84xxxx. Mrs. S. Jonas, xx Manor Lane, Fal. 26xxxx. Mrs. C. Tarry, xx Wotton Rd. Fal. 26xxxx. Mr. N. Haines, xx Horsford Rd. Dur. 84xxxx.

A sponsored walk has been arranged for July 7th, and a Car Boot Sale will be held at the School on the same day. Profits from this day will go towards the purchase of new curtains in the School Drama Hall.

Margaret Clarke.
Fal. 26xxxx


Charfield & District Friendship Club

How nice it is to walk around the roads and see the daffodils and other flowers blooming in the gardens; so cheering to see so much colour after the bleak winter we had.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our first meeting of the year owing to the bad weather, the first time we have had to do this! However, the weather did improve slightly and the outing to the Pantomime at the end of January was able to go ahead and was enjoyed by all members who were able to go.

The entertainment at our meetings has again been varied, and at our last meeting on April 3rd we had a “quiz” conducted by Mr. Allsop of Wotton. Three lady members and three gentlemen members took part answering questions on various subjects, history, geography, sport, religion and general knowledge. The gentlemen won by the narrow margin of one point! All members enjoyed this very much. We also had some members taking part in an Easter bonnet Parade. Mr. Allsop was appointed Judge; he said it was a difficult decision to make but decided to give first prize to Mrs. Fry.

We have welcomed one new member this year – lots of room for more, so do come along.

Our next meeting on April 17th will be our A.G.M.

C. M. Woodlands (Mrs.)

Keep Fit

The Class held in the Memorial Hall is now under the supervision of Mrs. Val Jones. We would all like to extend our thanks to Mrs. Lesley Holland and wish her luck in her new venture. Lesley was with us for nearly five years. Let's continue to support Val and hope the next five years will be just as happy.

The Class is now run on an hourly rate and costs 75p per session. Next session Tues. April 16th at 10.30 a.m.

Mrs. A.M. Poskett.
Booking Secretary.

Pram Service

We meet as usual on Tuesdays during term time starting on Tues. 24th April. Our meeting time is now 2.15 p.m – slightly earlier than previously. You are welcome to join us, we meet at xx Manor Lane.

Patricia Martin.

Remember, it isn't what we have to do that makes us tired, it's out mental state of mind which determines how we feel. The thought behind the actions that count. We must take care to guard against vexation – that's the thought that can drag us down. Think of the satisfaction to feel life hasn't beaten us, we've beaten it instead.


1st Woodend Scout Group

By the time most people read this yet another A.G.M. will have come and gone. This usually means that the old familiar face disappears to pastures new, and in its place an apprehensive new face appears. David Tapscott and John Terry are two members of the Group Executive who will be missed; they have both given many years of service to Scouting locally. On behalf of the Group may I wish both of them every success – David on his promotion, and John on his commuting to Europe. Thanks David! Thanks John!

To the young men aged 8 yrs. to 20 yrs. who live in Charfield, Cromhall, Kingswood, Wickwar, Rangeworthy and Tytherington, if you are interested in joining the best Scout Group in Avon, then let me know!

To the young ladies aged 16 yrs. to 20 yrs, if you are interested in joining our active Venture Scout Unit, then let me know!

To young ladies and gentlemen aged 20 yrs. to 65 yrs. if you are interested in helping Scouting locally, then let me know!

If you are interested in Clay Pigeon shooting, then make a date in your diary to attend our Annual Sporting Clay Pigeon Shoot, it's on Sunday May 12th at Church End (Old Charfield) by kind permission of Mr. Reg. Baker. The Gazette Newspaper Group are generously sponsoring all events, in what is now regarded as one of the top Shoots in the South West of England.

I am sure there are hundreds of you who would like to join me in congratulating Maurice Marklove (Fury) on being awarded the Medal of Merit. I, for one, think the award is long overdue! Fury has given 19 yrs. first class service to local Scouting, leading by example. I wonder if you can last out another 19 yrs. Fury? ha! ha!

Dennis Booth,
Group Scout Leader.

Charfield Play Group

During last term we opened two afternoon Sessions in addition to our five morning Sessions. It is always good to be able to welcome “new” children through our doors, so if you have a child of three or over who would like to start Play Group please contact me on Fal. 26xxxx. Equally if you have a child under three whose name you would like put on the waiting list please give me a ring.

Last term was a short term but quite a lot was packed into it. Despite the snow we managed to hold our Annual Jumble Sale, and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped in any way. We also enjoyed a purely social evening playing skittles which was a rare chance for the mums and dads to get together. The children busily prepared for Mother's Day and for Easter amongst other activities.

This term we are looking forward to our Summer outing. The consensus of opinion seems to be the choice of the Zoo (at the time of writing). We shall be running a Cake Stall again at Wotton Hey-Day on June 23rd. Towards the end of the term we shall be holding an open afternoon for parents and children who will be eligible to start Play-Group during the 85–86 School year. Details of this to come later. We shall also be running “Hook-a-Duck” at Charfield Sports Day on July 20th. Looking forward to seeing you all on the above mentioned dates.

Patricia Martin


Charfield Junior Football Club

With the appallingly wet weather we have had our teams are now playing as many as three matches a week to catch-up on the back-log of fixtures before the end of the season (which has now been extended until April 21st.) The under 12's and under 16's are still doing very well in their respective leagues, but for the eight or so dedicated under 14's it has been a disappointing season with so few boys willing to turn out regularly and the team having to be supported by the older under 12's; lets hope that next season we can sign-on at least 14 boys under the age of 14 and over 12 who will play each week for the Charfield under 14 team.

Easter Monday saw the three squads playing a friendly tournament at Cheltenham against teams from Droitwich, Cheltenham and Holland. In spite of the wet conditions a most enjoyable time was had by all. The under 12's were beaten in their final on corners, the under 16's won their final, and although the under 14's didn't make their final all agreed it was a really worthwhile afternoon's football. Well done to all the boys who took part.

Our end of season Disco and prize giving this year is to be held on Saturday 27th April, in the Memorial Hall – please families and friends do come along and give your support and encouragement to the boys. Tickets are available from myself or Brian Lovegrove, at xx Manor Lane.

The six-a-side tournament is being held at Stonehouse on Sunday 28th April, and on Monday 29th a party of dads are taking 30 boys to Bristol Rovers to see them play a charity match against Tottenham Hotspurs. A very busy end of season, and I would like to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking on behalf of the boys in the Club our Managers, Brian Lovegrove and Pete Kirby, Winston Leonard for all his help with the Under 14's and all the loyal parents who turn-up each week to support and ferry the teams to matches. Without you all there would be no football for the boys in Charfield to enjoy

As at the end of every season, the boys move on to new levels within the Club, and some of the older 16's go on to the senior club. We wish them all well, and hope that they all continue to play and enjoy their football.

There will be new signing-on forms available throughout the summer from myself or the Managers if anybody is interested. Please don't be shy, just come along and ask for one.

Our A.G.M. this year is on Friday 7th June, at 8.00 p.m. in the Railway Tavern, and we would be more than pleased to see some new faces as well as the regulars. If you would like to offer your services to help run the under 14's with another person, I would like to hear from you either before or at the A.G.M. Two people running the team together will halve the work but ask anybody involved with the Club and they will tell you that there is a lot of pleasure to be had for the hours you put in.

Jenny Harvey.


Village Organisations

Charfield Res. Assoc.Chair-lady Mrs. J. Clothier
Sec: Mr. G. Blower
Newsletter – R. Gunning
Fal. 26xxxx
Baby Sitting CircleMrs. M. Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
British LegionMr. Mussell, x Manor Lane26xxxx
BrowniesMrs. J. Green, x Horsford Rd.
Mrs. D. Lowe, xx Avon Rd.
Dur. 84xxxx
Fal. 26xxxx
County Primary SchoolHeadmaster – Mr. D. Malpass.26xxxx
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green.26xxxx
Cricket ClubMr. D.S. Bradley, xx New St.Dur. 84xxxx
CubsMrs. A. Booth, xx Katherine Cl.Fal. 26xxxx
District CouncillorMr. Pearson, xxxx Farm, Stidcote.Wickwar xxx
Football ClubSec. Mr. M. Munden, Police House.Fal. 26xxxx
Football Club (Jnrs.)Mrs. J. Harvey, xx Severn Cl.26xxxx
Friendship ClubMrs. C. Woodlands, x Charfield Gr.26xxxx
GuidesMrs. R. Meeks, "xxxx", The Drive.26xxxx
Ranger GuidesMrs. K. Mullard, xxx Manor Lane.26xxxx
Keep Fit ClubMrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Gr.26xxxx
Fitness CentreMrs. J. Sheppard, Bone Mill, New St.Dur. 28xxxx
Hall Management Cttee.Sec. Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd.
Booking Sec. Mrs. Poskett.
Fal. 26xxxx
Junior Dancing ClubMrs. Campbell, xx Manor Lane.26xxxx
Luncheon ClubChairman. Mr. C. Goscombe. xxx Merlin Haven, Wotton-u-Edge.Dur. 84xxxx
Mothers & Toddlers ClubSec. Mrs. Linda Felton, xx Underhill Rd.Fal. 26xxxx
Netball ClubMrs. J. Hillier, xxxx House, Charfield.26xxxx
Parent/Teachers Assoc. Primary.Chairman Mr. R.J. Devall, xxx Manor Lane.26xxxx
Parent/Teachers Assoc. K.L.B.Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd.26xxxx
Parish CouncilClerk: Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Cl.26xxxx
Play Group & Pram ServiceMrs. Martin, xx Manor Lane.26xxxx
St. John's ChurchRector: K. Grant, The Rectory
Sec: Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd.
Scouts (Group Leader)Mr. D. Booth, xx Katherine Cl.26xxxx
Street Warden SchemeMrs. M. Blower, xx Manor Lane.26xxxx
Tennis ClubMrs. S. Scoble, xx Manor Lane.26xxxx
Women's InstituteMrs. S. Green, The xxxx, Horsford Rd.Dur. 84xxxx
Young WivesMrs. H. Griffiths, xx Manor Lane.Fal. 26xxxx
Youth ClubMr. & Mrs. Everett, x Orchard Cl.26xxxx


POLICE   P.C. Williams, Police House, 58 Wotton Rd.   Dur. 842219

PLEASE CONTACT – R. Gunning, xx Manor Lane. Fal. 26xxxx.

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 19 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2016-12-11.