Charfield and District Residents Association

Newsletter 32 – July 1983 – 15p

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.

Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1983.


Charfield Sports and Country Fair 1983
St. John's Church
Congregational Church
The Friendship Club
All Steamed Up
Charfield Mother and Toddlers Group
Red Cross Collection
Charfield Parish Council
Charfield Football Club
Dates for Your Diary
Charfield Junior Football Club
Charfield Cricket Club
Charfield Tennis Club
Charfield 200 Club
Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee
Young Wives
Women's Institute
Charfield Playgroup
Charfield County Primary School
See Charfield by Bus
Youth Club
Newsletter Distribution
Citizen's Advice Bureau
Baby-Sitting Circle
Village Organisations – JUNE, 1983
Useful Information



There have been no comments so far from Newsletter readers regarding the winning design for the front page, so it can only be assumed that it has met with general approval. However, it is interesting to learn that the Editor of “Insight” (British Aerospace) April Newsletter did comment on our new cover and a picture of Geoff Green holding a copy of our Newsletter was published on page 10!

How many Charfield residents know that recently H.T.V. used St. James Church to make some scenes for a new film of Robin of Sherwood? It is expected that this will be on our screens around Christmas time.

The set built inside the Church was Maid Marion's bedroom and the leading roles were played by Judi Trott and Michael Praed. Although these actors may not be well-known at present it is expected that they will become so. Incidentally, Michael Praed was born at Wotton-under-Edge. Kath Davis's house was used for a dressing room and make-up studio and Mr. Reg. Baker's yard was used for a mobile kitchen and canteen, also for most of the big vehicles. Although several days were spent in preparation it is unlikely that the actual scene will take many minutes of T.V. so we shall have to watch carefully when the film is screened to see if we can catch a glimpse of the Church at Churchend, Charfield. Anyway, it should be interesting.

You will see that more help is needed with the sale of Newsletters in future. Approximately 500 copies are sold each issue, so you see it isn't a difficult task, and no canvassing is involved as each copy is eagerly awaited four times a year. If you can spare an hour or so, do please contact Mrs. Marion Smith, who is responsible for distribution, and thus ensure that all those residents who look forward to their Newsletter will not be disappointed. Mrs. Smith has set out on another page the areas to be covered.

Do give all the support you can to Sports Day this year. The Residents' Association will have the same stand as last year “Tossing the Bale of Hay” and if you can spare a little time to help, however little, it would be greatly appreciated.

As my husband, Clifford Gunning, has recently been elected Chairman of the Parish Council, he feels he can no longer be Editor of the Newsletter. However, I am prepared to take on this task for the time being, so please continue to send your articles to the same address xx Manor Lane.

Rosa Gunning



Charfield Sports and Country Fair 1983

1.45 p.m.

and of course


3Well, the time has come round again when the whole village buzzes with activity to prepare for our village Sports Day. Many people new to the area must be wondering exactly what happens on the day or even why the day exists at all. For all those new people and many others who seem to have forgotten the origins of Sports Day, I will attempt to give you a quick resume.

Although the Memorial Hall and Playing Field belong to the village, the maintenance of them both has to rely solely upon charity. Therefore, money has to be raised within the village to provide the facilities needed by clubs and organisations from the community. Sports Day itself was originated to fulfil this need for fund raising and in the past all clubs using the hall or playing fields have run a stall on the day and all proceeds have gone to the hall and field in some form or other.

The committee begins planning for the event in September the previous year and works through until July. Unfortunately, this year, the committee was not formed until March and we have been extremely busy trying to find events which have not already been booked. Hopefully, at our A.G.M. in September this year we shall be so overwhelmed by new members that things will be able to get off the ground much earlier.

However, putting serious matters to one side, I hope that you all have a really good day on Saturday, July 16th. The theme “A Country Fair” should be a familiar one to us all as a country village and the fairground atmosphere should help to make the day fun for everyone. Some of the events have been listed on the previous page and many more will be awaiting your pleasure on the day itself. I hope to see you all come along to enjoy yourselves, whether you be spectator or a hard working stall holder, club or committee member. Have a really good time. Programmes will be available from shops in the village and will be cheaper if bought before the day.

Jane Hall (Chairman)


I would like, through the medium of this Newsletter, to thank all the kind friends in Charfield who have been so very good to Cliff and me during my recent spell in hospital and since I have been home.

We have both been very appreciative of so many acts of kindness to us both, lovely flowers, get well cards, enquiries, to mention a few. Many thanks!

I must also mention Joan Crowfoot for typing this Newsletter on my behalf. Thank you Joan. I'm sure I shall be fit and active once more in time for the next issue.

Rosa Gunning.


Mr. C. Tubb, xx New Street, Charfield, would like to hear from anyone who has any photographs of the old Brickworks site as it used to be, and in particular the old gateway area. If any reader can help Mr. Tubb, please contact him – 'phone Dursley 84xxxx. He only wishes to view the photographs and would appreciate very much hearing from anyone who can help him.


St. John's Church

As I have said in another magazine for which I write, I was very surprised to find in the last Charfield Newsletter an item inviting people to be present at a Cheese and Wine Party being held on Friday, 1st July, in a marquee at St. John's Church at 8 p.m. There were two things that surprised me about it. One was that I didn't know anything about it. The other was that this function was to do with the fact that I have been in Charfield for twenty-five years. That I find hard to believe: I remember our moving here so well with two small boys on the last day of June. It was, of course, a drizzly rainy day. The boys started at Charfield School that morning and I brought one of them down (from Wotton) on my motor bike while Mr. Carey, who was Churchwarden at Wotton at that time, brought the other lad down on the back of his motor-bike. (Mr. Carey died a short time ago.)

Charfield, as some people still remember, was a very different place then from what it is now. For one thing we were in a new house that looked out at the rear (the way it was built to face) over a succession of meadows with intermittent rows of trees, cows at the garden fence, hares that leaped in the air at the appropriate season, nightingales that sang in the garden and cuckoos who were near enough to hear loudly (again at the appropriate season). One could see the hills and houses at Wotton and the Hawkesbury monument. There were rows of old terraced houses at the bottom of New Street, down towards the end of the village in Wotton Road; a ‘rank’ called The Wye, where May Grove now is; and further ranks known as Horsford Cottages and Railway View where Cotswold View now is. Charfield Green was a Green then: none of the Council houses and flats near the railway were there (except the older ones that begin 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. Manor Lane). And prices of houses were different too. The Rectory cost a little over £6,000! (I often wish I had been able to buy it myself at the time instead of having to live in it and seeing the prices soar to astronomical heights all around me!

Then again many of the old folk have gone and those of us who were young twenty-five years ago – well, it would be wrong to suggest that we are old now, but we are twenty-five years older (and that may be saying the same thing in a different way!). We had our share of ‘characters’ in the village, too: people who, over the years, had slowly grown into their own selves in their own way and were not constantly brain-washed into uniformity by the media which tend to level us in a way I think we don't realise. (Don't think I'm against ‘all that’; I am saying what I think is true in a factual manner, not passing judgment.)

Well, by this time you may well be thinking, ‘You can tell he's twenty-five years older! And as I have been writing this, I have become aware that it is something of an exercise in nostalgia. ‘Things ain't what they used to be.’ And they never have been!

I am grateful for the privilege of having known and shared the lives of many people during that time; and I hope I may have at least occasionally been of some use to some. Certainly it is a ‘touching’ experience for me to be marrying young people who were very tiny when I came here; some of them, indeed, not even born. That is when you realise that the time must have gone even if, at moments, it feels more like twenty-five months than years. There are some discomforts in having a good memory of some things sometimes. But I am glad that many of my memories are happy and I would like to thank those, past and present, who have helped to make them so.

If this magazine is in time, it would give me pleasure to see you on 1st July. I have said that as it was arranged for me, I will de my best to be there! We have all had some things done behind our back at some time. It isn't always as pleasant as this and I would like to thank the ‘schemers’ who arranged it first and told me about it afterwards. Thank you. And thank you, Charfield.

Kenneth G. Grant.


Congregational Church

Sundays11.00 a.m.Family Service
 6.00 p.m.Evening Worship
Tuesdays3.00 p.m.Bright Hour (fortnightly)

Open to men and women – anyone who would like to join us.

Harvest Thanksgiving (D. V.)

Gift DaySaturday, 1st October 
 Sunday, 2nd October11.00 a.m. Family Service
  6.00 p.m. Evening Worship

Why not come and join us? Any enquiries to: Miss M. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield, Tel. Falfield 26xxxx

No Drones There
Neglect not the gift that is in thee. 1 Tim. 4-14.

We may safely say that we all have some gift. Many are blessed with more than one.

While a deaf person cannot appreciate a pleasing voice, a smile can work wonders. On the other hand, a smile means nothing to a blind man, but a pleasant voice can be most helpful.

Some too, who could never speak a word in public, can whisper a word of cheer to a sad or lonely soul. Those who can do neither of these can often use a pen to bring help and encouragement.

How much time do we spend wishing we could do what we cannot, instead of doing what we can.

“If there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”

What higher commendation could there be than Christ's words “She hath done what she could.”

I wonder if He could say the same of us?

M. Turner.

The Friendship Club

Spring has come and gone – a wet one it was too, but it did not dampen our spirits. In April we held a successful Bring and Buy. At the beginning of May we had our A.G.M. and some new Officers were elected. The Uley Ladies Choir entertained us one afternoon. On another occasion, one of our members organised some games in which all could participate.

We had the pleasure of welcoming a new member – there is room for plenty more – so what about it Folks? Don't be “shy” – you will be assured of a bright and happy 1½ hours every other Wednesday. Our next meeting is on June 29th, commencing at 2.30 p.m. – so do come along, Gentlemen as well as Ladies.

If anyone is unable to make it to the Hall under their own “steam”, we have a Mini Bus, so you can be collected from your house and returned after the meeting. Should you require this service, kindly let me know and I will arrange with the Driver to call for you.

We are looking forward to our first outing of the Summer to Exmouth, hoping the weather will be kind to us.

C.M. Woodlands (Chairperson)


All Steamed Up

Just to prove that my design for the Newsletter's new cover is not twenty years behind the times, a steam loco passed under Charfield bridge recently.

At 9.15 a.m. on Saturday, 11th June, a small band of bedraggled pilgrims gathered in the drizzle at Charfield Station in the failing 125th at f2.8 light. The occasion was to witness the passing of a steam locomotive on its way to haul trains for the Bristol 150 celebrations (150 years since Brunel took office as Engineer to the Great Western Railway.)

This privately owned ex L.M.S. “Black 5” locomotive travelled light-engine from the Severn Valley Railway at Bewdley to Bath Road diesel depot, adjacent to Temple Meads Station. In the evening it worked a special train to convey 600 people from Wapping Wharf near Bristol Industrial Museum to Temple Meads where it was in company with ex G.W.R. loco No. 6000 “King George V” which brought in a special train from Bath.

On Sunday these two steam loco's relayed the “Chartex” special excursion to Worcester, unfortunately via the Severn Tunnel instead of Charfield. The train which included brown and cream Pullman coaches returned to Bristol via Charfield behind class 47 diesel “Great Western”.

It seems that a steam locomotive is still a part of the Charfield scenery twenty years after the withdrawal of steam by British Rail. Perhaps, with luck, we will see more steam through Charfield in the future.

Geoff. Green

Charfield Mother and Toddlers Group

For little ones from 0–3 years.

The year has got off to a good start with the introduction of a toddlers meeting at Mrs. Storey's baby clinic, providing the children with extra play and giving Mrs. Storey and Mums a chance to discuss little problems and generally keep in touch with each other, and provide a weekly rather than fortnightly event.

The cake stall we ran at the Wotton Hey Day to boost funds proved very successful. I would like to thank everyone who helped, from the cake makers to Mr. Green who transported all the goodies and helped set up the stall. We raised a total of £53.00, of which £5.00 went towards the Round Tablers' donation to the Southmead Special Care baby Unit.

One date to look forward to is Wednesday, July 13th, when we shall be having our annual summer outing to the seaside, so make sure you have your name down if you would like to come – and hope for a lovely, sunny day!

We would welcome any new Mums and Toddlers – so don't hesitate if you would like to come along.

Isabel Davies (Chairlady) and Jill Daniell (Secretary)

Red Cross Collection

May I take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all my helpers for the Red Cross Collection in Charfield. Between us all we raised a grand total of £77.71½p this year, which was £17 up on last year. Congratulations girls, and again, many thanks.

Pat Morris.


Charfield Parish Council

The following are the Parish Councillors for the next four years:-

Mrs S C Barrancexxxx, Wotton Road  Falfield 26xxxx
Mrs M C Burdenxx Avon RoadFalfield 26xxxx
Mr J W Clothierxx Charfield GreenFalfield 26xxxx
Mr S C Gunningxx Manor LaneFalfield 26xxxx
Mr C H T Goscombe  xxx Merlin Haven, WottonDursley 84xxxx
Mr N F Hainesxx Horsford RoadDursley 84xxxx
Mr J G Poskettxx Charfield GreenFalfield 26xxxx
Mr J G Hattxxxx, Charfield HillFalfield 26xxxx
Rev D W Parkerxx Durham RoadFalfield 26xxxx

One of the first jobs for the new Council was to meet representatives from the Memorial Hall Committee to discuss proposals to extend the Hall. Although the Parish Council are Custodian Trustees to the Hall Committee in this instance they were being asked as a Council to financially support the project. Useful discussions took place and once more definite details are available on the project to add a committee room, skittle alley and bar to the present hall, further meetings will take place.

The Council was pleased to hear recently that the roadside verge which contains part of old quarry workings and had been vested with the Parish Council as Common Land, could be legally transferred to R M C Ltd who claimed ownership. RMC had offered to fill and tidy the land which would however remain ‘common’.

Another subject which is nearing a successful completion is that of improved street lighting in Wotton Road. After considerable correspondence and site meetings, covering a period of approximately five years, the final provision of lights exceeds that expected.

With the assistance of volunteers and the help of the Avon County Footpaths Officer the project to waymark and signpost all the Parish footpaths is continuing. Some paths have already been waymarked (follow the yellow arrows) and some have problems of access which will be more difficult to resolve. However it is hoped to enter the completed project in next years Avon Village Venture Competition. A number of residents have reported the problems of access to path No. 8 which crosses the railway line from New Street. This is being pursued with British Rail, who own the land, with Bryant Homes Ltd who appear to have encroached on the land, removed undergrowth and obliterated the old line of the footpath and with Northavon District Council regarding the possible deviation from the original planning permission. It is hoped it won't be too long before the problems are satisfactorily resolved.

The Parish Council hopes to sponsor and assist with the organisation of a Holiday Playscheme, probably during the 1st week in August. A very limited response was forthcoming from parents willing to help with the scheme so it looks likely that it will be restricted to one week only. The final details and programme of events will be circulated before the end of the school summer term.

The help of County Councillor Mr A J Honeybourne has been enlisted on the subject of improved pedestrian safety on Charfield Railway Bridge. However he informed the Council that the project to provide a separate pedestrian access had not been included in the programme of works for the near future. It was agreed at a recent meeting to acquaint the M.P. for the area, Mr John Cope with the facts and hopefully gain his backing.

8The Council was recently asked to consider the possibility of moving the present Bristol Omnibus ‘Fare Stage’ from the Railway Tavern to the School/Post Office. Although there are bus shelters at the stops at the School/Post Office and it is not possible to provide shelters at the Tavern stops, the Fare Stage has been at the Railway Tavern for very many years. The suggestion has been passed to Bristol Omnibus Co. but the Council feels that there is not a strong enough case for moving it at the present time.

Council meetings are held in the Foundation Room at Charfield School on the second Tuesday in each month at 7.30 p.m. An agenda item headed ‘public participation’ enables residents to raise items of particular concern or to comment on the meeting.

Mrs J K Hughes
Clerk to the Council

Charfield Football Club

The Football Club would like to apologise to the village for failing to keep everyone informed of the Club's activities. We would like, in this Newsletter, to start putting this to right.

The Football Club's under 12, under 14, under 16 and 2 Senior Teams give the opportunity to play football to over 70 people. Once again, this coming season, we hope to offer a friendly atmosphere to anyone who would wish to help with the general running of the Club, play for the Club or get fit and train with us.

Training for the coming season will commence on Wednesday, 6th July, 1983, at 7 o'clock on the playing field as usual. If you have no basic interest in becoming involved with the Club, we would nevertheless like to have your support on Saturdays for our forthcoming League and Cup fixtures.

Should you wish to contact anyone with regard to any aspect of the Club, you can contact Mr. Graham Archer on Falfield 26xxxx or Mr. Robin Hannigan on Falfield 26xxxx.

Finally, the Football Club is also calling for sponsorship of any kind and would be pleased to hear from any person willing to help in this direction.

Dates for Your Diary

St. John's Church – AUTUMN BAZAAR – on Saturday, 1st October at 2.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Please give generously towards Church Funds

Sunday, 2nd October, 3.00 p.m. – St. John's Church – HARVEST FESTIVAL GIFT SERVICE – Preacher: Canon E. Hoskin from Dursley.


Charfield Junior Football Club

Congratulations to all the members of the Junior Football Club. At the end of the season the Club was presented with the Stroud & District Youth Football League Sportsmanship Cup. This cup is awarded each year to the club that shows the best expression of sportsmanship throughout the season, and it is with pride that members of the committee standing on the touch lines throughout the season, both at home and away matches, have often over-heard remarks about the good behaviour of the teams. Again to all the boys “Very well done – you are a credit to the village.” Now a “ticking off” to parents and any adults interested in football. 5 people at an A.G.M. are not enough to keep the Club going and this was the support we had on June 3rd. We desperately need help at all levels, managers, trainers, drivers to ferry the boys about, even people just willing to attend committee meetings to put forward a few new ideas. If you can be of any help, please contact any of the people below:-

Mrs. Jenny HarveyFalfield 26xxxx
Mike DavisDursley 84xxxx
Stan WakefieldDursley 84xxxx
Pete GriffithFalfield 26xxxx

We didn't run an under 16 team last season and the prospects for one this coming season appear to be non-existent. Please bear in mind that Wotton Football Club's gains are Charfield's losses, both at Junior and Senior level.

Charfield Under 12' s – Manager's' Report

Well, sitting back after having a memorable and most enjoyable season, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lads who I'm sure thoroughly enjoyed their football during the past season, and wish the boys who will be moving into the Under 14 stream next season the best of luck, also those that will still be available from last season. I am turning to new members and parents who wish their lads to become members of the Junior Football Club to contact me, Mike Davis, on the above telephone number. I would like to congratulate Stephen Devaney on being selected twice for the Stroud Youth League this past season. You know this opportunity only comes by working hard and achieving one's own standards, also having natural ability. Stephen also won the Under 12's Player of the Year Trophy. We also had a tremendous six-a-side tournament at the close of the season at Stonehouse. Again this year we were in the final, as last season, and also were beaten by the sane team as last year, Paganhill, so again the boys had another runners-up trophy to go on the sideboard. I would like to thank Dave Waring and Des Bishop and one or two other parents who gave a helping hand throughout the season.

Under 14's Manager's Report

The team finished in 4th position overall in the league, although we were in with a chance on the championship right up until the last week of the season when we lost 4–7 to the eventual winners Olveston. We played 22 matches, of which we won 17, drew 1 and lost 4. Our overall goal total was impressive with 134 goals for and 42 against. The leading goal scorers were Jason Gardiner 60, Mark Swallow 23, and Steven Hillier 17. Jason Gardiner and Steven Lowe have represented the Stroud Youth League on two occasions this season, and Steven was presented with the Managers' Player of the Year award and the Players' Player of the Year award at an end of season disco held at Leyhill Social Club on May 21st. In the Stroud League six-a-side tournament, we were very unlucky to lose in the semi-finals. We look forward to another successful season starting in August with some pre-season training.

M. Davis (Under 12's Manager)
S. Wakefield (Under 14's Manager)
Mrs. Jenny Harvey (Secretary)


Charfield Cricket Club

Chairman: D.S. Bradley, xx New Street, Charfield. Dursley 84xxxx
Secretary: N. Bennett, x Wotton Road, Charfield.
Treasurer: A. Pearn, x Katherine Close, Charfield. Fal. 26xxxx
Fixtures Secretary: M. Munden, xxxx House, Falfield. Fal. 26xxxx

Captain First XI: M. Munden
Captain Second XI: R. Alexander
Captain Sunday XI: P. Halford
Captain Youth XI: P. Bath

One first class County XI had a total of only 3 hours play from the first nine days of the 1983 Cricket season. How could anyone forget the rain we had! Charfield Cricket Club, out of their first 20 scheduled matches (up to May 28) could only play 3 of the fixtures. Of these three games, two involved the first XI which got off to a fine start taking the scalps of Westbury-on-Severn and Witcombe. The rain having washed out our allday fixture with Barton C.C. (Torquay), threatened the visit of Peter Dand's Monk's Kirby Cricket Club. It was decided to hope that the weather forecast might be fairly accurate. You must remember that we were desperate by this stage! In the event, the game and the accompanying catering arrangements were a great success. Our social secretary, Peter Kirby, enlisted the unfailing support of Rod and Sheila Alexander, Marilyn Halford and Monica Baker, and it did not rain. The only black cloud came when first XI skipper Martin Munden slipped on the grass and injured his knee. Thankfully his recovery is proceeding satisfactorily and we hope he will be playing again soon.

Alan Pearn has already hit one ‘fifty’ but Ivor Morgan's battling 62 versus Gladiators was perhaps the most noteworthy innings to date. This, and fine bowling by David Scott and Simon Hutley resulted in the rout of the Gladiators (all out 15!) To win a game of cricket can be deceptively easy or frustratingly hard. The Youth XI can testify to the latter. However, their first five fixtures of the new season have seen a change of fortune with two wins and a tie. If they continue to support each other, I am sure they will prove more and more difficult to beat. The Youth XI congregate in our new practice nets and will play with anyone who comes along.

The Devon Tour in late May was again entertaining and successful. Rain interrupted only one of the three games. Stoke Gabriel C.C., a new fixture, proved to be a hospitable and friendly club. Perhaps the game may be finished another year. Friends and Vice-Presidents also made the trip to Devon, and perhaps it is worth mentioning that one of our Vice-Presidents, Tony Roulstone, the landlord of ‘The Plough’ is gathering a team of Vice-Presidents to play the Sunday XI on August 21st. To all those who have watched cricket in Charfield over the last 20 years the game promises to revive some memories.

In the meantime, the officers of the club are all working hard to provide as much good cricket as we can. We couldn't do it without players or without our groundsman, Dennis Gladding, or without refreshments made by wives and friends. As I write this I am having to find some shade behind drawn curtains. I think everyone, including the Cricket Club, will be pleased if the sun continues to shine.

David S. Bradley (Chairman)

11Charfield Cricket Club

As the immediate Past President of the Club, and now a Vice-President, I wish the Club continued good fortune for the 1983 season.

For many who are still bemused by the mystique of the game, may I quote one rendering I noticed when attending one of the Club's away games:-

  1. You have two sides – one out in the field, and one in.
  2. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he is out, he comes in and the next man goes in until he is out.
  3. When they are all out, the side that is out comes in, and the side that has been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.
  4. Sometimes you get men still in and not out.
  5. When both sides have been in and out, including the not outs, that is the end of the game.

(Rev.) David W. Parker.

Charfield Tennis Club

The 1983 season begins in April and this year the Club is striving to fund raise for the court to be resurfaced. Last year the membership was about 40 strong and the ladies were very keen, playing regularly on a Wednesday. This proved to be a very sociable day as well as energetic!

The subscriptions for a year are very reasonable:
Adults £6, Juniors £2, Family £12.

In order to improve the facilities of the Club, we need lots of new members – we organise a few tournaments during the year for those who want to take part, the standard of tennis is varied so nobody must feel they are not good enough to join, and there is also a social side to the Club, a way of meeting and making friends.

If you would like more information, please contact one of the following:

Jacky Swallow, xx Station Road, Charfield. Tel. Dursley 84xxxx
Anne Stoakes, xx Manor Lane, Charfield. Tel. Falfield 26xxxx
Sue Cole, xx New Street, Charfield. Tel. Dursley 84xxxx

Charfield 200 Club

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the 200 Club as either a collector or member this year.

This fund-raising item is an important one to the Charfield Hall Management Committee as well as providing £960 in prize money each year. I wonder who will win the £250 prize, due to be drawn on Tuesday, 5th July?

As there are a few numbers available, would anyone like to join the 200 Club? For 20p a week you will be included in the monthly draw for prizes of £10, £20, £100 or £250. Please contact me or your local clubs who will be able to give you more information.

Linda Stares,
x Severn Close,
Charfield. Tel. Fal. 26xxxx


Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee

I am sure you will all agree that our Village Hall needs a “face lift”. Sad to say, we are currently running at a financial loss. It is only the bookings that maintain the hall's necessities of heating and lighting costs, let alone thinking of “frivolous” maintenance jobs such as painting and decorating and repairing the external woodwork. However, to ensure that our Hall encourages the public to hire it, these jobs must be carried out.

If you have any views or ideas or would just like to help, don't think someone else will do it, as it is now getting to the stage where there are not enough people to do the work needed. I, too, have been guilty of apathy in the past, but since becoming involved in this venture, I can only ask you for your help which will be greatly appreciated.

The meeting held regarding the Hall extension came to the conclusion that the extension is to carry on as originally planned.

I would like to point out that when any organisation in the village donates a sum of money and specifies that it is for the extension, those monies can only be used for that purpose and may not be used to maintain the existing building.

We have also received complaints from various members of the community about the state of the field. I think you will agree that the field is in excellent condition due to the fine, dry weather, the tractor being repaired and some committee members and friends tidying up the children's play area.

A sub-committee is in existence solely for the aim of fund raising. I'm sure you will agree, from the list of events set out below that we really aim to get the hall, your Village Hall, back on its feet.

By the time you receive the Newsletter, we will have had our first Car Boot Sale.

Saturday, 2nd July3.00–5.30 p.m.  4 + Disco
Saturday, 30th July7.30 p.m.Family Disco
Saturday, 3rd SeptemberAfternoonSponsored Riggles.
Saturday, 15th October2.00 p.m.Jumble Sale.
Saturday, 29th October8.00 p.m.Adults' Hallowe'en Disco
Saturday, 19th November   Craft Fair
Friday, 9th December8.00 p.m.Barn/Folk Dance

I know that you will accept our views, looking at the Hall, that action must be taken and immediately. I cannot stress strongly enough that we need your support at all the events.

This letter certainly sounds like pre-election propaganda or a cry from the heart but unless we can make a profit to maintain basic running costs, then we can foresee the Hall running into total disrepair and the end of the nucleus of the village as we know it.

As a closing note, I would advise you that Mr. C.H. Goscombe has resigned from the committee. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the committee and village, to thank him for all his effort and hard work in the past.

This now leaves a vacant seat on the committee and if anyone wishes to join us, please 'phone me.

Keith Smith, Chairman.
Falfield 26xxxx


Young Wives

It's Newsletter time again and I've had to be chased up once more for my article. It's all very well having this grand title over my head but I don't think my efficiency lives up to it.

Down to business. For those of you who came along to our April meeting, I am sure you will all agree it was a night to remember. Our true thanks go to Elaine, Sandra and Mary and, as I said on the night, they couldn't have done more to help my year as Chairman get off to a good start.

I went along to the Parish Council A.G.M. to report on the action of Young Wives and explaining about a few “bare” parts certainly raised some eyebrows.

Our May meeting was a talk given by the Fire Service. I must add that it was a night I'm glad I attended. It really made you think of the risks we take in our homes. Mr. Johnson gave such an entertaining talk with accompanying slides that it resulted in my rushing home halfway through his talk to check that I'd pulled the plug out of my iron! Yes, I too press clothes on the bedroom carpet! As the 'phone has been removed from the hall, I had no choice but to whizz home, for peace of mind, to check that my “loved-ones” weren't going up in flames.

Our next meeting is on 21st July. Eric Gadd from Radio Bristol is coming along. I've been assured that he's most entertaining. We then meet again on 15th September for “Nail and String Designs”.

Now Sports Day – don't all sigh with dread. We are holding only two stalls this year – small but dynamic!! We are running the coconut shy and our famous tombola. We shall be calling on you for donations, so please turn out all your cupboards for us. Every tin of beans or bottle of wine helps!!

We sent a cheque to the Fire Service Benevolent Fund and our charity for this year is the Children's Renal Unit at Southmead Hospital. A worthy cause I'm sure you'll agree.

See you all soon.

Marilyn (Chairman) Falfield 26xxxx

Women's Institute

It has been another busy time for our members. In April, we went by coach to Denman College, Nr. Oxford, which proved a most enjoyable day out. At the beginning of June, one of our members attended the A.G.M. at the Royal Albert Hall, and we held a most successful Jumble Sale in aid of W.I. funds. We have had various speakers at our monthly meetings and, in particular, we would like to thank Mr. Ellis for helping us out at such short notice in April and giving a very interesting talk on Yercombe Lodge.

At present we are busy preparing for Sports Day and once again we shall be serving refreshments in the Hall – see you all then.

In September, we have 24 tickets to watch Pebble Mill at One being televised, so watch out for us on Tuesday, 13th.

Our July meeting will be a talk ‘All about Dough’ to be given by one of our members. Anyone interested in this talk, please come along and join us – you are all most welcome.

Joyce Hutley.


Charfield Playgroup

Once again, I begin by thanking you for supporting our “Summer Nearly New Sale” which raised a record £78, and the “Seconds Clothes Party” (10% profit of £29.58). The winner of the ‘Stop The Watch’ competition was Mrs. Williams of Portishead (8.26) and this new venture boosted our funds by £28.75.

A coach trip to Victoria Park, Bath, was enjoyed by both mums and children in May and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 27th June when we visit the Cotswold Farm Park, near Cheltenham.

Come along on the 16th July to Sports Day and try your hand at catching a wild duck on the “Hook a Duck” stall. As it demands a skillful eye and a steady hand, we are limiting this to children only, at 5p a go.

Our thoughts turn to September, 1983, when the older Playgroup children begin life at the ‘big school’ and many new faces will come along to Playgroup. Thursday, 7th July, 2–3.15 p.m. is our ‘Open Afternoon’ for all parents and children who will be three years old by July 20th, 1984. This will be an opportunity for you to visit the premises, meet the supervisors, and ask any questions you may have.

The A.G.M. is to be held on Wednesday, 21st September, at 8 p.m. when a new committee for 1983/84 will be elected. All parents of children due to start Playgroup before 20th July, 1984, are eligible to stand as Committee Members.

Anyone wishing to register their child for Playgroup, please contact me as soon as possible.

Babs Pearn (Secretary)

Charfield County Primary School

How many of you have happy memories of school meals? I have to admit that I am old enough not to have had school meals at the primary school stage. At the grammar school, all I can recall of them are potatoes regularly cooked in their jackets and semolina pudding, both of which I can still resist! There have been great changes since then. Now the cooks try very hard to give the children food they feel sure they will like, and most days the children really do enjoy it.

During the first two weeks of July, parents were given the opportunity of visiting us for lunch and sampling the same meal as the children were having, at the same price, 57p. I hope they enjoyed their meal and considered it good value. The cooks get a little depressed when, however hard they try, the number of children taking the meal continues to fall.

We now have the B.B.C. microcomputer in school, thanks to a grant of £350 by the P.T.A. and through the Department of Industry scheme. Obviously, the teachers have to familiarise themselves first with its potential and the effectiveness of available programmes. It will mean no change in the school's curriculum, but it will allow the children to realise what a computer can do and perhaps more important, what it cannot do. They are growing up in the age of the computer and it seems only proper that they should have experience of one as early as possible. If they expect to play “Space Invaders” in school, they will be very disappointed! We have other ideas but we would welcome suggestions about valuable educational programmes from the several computer aficionados around the village. Generally, it seems you have to buy a programme without knowing for sure whether it is any good.

D.A. Malpass


See Charfield by Bus

Since Mike Wadsworth took over, as General Manager of Bristol Omnibus, he has endeavoured to re-shape the operation of this Company to everyone's advantage – no mean feat by any standards.

A firm advocate of double deckers, his first change as far as Charfield was concerned was to double-deck all the routes except at quiet times. The subsequent nationwide MAP passenger survey sought to rationalise services with the result that Charfield routes were reduced to practically nothing, and so we had a double decker once a day. There is some justification in Bristol Omnibus's approach because many 'buses packed at the 'Bus Station were lucky to carry two passengers once they passed Iron Acton on the way to Wotton. From 10th April, a serious effort has been made to try to give Charfield and surrounding country areas a reasonable service within the limitations of low 'bus usage and diminishing returns from fares. Imagine running a car that cost £50,000 (the price of a modern double decker) that only does 6–8 m.p.g. with a chauffeur costing about £80 a week, plus holidays, sickness, National Insurance, plus all the back-up staff.

Now, what of the new services? After two months' operation, they have proved useful to some people but the low usage could be due to people not knowing very much about the service. Perhaps they didn't have the necessary Master's degree in understanding National 'Bus time-tables. In case you haven't noticed Charfield now has 4 'bus routes “serving it”. They are:

X21 Dursley/Bristol (limited stop)
This uses the old route Dursley, Stinchcombe, North Nibley, Wotton, Kingswood, Charfield, but then across the M5 to the A38 (Huntsman) and through Thornbury to Filton (BAC) to finish at the 'Bus Station.

X31 (limited stop)
Stroud – Wotton – Kingswood – Charfield; then a dash down the M5, M4 and M32 to the 'Bus Station.

An infrequent service running from Dursley to Bristol along the well-worn route of the former 526 with the additional guided tour of Frampton Cotterell thrown in for good measure.

Wotton to Yate via Rangeworthy.

The Bristol Omnibus time-table seems a bit complex with some 'buses being quoted twice, so it is perhaps best to assume that you want to leave Charfield for one of the major destinations and return hopefully on the same day! The timetables given on the next page are just the basic part of the service most likely to be used by Charfield residents. Intermediate destinations and Dursley will be found in the “Bristol Country Area Time-Table” or the “Stroud Area Time-Table”. With Avon Fare at just £1 return (65p for children) and a 'bus taking only half-an-hour for the journey to Bristol, the X21 and X31 services are cheaper than using a car in many cases and quicker by the time you find a parking space (if you can). Anyone going by 'bus can be assured that they are riding on some of the best iron-mongery that money can buy. They must be because they are made in Bristol! (except the Leyland National which is foreign, coming from Workington).

The VR double decker and RE single decker are the last true Bristol 'buses because the Olympian, although built at Brislington, uses Leyland running units. Leyland plan to close Bristol Commercial Vehicles in November with a loss of 530 jobs, one year after gaining complete control.

16So here 'tis folks, a revised service which connects Charfield with the destinations most used by people in the village and which is capable of expansion in future. No doubt Bristol Omnibus will review the situation in about a year's time so if you want a 'bus service, use it. It must be cheaper than running a second car.

Geoff Green,
xx Underhill Road.

CHARFIELD ---------------- BRISTOL -------------------- CHARFIELD
326   dep. 0709 ------------- 0815
X21   dep. 0846 ------------- 0930  (Monday to Friday)
X21)  dep. 0913 ------------- 0957  (Saturday only)
X31   dep. 0943 ------------- 1018
X31                      dep. 1030 ---------------------- 1105
X21                      dep. 1040 ---------------------- 1124
X21   dep. 1046 ------------- 1130
X21                      dep. 1240 ---------------------- 1324
X21   dep. 1246 ------------- 1330
X21   dep. 1446 ------------- 1530
X21                      dep. 1453 ---------------------- 1537
326   dep. 1501 ------------- 1612
X21)  (Saturday only)    dep. 1640 ---------------------- 1724
X21)  (Monday to Friday) dep. 1650 ---------------------- 1759
326   (Monday to Friday) dep. 1650 ---------------------- 1759
X31   dep. 1653-------------- 1728  (Monday to Friday)
X21   dep. 1655-------------- 1739  (Friday and Saturday)
X31                      dep. 1750 ---------------------  1840
X21   dep. 1721 ------------- 1805 (Monday to Thursday)
326   dep. 1746 ------------- 1855 (Monday to Friday)
X21   dep. 1913 ------------- 1957
                         dep. 1940 ---------------------- 2049

CHARFIELD ------------------WOTTON ---------------------- CHARFIELD
X21   dep. 0924 ------------- 0930
X31                      dep. 0933 ---------------------- 0943
X21                      dep. 1035 ---------------------- 1040
326   dep. 1105 ------------- 1115
X21   dep. 1124 ------------- 1130
X21                      dep. 1235 ---------------------- 1240
X21   dep. 1324 ------------- 1330
X21                      dep. 1435 ---------------------- 1440
X21   dep. 1537 ------------- 1543
X21)  (Friday and Saturday)   1644 ---------------------- 1655
X21)  (Monday to Thursday)    1710 ---------------------- 1721
X21   dep. 1724 ------------- 1730
X21   (Monday to Friday) dep. 1735 ---------------------- 1746
X21   dep. 1759 ------------- 1805 (Monday to Friday)
X31   dep. 1840 ------------- 1850
X21                      dep. 1856 ---------------------- 1913

CHARFIELD ------------------- YATE ---------------------- CHARFIELD
327   dep. 1001 ------------- 1034
                         dep. 1040 ---------------------- 1113
      dep. 1141 ------------- 1214
                         dep. 1220 ---------------------- 1253
      dep. 1321 ------------- 1354
                         dep. 1400 ---------------------- 1433

CHARFIELD --------------------BAC ----------------------- CHARFIELD
X21   dep. 0846 ------------- 0915
                         dep. 1508 ---------------------- 1537
                         dep. 1708 ---------------------- 1759
                         dep. 1958 ---------------------- 2049


Youth Club

I am sorry to have to advise you that Youth Club has closed down.

For the past month only one or two members have attended. However, the Committee will meet again in the late Summer, try to project a new image and hopefully start up again for the end of 1983.

I'd like to take this opportunity of thanking Hillary and Bill for endeavouring to stir up support even though for a few evenings there were no members at all.

Marilyn Smith, Secretary

Newsletter Distribution

Due to people moving house and other reasons, it is now necessary to ask you villages if anyone is willing to help four times a year in order that the whole village may receive a Newsletter.

The areas to be covered are:

Mrs. Hadleigh has been delivering to little Bristol for us and I take this opportunity to wish her and the family all the very best when they emigrate to Australia in July.

Many thanks also to those who have given such loyal service for so long without question.

If you feel that you can help us with this worthwhile service, please contact:

Mrs. Marion Smith,
xxx Manor Lane,
Tel. Falfield 26xxxx


Citizen's Advice Bureau

We still find people who ask what the functions of a Citizen's Advice Bureau are. Those can be summed up as advice, information, referral, action, advocacy and feedback. Any member of the public can walk into a local Citizen's Advice Bureau and ask for help, information and advice. Questions are as diverse as people. It doesn't matter how simple or complicated the problem may seem, there will be free, confidential and independent advice from a trained worker.

A bureau will give help in filling in a form, explaining a new piece of legislation and how it is likely to affect the enquirer's own circumstances, making telephone calls and drafting letters. A growing number of bureaux are becoming involved in tribunal assistance and in representation at small claims court. They are dealing with a steadily rising tide of problems from family and personal, housing, divorce, employment, social security among many others, and in the past year bureaux all over Britain have dealt with around 5 million queries.

We are there to give a service to the community, regardless of age, colour or creed, and remember this is free and confidential.

The organiser will continue to visit the Friendship Club in the village hall to help with any problems the O.A.P.s may have.

Your local C.A.B. is now in the Town Clerk's office, The Chipping, Wotton-under-Edge, every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tel. no. Dursley 84xxxx, and at other times you can have help from Stroud 2xxx, where the bureau is open every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

So, if you have a query or a problem do come in and see us and let us try to give you the benefit of our up-to-date information files and our sincere wish to help.

Jean McGonnigill

Baby-Sitting Circle

Hello! I must confess I've let the Circle carry its own weight since I last wrote in the Newsletter. Still all Wotton numbers have now changed so I can press on with a new list. I know many of you are desperate for another fresh piece of paper to pin over the 'phone.

If any generous Mums out there know a good husband who can do some “secret” photocopying – please phone me. Otherwise I shall have to use my old faithfuls AGAIN!

Jackie Swallow has now left the Circle and Jane Hall has rejoined us – Falfield 26xxxx.

I think it's high time we had another meeting but I've since broken several mugs so I do hope not all 45 mums turn up. Will let you know when.

Falfield 26xxxx


Village Organisations – JUNE, 1983

Charfield Res Assoc (CHADRA)
    Chairman:Mrs J Clothier, xx Charfield GreenFal. 26xxxx
    Secretary:Mr G Blower, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Baby Sitting CircleMrs M Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
British LegionMr S Mussell, x Manor Lane26xxxx
BrowniesMrs D Lowe, xx Avon Road26xxxx
 Mrs J Green, x Horsford RoadW.u.E. xxxx
County Primary SchoolHeadmaster: Mr D Malpass26xxxx
Congregational ChurchMiss Turner, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Cricket ClubMr D.S. Bradley, xx New StreetW.u.E. xxxx
District CouncillorMr Pearson 
Football ClubMr G Archer, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Junior Football ClubMrs J. Harvey, xx Severn Close.26xxxx
Friendship ClubMrs C Woodlands, x Charfield Gn26xxxx
Group Scout LeaderMr A Smith, xxx Manor Lane26xxxx
Hall Management Committee
    Sec:Mrs M Clarke, xx Underhill Rd26xxxx
    Booking Sec:Mrs Poskett, xx Charfield Green26xxxx
Keep FitMrs L Holland, xx Bearlands, Wortley RdW.u.E. xxxx
Luncheon ClubMr C Goscombe, xxx Merlin Haven, W-U-E.Dur. 84xxxx
Mothers & Toddlers ClubSec: Mrs J Daniell, xx Durham Close26xxxx
National School Foundation
    Clerk:Mr B J Harris, x Cotswold View.W.u.E. xxxx
    Booking Sec:Dr C P Temme, xx Durham Rd.26xxxx
Parent Teacher Assoc
    Sec:Mrs M. Lane, xx Cotswold ViewW.u.E. xxxx
Parish Council
    Clerk:Mrs J Hughes, x Berkeley Close26xxxx
PlaygroupMrs B Pearn, x Katherine Close26xxxx
St John's Church
    Rector:Revd. K. Grant, Charfield Rectory26xxxx
    Sec:Mrs C E Wallace, xx Manor Lane26xxxx
Street Warden SchemeMrs M Blower, xx Manor LaneFal. xxxx
Women's InstitutePres: Mrs J Hutley, x, Old Manor Close26xxxx
Young WivesMrs M Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx
Youth ClubMrs M Smith, xx Newtown26xxxx

Useful Information

PoliceP.C. Carrow, Police House, xx Wotton Rd.W.u.E. xxxx
ElectricityM.E.B. Severn Vale District Office, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury21xxxx
WaterBritish Waterworks Co. (Head Office) Bedminster Down, Bristol. (Faults outside normal working hours ask operator for Freefone 981)Bristol 66xxxx
Avon OilsUnit 1, Avonbridge Estate. Boiler Maintenance & Emergency. Avonmouth 982xxxx
 Account Queries982xxxx
 Other Queries982xxxx
Northavon District Council.Emergency ServicesThornbury 416262
Citizens Advice BureauOrganiser Mrs. J. McGonnigill, The Chippings.W.u.E. xxxx

Transcriber Notes

This issue was produced on 19 sides of A4 paper.

Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.

Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.

Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.

Last update: 2016-12-06.