Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1979.
Charfield Primary School
St. John's Church
Tavern Squash Club
St James' Church
Congregational Church
Charfield Drama Group
Parish Council
Luncheon Club
Charfield Memorial Hall and Playing Field Management Committee
Charfield & District Friendship Club
Charfield Playgroup
Mothers and Toddlers Club
Sports and Gala Day
The Abbey Players Present
Charfield Ladies Netball Club
Charfield W.I.
Charfield P.T.A.
Youth Club
Letters to the Editor
Citizens Advice Bureau
A Message From the Chairman
1st Woodend Scout Group
Charfield Young Wives
Diary of Events
Letters to the Editor
Village Organisations – October, 1979
The Village Hall extension scheme looks quite a project. Some will say it is too ambitious or that various parts of it are unnecessary or that it does not include what they want but the Management Committee have had to try to strike a balance between different interests and practical possibilities. I am sure that their fund raising activities will be well supported.
In view of the extension project it is a shame that Sports Day was not as financially successful as had been hoped but it was nevertheless enjoyed by all who participated, as was that other summer event, the Holiday Playscheme.
It has been mentioned to me several times that the three months between Newsletters is too long to allow effective reply to controversial or interesting topics raised. Certainly there are some things of a short term nature for which that is true. Perhaps these will now be better satisfied by the public participation allowed at the end of the monthly Parish Council meetings. However, this will not usually allow you to reach as wide an audience as the Newsletter, so keep the letters coming in.
I note that a group of residents of Manor Lane are negotiating with the farmer to extend their back gardens. I do hope that they will take the opportunity to improve the appearance of that edge of the Estate by planting a boundary hedge and some hedgerow trees. The whole Village can then benefit by their good fortune.
Copy date for the next Newsletter is the 4th January, 1980.
Jon Barrance,
School House,
xx Wotton Road.
Fal: 5xx.
For the first time, we ended the school year with a service in Church, at which many of the children contributed musical items, and the leavers their memories for their years at the school. What a shame there was no room to invite parents to share the occasion with us.
Unfortunately, the school year also ended more acrimoniously with the last minute decision not to allow us to admit “rising fives”, which we very much regretted. We were lucky, however, to be able to obtain replacement teachers for Miss Forest-Jones and Mrs. Rosser before the deadline and we welcome Mrs. Bulley and Mrs. Felton to the staff and hope it will not seem too long before the present ”rising 2fives” are in their classes in January.
The number of children in school remains fairly stable so we should be able to retain the same number of classes and teachers, but the amount we have to spend on the children has been cut by 10% and we are promised that the savings to be made next year will be even greater. In spite of all this, we look forward to as successful a year as I believe we had last year.
D.A. Malpass,
A number of people from the village, and an even larger number from further afield, were present at the service we had at St. James Church, the old Church on the hill, on St. James Day, the 25th July. We were fortunate to have a lovely summer evening for this as well as a full Church and it was truly a co-operative effort with a brass group, and a preacher from Horton, a harmonium player (no organ) from Wotton, the choir from Leyhill, lesson reader from Charfield, the main organiser Miss D. Cooksley, from Tortworth, as well as lots of essential arranging effort from a number of Charfield people. You couldn't get much more of a united effort than that and I think that those who attended found it interesting at least, while many found it inspiring. Of course a certain additional interest was created because the Church had not been used, was not fit to use, for many years. Even when, many years ago, we had occasional services during summer months, there was this same interest and clearly for a similar reason. People came who did not come to the parish Church, St. John's, at any other time. But, and I think it is important to grasp this, what happened at St. James Church on the 25th July, was not more important (nor less important) than what happens at St. John's Church every Sunday of the year. The prime reason for any service is a giving thanks to God, a recognition of Him, that can take place with equal significance irrespective of the Church in which it is held. God does not prefer St. James Church to St. John's. He prefers, to either, the humble, thankful worshipping heart. If we miss sight of that, we shall (as we so often do) mistake what is important for what is unimportant.
The next Newsletter will not be out until next year so it is appropriate to wish you a happy Christmas even though I am writing this in mid-September! Our annual carol service, to which we cordially invite you (in St. John's Church! – for this you should be grateful) will be on Sunday the 23rd of December at 3 p.m. It is always a happy occasion and we shall look forward to seeing you. Also in December we are having a visit from the Leyhill Male Voice Choir who have visited us before and have been greatly appreciated. This is on Thursday the 6th December and we hope you will come to what promises to be an enjoyable evening.
Kenneth G. Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. North thank everyone who helped to make the Church Bazaar such a success.
The amount realised was £292.07p.
The Tavern Squash Club season commences Thursday 1st November. Anyone wishing to join or requiring further information, please contact Mr. P. Hendy, xx Durham Road, telephone Fal: 4xx.
ST. JAMES CHURCH. “LOOKING AT LOCAL CHURCHES”. An illustrated talk by Dr. J. Bettey, of the University of Bristol. To be held at 7.30 pm on Friday October 12th. 75p. Buffet supper included. Tickets available from Mrs S. Barrance, School House, xx Wotton Road. Fal 5xx. |
Sundays | 11.00 am. | Sunday School. |
6.00 pm. | Evening Worship. | |
Tuesday. | 3.00 pm. | Bright Hour Fortnightly. |
Open to men and women, or anyone who would like to join us.
Sunday December 16th.
Family Service. | 11.00 am. |
Carol Service. | 6.00 pm. |
Preacher – Dr. G. Philpot of Bristol |
Why not come and join us?
Any enquiries to Church Secretary, Miss M. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield. Fal: 8xxx.
The Dedicated Penny.
The following incident was related on a Gospel broadcast in Taiwan. A little girl who loved the Lord longed to share the message of salvation with those who had never heard of it. So she contributed a penny to a missionary to help with the work of evangelizing the people of Burma. That small coin was all she had, but it was given from her heart. The worker on the foreign field was deeply touched by the child's earnestness and decided he would do the most he could with the money. After careful thought, he purchased a Gospel tract and personally gave it to a young chieftain. Apparently the Christian did not know that the tribal leader was not educated well enough to read it. God instilled within the ruler a burning desire to know the meaning of the leaflet, however, and he travelled 250 miles to find someone who could translate it for him. After he heard the Gospel message it wasn't long before the young chieftain was gloriously converted. Returning to his people he told them what the Lord had done for his soul. Later he invited missionaries to come and preach to his entire village, and the tribesmen who heard the good news accepted the Saviour. All this and probably much more resulted from one dedicated penny given in Christ's name by a little girl who wanted the lost to hear about Jesus!
Don't wait until you can do “great things” to start working for the Master. God can do wonders with dedicated little things.
4The dewdrop, as the boundless sea
In God's great plan has part;
And this is all He asks of thee –
Be faithful where thou art!
After repeated efforts to revive it, the Drama Group seems to be permanently “resting”. Membership has dwindled over the years (at present 3 members) and in fact for the last 3 or 4 productions, we have had people taking part from places as far away as Fishponds, Patchway, Warmley and Weston-S-Mare.
It does seem a great pity that in a place the size of Charfield there is so little interest. In view of this it seems pointless to keep funds in the Group's Bank Account and it is therefore proposed that unless anyone is willing to try and start the Group again, these monies should be donated to the Management Committee for the Hall Extension Fund.
Without funds it will be extremely difficult to restart a Drama Group and if there is anyone interested in taking over the running of the Group, and trying to get it going again, perhaps they would like to contact me on Falfield 5xx.
Jenny Peaster,
Before memories of the summer holidays fade completely, we should like to thank David Parker and his many helpers for once again ensuring the success of the Holiday Playscheme. Although not blessed by the fairest of weather, they were able to offer the participating children (and adults) a varied package of activities. One of the most pleasing features of this annual venture is the way in which it has developed into a community project, with assistance and involvement from many parts of the village.
During the Summer months the Council's Footpath Committee organised a survey of the Parish's footpaths. Thanks to the efforts of the many volunteers, we now have an up-to-date report on the state of most footpaths. As expected, some are in a reasonably good state requiring only limited attention, whereas others are in need of extensive work before they are fully usable. The first objective is to ensure that each footpath is clearly signposted and waymarked and is kept in a fit state for public use.
The saga of public allotments continues. Regrettably, the council has met with no success in its appeal to local landowners for a possible site. The next step, therefore, has been to ask Northavon District Council for their assistance in resolving the problem. Their reply is awaited.
Another issue, which has waited a long time for decision, and now must await equally long for implementation, is the provision of double yellow lines in the vicinity of the Railway Tavern. The Parish Council has also been pressing for parking restrictions at the Post Office for years, but the requests have been turned down. With yellow lines at the Tavern, perhaps there may be hope of more.
5A good deal of public interest was aroused by the latest round of oil price increases and the subsequent “rationing” by the oil companies, which has followed in its wake. Once again many parishioners lamented the fact that the village is without a supply of piped gas. However, enquiries to the Gas Board by the Parish Council have established that the estimated cost of connecting the village to town gas would be in the order of £190,000, a cost which would have to be borne by those residents requesting it!
The debate about alternative energy sources and energy conservation will doubtless continue. Your Parish Council is keen to encourage public debate about any issues which are of potential interest to the local community. You may of course contact any Councillor if there are problems which may be more effectively resolved at the community level. Furthermore, the Council now makes provision for public participation at each of its regular monthly meetings. If you wish to make any points in person, or ask questions, please note that ten minutes are set aside towards the end of Council meetings for this purpose.
Clerk: Mrs. J.K. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. Fal: 6xx.
Mrs. S. Barrance,
Mr. J. Hatt, on behalf of the
Parish Council.
The Club is celebrating its 10th Anniversary this month with a special dinner. It continues to flourish but the Secretary would like to hear from anyone with a car who could provide emergency cover for the transport of meals to the housebound.
Following up the successful Victorian Evenings of previous years, a 1920's Evening is being held on Saturday October 27th in conjunction with the Abbey Players from Kingswood. The tickets include supper and drinks and are £2.50p each, and are sure to be in demand.
Secretary: Mrs. C. King,
xxxx Farm,
Fal: 2xx.
Memorial Hall Extension.
As many villagers will have realized, the Memorial Hall Management Committee are in the process of adding a large extension to the Hall.
It is hoped that it will provide facilities for old and young alike so please take an interest by looking at the plans to be put up in the village. If you have any comments please get in touch with the secretary or any committee member.
The plans include: | A New Bar and Bar Lounge, Skittle Alley to match standard, A Committee Room which may also be used for small meetings, and Additional Storage Space. |
It is planned that the new facilities should be able to be used independently of the Main Hall.
6We all have a great deal of work to do before the first brick can be laid. The cost of the project will be in the region of £30,000 so it is going to take some time as well as effort to reach this target. However, if we all pull together and support as many fund raising events as possible, we can at least get the project under way.
If anyone has any ideas for fund raising events or is willing to organise something along these lines, please let the secretary know. I will keep you informed as to the progress of the project and of events organised to raise funds.
Mrs. J. Hall,
The Memorial Hall Management Committee are looking for members of the village to become licensees to run a bar planned for the present hall. If anyone is interested please contact the Secretary, Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close, Fal: 3xx.
If you had come to the open meeting on Thursday 6th September about “Childrens Play Areas” you would have learnt a great deal about D.I.Y. equipment, its adaptability and suitability for our own play area. But maybe you don't have children or is it that you are just not interested?
Out of the whole village it seems that only 8 people had sufficient interest to come out and see what it was all about.
Mr. Binney, who by the way came all the way from Kidderminster, gave us a talk and slide show on simple do it yourself ideas for playground equipment. It is planned to put some of these ideas to use on the playing field next to the present equipment. Some discussion took place at the meeting as to the way that log stepping stones, tractor tyres, earth mounds and concrete pipes could be arranged to make an exciting area for the children of the village to play.
If you have any ideas for equipment or a source of free supplies to anything that might be useful as a safe and interesting piece of play equipment, please let me know.
I hope that if asked for your help to fulfil this project you will be only too willing to lend a hand.
J. Hall, Secretary, Memorial Hall
Management Committee.
The Memorial Hall Management Committee wishes to hold discos for older children of the village but is short of help for supervision. If anyone is willing to help out in any capacity please contact the secretary, Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close. Fal: 3xx.
For the sake of hygiene no dogs are allowed.
For the sake of safety no cycling or golfing is allowed.
For the sake of all the village please obey the code of conduct
for the playing field.
Mr. L.M. Jones of xx Berkeley Close, is appealing for gifts of books which can be sold in aid of the Village Hall Extension Project.
This really is a call to our lost members to return to our company, but first I must apologise for missing out on the last Newsletter. When I walk around the village and talk to different ones, I've discovered that there are quite a few of the over 60's who have stopped coming to our meetings for some unknown reasons, why is this? Is it transport – if so we can I'm sure get over that obstacle, was it perhaps not quite what you thought it to be, I know some people only join these Clubs purely for the chance of having a Club Holiday, then after having the holiday they say “Oh, I can't bother to come along”. Well I'm certain we have not had that type of person, but of course we do have holidays and we enjoy them and come back to the Club meetings full of the joys they have experienced, so what is it keeping some of you back.
When I walk around the Hall and chat to our members, it's always a cheerful welcome and a jolly smile, you hear them all talking of their troubles and worries, but it isn't long before they are all once again Happy and Bright singing their hearts out to commence the days meeting, a Very Happy Band of Friends.
Now, why not have another visit to the Club and perhaps you may say “Oh I was wrong giving my membership up, they are a jolly crowd of Friends”.
Our Secretary has worked hard this year getting all the booking for Speakers and entertainers under way and it is no easy task these days. There is our Outing Secretary. He has arranged, and we have enjoyed outings to Southsea – Torquay – Leominster and local drives including Weston. There are plans for our usual Pantoland visit to Bristol Hippodrome in the New Year, this is always a popular trip for us.
There is also the Club's own Concert Party, they have provided us with some good laughs and some fine singing, a young group at the moment, but coming along in fine style.
So you see all you past members, what you are missing. Go on, have a good try and come and join us again, bring some new members with you, everyone is Welcome at our meetings. The next one is a Bring and Buy – 2.30 pm on October 10th. Unfortunately I shall be on holiday that particular meeting, but I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday October 24th, 2.30 pm in the Memorial Hall.
Everyone over 60 is welcome to join us. Looking forward to seeing you.
R. Isherwood,
A new Playgroup year began in September with a few changes on our Committee. We would like to thank the retiring members for their help and loyal support over the last year, and a special thank you to their families who have inevitably been called upon for their help and participation in the general upkeep of equipment etc.
We look forward to another happy and successful year both in Playgroup and in our fund raising events. We are completely self supporting and were most grateful to the Parish Council for their grant and to the Wotton-Under-Edge Round Table for their kind donation in this Year of the Child.
In Playgroup, every year is a child's year, and we were very disturbed by Avon County's policy to reverse their decision to admit “rising fives” to school in September at such short notice. The headache caused to those few children and their families can only be understood by those close to them, but any adult would think twice before causing such distress and maybe permanent emotional damage to a five year old for the sake of a few pounds. These children were told and carefully prepared to enter school in September, their first big step into our adult world – what an introduction.
The Photographer will be in Playgroup on Thursday 11th October from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm and parents of Playgroup children can bring them along during this afternoon if they wish.
The Playgroup Christmas Party will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 10th December.
We trust there are some good singing voices among the Playgroup parents this year, as we will be serenading the village with carols again this Christmas. Offers of instrumental accompaniment would also be very welcome.
A. Wood.
Hibernating this winter? Why not join us in the Village Hall every 1st and 3rd Thursday each month (except school holidays) between 10.15 am and 11.45 am. A session only costs 20p which includes refreshments and a variety of toys/games to play with, as well as the opportunity of meeting other mums and toddlers (birth–3+ years old).
We are holding a Tupperware Party in early November to boost our funds – please watch for further details. Anyone will be most welcome to come along.
Mrs. H. Griffiths,
First a big “thank you” to everyone who helped organise the day or an event or sideshow and all who participated. The committee hopes, if you can remember back past summer holidays, that you enjoyed the Day.
In past years it was not the intention to make a vast profit, this year with the proposed extension to the village hall in mind it was hoped to do more than break even. Unfortunately our Day clashed with other events in the surrounding area and the number of people who supported us was lower than last year.
9The final account for the Day will be presented at an Open Public Meeting to be held at the Memorial Hall on THURSDAY 25th OCTOBER at 8.00 pm At this meeting the Committee to organise Sports Day 1980 (the 20th Sports and Gala Day) will be formed.
Perhaps you have some views on how this important anniversary could be celebrated or would like to take part in the organisation of the one annual event which involves the whole village.
Comments and ideas would be welcome, volunteers to help would be most welcome. Do come along on Thursday 25th October.
Jenny Hughes,
An evening of entertainment in the style of the 1920's, including supper and drinks.
You are invited to wear costumes of the period, but this is optional.
Prize for the best dressed couple.
Tickets – £2.50 (including supper and drinks). Half price for O.A.P's.
Tickets available from x Station Road, School House, xx Wotton Road, and
also xx Hillesley Road, Kingswood.
Ladies, could you do with some exercise? Nothing too serious or strenuous. You? Then why not join our Netball Club. We play every Tuesday evening 7.15 pm–8.15 pm at the Katherine Lady Berkeley Sports Hall.
Anyone, of any age, will be very welcome.
For further details, please contact Julie Hillier, xx Manor Lane, Tel: Falfield 5xx.
Over 21's Disco on November 2nd, in aid of the Hall Extension Fund. 8 pm–1 am.
Tickets from Julie Hillier, xx Manor Lane or Miriam Ealey, x Berkeley Close.
Fal: 5xx.
Once again the Newsletter gives me the opportunity to tell you of the past few months activities.
A Coffee Morning for the Year of the Child realised £40 – which was sent to the Bristol Branch of Crippled Children Society. You saw some of us manning the stalls and “brewing up” at the Sports and Gala Day (which really was a gala day as all who attended must agree).
10The weather was kind for the Annual Outing in July. A jolly crowd filled the coach for a mystery tour to Castle Coombe. It was a most enjoyable evening made possible by Westward Travel. Lets hope, with the oil crisis, we can still keep these occasions going.
With Winter approaching, the more nimble fingered members are making for the Annual November Bazaar which is always well supported by the village.
The skittle team are looking forward to matches against other W.I's in the area and here I must thank the husbands and children for allowing us to “borrow” their mums to attend and help at different functions on behalf of Charfield W.I.
Our membership year starts again in October and it may be that this year will be the highest new membership year yet. When you think Charfield W.I. has been going constantly for 51 years, all through the war years too, that really is something.
Once again, a warm welcome to anyone who cares to come along – second Thursday in the month at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall.
Regards to you all.
Pat White,
Once again we start a new school year, this year with education cuts, so more financial help will be needed by the school from us. All parents of children at Charfield School are members of the P.T.A. and so in the next school year we will be calling on all of you to help at fund raising events. The last year saw the completion of the library although we still have more books to come and pay for. This year's project will be to restore the pond. Although the work will be done by Avon Schools Conservation Project we will have to pay for the liner etc.
The A.G.M. was held on the 26th September, when the new committee was elected as follows:
Mr. M. Julian | – | Chairman. | |
Mr. R. Smith | – | Vice Chairman. | |
Mrs. P. Morris | – | Treasurer. | |
Mrs. M. Clarke | – | Secretary. | |
Committee: | Mrs. J. Golding. | Mrs. P. Hawkins. | |
Mrs. M. Smith. | Mrs. J. Gander. | ||
Mr. C. Weston. | Mr. B. Mitcham |
A very interesting, informative and amusing talk on First Aid was given by Mr. Turner, Avon County Training Officer.
Future events will be announced later, please give your support.
Margaret Clarke,
The Youth Club re-opened at the beginning of September after a five week summer break (to refresh the body and pacify the nerves). Attendance is improving with an average of fifty members an evening.
Wednesday the 19th September was the A.G.M. of the Club members and a new members Committee was elected which will be responsible for the running of the Club and organising special activities. Shaun Everett (with a little help from his father) has organised an extensive fishing competition, starting with a sponsored “fish-in” to enable the members to travel farther afield and hook the one that got away.
A Disco was held later in the month in conjunction with the Mother and Toddler Group as part of our contribution to raising funds for the Hall extension. An enjoyable evening for the members raising £23.
Yet again our football team gave the Charfield Football Club reserves a run for their money by scoring two goals to their one. This annual event is much welcomed by our members who view it as a challenge to their supremacy on the field.
The “Champ” competition was completed just before Sports Day and presentation of the Shine Trophy was made by Mr. J. Poskett to Jo-Anne Birt and Shaun who will hold the title for the coming year.
The Club meets every Tuesday and Wednesday evening – everybody is welcome.
Dave Colla.
Dear Sir,
I was very pleased and interested in Mr. Parker's article on the energy situation, and I am in complete sympathy with everything he says.
Although I personally cannot see the railway being re-established in the near future, I do think there is a good case for improving the bus service in the near future. I believe the Woodspring Pilot Scheme actually made a profit, therefore how about a similar scheme for North Avon. I would also like to see the return of the Workman's Return Fares, between the hours of 6.00am–9.00 am. Given the right inducements the commuter could make up the bulk of the passengers, and in time reduce the number of cars travelling to work and holding up the buses, although it may mean more buses during peak hours, but I'm sure that would be an improvement in itself.
I certainly think that everyone should be encouraged to use the bus service more, but it is certain that they will not unless the service is cheaper and more effective than using one's own car, when at present it is still cheaper even with only one passenger per car.
I wish Mr. Parker every success and hope that more support will be forthcoming.
Yours sincerely,
Doris Oldland,
xx Cotswold View,
12Dear Sir,
May I, through the medium of the Newsletter, write to say thank you to those concerned in getting our War Memorial cleaned up so well, and especially to the gentleman who put in so many hours of “elbow grease”, as well as clearing all the weeds from the wall and the cobblestones. It had looked so neglected for such a long time. Now it will be at its best for Remembrance Sunday next month.
Yours faithfully,
Susan J. Lapham,
xx Wotton Road.
40th Anniversary.
This month marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the first Citizens Advice Bureau. The CAB service was planned nine months before the start of World War Two at a meeting of the chief voluntary organisations, under the auspices of the National Council of Social Services. It was decided to provide a free and confidential service of information and advice in order to guide the general public through the complex maze of new restrictions and regulations which would arise in the event of war breaking out.
At the beginning of the war, 200 bureaux dealt with every kind of war-time problem, with evacuation problems heading the record of enquiries. Offices were improvised in many locations, from air-raid shelters to stalls in the street. During the next stage of the war, queries regarding allowances for serving men's families and the postponement of military service predominated. Following the first battles in Flanders and France thousands of enquiries poured in regarding pensions for widows of those killed in action and allowances for wives of prisoners of war. Heavy air-raids brought a large increase in the number of queries concerning homelessness and tracing missing people. Family problems, brought about by enforced separation, started to rise in number, as did those concerning rationing and air-raid damage. As a result of the damage caused by flying bombs, the number of enquiries at the Bureaux in July 1944 rose to nearly a quarter of a million.
The end of the War saw the start of the Services next phase. All kinds of resettlement problems emerged and the new “welfare state” seemed intricate and confusing to many of those who required assistance.
The Service, using the knowledge it had gained during the War years, was keen to contribute to changes in the new post-war society. Over the years it had been closely involved with both local and national organisations in discussions on the formation of government social policy. Over 10,000 trained workers now staff 825 bureaux throughout the United Kingdom principally trying to provide a communication line between the state and the citizen. Last year over 3¼ million new enquiries were dealt with.
Since the Wotton-under-Edge Bureau opened each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm the increase in clients has been considerable as people seem to find the mornings much more convenient.
Remember CAB is free, confidential and impartial. We are there to help you – and a problem shared is a problem halved. Your nearest CAB is at Berkeley House, Long Street, Wotton-Under-Edge. Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm. Telephone No. W-U-E 3210. At other times 'phone Stroud 2084 where 13the CAB is open every day – Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday 9.30 am to 11.30 am.
The Organiser will attend Friendship Club meetings in the village hall to advise on any problems which the Senior Citizens may have so that they will not have the expense or the bother of travelling into Wotton-u-Edge.
Remember CAB is a service for the whole community regardless of age, colour or creed, so ring us or call if you have any problems large or small. We will be happy to help.
J.K. McGonnigill,
When my Committee decided to organise a dance it was thought a good idea to give an opportunity to the residents to meet socially. Unfortunately, as only 23 tickets had been sold the day before the event, it was reluctantly decided to cancel and bear the losses incurred.
Maybe a dance and entertainment is no longer considered the right function for a Charfield “get-together”. If this is so suggestions for a future occasion would be welcomed. Please don't let us remain isolated units in what should be a lively community!
Much work in the preparation of the dance was involved in booking the hall, band, entertainment, refreshments, printing of tickets and organising a bar. I would like to thank all those who were involved in any way, and also those who would have supported us.
It has been drawn to my attention that some of our older teenagers have acquired motor-cycles, and are having a good time showing off their recent possessions in racing up and down the roads of the village – some on the rough ground at the end of Manor Lane. Indiscriminate racing up and down on motor-cycles can be a hazard to riders and others who may be in the road on which they are travelling. A motor-cycle is a dangerous weapon when mis-handled, a fact that is sometimes overlooked. May I, respectfully, suggest that owners of motor-cycles should take a Course as to the correct way to ride and handle their machines under all circumstances. Not only is there the danger factor, the noise of two or more machines racing along a road together is very disturbing to residents, especially if accompanied by the sounding of horns!
I hope these comments will not be misunderstood and at the same time will help to alleviate the frustrations of residents and impart a sense of concern for others to the proud owners of newly acquired steeds.
M.G. Burfield,
We are holding a Dance on 30th November at Rangeworthy Village Hall. Dancing to “Moonshine”, 8.30 pm to 12.45 am. Buffet available, licence applied for. Tickets £1.50p each, from any Section Leader or Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Road. Tel: Fal 6xx.
Charfield Young Wives continues to thrive, with a membership of 80 plus.
Mrs. Jan Hanningan has succeeded as Chairwoman, after the resignation of Mrs. Jacqui Husher. Jacqui and Alan have now settled into their new home at the Jack O Leat, Midsommer Norton, we all wish them well in their new venture.
On Wednesday 26th September, a coach party of Young Wives spent a most enjoyable evening with Jacqui and Alan.
They now look forward to a further outing to Bristol on 18th October.
Further events to note:
4th October | – | Sponsored knit-in in aid of Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
7th November | – | Coffee Morning. |
15th November | – | Fashion Show by Togs of Chipping Sodbury. |
24th November | – | London Trip. |
20th December | – | Christmas Dinner. |
Please Note: Fashion Show on 15th November is open to the public. Doors open 7.30 pm. Admission 50p. OAP and children 25p. To include refreshments.
S. Crompton,
October 10th. | Friendship Club “Bring & Buy” 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall. |
October 12th. | Illustrated talk “Looking at Local Churches” by Dr. Bettey of Bristol University, at St. James Church, 7.30pm. |
October 25th. | Open Public Meeting of Sports & Gala Day Committee. 8.00 pm in the Village Hall. |
October 27th. | Luncheon Club's 1920's Evening. 7.45 pm in the Village Hall. |
November 2nd. | Over 21's Disco in the Village Hall. 8 pm to 1 am. Organised by Netball Club. |
November 30th. | 1st Woodend Scout Group Dance at Rangeworthy Village Hall. 8.30 pm to 12.45am. |
November. | Tupperware Party. In the Village Hall. Organised by Mothers & Toddler Club. Date & time to be given later. |
December 6th. | Leyhill Male Voice Choir at St. John's Church. |
December 23rd. | Annual Carol Service at St. John's Church. 3 pm. |
Charfield Newsletter is produced by the Charfield & District Residents Association (CHADRA).
Olive and Sydney Smith would like to thank the Friendship Club for the wonderful surprise Party they gave us on the occasion of our Golden Wedding Anniversary, especially Mr. Isherwood and all those who must have worked so hard behind the scenes to make this an occasion that must have been enjoyed by all present.
We would also like to thank the Young Wives and all our friends and neighbours who sent us cards and messages of congratulations.
We will always treasure the memory of the warmth and friendship we received.
God bless you all,
Olive and Sydney Smith,
xx Manor Lane, Charfield.
Chairman | Mr. M. Burfield, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Secretary | Mrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Angling Club. | Mr. Toomey, x Wotton Road. | Fal: xxxx. |
British Legion. | Mr. S. Mussell, x Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Brownies. | Mrs. J. Green, x Horsford Road. | WUE xxxx. |
Baby Sitting Circle. | Mrs. M. Hall, xx Durham Road. | Fal: xxx |
Congregational Church. | Miss Turner, xx Charfield Green. | Fal: xxxx. |
Conservative Assoc. | Mrs. G. Mill, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Cricket Club | Mr. T. Wheeler, xx Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Group Scout Leader. | Mr. A. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Drama Group. | Mrs. J. Peaster, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Football Club. | Mr. R. Hannigan, x Durham Road. | Fal: xxx. |
Friendship Club. | Mr. R. Isherwood, x Severn Close. | Fal: xxxx. |
Health Visitor & Welfare Clinic. | Mrs. F. Storey, Thornbury Health Centre. (2nd & 4th Thursday at the Hall) | Thornbury 41xxxx |
Keep Fit. | Mrs. P. Light, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Luncheon Club. | Mrs. C. King, Elm Tree Farm, Tortworth. | Fal: xxx. |
Mothers & Toddlers Club. (1st & 3rd Thurs) | ||
Leader- | Mrs. S. Burnett, xx Parklands, WUE. | WUE: xxxx. |
Secretary- | Mrs. H. Griffiths, xx Underhill. | Fal: xxxx. |
Hall Management Committee. | ||
Secretary- | Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Booking Sec- | Mrs. K. Dand, xx Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Netball Club. | Mrs. J. Hillier, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Parochial Church Council. | Mr. C.F. North, x Station Road. | WUE: xxxx |
Sec. | Miss E. Cooper, x Maygrove. | |
Pigeon Club. | Mr. Parker, x Newtown. | Fal: xxxx. |
Playgroup. | Mrs. C. Haines, xx Horsford Road. | WUE: xxxx. |
County Primary School. | ||
Headmaster | Mr. D. Malpass | Fal: xxx. |
Parent Teacher Assoc. | ||
Chairman | Mr. M. Julian, “xxxx” Charfield Hill. | Fal: xxxx. |
Sec: | Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Road. | Fal: xxx. |
Parish Council. | ||
Clerk to the Council | Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Tennis Club. | Mrs. J. Swallow, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Street Warden Scheme. | Mrs. L. Harris, x Station Road. | WUE: xxxx. |
Women's Institute. | Mrs. P. White, “xxxx”, Charfield Hill. | Fal: xxxx. |
Young Wives. | Sec. Mrs. S. Crompton, xxxx Farm, Dyers Lane, Iron Acton. | Rangeworthy 2xxxx. |
Youth Club. | Mr. D. Colla, x Avon Road. | Fal: xxxx. |
Yoga Club. | Mrs. Roberts, xxxx Cottage, Horsford Rd. | WUE xxxx. |
Police. | P.C. Radburn, Charfield Police House. | WUE: xxxx. |
Electricity | M.E.B., Severn Vale, District Office, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury. | C.S. 318380 |
Water | Bristol Waterworks Company (Head Office) Bedminster Down, Bristol. (Faults outside normal working hours ask operator for Freefone 981). | Bristol 665881 |
Avon Oils | Unit 1, Avonbridge Estate, Avonmouth Bridge, Avonmouth. | |
Boiler maintenance & Emergency Service | A/mouth 7671 | |
Accounts Queries | A/mouth 7281 | |
Other enquires (Customer Service Unit) | A/mouth 7737 | |
Northavon District Council Emergency Services | Thornbury: 416262 |
If any of the above information is incorrect, please contact Mrs. Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane, Fal xxx and we will rectify it for our next issue.
This issue was produced on 16 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor.
Last update: 2016-11-29.