Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1983.
Charfield Resident's Association
Keep Fit
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield County Primary School
To all Village of Charfield Knitters!
Luncheon Club
Congregational Church
Charfield Mother and Toddlers Group
Charfield Playgroup
Housebound and Elderly Transport Scheme
Following Too Closely!
Friendship Club
Holiday Play-Scheme
Swanbrook Coaches
Friends of Yercombe Lodge
Charfield Junior Football Club
St. John's Church
Pram Service – St. John's Church
Citizens Advice Bureau
From Mr. F.T. Pearson (Our local Representative on the District Council)
Letter From a Former Editor – Sue Lapham
Charfield Cricket Club
Charfield Memorial Hall & Playing Field Management Committee
Baby Sitting Circle
1st Charfield Guides
Charfield W.I.
Young Wives
Village Organisations October 1983
Useful Information
There are many good reasons why the Cotswolds are considered by so many to be one of the most beautiful parts of England, but how many can define what makes the region so attractive? Could it be the well-kept Villages, as well as the countryside?
Charfield is on the edge of the Cotswolds and yet within easy reach of many fine cities as well as the countryside, but so often when Charfield is mentioned, particularly outside the immediate area, one hears “Charfield, where's that”? Some remember it for the disastrous rail accident which happened many years ago, long before Charfield developed as we know it today. Maybe we should be doing our best to change this image and make sure Charfield has something much more pleasant to be remembered by. Any bright ideas?
Some comments recently heard are not too encouraging! Litter thoughtlessly left around the shops and play area, garden rubbish “dumped” on vacant building plots, and the number of caravans and cars that are much in evidence most of the time, apparently do not give a very good impression of Charfield as a whole! This is of course a problem that is not easy to overcome – garages these days are used as storage space for so many other items as well as cars, for which they were originally built. With regard to caravans – if a suitable area could be allocated for storage would this be welcomed by owners? (some of whom must find the light to their rooms restricted by caravans parked on lawns.) Some of the houses do have a clause in their deeds which prohibits the parking of caravans anyway. Where is the focal point of Charfield? one visitor asked recently. What should be the answer to this?
The next Newsletter will not be published until January, and so this gives everyone a chance to think, prepare articles and comments, which are always welcome.
Isn't it good to see the splendid efforts being made by the Village Hall Management Committee under the Chairmanship of Keith Smith, to solve the financial difficulties of the day to day running expenses of the Hall, which are really quite considerable. Shall we do our best to encourage them by giving all the support we can? I'm sure we shall. The W.I. are sponsoring a “Quiz”, which you will be hearing about in due course, and the Resident's Association Committee agreed to give the proceeds from the last Newsletter as a donation towards the Hall funds.
Rosa Gunning.
Please note the last date for receiving articles for JANUARY 1984 NEWSLETTER is FRIDAY 6th JANUARY, 1984. As many as possible received at No. xx Manor Lane, before this date will be much appreciated.
Your Committee having had some doubts as to whether there would be enough members available to run a stall on Sports Day, are glad to report that in the event a few members with a volunteer helper ran “Tossing the Bale”, which had proved to be a modest success last year. Again it proved to be quite popular and made a useful contribution to the proceeds. All credit must go to Keith Smith and friend from London who gave hours of sterling service in the sweltering conditions.
The suggestion that the Village should be cleared of litter by Cubs/Scouts working in groups at around “Bob a job” time was found to be impracticable, but it has to be stressed that all residents can help to improve the situation by not dropping wrappings etc., and pointing out to their children what a nuisance and eyesore is caused by this practice.
Your Committee having considered the appeal by the Village Hall Management Committee for further fund raising activities by Associations to help with the running expenses, decided to donate the proceeds from the July Newsletter for this purpose.
The Committee is happy to note that Cliff Gunning, a member and one time Chairman of CHADRA, is now the Chairman of the Parish Council. This will no doubt ensure the continuation of the understanding and co-operation between the two bodies which has existed for some time, and may have led some people to question CHADRA's role. It must be remembered however, that matters could arise on which there may be disagreements as to the best interests of the Village, in which case the value of an independent Residents Association would become apparent.
The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of CHADRA will be held at the NATIONAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION HALL, at Charfield School, at 8.00 on TUESDAY 29th NOVEMBER. Copies of the Agenda are being distributed with this Newsletter. Forms for nomination of Officers and Committee members are incorporated in the copies of the Agenda, and if used should be returned to the Hon. Secretary not later than NOVEMBER 22nd. Alternatively nominations can be made at the Meeting.
In conclusion may I note the pleasure of all at the speedy recovery of our Editor and Typist Rosa Gunning following her recent operation.
G.R. Blower.
Hon. Secretary.
Thanks to the Keep Fit ladies and all who supported the fund raising effort held on July 20th in the Village Hall. Our contribution was £62.40. Great don't you agree for so small a body.
Keep Fit held on Tuesday 10.30–11.30 a.m. welcomes any newcomers to the Village.
A.M. Poskett.
Hon. Secretary.
The most pressing problem which the Parish Council is dealing with at the moment is centred on the Avon Grange Estate. Without planning authority and without any legal right, Bryant Homes Ltd started to lay a footpath to connect Farm Lees with public path No. OCH8 and the stile to the railway line. It was noted that the proposed access was across four private drives and consultation has taken place with the residents affected who had also made individual attempts to stop this access. The Parish Council has consulted the Planning Authority and the proposal has been stopped. Would all Charfield Residents please note that there is no right of way across any private drives to gain access to the screen embankment on the Avon Grange Estate. To do so is not only a most un-neighbourly act but also an act of trespass.
On a separate issue, the District Council has with information passed to them by the Parish Council, asked Bryant Homes Ltd to deal immediately with a breach in planning conditions and erect the boundary fence between the estate and the main railway line. The District Council has stated that if it is not done in the immediate future an Enforcement Notice will be issued.
On the subject of the proposed play area for the Avon Grange Estate, the District Council has admitted to ‘making a mistake’ in passing the plans for the housing estate which did not show an access to the play area. Bryant Homes Ltd have completed all the building without making provision for this access, which means that Children wishing to go to the play area must walk along New Street where there is no footpath and along a road which is used constantly by heavy vehicles. Once at the play area considerable doubt is expressed that it is a safe place to play: it is bounded on one side by a poorly maintained fence to the railway line and also has an electricity pylon with high power cables situated on it. Added to this is the fact that the area designated as a play area is small and steeply sloping and out of sight of any of the houses. The Parish Council agreed to recommend to the District Council that this area is not adopted and maintained as a play area as it is not a suitable or safe place for children to play.
A fait accompli was carried out by Bryant Homes in clearing the area of British Rail land between New Street and the stile across the railway line and destroying the hard surface footpath. All this area is the property of British Rail, together with a little more now under the new embankment and consultations are taking place with British Rail regarding reinstatement. The Parish Council is keeping the situation under surveillance and has arranged a site meeting with B.R. in an attempt to satisfactorily resolve matters.
Other parish matters have not been forgotten. Work is continuing on the footpath project and the County has carried out some of the signposting. MP John Cope has been asked for support on the subject of improvements to pedestrian safety on the railway bridge but County Councillor Joe Honeybourne does not hold out much hope that the money will be available within the near future.
All Council meetings are open to the public and Councillors welcome comments or criticisms on parish matters.
Mrs J K Hughes
Clerk to the Council
We are now settling down to another school year, constantly looking ahead. While the new intake of four year olds is still getting used to school, I am asking parents to let me know the details of children who will be four years old on or before 31st August, 1984, if they wish them to start school next September or during the course of that school year. If I do not have that information early, I shall find I have insufficient teachers when the time comes.
To avoid clashes of dates, I am also publishing now our Christmas activities concentrated into two weeks.
Christmas Activities.
Evening | |||
Mon. | 12th December | ) | Mr. & Mrs. Bradley's classes Play in Hall. |
Tues. | 13th December | ) | |
Wed. | 14th December | ) | Mrs. Keay's, Mrs. Dodd 's, Mrs. Davies' |
Thurs. | 15th December | ) | classes Carol Service in Church. |
Afternoon | |||
Fri. | 16th December | Infants' concert in Hall. | |
Mon. | 19th December | Parties (Mrs. Peer & Mrs. Richardson) until 3.30 p.m. | |
Parties (Mrs. Dodd & Mrs. Keay) 3.45 p.m. until 6.00. | |||
Tues. | 20th December | Parties (Miss Copping & Mrs. Davies) until 3.30 p.m. | |
Parties (Mr. & Mrs. Bradley) 3.45 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. | |||
Wed. | 21st December | – | Term ends. |
Older residents of the Village may be interested to know that I have had the School Bell restored after many years – when it hung silently from the roof of the original building. The clapper had to be replaced, but we were rather disappointed when we first tried it. It clanged rather than rang out. Perhaps it was louder in the old days, or children quieter!
Mr. D. Malpass.
When you have finished knitting your winter woollies would you be kind enough to let me have any spare wool to help with the making of blankets for Save the Children and Help the Aged Funds.
Your help would be much appreciated. Any contributions please – R. Gunning, xx Manor Lane.
Many thanks!
In the hustle and bustle of our every day lives we sometimes overlook someone elderly and lonely living alone. The Luncheon Club provides an opportunity for a friendly chat and a well-cooked meal once a fortnight, so if you know someone, perhaps who is too retiring to come along without being personally invited, do please let Mrs. M. Grantham (Fal. 26xxxx) or myself (Fal. 26xxxx) know. Mrs. Amer our “famous” cook and other helpers will be very pleased to give a friendly welcome to any elderly person who comes along. The meal is much appreciated by those who regularly attend and it is a pity if someone is missing out because they are too retiring and shy to come along without an introduction.
We hope as many as possible will support our Coffee Morning at “Elm Tree Farm”, Tortworth Hill, on Friday 23rd Sept. Do go along and enjoy a morning coffee.
R.G. (Cttee. member)
Quite recently two popular and active families of the Charfield community – The Goldings, and the Julians, have moved away. Both these families will be missed, particularly the “mums” who helped and supported so many in time of need.
Our loss will be a Dursley and Wotton-under-Edge gain no doubt, and we wish them all much happiness in their new surroundings.
It is good to get news from time to time of Mrs. Eileen North. Mrs. North and her late husband Carol were very well-known in Charfield where they lived for a great number of years and are missed by a number of friends. Mrs. North seems to be settling well into a very different environment in Manchester, but keeps in touch with Charfield through the Newsletter which she still receives.
Sundays 11.00 a.m. Family Service. 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship. Tuesdays 3.00 p.m. Bright Hour. (fortnightly)
Open to anyone who would like to join us. Any enquiries to – Miss M. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield. Tel. Fal.26xxxx.
Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters – Isaiah 32 verse 20.
A farmer once said that when he hires a new hand, he doesn't ask, “Can you reap”? but “Can you sow?”, that being by far the most difficult operation. I jotted this down as a bit of comfort for those whose work seems chiefly the scattering of seed.
Sowing the seed with an aching heart
Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start
Sowing in hope till the reapers come
Gladly to gather the harvest home
Sown in the darkness or sown in the light
Sown in our weakness or sown in our might
Gathered in time or eternity, sure, ah sure will the harvest be.
M. Turner
We are now getting back into our stride after the Summer break, and hope that the year continues to run smoothly, and successfully. The group is going quite strong at the moment – but we always welcome new mums and toddlers, and hope you will come along if you would like to.
Meetings are from 10.15 to 11.45 on Thursday mornings in the Village Hall, alternate meetings being shared with the Baby Clinic.
The weather was marvellous for the summer outing to Weston-super-Mare, and in fact some even thought too hot! Hopefully this season's children's Party and mum's night out will be as much enjoyed.
Jill Daniell. Secretary.
By the time you read this the new Playgroup Committee for 1983/84 will have been elected. May I take this opportunity of wishing the new committee and the parents a very successful and enjoyable fund raising year. I have loved being associated with the Playgroup and I know many Playgroup parents, both past and present really appreciate the time, effort and care given by the Playgroup Leader, Mrs. Tarry, and the Supervisors – Mrs. Hillier, Mrs. Julian and Mrs. Spindler.
Babs. Pearn.
Now that the children are back to School is anybody finding they have a little time to spare? We are always pleased to have another driver for this Scheme, even if it is for certain days and limited hours only.
Our help is required two or three times a week and normally a driver is only asked once a month at the most. The journeys vary from visits to Wotton doctors, to appointments at Bristol hospitals. Drivers are reimbursed at 9p a mile.
If any person with a car would like to help, please 'phone me – Falfield 26xxxx.
Mrs. M. Blower.
Don't forget I am still appealing for your old stamps for the Leukaemia fund, and welcome any “popped” through my door. I haven't received many lately, but with Christmas only a few months away do please keep this appeal in mind and save all the stamps from your Christmas mail, and let me have them at – xxx Manor Lane. Many thanks!
Mrs. M. Smith.
During a driving lesson my friend was told “to keep behind the 'bus”. The instructor had been in quite a good mood until she pulled in at the 'bus stop!
Well, I am afraid the weather was not very kind to us on our Exmouth outing, but we enjoyed ourselves.
At our meetings we have had a talk on Australian Cookery, Organ Music on Cassette, a talk by a person on her early working life, and some amusing things that happened. A Concert Party, and a Choir who sang a selection of Scottish Songs. So you will see our entertainment is very varied.
In July we had a half-day outing to Swindon and in August a day at Bournemouth. On these two outings, we had a lovely time and the weather – well – the best.
We have welcomed another new member. Any more? – come along one afternoon as a guest. I am sure you will have a nice time and then will want to become a Member.
Our next Meeting is on September 21st, and on Thursday 22nd Sept. we hope to go to Weston-super-Mare.
We have a “Bring and Buy” Sale on Wednesday 5th October, in the Village Hall, commencing at 2.30 p.m. Anybody welcome. Please come and support us.
C.M. Woodlands.
As Chairman of the Parish Council I would like to thank publicly through the medium of the Newsletter the Committee, teenagers and parents, especially the “mums”, who took part and helped in the daily supervision, and seemed to be enjoying themselves as well!
The activities provided were games of which Rounders was the most popular and played by all ages, including some parents. The young children as usual enjoyed the School adventure play area. The organised walks on Tuesday and the outing to the Sports Centre at Stratford Park, Stroud were well attended. On the Friday an added attraction was a disco run by the Teenagers during each session. I even found some of the “mums” joining in. The cookery sessions were also very popular.
The very warm weather meant that indoor games were hardly used. On Monday afternoon the hot weather induced some wasps from a nearby wasps nest to join the younger ones in the adventure play area. Unfortunately, one boy was stung. However, by Thursday the unwelcome guests were dealt with by the Pest Control Officer despite the fact that he was trying to deal with about 200 calls!
Perhaps the best way to sum up the success of the week would be by relating remarks made by some small boys on the Friday when the packing away of games etc., and generally tidying up in order to leave the School premises as we found them, was in progress. “Can we come back tomorrow”. This made me wonder if we should have continued for another week as in previous years, but on the other hand maybe it is best to stop when there is a feeling for more!
With the help of a small grant from the District Council and the 10p attendance fee, the cost of the Scheme to the Parish Council could be under £20.
S. Clifford Gunning.
Do you know there is a FREE 'Bus Service by Swanbrook Coaches every Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. from the Tavern to Carrefour Hypermarket? This returns to Charfield at approximately 2.00 p.m.
Friends of Yercombe
proudly present
(South Wales) – 70 voices
and artistes
at 7.15 p.m.
Tickets £1.50 from – P. Ellis, xx Berkeley Close.
This is a FIRST VISIT and should be a super evening's entertainment. The Choir have given charity Concerts all over the country, and some members will be going to the U.S.A. later this year in a choir of 1,000 male voices.
Do come – all profits to our Home for the disabled.
P. Ellis ('phone 26xxxx)
Here we are at the start of another football season, one that has got off to mixed fortunes for our Under 12 and Under 14 teams. Again due to lack of help from the adult members of the Community we are unable to run an Under 16 team. It really is a poor reflection on the older members of the Village when we have boys wanting to represent us in the surrounding area on the Sports field but they are unable to do so due to the fact they have no Manager. It's all very well you know thinking that “somebody else will always do it”, but there is a limit to what a very few willing people can do for 50 or more boys who all want to play football.
It isn't just the actual game on a Sunday, there is the getting the team to the game, the training, the organising of matches, and so the list goes on.
This year the Under 14's are just surviving; thanks to Pete Hillier stepping in to assist Stan. Wakefield. The Under 12's are now in the capable hands of Brian Lovegrove and Mike Davies, with the reserves being trained by Ian Wakefield.
Anybody who feels that maybe they could do a bit for the local boys, please contact me – J. Harvey, Falfield 26xxxx, or Mike Davies, Dursley 3xxx.
Jenny Harvey.
On Friday 4th November, at 8.00 p.m. at The Tavern Public House, there will be a Committee Meeting CHARFIELD JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB.
Anybody who might be interested would be more than welcome.
J. Harvey.
Dear Friends,
May we extend a very warm welcome to you all to come and join us – the family Church of St. John's – in our worship and fellowship. We are a diverse group of very ordinary men, women and children, who have experienced something of the love, joy and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we so much want others to come and discover with us, what a difference this love can create in each of our lives.
There is a list of Services at the end of this letter – do come along and join us and please do feel free to stay for coffee, squash and biscuits, which are prepared after each of the morning Services. Please note, that as from the beginning of October, ALL our morning Services will commence at 10.15 a.m.
You will see from a perusal of the Services that a Sunday School is available for the younger children to attend. This is held during the morning Service, in the Foundation Room, and the younger children, if they wish, are taken over after the first hymn, and return towards the end of the Service – so that we all finish together in Church.
There are now two Church Youth Groups, which are held on Sunday evenings at the home of Richard and Tricia Martin, xx Manor Lane, Fal. 26xxxx:-
6.00 p.m.–7.30 p.m. for the 9–14 year olds.
7.30 p.m.–9.00 p.m. for the 15 years and older.
If you wish to join, do please come along – you will be most welcome.
Also, beginning on Wednesday October 5th a weekly very informal Pram Service will be held in Church at 2.45 p.m. More details of this can be found in an accompanying letter.
Finally, may we remind you of the following:-
Church Bazaar – Sat. October 1st. 2.30 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
Harvest Festival Services on Sunday October 2nd,
Our Christmas Services on December 18th, 24th and 25th.
We look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,
Des. Wallace, Christine Temme.
St. John's Church Services.
OCTOBER 2nd 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist. 3.00 p.m. HARVEST GIFT SERVICE.
(Preacher – Canon Eric Hoskin from Dursley.9th 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 16th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 23rd 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 1030th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. NOVEMBER. 6th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist & Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 13th Remembrance Sunday 10.55 a.m. Act of Remembrance at War Memorial
followed by Short Service in Church.3.00 p.m. Combined Service in Church with our
friends from the Congregational Church.20th. 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 27th Advent Sunday 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service taken jointly
by Youth Groups, Sunday School, and
Pram service participants.3.00 p.m. Evensong DECEMBER 4th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 11th 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service and Sunday School 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 18th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist 3.00 p.m. Church Carol Service 24th CHRISTMAS EVE 11.30 p.m. MIDNIGHT MASS. 25th CHRISTMAS DAY 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist. JANUARY 1984 1st. 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist 3.00 p.m. Evensong 8th 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 15th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 22nd 10.15 a.m. Youth and Family Service. 3.00 p.m. Evensong. 29th 10.15 a.m. Family Eucharist and Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. Evensong.
On Wednesday 5th October we will be starting a Pram Service at St. John's, Charfield – your Parish Church. It's a Service to which anyone is welcome but is specifically aimed at pre-school children and their mothers. The Service will be very short – 15 mins. only and mothers (and fathers!) and children will be most welcome to stay for light refreshments afterwards. The Service will be held at 2.45 p.m. each Wednesday afternoon during term time, finishing at 3.00 p.m. thus allowing time for light refreshment before walking outside to meet older children from school at 3.30 p.m.
This is your Service mother and toddlers, please support it. It is of course an ideal opportunity for those who have had children Baptised at Church, but little other contact with the Church, to meet together in an informal atmosphere, but by no means is this Service restricted to Baptised members of the Church.
For further details please contact me – Patricia Martin, xx Manor Lane. Fal. 26xxxx.
The new Housing Benefits Scheme – Help with Rents – which came into force in the Spring, has been causing some concern. To explain – if you are on Supplementary Benefit, the rent which was paid to you is now paid direct to the Housing Authority, so that you will receive less money as a supplement, but can forget about the rent. Some people, particularly pensioners will be better off under the scheme.
On November 21st there will automatically be an increase in all pensions and if anyone has difficulties with the new payments please contact us at the Bureau. There will be no change in the £10 Christmas bonus for pensioners – we had hoped for an increase but so far we've had no luck!
We have had a very busy Summer with queries from people being made redundant and with increased unemployment which bring problems. We have a vast C.A.B. library of information which is continually being up-dated as legislation is changed and with referral to this we can be of help when clients are uncertain as to their rights.
Citizens Advice service is free, confidential and impartial and workers are trained to listen and advise. We offer a service to every member of the community, young or old and regardless of creed or colour. We are a caring organisation and anything discussed in the Bureau is treated with the strictest confidentiality.
The Organiser attends the Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall to help with any problems the senior citizens may have. C.A.B. Stroud is open every day from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Tel. Stroud 2xxx.
Your nearest C.A.B. is at The Chipping, Wotton-under-Edge every Tuesday from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Tel. Durs1ey 84xxxx.
If you have a problem or just feel the need to talk to someone we are there to help – try us!
Jean McGonnigill.
I greatly welcome this opportunity to address parishioners through your column. It was of course only some 5 months ago that I was elected to represent Charfield, Tortworth, and Falfield on the Northavon District Council, and during that time I have been pleased to meet many more people in the Village and get to grips with matters affecting them.
The District Council is responsible mainly for planning, housing and environmental matters, and to date I have been impressed with the smooth running of the Council, but as with any relatively large Organisation, individual items can easily be overlooked or mishandled. I am, therefore, anxious to hear from anybody who is not happy with the way in which the District Council have dealt with a matter affecting them. Already I have endeavoured to help several Parishioners with planning and housing matters.
One thing which I think the Council should have been alive to is the Bryant Homes Play Area, and in particular safe access to it. I have asked for this matter to be put on the agenda for the next Environment Committee Meeting, and would welcome any comments and advice from those affected.
Good communications and exchange of ideas between the electorate and the member are vital to the representation of any area, and I would, therefore, emphasise that I am always pleased to hear from anyone who thinks I maybe able to assist. My telephone number is Wickwar 3xx.
Yours sincerely,
Derek Pearson.
Hello to everyone! Well, judging by the change in the weather I'd say Summer is over! The weekend before the boys went back to school the weather changed – we had gales and rain. We are still having heavy showers between the sunny spells! Wasn't it a gorgeous Summer though? The boys spent all their time on the beach or at the outdoor pool. Some days after we had closed the Office, we would all go to Sennen for the evening. We would swim and relax on the sand until the sun started to set. It was beautiful. There are some really lovely coves around the coast. One weekend we took the train from St. Erth near Hayle to St. Ives. The single track line runs along the coast and the view is breath-taking. The sea is so clear and blue and the sands so golden. During the holidays I took the boys to a few places of interest. We visited the Seal Sanctuary at Gweek, at the mouth of the Helford river. Sick and injured seals are taken there to recover. They also have a “residents pool” containing seals who are either blind or too old to be returned to the sea. It is a marvellous place. We also visited The Aero Park and Flambards Village near Helston. The first thing we saw upon entering was the vintage van with “Goscombe, Charfield, Wotton-under-Edge” painted on it. I just had to photograph the boys standing beside it! Flambards Village is built to look like a 19th Century Village with streets and shops. All the shops are beautifully equipped and all smelt authentic! The grocery shop smelt of coffee and the hardware shop of soap and paraffin! A lot of research had obviously gone into its design.
I had 3 days in Gloucester in June and called at Charfield on my way. It all looked so green and lush, and I'm sorry I could not stay longer to look up more friends than I did. On my way I was also able to drop off about two dustbin bags full of used postage stamps to Judy Griffin for the Leukaemia Fund. 3 years running I have managed to get that quantity to her. I contacted all the local schools when we moved here, and they, and our customers, bring them to me. That's Cornwall's contribution.
13I think that is about all my Cornish news for this time. I hope you enjoy reading it. I certainly enjoy reading Charfield news when the Newsletter is sent to me. Thank you for keeping me in touch.
'bye for now,
Sue Lapham.
The season of 1983 for Charfield Cricket Club ended, perhaps as it had started under something of a cloud. In April and May the rain had ruined the prospects for play, while at the season's end the first XI needed to win their last match in order to be sure of retaining their first division status. I am glad to say that the latter was accomplished successfully, although since then the cold winds and drizzling rain have returned to force further cancellations.
The playing records of the league sides were as follows:-
First XI: P. 18. W. 6. L. 8. Cancelled 4. Second XI: P. 17. W. 2. L. 10. Cancelled 5. Youth XI: P. 9. W. 3. L. 5. Tied 1.
The first XI were glad to welcome back their appointed Captain Martin Munden, nearly completely recovered from his knee injury. The highlights of the season were, perhaps, Alan Pearn's 80 v Churchdown and Paul Halford's 6 wickets on two occasions v Redmarley and Arcadians. J. Cliff, P. Harris and D. Bradley also made 50s and J. Nixon, N. Bennett and S. Hutley bowled well throughout.
The second XI under Rod. Alexander had to battle against an inability to score enough runs, even though the bowling and fielding were usually on a par with their opponents. The Captain led from the front, supported by the ever-green Ivan Morgan and the enthusiastic Mike Colborn; but it was very much a season where the younger members of the Club had their first sustained glimpse of league cricket. Matthew Hutley's slow left-hand bowling and Paul Bath's elegant batting, both caught the eye.
It was not surprising to find that the Youth XI performances and record were much improved. Most games were tightly contested and the three wins certainly could have been four or five, had it not been for dropped catches. Philip Jeffree bowled consistently well, and Philip Train and Simon Hutley usually produced thoughtful batting. Paul Bath gained valuable experience as Captain and deserves to be congratulated. The umpiring of these games relies on senior players and Ray Johnson, Ivor Morgan, Martin Munden and Mike Colborn all gave up their time most generously.
On Sundays Charfield Cricket Club played a great variety of fixtures. There were convincing wins over Wotton, Kingswood and Badminton, but the Old Albanians were a useful side. Towards the end they lost a very close game against Oldlands C.C., whilst the trip to Monk's Kirby Leicestershire, was a great success and included a handsome victory. The fixture added to the list at short notice, the Vice President's XI Captain Tony Roulstone, was a very close affair. The match was noteworthy for the sight of John Clifford stroking the ball to all parts of the ground as if he had been playing regularly. Also Tim Carter put together a very determined 50, despite his father's efforts to dismiss him from behind the stumps!
14Before concluding the report of the season, I would like to thank the Captains and the groundsman Dennis Golding, for all their hard work in preparing for, arranging and supervising the matches. Also to the ladies who have provided us with such delicious teas, namely Marilyn Halford, Margaret Freeman, Sheila Alexander, Mavis Morgan, Joyce Hutley and Mary Bamford. We offer our sincere thanks.
Although the Annual General Meeting (21st Sept.) has now taken place I am sure that the new committee will be only too pleased to hear from you if you would like to play cricket in Charfield. I, personally, hope that cricket in Charfield can continue to be played as a serious affair, but also blending the right degree of competitiveness, with genuine relaxation, consideration and friendliness towards everyone involved in the game.
David S. Bradley.
There are several events being arranged between now and Christmas that should cater for a wide range of tastes and interests.
Christmas Craft Fair.
On Saturday 19th November in the Memorial Hall a Craft Fair is being organised. It is hoped that over 30 craft exhibitors will attend, bringing with them a wide range of goods to sell. Here are just a selection of the crafts that will be on sale –
jewellery, macrame, toys, sweets, pottery, woodwork, hand-painted porcelain, pewter work, crochet and lots, lots more.
Prices will range from pocket-money prices to the more expensive. It should be an excellent opportunity to buy some interesting and original Christmas presents. The doors open at 10.00 a.m. and close at 4.00 p.m, so call in sometime during the day – Nov. 19th. Refreshments will be available.
If you are a Crafts-person and would like to sell your work, please contact – Linda Stares, Fal. 26xxxx for more details.
A big thank you to the twenty boys and girls who took
part in the sponsored Wriggle-O! They all seemed to enjoy themselves
whilst helping to make some money for our Village Hall.
Also many thanks to the parents who supported the event, and all the people who sponsored the children, the Young Wives for organising the refreshments, and all those who helped with the course by either building it or providing the equipment that was needed.
One disappointment was that although over 50 sponsor forms were given out only 20 turned up on the day. I think the 30 who weren't able to take part missed a pleasant afternoon.
Other events and dates to remember – all in the Memorial Hall –
Saturday 15th Oct. – Jumble Sale & Car Boot Sale. 2.00 p.m.
(Please contact Jane Hall 26xxxx if you would like to book a space for the car boot sale – £3 in advance – £4 on the day.)15Saturday 29th October “Halloween Night” (with 1960's music from Bob Lusty's Music Show) Bar and Refreshments. Friday 18th November “Race Night” Friday 9th December “A Folk Dance” – with The Kit & Boodle Band. Bar and refreshments.
All proceeds from these events will go into the Memorial Hall funds to help with its maintenance and improvement.
Can you help to sell some Christmas Draw tickets? Please contact –
Jane Hall Fal. 26xxxx.
Keith Smith Fal. 26xxxx.
Linda Stares Fal. 26xxxx.
if you would like a few or a lot of tickets to sell! All profit made will be for the Memorial Hall funds, so please support your Village Hall.
L. Stares.
YOUR Village Hall may have to close down, so please carry on reading!
Below is a balance sheet for 5 months from March to July 1983 and you will see that we are losing on average £100 per month.
Income received from the general hire users. £519.05 Income received from the various Clubs 524.10 Income received from other sources. 491.90 TOTAL £1,535.05 Debits. Salaries (six months) £552.00 New Curtains (part of cost) 73.05 Cleaning materials 37.91 Maintenance 378.64 Telephone (now disconnected) 25.70 Rates * 40.28 General expenses 83.89 Playing field maintenance 196.35 Heating and lighting costs (2 quarters) 646.24 £2,034.06 Total receipts received in five months £1,535.05 Total debits received in five months £2034.06 TOTAL £499.01 O.D.
* RATES This figure is, at the moment being sindered [sic] by Northavon C.C. and could well be over £200.
16The Hall at present being kept solvent by fund raising activities. There are not sufficient funds available for us to improve the fabric of the Hall unless done voluntarily by the Villagers. In the last Newsletter I asked for your help. I am afraid that I had virtually no response whatsoever!
The Committee have held discussions with Village Clubs and Groups and they have agreed to a rise in rental by 20%. This will help to reduce losses, but not completely. At this point I would like to say that the Village Hall and Playing Fields are held in trust for you as Villagers. Some people seem to be under the misapprehension that the Council own and maintain the Hall and field. This is not so.
You can help in so many ways by supporting our fund-raising events, using the hiring of the Hall for your own private functions or just by being willing to help us, so please come forward.
I would like to thank the children of the Village who helped us on the Sponsored Wriggle-O, and for all the effort they put into it.
Keep looking out at the local shop windows and notice boards for forthcoming events.
Best wishes.
Keith Smith.
Chairman. Fal. 26xxxx.
Mr. Keith Smith is quite correct in saying that the Parish Council does not own or maintain the Hall and Playing Fields. The following is, however, the legal position of the two bodies. The Management Committee is solely responsible for the day to day running of the Hall and Playing Fields, lettings, and fixing hire charges, maintenance and for raising money towards meeting the annual expenses.
The Parish Council are “custodian Trustees” and hold the deeds, and any money invested for Capital Projects in Trust. The Parish Council has no powers to interfere with Management.
S.C. Gunning Chairman
Parish Council.
Hello! Guess what? I've actually typed up a new list. Now don't all faint with shock it's only taken me eighteen months to do! Unfortunately, I had to grab a local husband to do some photocopying for us, on the quiet. (He shall remain nameless as I don't want to be responsible for finding him another job.) However, he had a brilliant idea of printing the “new” rules on the back of the list of names.
I have arranged a meeting at my place on Wednesday 28th Sept. so perhaps when you read this, the meeting may have already occurred. I'm not saying that Mrs. Gunning is slow typing out the Newsletter, but she always has to 'phone me for my little snippets, so I'm sure we will all have met! Anyway keep spreading round the washers!
Best wishes,
Marilyn Smith.
Fal. 26xxxx.
The 1st Charfield Guides met on Wednesday 14th Sept. in the Village Hall. As it was our first meeting Mrs. McLusky the District Commissioner attended and led a short Ceremony at which Mrs. Waller and myself took the Guide Promise.
16 girls attended the meeting and we are organising a programme of events for future meetings. Hopefully, we shall be able to list some achievements by the time the next Newsletter is published, as we shall then be more established.
During August there was a Jumble Sale in aid of Guide funds, and although a lot of people were on holiday we managed to obtain enough help to have a successful day and make a profit of £165.00.
Here I must say “thank you” to everyone who helped, both in the morning and afternoon, especially those who were not directly involved with the Guides. We did appreciate it very much and any time you need an extra pair of hands you know where to look.
Rosemary Meek. Fal. 26xxxx.
It doesn't seem possible does it that when the last Newsletter went to print we were at the beginning of our beautiful Summer? Now look at it!
Our July meeting was a demonstration on Dough Making, given by one of our members. Thank you Doris, for all those lovely cakes, etc., made in all that heat! Then came Sport's Day – what a day to be in the kitchen. Thank you to Everyone who baked and/or helped on the day, and of course those who bought from us.
We have just been on our trip to see Pebble Mill at One being televised. We saw David Bellamy being interviewed (surrounded by lots of foliage) also Angelo Dundee (boxing fans will know him) and Mike Winters, of Mike and Bernie Winter's fame, talking about their book. The time spent at Pebble Mill gave us a good insight into the making of a television show, we found out for instance that a number of items were pre-recorded.
As our fund raising event for the Village Hall funds we are running a Trees and Bushes Quiz. Entry forms price 25p are available from all W.I. members. We hope this will be well supported – we might even have to print a second edition! We have welcomed several new members over the past few months, so why not join us at our next meeting – 13th Oct.
Joyce Hutley.
Hello! How are you all? Actually that's a bit of a daft question as I saw most of you last night – Still I'll talk about that later on.
In the last Newsletter I had to get you all in the mood! Now we can only talk about it. Yes, Sports Day. Well, I can safely say we had a great time. I would like to thank all the Villagers who generously gave to our Tombola collection. I must confess that some people looked at me like I was asking for something for my Sunday lunch, but as it was for a good cause, the girls pressed on.
18To be quite honest it's one of the things we don't really like doing, knocking on doors and “begging” for goodies. Anyway, we had a fantastic collection and raised £150.
Meanwhile, Margaret and I were having a whale of a time on the Coconut Shy. At this point, I would like to thank Barry and Janet Ashford for their marvellous generosity. They donated all the 100 coconuts used on the day. I expect most of you know that they are in fact Wotton Fruiterers in Long Street, but live in Charfield at the top of the Hill. Their kind gesture enabled us to raise £50, so a big thank you once again to them!
The majority of the funds raised all went to the Hall Management Committee/Sports Day Fund. On this point I would like to refer to Keith's letter regarding the Hall. When I first read it, to be quite honest, I felt people are going to become quite bored with all the same old recriminations of you, the villagers, who should do more. However, having been a part of several Hall Management Committee meetings, I can quite see why they sometimes feel they are bashing their heads against a brick wall. It's so frustrating to gear all your energy into a project so vast that the negative results can sometimes out-weigh the positive action that is made. To be quite honest I take part in fund-raising, when we have a good old laugh and enjoy ourselves. We are not asking for more people on the Committee, we can cope with that. What we do need though is your enthusiasm for what we do. We need you to turn up at all the functions we have.
In this sensitive world it's so easy when all you receive is a negative response, to give it all up, but a few words of how great something is, or what a good night they had, is a tremendous boost.
On the financial side I can see that we need to get on top of the Hall's funds. I've come from London, where really the world is your oyster. You have theatres, cinemas, fantastic parks, museums, colleges, art shows, to name but a few. What have we in Charfield? A beautiful Church, our Primary School, local shops, a Garage and Police Station, three friendly Pubs, and our Village Hall. From those things stem Charfield life, and I, for one, could not bear to see it altered. Speaking as Chairman of Young Wives I'd hate to come along one Thursday night and see the Hall closed up – because that's what could happen! We have cuts in Government spending, hospitals, and Schools closing. They are the sort of projects that are out of our grasp – but our Village Hall isn't. We've got it in a slight state of decay, and we must keep it going. I need Young Wives; where else can you get a bunch of some 60 women and have a good night out? All for some 30p! Heavens haven't I digressed?
We have some exciting evenings and outings lined up.
October 20th – Open Evening, Harveys of Bristol will be here and you can sample their sherry. Tickets £1.50. Nov. 12th London Trip – all names to Margaret Shipton with a deposit £2 for the coach. See further notices for times etc. Jan 21st 1984. Pantomime Cinderella. Tickets £4.50. children and adults. Plus cost of coach probably £1. Please let us know by the end of Oct. Incidentally, it's a matinee.
Getting back to last night, Mrs. Avril Smith came along from Dursley to explain the making of pictures using nails and thread. Well who'd have thought that instead of having a row with the old man you could bash some 400 nails into a piece of hardboard and create a work of art? All went well until I managed to lose grip of the ice-cream carton and shot all the raffle tickets in the air! Funny how all the prizes went to Committee members.
Marilyn Smith.
Charfield Res. Assoc. | Chairman: Mrs. J. Clothier, xx Charfield Green. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Sec. Mr. G. Blower, xx Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx | |
Baby Sitting Circle | Mrs. M. Smith, xx Newtown. | Fal. 26xxxx |
British Legion | Mr. S. Mussell, x Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Brownies | Mrs. D. Lowe, xx Avon Rd. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Mrs. J. Green, x Horsford Rd. | Dur. 84xxxx | |
County Primary School | Headmaster: Mr. D. Malpass | Fal. 26xxxx |
Congregational Church | Miss Turner, xx Charfield Green. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Cricket Club | Mr. D.S. Bradley, xx New St. | Dur. 84xxxx |
District Councillor | Mr. Pearson, xxxx Farm, Stidcote, Wotton under Edge. | Wickwar 3xx |
Football Club | Mr. G. Archer, xx Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Junr. Football Club | Mrs. J. Harvey, xx Severn Close. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Friendship Club | Mrs. C. Woodlands, x Charfield Grn. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Group Scout Leader | Mr. A. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Hall Management Cttee. | Sec. Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Rd. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Booking Sec. Mrs. Poskett, xx Charfield Green | Fal. 26xxxx | |
Keep Fit | Sec: Mrs. Poskett (as above) | |
Luncheon Club | Chairman: Mr. C. Goscombe, xxx Merlin Haven W.u.E. | Dur. 84xxxx |
Mothers & Toddlers Club | Sec: Mrs. J. Daniell, xx Durham Close. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Nat. School Foundation | Clerk to Governors: Mr. B. Harris, x Cotswold View | Dur. 84xxxx |
Booking Sec: Dr. C. Temme, xx Durham Rd. | Fal. 26xxxx | |
Parent/Teachers Assoc. | Sec: Mrs. M. Lane, xx Cotswold View. | Dur. 84xxxx |
Parish Council | Clerk: Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Play-Group | Mrs. B. Pearn, x Katherine Close | Fal. 26xxxx |
St. John's Church | Rector: K. Grant, The Rectory | Fal. 26xxxx |
Secretary: Mrs. C. Wallace, xx Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx | |
Street Warden Scheme | Mrs. M. Blower, xx Manor Lane. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Women's Institute | President: Mrs. J. Hutley, x Old Manor Close. | Fal. 26xxxx |
Young Wives | Mrs. M. Smith, xx Newtown | Fal. 26xxxx |
Youth Club | Mrs. M. Smith, xx Newtown | Fal. 26xxxx |
Girl Guides | Mrs. Rosemary Meek | Fal. 26xxxx |
This issue was produced on 19 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor and Julia O'Connor-Beach.
Last update: 2016-12-07.