Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinions of CHADRA.
Copyright © Charfield and District Residents Association 1979.
CHADRA or Residents Association?
Parish Council
St. John's Church
Congregational Church
Primary School
Young Wives
Ladies Netball
Youth Club
Charfield P.T.A.
Holiday Playscheme 1979
Street Warden Scheme
Sports and Gala Day
Charfield Royal British Legion
Church of England Children's Society – National Family Week
The Question Is
Charfield NR Pigeon Club
Citizens Advice Bureau
Letters to the Editor
Evening Classes
Friendship Club
Women's Institute
The 200 Club
Village Organisations
A Message from the New Chairman.
At the A.G.M. of the Association, I was elected your new Chairman for the current year. I thank the members of the village present, for the opportunity to serve the village. It will not be easy to follow the Chairmanship of Don Smith and Jon Barrance, but with the assistance of the Committee and the co-operation of the residents, I hope the Association will have a successful year under my Chairmanship.
It is my view that the Association should assist and co-operate with the various Organisations in the village, and in particular the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee. In the past, there has been, unfortunately, a certain amount of conflict between the Residents Association and other bodies within the village. I feel quite certain, however, that during our current year any previous conflict will be forgotten and the attitude of co-operation, hopefully, will be accepted by all Organisations and residents. One of the assets of the Residents Association is the Newsletter, and I would like to extend an invitation to any Organisation or resident in the village to take advantage of the Newsletter, in continuing to communicate various views and attitudes which have effects on the Community as a whole. Our Editor, Jon Barrance, will be pleased to print whatever copy is available, and allow views to be aired through the Newsletter.
At the A.G.M., the title of our Association, namely CHADRA, was discussed. The Association would like to know your views as to whether we should retain the title CHADRA or whether the Organisation should be purely known as Charfield and District Residents' Association. There appear to be two basic opinions within the village, and they are as follows:-
2The Association would like your opinions on this matter. If you would speak to your Newsletter distributor, or a Committee member, or write to the Secretary, or even the Editor of the Newsletter, then we shall be able to better judge the general feeling.
Also at the A.G.M., it was felt that the constitution of the Association should be revised. A Sub-Committee has been formed to look into the constitution and make the appropriate recommendations to the residents as soon as possible. We will report on their findings in the Newsletter later this year.
I wish to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and the Committee of wishing all the residents a happy and successful New Year, and I feel certain that with the theme of co-operation, the Association and the residents can look forward to a happy 1979.
Michael G. Burfield,
Over the last three months, the Parish Council has dealt with many subjects and problems, the Wotton and Northavon editions of the Gazette do publish reports of the meetings, keeping the parish up-to-date, but in retrospect the following has been considered by the Parish Council.
The repairs to the footbridge at Huntingford Mill Hotel on footpath No. 3 is a continuing concern and the largest file on any one subject. Councillors heard at the January meeting that the County has at long last admitted legal responsibility to carry out the repairs, but add, as and when the finance is available. However this footbridge has been closed for almost 4 years and the Parish Council will continue to press the County for action.
At the present moment a national review of the parish boundaries (excluding County Boundaries) is being undertaken. This is being done locally by the District Council with the initial help of the Parish Councils. A public meeting was held. Unfortunately, although this was publicised both on parish notice boards and in the Gazette, no members of the public attended. Meetings were held with adjacent Parish Councils following which a report was forwarded to the District Council suggesting no change to the present Parish Boundary. The final recommendations will be published by the District Council.
The Council has considered the poor state of the War Memorial. Volunteers cleared the weeds etc., but some repairs to the wall and cobbled floor and re-lettering are necessary and the Council has sought quotations. It is hoped that the work will be carried out in the Spring.
For the first time in memory, Charfield Parish Council met Kingswood Parish Council, together with husbands and wives for a social and skittles evening, held at Kingswood's invitation in the new village hall. It was a successful and enjoyable evening.
A document detailing the latest standards for safety in children's playgrounds was recently received and considered by the Parish Council. This has been passed to the Memorial Hall Management Committee together with an offer of a joint meeting with the Parish Council to resolve any problems which arise.
3Although the County of Avon have been dragging their feet on the repairs to the bridge at Huntingford Mill, no criticism could be made regarding the action taken in replacing the bridge on the path to Elbury Hill. The old wooden bridge was considered to be dangerous and a new aluminium one is now in place.
In the coming months one of the most important dates on the Council calendar is the Annual Parish Meeting which this year will be held on Wednesday 28th March, at 7.30 pm. This is the one meeting a year at which residents of the parish are invited to participate, to report or to question the Council. The meeting will be held in Charfield School.
Clerk to the Council,
Mrs. J. Hughes,
x Berkeley Close.
Dear Friends,
More than a year has passed since our Rector, Rev. K.G. Grant received injuries in an accident, as a result of which he was given leave of absence until the end of January, 1979. At the moment of writing we hear that he still suffers some pain and we sincerely hope that this will soon pass. Mike Clarke received a Christmas card from him which was read out in Church and posted in the Porch.
We are very sorry that Mike has resigned as Lay Reader due to his illness. This is a great loss to the Community, after many years of faithful service, and the Congregation gave him a Book Token in appreciation.
Church Services have continued without interruption, thanks to the kind assistance of local Clergy and Lay Readers; in particular to Canon Fisher and Mr. David Parker.
We have advertised for a permanent Organist and Choir Master or Mistress, and would very much like to hear of anyone who would be interested in this post. Meanwhile several local ladies and gentlemen have played for us on a Rota system. We could greatly improve this Rota with other help. On certain occasions the Church was filled to overflowing. We sadly miss Mary Durn, who had a very wide circle of friends. The Harvest Festival was attended by the Bishop of Gloucester and the Leyhill Male Voice Choir. Mr. Malpass held two Carol Services for two groups of school children and the excellence of their singing and acting bears witness to his patience and skill.
Mr. David Parker arranged our usual Carols and Lessons Service which was also well attended. Midnight mass was conducted by Canon Fisher, David Parker assisting.
The Churchwardens, Mrs. Hatherell and I are always ready to hear from you about Baptisms, Weddings and Confirmation, and make arrangements with the Rural Dean, Rev. E.A. Perry, Wickwar. We humbly apologise for the lack of Pastoral Care and Leadership and hope that 1979 will improve the situation.
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
C.F. North,
x Station Road. W-U-E xxxx.
Sundays | 11.00 am. | Sunday School. |
6.00 pm. | Evening Worship. | |
Tuesday. | 3.00 pm. | Bright Hour Fortnightly. |
Sunday March 25th (D.V.) Bristol Male Voice Choir. 6.30 pm.
Good Friday April 13th (D.V.) at 2.30 pm. Spirit Borne Group.
Light refreshments served afterwards.
Easter Day 11.00 am (D.V.) Family Service.
Evening Worship 6.00 pm. Preacher Mr. F. Symons, of Bristol.
Why not come and join us?
Any enquiries to Church Secretary Miss M. Turner, xx The Green, Charfield. Tel: Falfield xxxx.
Going in His Strength.
I will go in the strength of the Lord God. Psalm 71-16.
If we attempt to do the Lord's work in our own strength, or if we try to fight the battles of God against the enemy of our souls with the arm of flesh, we shall fail miserably. Even as Samson was easily taken by the worldly Philistines, when his power had been shorn from him, we too will meet certain defeats in our Christian lives unless we go in the “strength of the Lord”.
On one of his canvases the French painter Emile Ranauf has depicted an old man dressed in an fisherman's garb, seated in a boat with a little girl beside him. Both the elderly gentleman and the child have their hands on a huge oar. He is looking down fondly and admiringly upon her. Apparently he has told her that she may assist him in rowing the boat, and the child feels she is doing a great share of the task. It is easy to see, however, that it is his strong muscular arms which are actually propelling the boat through the waves. In this painting called "A Helping Hand" one may trace a parable, Christ has granted us the privilege of sharing His work here below; but we must never forget that it is only as God works in and through us that we are able to perform our task. While he directs us to put our hand upon the oar, we must always be aware of the source of our power. He is the strength of our lives! There is no true progress without the unction of the Holy Spirit to underpin our efforts and to renew us day by day. (2 Cor. 4-16).
Recognizing our own innate weakness, let us cry with the psalmist “O Lord – my strength, hast thee to help me”. (Psalm 22-19).
The Lord will ever with me go
And strengthen me through all my days;
His power does always overflow
To give me victories that amaze.
It is at Christmas time that we regret not having a hall most. We had to divide all our activities, having separate Carol Services for infants and younger juniors, while the older juniors performed a play in the Memorial Hall. All were excellent, I believe, and many of you seem to agree, and we are most grateful to the Churchwardens and the Hall Management Committee for such liberal use of their premises.
It creates enormous problems using the Memorial Hall and it should not be necessary. Everyone is agreed that a school of this size should have a hall but the Education Committee seems unable to provide one. The Managers and Parent Teacher Association are pressing hard and would welcome your support.
Lack of space made it necessary to have four separate parties for the children. We managed to provide everything out of School Funds this year, but we could not have done so without a great deal of hard work by the Cooks and their staffs, the meals supervisors and other volunteers. We are most grateful to them.
Father Christmas appeared on the last afternoon of term and distributed small presents to all the children, by courtesy of the P.T.A.
We wish you all a happy and, optimistically, a prosperous New Year.
D.A. Malpass,
We can look back on 1978 as being a very successful year, thanks to the support of all our members. We knitted our way to raise £290 for the Spastics Society and Spina Bifida and as a bonus to provide a blanket for the school sick bed. The November Coffee Morning raised £43 which helped towards the cost of the Christmas Dinner, which has been cooked, eaten and almost forgotten, except to say a big thank you to the Youth Club who helped serve the dinner to eighty-plus Young Wives and then proceeded to work their way through a mountain of washing up.
Our February meeting is on the subject of Beauty without Cruelty and then in March we have the Celebration Supper and A.G.M. We need several new Committee members this year so if anyone is interested in joining, or knows of anyone who would like to be nominated, please contact me.
Mary Hall,
xx Durham Road.
Tel: Falfield xxx.
Netball has started again after the Christmas break. If you feel you could do with a bit of exercise (nothing too energetic or serious) do come and join us. Everybody is welcome.
We play at the K.L.B. Sports Hall on Tuesday nights from 7–8 pm. Transport is available, if necessary. For further information, please contact:
Julie Hillier,
xx Manor Lane.
Tel: Falfield xxx.
[Page 6 – Charfield Youth Club – Full page advert – We need your help]
7The Christmas Fair of jumble and craft works was well attended and a healthy profit of £120.00 was the end result. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to that afternoon and hope that you all recovered from the ordeal fairly rapidly (we would like to think that we could call upon you again). A special thanks must be extended to all those people who parted with their money at a particularly expensive time of year.
A generous donation received from Wotton Round Table will enable us to extend our sports activities by purchasing additional equipment that would otherwise be out of our reach. It is part of our function to extend our activities and sports as extensively as possible, but a shortage of instructors and chauffeurs restricts us considerably. If you feel that you could help us by offering your services as chauffeur, or that you would like to tell us about your hobby, come along to the Village Hall any Tuesday or Wednesday evening at 8.00 pm, or 'phone Falfield xxxx.
We need your help.
David Colla,
Since the last Newsletter was published we have had our Annual General Meeting with a new Committee being elected. The business over, a very interesting talk on Health and Hygiene in Schools was given by Dr. C. Temme, Clinical Medical Officer for Gloucestershire Education Authority.
We also had a very interesting open evening with Mr. Lee and Mrs. Andoh from Katherine Lady Berkeley.
After the success of the Folk Dance in July, we are holding another on Friday January 19th, in the Memorial Hall.
Future events for which we have no dates at the moment include an open evening with a speaker from Avon Library Services and of course our Spring Fayre.
Margaret Clarke,
During these dark, dour and damp days, it seems early to be thinking about arrangements for the Summer Holiday period.
The Parish Council has, though, decided to repeat last year's idea of appointing a Sub-Committee well in advance in order to have plenty of time to consider dates, number of helpers, venues, likely expenditure and so on.
The first meeting of the Sub-Committee will be held in the Church Room, in the School Playground at 7.30 pm on Monday February 26th, 1979.
Anyone who helped in 1978, and would be interested in being co-opted to the Sub-Committee would be welcome to attend.
David W. Parker.
We thought that you may find it of use to know the addresses of people you may contact, now that the weather is distinctly colder. If you are experiencing any difficulties with shopping or transport, we can try to provide some assistance. Similarly, if you are encountering problems either with heating or insulation, do please contact us, we are in touch with the Council Services which may be able to help.
Happy new Year.
Mary Hall | – xx Durham Road. | Falfield xxx. |
Madeleine Jones | – xx Katherine Close. | Falfield xxx. |
Pat Waring | – xx Underhill Road. | Falfield xxx. |
Julie Hillier | – xx Manor Lane. | Falfield xxx. |
Jacky Swallow | – xx Manor Lane. | Falfield xxxx. |
Ann Pitts | – xx Manor Lane. | |
Ruth Mott | – xx Station Road. | Wotton xxxx. |
Lynne Harris | – x Station Road. | Wotton xxxx. |
Too early to consider seriously participation or new ideas for the only annual event which brings almost all of Charfield together? Not a bit – in fact your ideas, your help are essential NOW if this event is to continue successfully.
The committee will be approaching all the clubs in the village within the next month and they hope that the aim of the last two years will be realised. That is, each club/organisation taking on the complete operation of one small part of the Day, encompassing the idea, construction, equipping and manning. In this way the Committee feels that Charfield can present a show which reflects the community spirit of the village to the surrounding area and the variety and novelty of each side-show or game will be enjoyed by all.
You can help in an individual way by approaching any of the Committee Members with ideas or by encouraging your club to work with the Sports Day Committee.
This year there will be a competition and a prize awarded for the “Best Side-Show”. Under consideration will be not profitability but appearance, organisation and most fun generated.
One new event which the Committee hopes to incorporate this year is a Leisure Activities Competition. This of course will depend entirely on support by way of entries to ensure its success, and is something which needs to be considered now. Some of the classes which it is hope to include are:-
Flower arranging, wine and beer making, painting, woodwork, gardens in miniature, pottery, macrame, photography, needle craft, indoor/greenhouse plants. Perhaps you can add to the list?
We hope you will put forward an entry, on a strictly amateur basis of course, each entry will be judged and prizes awarded to both adults and juniors.
Mrs. J. Hughes,
We have increased our membership by 3 new members. Any ex-service men or women wishing to join are welcomed and application forms can be obtained from either S. Mussell, x Manor Lane or J. Poskett, xx Charfield Green. We shall be holding later in the year, a parade for the dedication of a new Standard.
The Poppy Day collections for 1977 amounted to £82.45p. (Last year £56.25p) Once again Mrs. B. Mussell would like to thank her collectors and those who contributed. Individual collections were:-
Mrs. B. Britton | – £11.33p. |
Mrs. Chambers & Spar Shop | – £17.95p. |
Mrs. D. Fry | – £7.83p. |
Mrs. J. Husher | – £4.29p. |
Mrs. E. Marklove | – £3.44p. |
Mrs. B. Mussell | – £8.42p. |
Mrs. S. Nixon | – £9.38p. |
Mrs. J. Rees | – £3.57p. |
Mrs. K. Smith | – £5.35p. |
Mrs. S. Wintle | – £2.23p. |
Charfield Primary School | – £8.66p. |
Collection at the morning service in St. John's Church was £11.08p and the combined evening service in the Congregational Church – £5.00p. bringing our total to £98.53p.
Mr. S. Mussell.
I am writing to ask if any readers would be able to spare a few hours to help children in need during Church of England Children's Society's first ever Family Week, which starts on March 25th – Mothering Sunday.
During Family Week we shall be collecting from hundreds of houses in this area, and all the money raised will be going to help the children and families cared for by the Society.
Many readers will remember the Church of England Children's Society as “The Waifs and Strays”. Times, and our name, have changed but there are still a great many families in very real need, who need the Society's help if they are to stay together through their difficulties and look forward to a happier future for their children.
Through its day care and family centres, its children's homes and teenage hostels, and its homes for the handicapped, the Church of England Children's Society offers some hope to children and families in need. But we are a voluntary Society and we need your help and generosity during the week of March 25th–31st to continue our work.
If you would like to help, please contact me.
Evelyn Denslow (Local Secretary),
xx Cotswold View. W-U-E xxxx.
Puzzled? See Page one and please let us know your answer.
A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by members of both Charfield and Thornbury Pigeon Clubs, at the combined Dinner and Presentation, on November 24th, venue being the Gables Hotel, Falfield.
As last year, the top prize winner was R (Bob) Organ, winning well over £100 in Charfield Club.
Guests of Honour for Charfield were Mr. and Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Booth graciously presenting the prizes to the lucky winners.
Boxes of chocolates were presented to all the ladies on the top table, by Pip Jeffery, from Leyhill, Pip being the youngest member of Charfield Pigeon Club.
Pip will soon loose his novice status, as this year he timed in one of his favourite pigeons, to take 10th position in the West of England Combine, over 7,000 pigeons taking part.
The A.G.M. will be held on 22nd January, 1979 when it is hoped all members will be present.
Anyone wishing to try this interesting hobby, contact the Secretaries below.
The Charfield NR. Pigeon Club would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone all they would wish themselves for 1979.
S. & K. Parker, Secretaries,
x Newtown, Charfield.
Falfield xxxx.
We feel that we are now becoming known and accepted locally as a community organisation which is willing to listen, advise and offer help as required on any subject. It is part of our continuous training to keep up-to-date with all the latest Government Legislation and to be able to consult on-the-spot reference files to supply the answers.
A great deal of new and amended legislation has recently been passed on benefits – Supplementary, Pensions, Unemployment, Industrial Injury, Children, Tax Rebates among others and help can be given to explain the various categories concerned. Many people, especially the elderly, find Income Tax a most complex subject and we can offer assistance to explain demands to help fill in forms.
We have recently been asked to compile a “Future Events” list of the immediate area – including Wotton-under-Edge and Kingswood – and if enough organisations locally would be prepared to give us details of their proposed activities – one month ahead – we would consider printing a current list each month.
The Organiser will continue to attend the Friendship Club meetings in the Village Hall to give help and advice – thus saving O.A.Ps. the fatigue and expense of travelling to Wotton-Under-Edge.
Citizens Advice Bureau is a free, confidential and impartial service available to the whole community. We are here to listen and advise – 11in many cases it helps just to talk to someone who cares!
Your nearest C.A.B. is at Berkeley House, Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge which is open every Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. (Tel: W-U-E xxxx). At other times contact C.A.B. at Stroud xxxx – open every day from 10 am to 4 pm. and on Saturdays 9.30 am to 11.30 am.
J.K. McGonnigill.
Dear Sirs,
In reply to Mr. Popham about the intermittent working of the Memorial Hall's electric clock, the Management Committee have already requested an Electrician to simplify the whole electrical system of the Hall. This project is planned for the new year and will thus eradicate the problem of the clock being switched off at the mains after hall functions.
Jane Hall,
Secretary of the Hall Management Committee.
Dear Editor,
The climate was right, the scene was perfect. What more could we have asked for on the night of December 20th? Christmas was certainly brought to Charfield that night. Bravo to Playgroup for a splendid performance. I hope the collectors and singers (Father Christmas included) didn't get too cold and suffer too many colds for Christmas. Keep up the good work and trust that hopefully this year will be just as good.
Marion Smith, a very appreciative Villager – thank you.
Wotton-under-Edge Evening Classes at Katherine Lady Berkeley School.
Spring Term 1979.
Classes start Monday 15th January 1979. Please enrol on 1st night of class.
Monday. | Tuesday. |
Woodwork. | Pottery. |
Dressmaking. | |
French. |
For further information, please contact J. Pinch, Phone Dursley 4xxxx evenings or Wotton xxxx daytime.
On behalf of all our members I wish all readers of this Newsletter a very Happy New Year, not forgetting a big thank you to the Tavern Social Club and Charfield Young Wives. These two Clubs have been very kind and thoughtful to us during 1978. We all appreciate their help and kindness, thank you.
12Wednesday December 6th last we held our Annual Christmas Party in the Memorial Hall which had been gayly decorated for Christmas festivities. A very successful party it was. We had as our Guests for the occasion Mrs. Gillett, the wife of our President, Mrs. Lowe, and Mrs. Newman of the W.R.V.S., Sister Wheeler, a Founder member of the Club, Mrs. McGonnigill of the Citizens Advice and the Rev. and Mrs. Burlton of Cromhall and Tortworth. Rev. Grant was unable to attend due to being on the sick list. We look forward to seeing him soon.
Prior to the meal, we were entertained by our own Concert Party. There were songs by Mrs. Marklove and Mrs. Meaden. There was also a double act by Mrs. Meaden and Mrs. Townsend (a real top hat and tails). There was the sketch by Mrs. Amer, Mrs. R. Smith, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Dodds, and a witty dialogue by Mr. Orton and Mr. Isherwood.
Having concluded the first half of our entertainment, it was now the turn of the Young Wives to wait on table, and this they certainly did. There was turkey, ham, mince pies, Christmas pudding, crackers, everything to make it a most pleasant and happy Christmas party. After the usual speeches, it was then time for the Concert Party to lead the members along with their guests to some community singing which always goes down well at this time of the year, and to close everyone joined in the singing of well loved Christmas carols. Looking down from the stage, it was rewarding to see and hear them all singing so heartily and in the case of our oldest member Mrs F. Mussell, enjoying every minute of it all. By the way, someone let us know quietly it was her birthday a few days away so what could we do but sing our birthday greetings to a wonderful and happy member.
I'm afraid it was now the end of a Perfect Day as well as a Perfect Year, so to the singing of Auld Lang Syne, we brought our Annual Christmas Party to a fitting end.
Another year has passed, to those who are in hospital – ill at home – or housebound, we in the Friendship Club say to you all:
Good Health, Good luck, God Bless You.
R. Isherwood.
May I take this opportunity to explain about the Women's Institute Movement.
The need to communicate with others for the better of the community, our homes and children's futures.
Ladies, do you often feel the need to get away from the home for a few hours and have a chat over a coffee, with ladies having the same interests as yourself? Then do please come along to our meetings, which are held on the second Thursday in the month in the Village Hall at 7.15 pm.
Please remember we are not a lot of ladies sat clicking needles, but a very active and varied age group, ranging from the twenties to the seventies. So you see, quite a range of interests.
We have demonstrations and talks on most subjects which are both educational and light hearted, social outings and meetings with other groups.
You will be most warmly welcomed, so please do come along and give it a try, you have nothing to lose, and only friendships to gain.
A Happy New Year, hoping to see you soon.
Pat White, President.
Falfield xxxx.
Dear Villagers,
Some of you will be aware of the 200 Club being run in the village. This raises funds for the Village Hall, but members do benefit by a weekly draw and a Bumper Draw at the year end.
There are vacancies for collectors, also quite a few spare numbers to be had if anyone would like to join the 200 Club.
Anyone wishing to be a Collector or willing to join the 200 club, will you please contact me.
Mrs. J. Clothier,
xx Charfield Green,
Tel: Falfield xxx.
Prizes, bumper prizes, & all in a good cause.
An enjoyable time was had by all at the Playgroup Christmas party, especially with the arrival of Father Christmas. Thank you to all who helped to make it a success.
The snow falling on the night of our annual Carol Singing certainly created the right atmosphere. We made over £50 which helped to boost our funds.
The winner of our Christmas Hamper Raffle was Mr. R.A. Noyes.
Our Nearly New Sale held in November was a big success, and our next one is to be held in conjunction with our Jumble Sale which is to be held in the Memorial Hall on Saturday February 3rd, so please make a note of this in your diary. If anybody has any clothes for the “Nearly New” could they please give them to Claire Haines, xx Horsford Road or Lyn Spindler, x Old Manor Close at least a week before.
May we take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mrs. Claire Haines,
xx Horsford Road.
W-U-E xxxx.
It turned out that it was my last duty as Acting Chairman of CHADRA to present the Chairman's Report at the A.G.M. Of several points in that report, I should particularly like to repeat one. That is to thank the many people who help to make this Newsletter a success – the distributors, whose job is not always pleasant, especially in these winter months; the contributors, few of whom write for the pleasure of it; the typist; and Marion Smith, who does most of the onerous administration tasks. Thanks again to them and to you too, for reading our combined effort. Thanks also to those who responded to my plea for help with our duplicator. It has now been fixed most reasonably. As the last issue of the Newsletter was a complete sell-out, we have printed 450 copies this time.
14At the A.G.M. of the Association, the new Committee was elected and is:-
Chairman | Mr. Mike Burfield, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx |
Vice Chairman. | Mr. Mike Morris, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx |
Treasurer. | Mr. C. Gunning, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Administration Secretary. | Mrs. Marion Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Press Officer. | Mr. Jon Barrance, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx |
Committee Members. | Mr. Bill Clothier, xx Charfield Green. | Fal: xxx |
Mr. Percy Ellis, xx Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx | |
Mrs. Sue Lapham, xx Wotton Road. | Fal: xxx. | |
Mrs. J. Crowfoot, xx Wotton Road. | WUE xxxx | |
Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx | |
Mr. Dave Beer, xx Cotswold View. | WUE xxxx |
Although I am no longer Chairman, I am glad to be given the opportunity to continue editing the Newsletter. I know our new Chairman, Mike Burfield, to be very capable and I am sure that his election will be good for the Association and the village. In his message he repeats the question raised at the A.G.M., namely – CHADRA or RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION. Please let us know your thoughts.
Copy date for the next issue is the 30th March.
Jon Barrance,
xxx Manor Lane.
Fal: xxx.
… And No News.
We had hoped to bring you news in the last Newsletter. We had hoped to bring you news at our A.G.M. We had hoped to bring you news in this Newsletter. But the Department of the Environment continues to deliberate on the Manor Court planning appeal. What is the hold up? We can only speculate. Is it that the Department of the Environment are using Charfield as an excuse to review the whole of Avon's future housing plans? If it is then it does not seem fair that Charfield should have to suffer because of a proposal for 250 houses, representing only a small percentage of Avon's planned future housing supply. After several years of uncertainty, followed by 2 years of pubic participation, and much time and public money being spent at District and County Council level, is the iron hand of State 15Control to be exercised through Charfield's own planning enquiry? The Parish Council have been discussing possible improvements such as tree planting, and entering the Britain in Bloom or Best Kept Village competitions, but the point was made that decisions on these matters are impossible until the result of the Appeal is known. And what about future plans for the school? How can local shopkeepers and businesses make investments and plans? We can only hope that the decision is made soon and that it does not make Charfield famous as the place where local planning and public participation were sacrificed to State control.
Jon Barrance.
CHARFIELD NEWSLETTER is produced by CHADRA, the Charfield and District Residents Association.
Chairman | Mr. M. Burfield, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Secretary | Mrs. M. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Angling Club. | Mr. Toomey, x Wotton Road. | Fal: xxxx. |
Brownies. | Mrs. J. Green, x Horsford Road. | WUE xxxx. |
Baby Sitting Circle. | Mrs. M. Hall, xx Durham Road. | Fal: xxx |
Chess Club. | Headquarters at the Railway Tavern. | |
Congregational Church. | Miss Turner, xx Charfield Green. | Fal: xxxx. |
Conservative Assoc. | Mrs. G. Mill, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Cricket Club | Mr. T. Wheeler, xx Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Group Scout Leader. | Mr. A. Smith, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Drama Group. | Mrs. J. Peaster, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Football Club. | Mr. Taylor, x Katherine Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Friendship Club. | Mr. R. Isherwood, x Severn Close. | Fal: xxxx. |
Health Visitor & Welfare Clinic. | Mrs. F. Storey, Thornbury Health Centre. (2nd & 4th Thursday at the Hall) | Thornbury 41xxxx |
Keep Fit. | Mrs. P. Light, xxx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Luncheon Club. | Mrs. C. King, Elm Tree Farm, Tortworth. | Fal: xxx. |
Mothers & Toddlers Club. (1st & 3rd Thurs) | ||
Leader- | Mrs. W. Taylor, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Secretary- | Mrs. J. Jones, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Hall Management Committee. | ||
Secretary- | Mrs. J. Hall, x Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Booking Sec- | Mrs. K. Dand, xx Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Netball Club. | Mrs. J. Hillier, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxx. |
Parochial Church Council. | Mr. C.F. North, x Station Road. | WUE: xxxx |
Pigeon Club. | Mr. Parker, x Newtown. | Fal: xxxx. |
Playgroup. | Mrs. C. Haines, xx Horsford Road. | WUE: xxxx. |
County Primary School. | ||
Headmaster | Mr. D. Malpass | Fal: xxx. |
Parent Teacher Assoc. | ||
Chairman- | Mr. C. Hall, xx Durham Road. | Fal: xxx. |
Sec: | Mrs. M. Clarke, xx Underhill Road. | Fal: xxx. |
Parish Council. | ||
Clerk to the Council | Mrs. J. Hughes, x Berkeley Close. | Fal: xxx. |
Tennis Club. | Mrs. J. Swallow, xx Manor Lane. | Fal: xxxx. |
Street Warden Scheme. | Mrs. L. Harris, x Station Road. | WUE: xxxx. |
Women's Institute. | Mrs. P. White, “xxxx”, Charfield Hill. | Fal: xxxx. |
Young Wives. | Sec- Mrs. M. Hall, xx Durham Road. | Fal: xxx. |
Youth Club. | Mr. D. Colla, x Avon Road. | Fal: xxxx. |
Police. | P.C. Radburn, Charfield Police House. | WUE: xxxx. |
Electricity | M.E.B., Severn Vale, District Office, Bowling Hill, Chipping Sodbury. | C.S. 318380 |
Water | Bristol Waterworks Company (Head Office) Bedminster Down, Bristol. (Faults outside normal working hours ask operator for Freefone 981). | Bristol 665881 |
Avon Oils | Unit 1, Avonbridge Estate, Avonmouth Bridge, Avonmouth. | |
Boiler maintenance & Emergency Service | A/mouth 7671 | |
Accounts Queries | A/mouth 7281 | |
Other enquires (Customer Service Unit) | A/mouth 7737 | |
Northavon District Council Emergency Services | Thornbury: 416262 |
This issue was produced on 16 sides of A4 paper.
Personal phone numbers and addresses have been redacted.
Minor typographical corrections and presentational changes have been made without comment.
Digitization by Brendan O'Connor & Julia O'Connor-Beach.
Last update: 2016-11-27.